By Mike KowalskI A major industrial-commercial complex proposed for south Whitby has heen rejected by Town council. Council Monday denied a ppli- cations for a 310,000-sq. ft. deve- lopment on the southwest corner of Thickson Rd. S. and Went- worth St. In voting te rejeet the proposai from 761672 Ontario Ltd., coun- cil agreed with its planning staff that the commercial component of the developmnent was better suited elsewhere in the munici- paiity. Last week, councii's planning and develo pment committee recommended that rezoning and officiai plann amendment appica- tions sübniitted by the numbered company be denied. Thecdeveloper was seeking the zonin g and officiai plan changes in order to buiid a 310,000-sq. ft. compiex, with a 49,000 sq. ft. commercial component, on the vacant site. The northern portion of the property is currently zoned pres- tige industrial while the remain- der has a restricted industrial desigation. Acording to a report from the Town's planning department, the applicant original proposed six multiple unit industrial build- ings, as weil as an office building and restaurant in 1988. Aithough council approved this proposai, a site plan agreement was neyer executed by, the owner. Now the applicant seeks to increase the alewable commer- cial uses permitted in this type of zoning from 10 to 30 per cent of the total floor area. But in arguing against the applications, staff note that a market study prepared by the developer fails te, address specific concerns. "The study doos not provide an SEE PAGE 2 THE WHITBY PARKS and recreation depariment raiseci $745 for the Whitby Self HeIp' Group for MS through a 12-hour swimathon in December. From Ieft are Brenda Furman of the parks and rec depariment, Ken Thoms,; a member of the group, and Chaplin Sharon Chapman, who organized the group, on hand for the cheque presentation. Photo by Mak Reesor, WhIlby Free Press By Mke Kowalski A 148-year.old west Whitby bouse wiil net fail victim te the wrecking bail. Town council was told Monday tbat the James Tweedie House wiil be preserved by the deveiop- ment cernpany wbich owns tbe vacant Coéhrane St. farinhouse. Councillor Dennis Fox said Erin Milîs Devrlopment Corp. peiet lisyden Mattbews reetyassured bim that the bouse will n'ot be demoiished. Wbile ne decision bias yet been made on the building's future use, "Erin Milîs wiii save the bouse,» said Fox. JAMES TWEEDIE HOUSE However, the possibi- iity Erin Milîs may move the house to another location, Fox added. But whether it is relocated or not, Matthews' promise bodes weil for the Tweedie House. Built in 1845, the bouse is one of the oidest brick bornes in Wbitby. Since 1990 it bas been owned by Erin MEIls wbicb plans te build a massive 1,600-unit sub- division west of Cochrane, bet- ween Rossland and Taunton ronds. Altbougb council initiated pro- ceedings last year te bave tbe bouse designated as an historic structure under tbe Ontario Heritage Act, the action was temporarily suspended. The Whitby fire department raised concerns about access to the building sbould a fire occur. The bouse sits near the middle of a lot on tbe edge of a plateau overlooking Lynde Creek. The main access to tbe pro- perty is frein Cochrane St. along a short dirt rond and across a bridge over tbe creek. * The fire departinent deems this inadequate and sumet the building eitber be dem-oiished or a fence erectéd around the _pro- perty te prevent anyone from -enterin e peiss Since last August there bave been two fires on the property. Altbough Erin Milîs bas no objection to a bistorical designa- tien wbicb insures that the bouse cannot be destroyed, cern- pany officiais previously told council tbey do net want te be responsibie for the building's upkeep. However,1 Erin Milîs has agreed te meet with Whitby $s Local Architectural Conservation Advisory Cômmittee (LACAC) te discuss potentiai options for the buildin g's future. Foliowing the meeting, Fox (council's representative on LACAC) said be "informnaiiy» dis- cussed tbe matter with Mat- thews. "They (Erin Milis) were te ineet with their consultants but tbey hope te use the bouse and incorporate it into the site," said Fox. "lie assured me it won't be tomn down, it wouid be saved.» Fox said Matthews suggested the bouse might be moved else- wbere witbin the proýosed deve- lopinent. Possible uses rnentioned by Matthews were a sales centre or daycare facility, said Fox. Com plex rej ected -i