Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Free Press, 17 Mar 1993, p. 25

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Whitby Free Press, Wednesday, March 17. 1993, Page 25 ................ j:j:j~ BOOMSAPARMUHTS APARsUasT ________ FURNISHED ROOM for rent,1 $80/weekiy. Share bathroom & kitchen. Student or worker preferred. Waik to ail amenities. Cali 666-3776 after 6 p.m. BON VOYAGE MOTEL - ten minutes from Whitby, between Brooklin/Port Perry on Hwy. 12. Rooms avaiiable for rent. Low weekiy rates. Cali 655-5308. BROOKLIN - 1 LARGE ROOM. Close to ail amenities. Couid be furnished. Availabie now. Cali 655-5539. DOWNTOWN WHITBY, excep- tionai, cdean, quiet furnished room. Includles use of kitchen, parking. cabie. Suit mature maie. $85/Wee, first/iast. 668-3640. FEMALE WANTED to share apt. Own room. References needed. $300/ monthly. Free parking. Woman on sick leave or disabiiity weicome. 434-6428, leave message. FURNISHED ROOM for rent. Non-smokers oniy. Shared kitchen and laundry facilities. Heat, hydro inciuded. RosslandfGarrard Rd. Availabie immediateiy. Cali 576-3966. leave message. ..........OR ... RETAIL SPACE FOR LEASE: 1,500 sq. f. Main street location, downtowni Whitby. Creatjve rentai arragemets. 68-168.9 a.m. to 5 P. BRIGHT 2-BEDROOM in centrai WhlbX, close to amenities. Avail- abe pril 1. Heat, hydro, air in- ciuded. $700/month . Cail 666-0264 or 420-9752. PICKERING - 3 bedrooms. Top f loor of bungalow. Centrai air, backyard dleck, hardwood floors, washer & dryer, f ridg e, stove. Carport, storag e shed. Walk to GO station. Availabie April 1. $1000 + 2/3 utilities. Caîl 420-8159, after 6 p.m. WHITBY, LARGE one-bedroom basement apartment for rent. Parking, separate entrance, sep- arate iaundry facilities. $525/ month. No pet s. Non-smoker. Euciid/Walnut. 430-6739. PORT WHITBY, nice, dlean one- bedroom apartments available îmmediately. $475 & $575 monthly, a il inclusive. A ppyat 110 Victoria St. W. 668-6437 or 728-2969. DOWNTOWN WHITBY: Avail- able A p Il 1, one- & two-bedroom apt.Týwo- bedroom apt., $685/ month. One-bedroom a pt., $595/ month. Each apt. ncl ud es f ridge, stove, utilities & one parking space. 728-9679. BASEMENT APT. for rent. One- bedroom, Mary St., Whitby. $600 monthly, utilities included. 433-2197 or 668-0370. "The room for rent we had adver- tised rented after running only one week. Most of the calis we had were from people who said they'd seen the ad in the Whitby Free Press.w H.V. APT. FOR RENT - 1,000 sq. f. Stove, frid(ge, washer/dryer.OUny steps to 401 and GO train. Avail - able now. 668-8551. CENTRALLY LOCATED in quiet. residential area of Whitby. Minutes from shopping, schoois, ibrary & buses. 3-bedroom apt. in newiy decorated tripiex. $817 plus hydro. 723-1386 or 668-6026. BROOKLIN- ONE-BEDROOM apartment. Close to aIl amenities. Couid be f urnished. Availabie now. Cail 655-5539. n OM $750 * ,2ad3Bdrm. Suites *5 Appliances mocl. en suite laundry *Pool, Whirlpool, Sauna *Exercise equipment *Tennis court, Playground *Wood burning fireplaces NEAR GO TRAIN & HWY. 401 Rentai Office Hours 1lues. -Fri.12 pm -6 pm, Sat.1Oam-5pm Hwy. 401 N rG-il~ Lake Driveway West Derek Dutka Specializing in tax & retirement planning since 1986 C.ALL 666-RRSP FOR AN APPOINTMENT. ______________ ASIMEN1 E~ CALL -& ClenTOwo-bedroO SH.CeAlA Cair, ptio u-enced yr.CSmtali aiptiomul-e. Avaaeri 1. $795 + f irst/iast. 668-3640. BRADLEY ESTATES Whitby Townhouses 10 Basset Blvd. (Brock St./Manning Rd.) * 3 Bedrooms *.11/2 Baths *5 Appliances * Central Air * Garage * Paved Driveway * 3 Modeis * On Site Management * Easy Access to "GO" * Rents Start at $1,000 per month 668-1389 K. C. MoCail Property Management 666-5794 -924-1100 NORTHEAST OSHAWA, like new, 5 years oid. Two-bedroom, charm1ing treed corner lot. Four appliances. Reduced to $129,500. Cali 655-4682 alter 6 p.m. *NO." ServingWhitby since 1973. 668-7200. AN BIS INVESTMVENTS. 1ST & 2ND MORTGAGES, ftinancing to 95% of property value. Lower rates. No tee transfers. Easy uaner oramr. HOMEFUND OP(4)66-9866, cail collect. MORP.(416) ;571.2880 or 686-2936 (Tor. line) CROSS CANADA MARKETPLACE IT'S FAT -IT EAYI ONE CAL ONE BILL 0ES IT ALL. COMING EvENTS BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES WOODWORKERS - WOOD SHOW JuRIED THE FUNDRAISING lOOL 01: 10E 90'S. Irîrgirre COMPETITION. Atigust 6-8. $5.000 cash prizes. purclresing current casnettes tnr $1.41, CD's $14.35 Furniture. carvings, decorative boxes, luming. laya. or lawer. No GST or PStIsimIli tedprail Muscs Applications: The Wood Show. Bon 920. Durhnm. Progrnm. 1.800263 19100 Ont. NOG tRO (519) 3696902. --REDUCED: long-terni triple rirt t ovemeln leased FOR SALE building andtirrperly. Sit bar.k arnd rngtilarly deposît RECYCLED SOLAR PANELS, $400. Wind $4.550. monlilv. indetiniteiy, WriteE L. Benle. Bon genernlots. sala. hot sinler panels, DC accessaies. 2496. Canmorrr, AB TOL OMO Frere catalogue. 800-667-6527. Write: SOLTEK Solar Energy. 02745 Vanalman. Victoria BC. V8Z EXTRA INCOMEI Giow baitworrrrsin your trasernerrt 3B& or g aage. Odoress operation. L w irvesmen. ...,..rm t,, eed!Freeinllnno F aily Bird subocriptian ta Country Music Magazine, R.R.0t, Hostein. Ont. NOG 2A0. $14 one year, $21 Isia years. CaII 1-800-561-5522. PERSONALS WOULD YOU LIKE la correspond wilîl unaltached Christian peope actons Canada for comparrlanshlp or marriage3 Ashgrave. PO. Box 205, Chase, 8,C.. VOE 1tMO. Please state age. REAL ESTATE GOT A CAMPGROUNO membershlp or timehae' Well take Il'Arnancan tlargest reale clearinghause. Cal Roso4i Sales Iternational. 1-800423-5967 (24 hour s). VACATIONITRAVEL CANAL CRUISES. Five days aboard KAWARTHA VOYAGEUR. scenic Ten-Severn Waterway or Rlideau Canal, prisaI. stateroms. merais,, rea brochure. Wite Capiln Marc, Bon 6. Ofllin. L3V 6H19. (705) 327-5767ý EDUCATION FISHING GUIDE. Protesslonal course by coîrespondence.flegisteted career collage. laa deduclibîn tuiion tees. Applcaions (403) 668-7233. Polarctic Career College., Box 32021. Whtehorse. Yukon VI1A 5P9ý HELP WANTED REMOTE MOUNTAIN RIESORT hîrîng lot summer. Chambeimalds. Waitesses. Gas Attendants, Cashiers, For applications. send selt.addressed. slamped enselope to Glacier Park Lodge, Rogers iPnss. B C. VOE 2G50 LOVE PETS - mrney - irdepenr.ence? Starf your business todny - ticredibte opportuinity with PET NUTRITION DREAKIHROUGHI Smaît Invesiment - Immnediale Inconel MLMINntwarking prospecus for serious -. nIa package 4109093322 (24-l'ours). EARN POTENTIAL TIIOUSAI305 MONt lILY Srd seIt.addressed, stnniped envelope to 1 D. Enterpises. Box 1962. ltlrcr.hrîit, Orlarro PIl WORM GROWE115 WANTED. Cornplr.ln wormn grawing packages Envrronnrtllîy trendly. Reterances avaitable. Niagara Bîit & Ecoîsgy 5513 Eîcho Rd. RR 0.3 Wellîanhlpir, Onlatin [On 2.10 (416) 386.661 STEEL BUILDINGS STEEL BUILDINGS. GUONS[lS. S M<IUIS F. STRAIGHIWALLS Many sies la cîroose ris for Value. Ouaîrty and lntegrily. caIFtitlOSîcel Buildings 1800668 8653 BEST BUILDING PIIICEO Sil î.ilvvi rlilypîs not quonsel - 32.K54 $7,744. 40x72 $160.50.0( $16.622. 60.126 $25.315 ollin.f simfs ivillil Final year .nd clearanra I.ii.iqoii24 liii. 1 800-263-8499. SPAN-TEClI STEEL BUILDINGiS- Willi citiiti, pices skyrocketing. Nowis Vtite la o o'ai ine OUALITY & ECONOMYOF SIEEL. lalk Iii lie protessionirls 24 hours I1100 $61 2200 NEED OUALIFIED ORTHOPAEDIC SHOEMAKER. ALL STEEL BUILDINGS: Siraiqr1it ie n lf J Hourly wage $15.00-$35.00 per haut dependng on Manutacturer's ROCK-901 1 O PRICE S 20x30 Co M PIgdljr. %T iEn dviierpoolriq qualificatons. Cail (604) 546-2811. Marc Armsrong $2.988.00. 25x.36 $1t.888 00, 30x40 $4,nee 00, (41 6) 4M-73131 Shoe Repargs and Sales 37x48 $5.995.00. 44x56 $6.944 of). 48.46i - -$11888.00, Pioneer 1-800 (1,685422 __________________POETRY -- POETRY CONTEST $12.000 'n prîzes. Possible CAREER TRAINING publication. Send one original poem 20 fines or less MAKE MONEY, SAVE MOI4EY. Ta, deduclrîrle SER ICEAutériedSeicntre For Io National Library 01 Poetry. Box 704-NC Ovirngs cerlificate Incarne Tex course rree brochure Jacks mOSI ornu VCRS -__Md _ 21117. -Instiutsl. 1032-167 Lombard Avenue. Wiginipoj. SPofessionc-l Tax Preparation Ms Major BadVRsMntb 1BOIPoe(01 a mRECREATIONAL VEHICLES (204) 254 6172 SameDay ervie . 1(ý ý 1 COACHMEN CAMPING TRAILERS. Hardlop- SVCR's - Stands and Fodow. Fîifhwhet. T:vo.Par odelsj LEARN UCINERNGa the Soulliw.rslerri Da"&EeigApon lnS *Microwaves Accessories lmnmTrc as PrsSric ai otInforrration. contlact: Souttîwestern OtgoSho a v i l b& R V Centre i n Tevio e. Ont (519) 3 .43 2122, 7V <$19) 5372 11$ Fromn $20.00 to $1oo. maxinmm Vut ad could appear In cammun(ty newapapeta In Ontario. ,rlght acta as Canada, or nrrty 108 Brock St. S. Whitby 430-1986 __ _ __ _ _ __ _ __ _ _ __ _ __ _ _ s s y V1SM OLm "COSCANAD>A NIARDI<EFLAC,»E" L41.1100%To ,each a wrder rnarket. advert5e throughout the egonal rnember5h10 al the 7 37 3 ygvj SHW ROOMOntario .and Canadinn Comm untfy New5plperAsoitin fiai 5 eswcr -$6 r ,i1. Al 00141.0 171 Ï1w11 5 35 ti25 w0ids 1300 King St. E,9 Oshawva Caa 7 nMp» -S 121 ikg 25 wori. SFor f urther information please caII the Whitby Free Press Classif leds .668-0594 LW ity rea Press 68-054ffice Hours Monday to Friday 9:0O.am to S:00,pi .. Fax -668-0594____ ri r% interlocking stone - retairiing walis, iýz - wood ferýcing & decks FREE COMP[-TITIVE ESTIMA TES UNIVERSITY WERKS 666-9690 The Mutual Group HERBTRAN cail for quotation 725-656ýZA i RRIFS - ANN ITIES GICs - RR Ps

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