Page 32, Whitby Froo Press, Wednesdiay, March 10, 1993 SACRIFICE V-A-C-A-N-T $99,900. Make an otter. Hat tub, pool, sauna, 2 bdrms, 5 appIances, low maintenance. Waik to GO station! Mry Wright 430-3990 or 428-6654. MARY WRIGHT Sales Representative Sutton Group Classic LOOK OUT 1 stT1IME BUYERSIII Gorgeous semi, asking $122,9001 3 bedroom with garage, separate dining room, 2 battts, deck & tenced yard. Cail tcindy Ricketts& ales Representative Sution Group Ciasstc LOCATIO + LOCA11ON + An absolutely stunning ail b r ick b ea u t y EXCEPTIONAL VALUEI Very seldom offered on this north Whitby court. Priced to selI now 0 $222,500. Caîl Deborah Glover, 430-9000. DEBORAH GLOVER Sales Representative Sulton Group CiassIc t , BEAU VALLEY POWER 0F SALE RAYMOND NASH Spotess 3 bedroorn sideeplit has been totally Sales upgraded and dtm bank sayssetr. Great value! Representative $175,000. CalI RayTlottd Nash 430-9000. Sutan Group CChssic CAREFREE UVING $99,800. Thats the ite, indoor pool, exercise & pal oom, more! Secured access, indoor pring oveiy home iwth sunrooml 5% down, 1 st lime buver or nat O.A.C~. Sutton Group Ctassic I' . IWM, POOL, POOL, POOL .-.. Main loor den, 3 bedrooms. separate dIning room. eat-In khichen, hardwood floors, inished basement with ireptace. CAC. Contact Chariene Harris a Cindy Rickets 430-9000. AFFORDABLE NW OSHAWA - $1 34,900 Dont let the grass grow under your teet. see this wetl-kept home - 2 kitchens. main floor family room, 7 appliances. Cati nawi Aiison Simms, Sas epn., 430-9000/728-0868. CHARLENE HARRIS Sales Represeritative Sutton Group Ciasslc $50,900808. S-T-R-E-T-C-HN Great beginnings stari bungalow on 5lSO 5 g ara ge. Unbeievabte C tlPultRird. 3-90 OUR DOLLAR $$$ here in this updated brick DIt. 1 bdrrn apl. & insutaled $115,000. SO MUCH FOR SO LITTLE - $1 22,555 Detached; 3 bdrm.; M.F. tam. rm.; updated kit, & baths; sep. din. rm.; french drs.; backs anto park. Must see ta oareciate the value. Cati AI Siddal PAUL BIRD Sales Representative c ti.n rrn,,n las5it AL SIDDALL Associate Broker GORGEOUS HOME! $1 49,900 Absoiuteiy stunning, tuiiy in. home on extra deep lo. Move tin cond., freshiy painted. newer fiooring & carpeting. W/o ta large, covered wooden deck CatI Sandy La. Sutton Group Classie, 430-9000. Sales Represenitative Sutton Gmoup Ctassic * BILL SUNOAV, MARCH 14/93 i OOPM -3:OOPM WILSON & MARY fBURROWS KASSINGER BUILTReesntis 3 bdrm. bacttspt. eat-in ki., tain. un. w/tfp.. CA/CV. Sutton Group Status Prof. andscaped. $136.900. CaJI 4360990. Sunday, March 14/93 2:OOpmf - 4:OOpm ADDRESS: 23 Drewbrook Ct., Whitby PRICE: $239,900 FEATURES: Located on a quiet court, this 'Ron Palone' ail brick executive home boasts 3,000 sq. ft. of comfortable farnily living. It sits on a rarely found 50X1 60 ft. f ully fenced lot with southern exposure. There is a main floor den, large family kitchen with pantry and walkout to deck. Central air, central vacuum, security system, direct garage acoess with auto. openers and extensive landscaping contribute ý to sotid value for the disoerning homeowner. To find Drewbrook Cri, take Anderson St. north of Manning, right on William Stephenson iight on Goodwood THIS IS ITI - AJAX 3 bdrm. brick quiet neighborhood; tenced yard; excellent for children; hardwood loors; Itoor to ceiiing/walitot watt tp. in rec room - oniy $1 59,8281 Cati 436-0990. FISHING ANVONE? gnique 3/4 acre prap. 10 min. north a1 Bomanvite. 4 bdrm.; W/a t ram liv. rM. ta Yard. c/w truit trees. homestyte kit. c/w ailtight wood stove. $128.800. Cati 436-0990. BEA TENNIER & ERNA PHILLIPS Sales Representatives lufton Group Stagus BEA TENNIER & ERNA PHILLIPS Sà les Representatives SAltan Group Status j EXECUTIVE RANCHER - 12.39 ACRES Fabu tous 4+1l bedrooms. 4 stone fireptaces. 7 watkouts, 7 skylights. tri ple attached garage. many extras. insulated & heated machine shop. plus 2 other barns, spring ted pond. Listed at $675,000. Cati Ale Aulif or Ross Jones 436-0990. r RON SMALL Broker, MVA Sutan Group Ctassic TRULY ONE 0F A KIND! Superb p ro p er ty professionally landscaped yard with inground pool. 4 bedrooms, 2 baths - finished to a 'T'. AIl oak & oerarnic floors - just buy & enloy! $1 78,800. Cail 436-0990. BEA TENNIER & ERNA PHILUIPS Sales Representatîves Sution Grop Status ALICE AULIFF Sales Representative Sutan Gsojp Stalus ROSS JONES Sales Representative Ir , ý -VOMI 'l 110 10 fi