F~~c............... THE PARENTS' GUILD of Father Leo J. Austin Cathaîic Secondary Schaol wish to announce the winner ai their f irst i undraiser draw: Nancy Verspeeten ai Whitby. PROPESSIONAL PARALEGAL SERVICES LET US SOLVE YOUR LEGAL PROBLEMS: " Civil & Criminal Law " Divorce/Custody/Support " Landlord & Tenant " Immigration " Tralfic Tickets " SmaII Claims/ Debt Recovery " Mortgage Relerrals " Legal Aid Cert\ Accepted Tel: 1 (416)721-2770 CHRISTIAN DATING & Friend- ship Service. For free information packet, cail 1-800-829-3283. BAHAI1 FAITH: Ho shauld not hesitate ta aller up his lufe for his Beîoved, nom allaw the censure ai the people ta turn him away tram the Truth. For inarmation, cal 668-8665. PSYCHIC & SPIRITUAL ADVISOR Joan Monday to Friday 9 am.to 9rn SINCERE SINGLES personal introduction service. A confidential way to meet that special persan. Join Ontario's lastest growing membemship. Lot us "change à aur lufe." Caîl Judy at 725-5751 or Heather, 1-800-667-3283. PERSONAL LOANS firom $1,000 and Up for any purpose. Quick approvals. 436-8104. >~wwoearss Fina"iService >nmeroenn For Red ku*qjSskt Gagap Yad Saes & Cceobltes Haçpy A& Aparbentsikt Rm H* Wate ApgliaxeHOMt e fr ktde Iki Sale kb f a sale Axisod ws h Wsio kUOs/Inrdr. la Sm Lrdci ng5U" arfts Lgi Boat$& SçiOt s Lat Foe ajismasjnIu9 Webi$SM &Murss Seweu matag Cal a PRd*caui mmgae&s CW t as PasS« voe CORNEIL'S AUCTION BARN FRIDAY, MARCH 12 - 6 P.M. 3 MILES EAST 0F LITTLE BRITAIN ON COUNTY RD. 4 Antique dressers, modern ward- robe, chrome kitchen ste., GE harvest gold 2-dr. fridge in pood condition, occas. chairs, wringer washing machine, modern dres- sers & chests of drawers, Singer treadle sowing machine, parlour' chairs, cati 0O & end tables, Maf fat dryer, teakwood hall seat, single boxspring & mattress, Kenmore dryer, pine lamp table, console colour TV, 16" Beaver band saw, 4N" Beaver planer, .22 rifle, shat- gun, plus a qty. of china, glass, household & collectible items. DON & GREG CORNEIL AUCTIONEERS R.R. #1, LITTLE BRITAIN PHONE OR FAX 705-786-2183 AUCTION SALE ANTIQUES, COLLECTIBLES & HOUSEHOLD EFFECTS SUNDAVI MARCH 14, 12 NOON (VIEWING 10:30 A.M.) ORONO TOWN HALL, MAIN ST., ORONO Partial list includes Ig. 2-pc. elm f lat-to-wall w/lass doors (c. 1900s, roi.), pine fat-to-wall, harvest table, washstands, misc. tables (drop-leal, parlour, kitchen, etc.), gingerbread dlock, rocking & misc. chairs, misc. dressers & chests of drawers, quilts, skater's lamp, old tin toys, woodon wall phono, old Singer sewing machine, select ion of rings & old coins, numerous pcs. of glass & china (Depression, Royalty, Nippon, 40 pcs. of Clarice Cliff dinnerware, etc.), several decorative & limited edition art print s, plus a selection of household efiects from a local older home, loather couch & chairs, 2 kitchen sets, apt.-sized washer & dryer, also numeraus articles stili to be unpacked. Auction features samnething for everyone. Came early, browse & enjoy a day at the auction. (Cal fr future consigniments. Next sale March 28.) MacGREGOR AUCTIONS MIKE MacGREGOR 416-987-5402 JUNIOR WEST 416-983-5556 1. E~R 0 A s THANKS TO ST. JUDE and the Sacred Heart ai Jesus for favours received. Ma y the Sacred Heart ai Jesus be adored, glorified, Iaved and preserved throug haut the world now and forever. Oh, Sacred Heart ai Jesus pray for us, St. Judo worker ai miracles pray for us, St. Jude helper ai the hopeless, pray for us. Sa y this pray er nine times a day. B>' the eig hth day your p rayer wîil be answered, regard Iess ai how hopoless your situation seems. Publicatian must be promised. AM. "EXCLUSIVELY SINGLES" dance this Saturday, March 13, at 9 p.m., at the Port Darlington Marina in Bowmanvilîe. Admission $5. Dress code: no jeans. AIl single & unattached persans welcome. PSYCHIC PAULA. New in Oshawa. Tarot card & palm reader. Tells past, present,. future. Advice on ail liie's problemrs. Love, marriage, business and heath. 99% accumate. Known on radio & TV throughaut Canada and United States. uor apointment, cal 432-7909. OB%-D)ITUARY I FREDERICK CRATE Frederick S rate of Hastings died at Cmb llford Memoriai Hospital onM nday, February 15 1993. He was 78. lie is survive by wifis Cath- erne Horton, d ughter Andree (and her husba d Bill1 Hay) of Whitby, daughter Ann (aad er husband John Digby) of Whitby, son Peter (and his wife Sharon) of Hastings, son Bob (and bis wife Judy) of Hastings, daughter Margaret of Hastings, and daughter Mary (an dher h usband Don Hines) of Neel, N.S., and stepchildren James, Susanne, Danny and Debbie, 23 grandchil- dren and eight great-grandchil- dren, sisters Dai sy, An ne a nd Clara, ail of Cobourg, sister M aryof Lancaster. Ne was predeceased by bis first wife, Helen Corathwaite, and brother James. He rested at the Brett 'Hast- ings' Chapel. Interment at Trent Valey Cemetery. 6 Generations of Service, Quality & Trust 9 Family Monuments * Granite or Bronze Markers * Cemetery Lettering e Sandblasting Stafford Monuments 318 Dundas St. E. Whitby 668-3552 After Hours 668-4460 or 666-1513 Home appointments gladly arranged PRE-PAID WORD ADS (Cash, VISA, choque received before deadline) $6.00 for 20 words; ($5.61 + 390 GST) 150 each additional word; S(140 +10 GSI) BILLED WORD ADS $8.25 for 20 words; PLUS GST 150 eaCh additional word; PLUS GST AUCTIONS 93çt per agate line (14 agate linos per inch) minimum charge: $1 3.86; PLUS GST DISPLAY ADS IN CLASSIFIEDS (Ads with borders, pictures or graphics) Regular display rates appîy - 990 per agate lune Minimum size 1 column inch $13.86 CONTINUOUS RUN DISPLAY ADS AS LOW AS $1 0.89 PER COLUMVN INCH. GST is extra on aIl ads unless otherwise indicated DEADLINE Monday noon prior to Wednesday publication. 668-0,594 Please chieck your advertisement for orrars on the first day of publication. The Whitby Free Press wiII not be hiable for failuro ta publish an ad, or for typographic errors in' publication beyond the cost of the spaco occupied by the errer up toaa maximum cost ai the insertion. The Whitby Free Press reserves the right ta dlassify or reject al advertisements. Whithy Free Press, Wednesday, March 10, 1993. Page 31 March is kidney month Whitby and Ajax have officially p roclaimed Mdrch as Kidaey Month. Throughout the month, Kidney Foundation volunteers will .be knocking on doors to help raise moaey ta support research into kidney disease, patient services and public education programs. This year's goal for Durham Region is $60,000. The Toronto & District Chapter's overal campaign goal is $465,000. "We are hopeful that although many residents may be feeling the effects of these tough ecaaomic times, they wili recognize the importance of the foundation's mission and will make a donation when a canvasser comes calling," states John Gooding, Durham Region area chair. Thaaks te the support of the community, the foundation bas fuaded research that has led te major advances in dialysis treatmeats, more effective procedures for kidaey and other organ transplants, non-surgical methods for speciiic kidney stone problems, and improved medication for treating high blood pressure and anamia. The Kidney Foundation of Canada is dedicated te improving the health and quality of life of people living with kidney disease. Through fundraising caxnpaigas, like the annual March drive, the foundation is able te achieve this mission. Crime Stoppers and Durham Regional Police are asking for the public's heip in solving a break, enter and theft that occurred ia Oshawa on Saturday, Dec. 26. Just after 1 a.m., Shoppers Drug Mart at 199 Wentworth St. W. was eatered by smashing a 4-ft. by 6-ft. east wiadow. Once inside the store, the suspects removed a large q uaatity of cigarets. The cigarets were loaded into a newer, bilack sports car with tinted windows. The suspects drove west tbrough the parking lot and then southbound on Cedar St. Durham Region businesses have been victimized for their cigarets on several occasions and police would welcome any information regarding these break-mns. If you have any information on this or aay other serious crimes, call Crime Stoppers at 436-8477, that's 436-TIPS. Crime Stoppers wiIl pay up ta $1,000 for information leading ta an arrest. Callers are neyer asked to identify themselves or to testify in court. Sergeant Grant Arnold writes this article to help combat oui. es e , i e * A WarASE RDUTONGUD AT YOUR FINGERTIPS Each person in Durham Region generates, on average, 1 kg (2.2 lbs.) of garbage per day. This amount is a serious problem, given there are 409,000 persons living i n the region. A quick reference guide, entitled 'A Household Guide to Waste Reduction and Recycling in Durham Region,' has just been released by Durham Enviroameatal Network (DEN) to help residents reduce, reuse and recycle household waste. Me 46-page guide, funded by the Ontario Ministry of the Environment, the Region of Durham, Canada Trust and the Rotary Club of Oshawa-Parkwood, is about waste management. Information is offered on how to compost kitchea, orga nic and yard waste, which will decrease by approximately one third the amount of garbage put out at curbside. There is an explanation of how ta use D)urhamn Region's curbside blue box and igloo depot recycling programs. The guide lîsts charitable agencies (most of which are listed on three pages in graft form for econiomy of space and easy reading), as well as rentaI and repair services for reusable items. Recycling information on a variety of household articles and alternatives ta toxic household cleaners is included. Here is what the guide says about household batteries: Dry-cell household batteries contair. heavy metals such as nickel, cadmium and, in some cases, inercury. Batteries should be treated as toxic and taken to a household hazardous waste depot or piaced in the red batterv receutacle on the side of an ioo at any- recycling depot. Rducé your depeadency on batteries by. using an ACDC adapter or invest ia a ba'ctery recharger. Hearing aid, wateh an dother button batteries are collected for recyciing by many jewelry stores. A copy of the guide may be obtained from the local library. Copies are also being distributed to severai retail outlets, particularly those in rent and repair, comfmunity service areas and environmental groups. Caming events: April 1 ta 2, Toronto. Designing and Implementing Mate rial«Recovery Facilities at the University of Toronto. Contact Janet Blakely at (416) 978-3119. April 20 ta 23, Toronto. The Enviroameatal Showcase. Contact (416) 455-4141. April 26 ta 28, Baltimore, Maryland. World Rocycing Conference and Exposition presented by the National Recycling Coalition. For information, cail (203) 852-0500.< 7-1 m