Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Free Press, 3 Mar 1993, p. 4

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Page 4, Witby Free Pres, Wecnesday, March 3, 1993 " 1 . 2. i , , ' , - ý - . ý ý 1 . . INTERIORS 'V HMIR SALE 'ý- Quality brand name occasional chairs 50WODISPLAY - Beautiful range of fabrics - Lounge chairs with ottoman, wing chairs, swivel rockers, bedroom slipper chairs, recliners, i 8th century reproductions, etc. A CHAIR TO SUIT EVERY ROOM AND BUDGET MVcLAUGHLIN SQUARE 50 RICHMOND ST. E., OSHAWA 728-6323 . .. . .. ... . Stoome7s A.......z(2..c.. 843 KING ST. WEST 7125 (West of Thomtion on souih side) 7 l 2 5 DQ Classic Cakes' are beautifully decorated, rich and deliclous frozen cakes made with Dairy Queene soft serve. They're perfect for any reason... or ne rcason at ail. Available ini French Apple Crumb, Black Forest, German Chocolate, Caramel Fudge Nut, Strawbonry i Cookie Creamn, Simply v Chocolate, Maple Pecan and Peanut Butter Fudge. At "'participating Dairy Queen®3 '~~ stores. B y Milce KowalskI It I be a few more weeks before Ontario's solicitor general decides wbetbor te, pay Whitby's $90 000 legal bill. i4o decision bas been made on Wbitby's demand for reimburse- ment of legal expenses incurred when prosecuting local business ownor Art Robinson for provin- cial ire code infractions last year. A spokesperson for Solicitor General David Christopherson said it couîd ho at least two weeks before the minister makes a decision on Whitby'S request. Robinson and bi company were fined $44,000 last April for 20 violations of the Ontario Fire Code. The charges were laid in con- noction with the impropor storago of approximately 100,00 used tires at bis Taunton Rd. auto wreckin yard. Wbitby e icials insist tbe Town sbould ho compensatod for doing what tbey dlaim was the province's responsibility -- pro- secuting Robinson initialîy and thon appearing in court last fal for Robinson's appeal. But the minis~ spokespersen says that if Christopherson agrees with Whitby, it migbt establisb a precedent wbich couîd lead te similar demands from other municipalities. "Wo holieve that in enforcin~ the poincial regulations ang ire code the munîcipality ought te ho reimbursed," sai d Town administrator Bibi Walbace. Permits for $4m worth of construction Building permits were issued in February by the Town of Whitby for more than $4 million worth of construction. Permits were issued for 18 single family homes, valued at more than $3 million. Permits wero aise issued for the conversion of the fermer Mack Truck building on Victoria St. E., west of'Thickson Rd. S., te accommodnte Ontario Hydre. That projeeFt is valued at almost $1 million. The Town collected more than $40,000 in fées fer building por. mits in February. Celer Tour World8 "We believe the ire marshal should have been upfront in the prosecutien and taken on the costs," hie said. Althougb a provincial rosponsi- bility, Wallace said the Tqown bad ne choice but te charge Robinson. Local officials did net want te risk an incident similar te the Hageraville tire ire disaster occuring in Whitby, heexplained. (In 1990 a ire at a Hagers- ville,Ont., dump containingr 14 million tires burned for about one month. (Sbertly after, the province tightened regulations governing storage of used tires and for a tirno posted security guards at 10 Ontario tire dumps, including Robinson's.) "We had te proceed, we couldn't inipen d the municipa- lity," said Wallace. While Whitby's request bas been acknowbedged, the Tewn is stili waiting for the. minister's decision, Wallace said. "We've nover had this kind of situation before," lie added. Ministry spekespersen Ste- i&anie Belton cited Premier Bob e's recent cabinet shuffle as a reason for the delay in respond- ing te Whitby's request. (C1hristopherson replaced Osh- awa MPP Alan Pilkey as solici- ter general in last month's shuf- fie.) Atheugh ministry staff have made a reéommendation te Christopherson, Bolton did net know if staff support Whitby's position. "A response bas been pre- Sared...until lho soe's i on't now wbat the answer will bo,» said Bolton. If Christopherson agrees witb Whiîtby' argument, it could set a precedont, Bolton said. Neither ber ministry nor the attorney-general's -nîinistry have compensnted municipalities for enforcing provincial regulations in the past, she said. The monetary amount of Whitby's request would bave ne bearing on the minister's deci- sien, Bolton added. Although a ruling on Robin- son's appeal of bis conviction- and penalty bas still te ho released Robinson was te bave appeared in court again last Monday. TheTow n contend s that Robinson bas net ebeyed aIl the terras of bis probation order. "He's net complying witb the udge's order of reporting to the ir department to' ensure the tires are in a safeý condition," said plâtoon chief Ken Corner. .Although Corner conceded that the tires may bo stored in a safe mannor, the department has no way of knowing,ble said. "Hle's supposed to report and arrange for us to ho there, hoe basn't," said Corner. Assau1t weapon charges lad By Mark Reesor A Wellington St. mani faces numerous charges afrer a domestie dispute turned violent early Friday rnorning. Plie'say they were. called to the bouse around 4:30 'a.m. The complainant, the accused>s . irl- friend, told tbem he had cut oir with a utility knife and wouldn't lot ber leave the apartmont. The man was cbargodwith threatening death, assault with a weapon, for-cible confinement, possession of a dangerous woapon and broach of probation. Police say h e was on probation from a previous assault charge. Answers to Whitby Trivia from page 3 1 . Mount Lawn Cemnetery, established in 1928, has only fiat markers laid into the ground, in tho stylo of Forest Lawn Cemnetery in California. 2. Ontario South MP Peter Christie laid the cornerstone for Myrile United Church.iii 1908. 3. Frçmn 1917 to 1919, the Whitby Psychiatric Hospital was a military convalescent hospital for soldiers wounded in the First World ,War. 4. The farmnhouse built for George Jones, the original settler on the site of Cullen Gardons in the 1840s, is now the boutiq ue atthe gardons called 'Granny's.' FLAT LATEX AFTER SALE PRICE $39.92 CaifDav or~ardra 191 Dundlas St. East, Whitby Caaa4380808& Wlppr au -'4e iaane l Offer Expires March 28,1993 Drop in or cali us today for your cake order. 09Our u~sieCo 1 À"hh. Whitby Dairy Queen 1I 1003 Dundas St. E 668-5342I 1 F»nmcq:

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