Page 24, Whitby Free Press, Wednesday, March 10, 1993 March 6 T & D Steak Robin C6tâ PEEWERBroldin Kinsmen BiUy Iead Kevin Colomb RysEntmrimse 0O Adam Death Jamie Barton 1Accuracy Plus David McOnlight Nathaniel Andrm 2 Adam Thlhodeau Erik Petersen PEEWER Clintar Grounds Robert Richards 2 Andrew lienson 2 Mclvor Insutances Scott TtsckweU Whitby Kinsonen Ryan Smith 2 Darren Burlcy Jeff Smith MAJOR ATON March 7 Anderson Veterin. 2 Par Esso matt Gnce Paul Winley 2 Mfike Gubbela Austin Ilieth Dylan Chynoweth Par Esà o wins serles 4-3 Whitby Saturn 0 West Lynde F&C Matt Wallon Shutout.- Ryan Lamniot West Lyndo Fish & Chipa wins seres 3-2. Brooklin Kinsmen 5 Whilby Pro. ire Ryan Bayliss 2 Justin Wheatley Brion Witruk Matt Fortier Matt Walton Danny Arts Brooklin Kinemen wina mres 811 M [NOR ATOM Match 7 Speedy Auto Jonathan Ryan Rob Colins Kyle Maybuy Michael Astalos Danny Ctabb Secltford Service Ryan Moore Luc Chiasson Ryan Trudeau 5 Whitby Optimista Marc Leblanc 2 Scott Cook 2 Andrew Allison 3 Durham Dodga Adam Belon 2 Brooliir Concrete Rober White MINOR NOVICE Piaydbf Whitby munor hockey HOUSE LEAGUE MAJOR sQuifr~ 4 March 7 McTeegise Elec. David Arnold 2 Kyle Vanderloo 2 4 Optimist Shane Sergent Paul Kontos Tanner Twinning Andrew Crte Bobby Chapman Andrew Elson Kinsmen 3 Good TMme Laund. 2 Jeffrey Freeman 2 Kyle Bnsnson Gregory Williaens C. Vonaschscholtz Scott Mornson 2 Cameron Langloia 2 Kylo Verwey Master llcdroom 2 Aaron MacMurrssy Nancy England 2 March 7 Sign Images 3 Brooklin Lcgion 2 Steven Seedhouse 2 Matthew Edmonda Ryan Price Zachary Greer Sign Images wins series 8-&. James Dick AUg. 6 Whitby Trophy 2 Nick Schaad Jordan Ptter 2 Kevin LAmax Liam Rodox Ian Gran;ville Brandon Davis Daniel Koiw James Dick Aggregates wins seres 13-2. Mitchell Bros. 6 Jerry'a Drug 6 Dustin Morrison 3 Andrew lAramy 2 Randy Wallon 2 Michael McKenzio 2 Adam Barton 'lýler lIeuly Jcrry's Drug Warehouse wins serles 13-7. I Team l6tantias A Witby Iroquois Swmm Club relay teain placed l6th and l7th in relay swmm events at the '93 Winter Nationals in St. John, New Brunswick recently. Jennifer Crowder, Ashleigh Crowder, Renee Ayotte and Kathryn McBurney made up the teani that faced world-class coin- petition. The Whitby swiminers were l6th in Canada in the 4-by-lOOin medley, l7th in 4-by-50m free- style and 23rd in 4-by-lOOm free- style. In individual competition, McBurney had the best result for the Whitby swim mers, l9th in 50m butterfly. Whitby coach Jerzy Makarczyk says his swimmers showed urn- Whitby indoor soccer HOUSE LEAGUE ATOMS Standlings w Division 1 Spain - baugue champs 7 Cennany - runfler- up 8 Ireland 6 Wales3 talyI Division 2 Scotland - league champs 63 hîolland - tunner-up 7 England 5, Iltazil 4 Canada 3 France -2 Andy Methven Daniel Miraglot Mark 1Lelane Michael Hall Dion Warren Phillip Stone Justin Chahrour dame Cousin Kristen CalOTte Blart-lou Barrera Patrick IHouston Steven Bowcrn Mstthcw McGna March 6 Cernsny Bort-Lui liuee Top Caoheirsrs- 10 tta 9 9 7 nr 6 6 5 au 5 n 5 an5 ady 5 I'isydTs 2 France u Justin Chahrouri piovernent in starts turas anîd speed but mnust now work on strength and endurance. He believes the Wrhitby swim- mers, With enoug h practice and hard work, coul d someday race for medals. Tie Town of Whitby and the swim club sponsored the trip to St. John. M akarczyk says such support is much appreciated since the cost of swimming is high when one includes the costs of airfare, hotels and training. Makarczyk says it is now hoped that one of the four girls wi Il qualify for the Ontario teani that competes in the Canada Games. The swimmers were to go to Florida for a long course spring camp. Daniel Milagliottu (overtime geai) Ireland Matthew McGriidy The Whitby major novice AA teain, sponsored by Goldwing Systeins Resources Inc., recently won the Central Lions novice hockey tournament in Oshawa. In the first gaine, Whitby easily got by the Oshawa Bruins 7-2. Wihitby goals camne froin Lucas Naylor with three, Justin Potter with two and singles going to Justin Giles and Chris Sinmpson. Ben Stanton won gaine MVP honours with three assista, singles going ta Tom Ricica, HI-rcock, Scott Wflson and Simpson. BOB WALTERS wheels thl trey) around theiice at la, a-thon at Ioui Park. Whitby's two Rotary Clubs. Monica Forbes Thompson Owls P'aul Kontos 1 U.S.A. Spain 3 Scotland Kriaty-Lee Graham Steven loiwerman Jason Vanular Ilrett Allan Michael lhall (overtime ceai) Canada Cory Klender Andrew Methven (overtinie geai) hirazîl Stephen Shaw Mark Leblanc L. T l' (overtime goal) 2 England Djion Warren 2 18 Wales 1 17 Mary-Francis Foy 13 6 Match 7 2 Wales 1 15 Nicole Sergw- nt 14 ilînuil O 13 10 9 Canada 5 8 Rtyan lBombino 2 Andn-w Methven Cory Kiender Itory Daniher (ovcrtime gols) liolland O ltaly 2 1Tyle Ikero 2 England 2 D)avid Crabbe 2 SQL .Match6 itysl Spura 0 Cssughell United 7 IDavid Zekvelo 2 Christopher Wynne 2 Scott Chowen 2 Tyler Sceto I iolland Gerrnany 1 Curnew IRangers Matthew Curnew 2 Michelle Allan John IBaker Michael Cerace Denning Celtie 0 Mauckinnon Iheurts 0 Spedy Auto " James llibernian 4 James Christensen '; Neil Ball 3 David l>nce Lamagno Cosmos 1 Simmons Atîctico 2 Regan Moller John 1 lutte 2 SIBUMP - Feb. 27 Yellow Kati liarden 0 Blrown 1 Cold 0 0 Ried 1 Purple 2 Blue 4 Cordon Caldwell I)ane Wugnell 2 o tlarry]MIS Grueme Nicholson Adatm Thoma Ireland M Natch 6 P'atrick Houston Ilîlue Kate Fo'y Spain 4 Michael lhall 2 D)avid Welsh Knisty-Lee Gr-aham (overtime goals) France 1 Leanne Kasuheck U.S.A. u Scotland I day Sprogue u afr Lafoqges Spartma 0 Sprague Cannera 0 Yellow Evan IBoyce ltent Richardson Orange Lucas irailsford Gregory Farte Match 6 Purpie Light lBlue 1 I1" Jabon Tunguay 2 Bîrown Stephen l)înatdo 2 h>rple Gordon Caldwell ROOKIF'S 0 Maroon O 0 NavylBlue 2 Mark Mizzi Chritstopher Campbell RlA 1 ICreen Blair Vanderbrcssk Pu rpie Stnip Shane Graham 2 James Sysid 3 Gold In the second gaine, Whitby got a hat-trick and one assist frein gaine MVP Potter in a 4-0 victory over Cobourg. Giles got the single. Assists went te Giles (three) and Naylor (two). Darryl Forsey got the shutout. I the third gaine, Whitby had te beat Markharn to get ta the final. Stanton scored with five seconds left in the gaine 1-O victory, with assists coming froin H-ircock and Simpson. Forsey earned the shutout and MVP award for the gaine. In the final gaine, Whitby won lis year's. 'Tammy' <Laura God- ast week's Easter S eals skate- The event was sponsored by Photo by Mark Reesor, Whitby Free Press Top finishes for Whitby ' roller skaters in Hamilton Two members of the Whitby Hller Skating Club had first- place finishes at a competition in Hamilton recently. Andrea McCron wns first in figres and second in freestyle in thke j unior olym pic division of the Skate of the Month competition. Jennifer Caukwell was first in freestyle and third in fi gures and solo dance in the same division. Kristen McCron was second in figures and third in freestyle in the same division. In the beginners division, Jes- sic Caird was third in freestyle and Sandra Caukweill was sixth in figures. The Skate of the Month Club is held by Ontario coaches to introduce skaters to coin petition. Beginners are skatcr with less than one year of experience and who have received instruction in the 'Learn to Skate'program. T'he junior olym pics division is for skaters who have had up te one year in beginners an dhol d an amateur card. A 'Learn to, Skate' program is held at Wheelies by the Whitby club. 1 London là re E Jason Connor 3 Ryan Foster Sean Ker Andrew LAzery 9 Service Master C 4 Lenncoe Drum 2 ThomnsMcWhirten 5 Ont. Data Supply Lee Waddington Greg Smith Whitby men's hockey STANDINGS Final Regular Semson Cuataom Auto Atterlsoy Tire Queen'a I lotel C.K. Auto Body National Trust Brothers Pizza Dodd & Souter Nurse Chev-Olda Royal Woods Jlm Davidson NRS lteaity Roys Enterpriso W L T PA 14 6 3 111 82 14 6 2 118 86 Il 7 4 94 86 Il 7 4 100 96 12 9 i 95 87 10 12 0 79 77 9 12 1 98 100 7 10 5 63 79 7 Il 4 76 85 8 12 2 84 106 8 13 1 103 98 6 13 3 78 118 Unoffidal LeAgue Awsrds Ilest Geais Aguinot - Brothers linzzss Moat Goals For - Attcroley Tire Gane le"utt C.K. Auto Body Terry lîradimoro 5 Don F-rench Tom England Dave McCrackcn Jim Davidson Wayne Colomb 2 Tom Oldman John Beaton Riandy Collas Morshali 'rhompson I)odd & Sauter Steve Fundrord Iluve Smith 1 fowie 1hope Jim I)asberg Ilave lBrown Custom Auto Joe Ferry Inn Blrand Ryan Noble lBrothersa hzaa Enzo Rinaldi 3 Jim Simpson 2 Blob Smally Peter Grumnett Attersley Tire Jim î%nith 4 Ken Ilewitt 2 Mike Foster Mike Mackey Jim McIlroy 8 ltoy's Enterprise 2 Greg Cartwright Andy Gray 6 National Trust 1 llacky Crouch 5 Royal Woods 4 P'uai Ilutchinson 2 Jon I'atîe Tom IBuchanan 3 Qaucens 1lotel 3 l)ave Duggun Wayne Walchuk 1)ave Fai'quharson 7 Nurse Chev-Olds Dennia liradimore 9 NUS ltealty Ceurge I.cher 3 Mark Millar Match 4 - End Recgular Seuson Custom Audo 7 NitlS Rtealty Rofse Ilrawnridge- 3 Tony Iloer hernie Myles 2 Ceorge Leüber Joe Ferry Murruy R(obins Ian llrunch Mark Millar Don French 2 Scoit Flegel 2 Terry liradimote 2 Ray Chapmnan l'ut Shechan Ted lurtiett Baurry dam l)avidi.on 5 Royal Woods Marshall Thompborn 3 Jon Patte Ian Ferguwan 2 Piaul Ilutchinson James I>aslverg 4 Steve Sandrord 2 Cary It.eowîek Rays Entcrpnse i)oug Wilbat 3 Tam .Schriet Greg Cartwright Cary Ilurgesis National Trust loab.Mowat John McCarron Mike Mackey 2 Jim Smith Kn Ilewitt dam Mcllroy 6 Quecns 1Iote] Tony Onischuk 2 Grant Musselman Dave Dugjpsn Rtusa Artaurkle *Wayne Wà lchuk 2 llrutherslPizza Chuet Quantisl 1'Isymw<) (i thie week Fdb. Z5 - Terry llra.dmorc. C.K Auto. 5 geais March 4 - Jîm Dasberg. l>odd & Sauter. 4 gma. 1 "si t Brooklin Cycle Shawn Jammo Kevrin Thomnpaon a hard-feught contest over Oshawa Red Wings 3-1, with goals comiag from Hircock, Wilson and gaine MVP Ryan McMichael. Assists in the gaine came fromn Nick Verkuyl (two), Stanton, Ricica and Jeif Pichut. Ia an exhibition gaine, Whitby beat Pickerng 4-0, with shutout goaltending frein Julian Owen and Forsey. Goals in the gaine came frei McMichael with three and Hircock with a single. Assista went te Wilson (two), Verkuyl, Potter and M.J. Atkins. Slo-pitch league seeks players Players, teams and sponsors are wanted for varieus divisions of the Whitby Recreational Slo- pitch League. The league has a men's divi- sion and mixed (mon and ladies) division), and a Sunday night league may be formed. The league is for ages 19 and over. For more information caîl John at 668-1108. MAJOR: Match 6 Whltby T ota 2 Chsd McKeesze 2 Provincial Signa 4 Steven Rae 2 Ryan McCarr.on 2 NoiêTces wïn Lio[s IKv'G) i MINOR 1 Ma rch 7 Whltby Optimisas4 'Bm Fenneasy 2 Kevin Jennlngs 2 Bruaury Mech. 4 Shawn llnatko 2 Stuart Bailey Chris Rend lu m m m