Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Free Press, 3 Mar 1993, p. 12

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Page 12, Whitby Free Press, Wednesday, March 3,1993 BIG BROTHERS TMe annual meet*» f Big Brothers of Oshawa-I 'itby wil ho held on Monday, March 8, 1050 Simcoe St. N., Oshawa. Open house at 6:30 p.m.meeting at 7 p.m. Ail welcomne. lor more information caîl 579-2551. TALES FOR TOTS Tales for Tots, for those aged 2 and 3 (accompanied by an adult) will ho held starting the week et March 22 at the XWhitby Public iÀbrary. Classes (30 minutes) will ho held on Tuesdays and Wednesdays, 10:30 a.m., and on Thursdays, 9:30 a.m., 10:30 a.m. or 6:30 p .m. Registration will be held on March 10. LA LECILE LEAGUE La Loche Leagp.e will hold its monthly breast eeding support meeting on Thursday, "Marc h 11. The topic is 'Baby Arrives; The Family and the Breastfed Baby.' Mothers, babies and expectant mothers are welcome. Cail 723- 0542 for more information. GARAGE SALE lOth Whitby scouts will hold a garage sale as a fundraiser to send the troupe membors te the 1993 Canadian, Scout Jamboree in Alberta. Any articles, includ- ing garage sale leftovers, are wélcome. For pickup, caîl Deug at 668-1646 or 668-6493. WORLD DAY 0F PRAYER Women frem Guatemala invite Christians around the world te unite with them for World Day of Frayer services on Friday, March 5. Services will ho held at 2. and, 7 p.m. at Westminster United Church, 25 Manning Rd., Whitby. For more information, call 576-8218. In Canada, the Werld Day of Prayer is sponsored by the Women's Inter-Church Ceuncil of Canada, a national ceuncil with repre- sentatives from il dominations. AQUARIUM MEETING The Durham Region Aquarium Society (DRAS) will meet on Tuesday, March 9, 8 p.m., at R.S. McLaughlin Collegiate audi- torium, 570 Stevenson Rd., Oshawa. Speaker will ho Myrom Iwanochko, an aquarist and active member of DRAS, who will speak on keeping a cemmunity. Admission is free and ail are welcome te attend. For more information about the club, call Wayne Rakestrew at 725-7911 or Ty Fisher at 686-7368. Future meetings will ho held April 13, May il and, the last meeting of the season, Juna 8. CROMBE SPEAKS David Crombie, chair of the Royal Commission on the Future of the Greater Toronto Waterfront, will ho guest speaker at the March 10 meeting of the Canadian Federation Of University Women, Oshawa and District. The public is welcome te attend the meeting that will be held at 8 p.m. in the audtorium of the McLaughlin Public Library, 65 Baget St., Oshawa. CESAREAN GROUP The Cesarean Prevention, Support and Education Group will meet on Monday, March 8, 7:30 p.m., at 31 Carnelly Cres., Ajax. Topic for discussion will ho. VBAC and cesarean provention. The groups p rovides information a.m. te noon and 1:30 te 3:30 p.m., at 487 Westney Rd. S., units 19 and 20, Ajax. Ail are welceme. Refreshments will ho served. For more information, call 427-2315. EPILEPSY MEETINQ Epiepsy Durham Region will hold the monthly meeting on Tuosday, March 9, 7:30 p.nt, at theRinsmen Centre, 109 Coîhorne St. W., Oshawa. A guest speaker froni Shopperi? Drug Mart will discuss medications available and their do's and don'ts. New members and visiters are welcome. For further details, cail 666-9926. COMPATIBLE COMPANIONS CONNECTIONS Cebrating the new yoar with a multitude of house parties and fun activities. If you're single and want te mingle, give us a caîl. 430-7022. LUPUS SUPPORT GROUP The Arthritis Society Lupus Support GIroup will meet on Thursday, March 4, 7:30 te 9:30 p.m., in the arts and crafts room at Faith Place, 44 William St. W., Oshawa. All are welcome. For more information call 623-2765 or the Arthritis Society at 434-7221. BOWLING FOR MIRACLES The Independent Order cf Foresters (10F) is supporting 'Bewling for Miracles' te ho held Saturday, March 6, 1:30 p.m', at North End Bowl, 1300 Wilson Rd. N., Oshawa. Ail proceeds raised will honefit the Hospital for Sick Children. For more information or pledge forms, eall Thomas Loney at (416) 436-0918. PRAYER DAY The World Day of Prayer for ail Whitby Churches will ho held on March 6 at 2 p.m. and 7 p.m. at Westminster United Church, 25 Mannin Rd. Everyone is welceme anf the church is acces- sible te the physically disabled SUMMWER CAMP DATES> Sunrise Recreation Youth Croup will hold three camps this summer for developmentally handicapped youths aged 15 te 21, with one camper te one peer helper. There wil ho two day camps, one in June and another in Jiuly. A residential camp will ho held in August. For more information, cal 668-8761 and' leave a message. MARCH is Red Cross Month and volunteers Centre (they couldn't get in Whitby Mati) this- such as Giadys Everett (above) wi!I be sellirig Friday and Saturday, near -Churchills bunches of carnations to raise money for the Menswear. organization. They'II be at the Oshawa Photo by Mark Reesor, Whitby Free Pre$s LOGO CONTEST A contest is being held for the design of a new loge (may have colour) and name for the newsletter of Durham Deaf Services Ine., previously known as the Oshawa Deaf Centre Inc. The contest is open te everyone. A $100 prize will ho awarded for the chosen logo and $50 for tho chosen name for the newsletter. Entry deadline is March 8. Winners will ho announced March 31. Submit entries te Durhamn Deaf Services mec., c/o 750 King St. E., Oshawa, Ont. L1H 1G9. REFORM MEETING The Reform Party of Canada will hold a public information meeting on Tuesday, March 9, 7:30 p.m., at Annandale Golf and Curling Club, corner cf Bayly and Church streets, Ajax. Guest speaker will ho candidate Don Sullivan. A question-and-answer period will follow. For more information, caîl 686-0278. GARDEN CLUB The Osham a Gardon Club will meet on Monday, March 8, 7:30 p.m., at Northminister United Church, corner cf Sirnce St. and Rossland Rd. Richard Carol will discuss the proper use of pesticides and herbicides. Visitera welcome. QUILT 8S-OW e Quilts are needed for the St. Mark's United Church i3th Annual Quilt Showr. Anyone wishing to display a quilt, wall- hanging or otet r mal guilted article is asked te cal Rosalie Reynolds, 668-4343, before March 13. Tie t* Des e 1* * * À tribute te the Denise House, with dinner and a guest speaker, will ho held on Tuesday, April 20. The Denise House is a shelter for abused women and their children. The event will ho held at the Kinsmen Community Centre, 108 Coîborne St. W., Oshawa. A reception and cash bar starts at 6 p.m., followed by openîng remarks by Denise House president Sylvia Head. Dinner is at 7 p.m. The guest speaker is Muriel Wilde, vho wilI ho discussing 'Violence -- The SuIent Epide-nie.' Wilde looks at factors that may contribute te society's desen- sitîzed attitude te violence, particularly in _relation te the effect on children. She gives an overview cf current information on family violence and discusses the effect cf violence in media, advertisîng, music and sports. Dinner tickets ceat $40. For more information, cail 728-7311, Monday through Friday, 8:30 a.m. te 4:30 p.m. BIRTHDAY PARTY The Whitby Seniors' Centre, 801 Brock St.- S. *ill host a birthday party i n '-*bôur of membors who celebrate birthdays in January, February or March. The party will ho held at the centre on Monday, March 15, 2 > m. Dancers from the Studio of nce and Performing Arts .will ho featured. Refreshments will ho served. For more information, cal the centre at 668-1424. MARCH BREAK PROGRAM The Oshawa YWCA will hold a March Break program (similar te summer day camp) for children aged 5 te 12 . years. Children will participate in gym, outdoer, ciaft and computer activities. To register, eall the YWCA nt 576-8886. BRUNCH The Women's Growth Miniitry will hold a brunch on Saturday, March 6, 9:30 a.m. ,te -,noon,ý at Community PentecostaÊ Church, : 416, Taunton Rd. W .eOshawa. "The cost is $6 per peLýsn. Lynn Smith, dean of studentW/Women in Ministry teacher, Ontario Theological Seminary will ho the speaker. For more *nformation or tickets, eall 433-29W4 -CE[ILDREN'SGàAMES A Durham College workshop that focuses on games for chu- dron ra nging, frpm six te 12- *years-ol wlte eld at the ECE Connection iiPa QlTuàesday, - March:9, from 7,9,p.m. For more informatidh cali ,1-800 -263-3170. LIONESl CLUB The' Whitby Liones Club meets.tho first every Wednesday of every month at- 6:45 p.m. in the Gold Boom at the Centennial Building, 416 Centre;, St. S., Whiitly. For mre i.formation 'call 668-4944 or 668-2268. SPRING MUSICAL Fathier Leo J.. Austin Second- ary, School is ýpresenting the musical 'Modern Romeo and Juliet' in the school's cafetorium on Thursday, March 4, at 7:30 ..pèrm--Tickets--are--$8--for--#duits and $4 for students and seniors. _TRIPLE LIJNK The Whitby Triple LinkiUnity Club will hold a ouchre on Thursday, March 11,8pm, the Oddfiellows Hall, 211 Br.frkc St. S.,1 Whitby. AIl welconie. Prizes a d lunch. Admission is $1.50. Folt more information cali 668-2684. ONE PARENT FAMIES The Oshawa' Chapter One Parent Families Association;will nieet for wine tasting on Tuesday, March 9, 8 p.m., at Simcoe Hall Settlement House, 387 Simcoe St. S., Oshawa. For reservations and more information caîl 436-5089. March Break at he library GMITIIFITT1I 'Cartooning with Garth Hut- ton' wilI be eld at the Whitby Public Library on Tuesday, March 16, 10:30 a.m. and 2 p.m., for ages 9 and over. Registration began March 1 at the library. MATT MAXWELL Matt Maxwell & His Band will ho at Heydenshore Pavilion on Wodnesday, March 17 for the final show of the Children's Con- cert Series. Tickets, $6 each or :'$20 for a fnmily of four, aré available at ail library branches. TALES OFTERROR Those aged 8 and up can create their own masterpiece of fright as weIl as listen to a few scary 'campf-ire' stories during Tales of Terror, to ho held at the Whitby Public Library on Thurs. day, March 18, 10.30 te 11:30 a.m. or 2:30 to 3:30 p.m. Rogist- zatiori began March 1 at the library. WOD For those agcd 8 to 10, 'A- Way-With-Words,' to include wacky word games and some miixed-up stries, will be held at the Whitby Public Library on Fiday, March 19, 2:15 p.m. Registration began March i at the library.

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