:~"Whitby Free PreSsWeýdhe0daY. Februâr -11.lQ9ar30-age 7 PAGE SEVEN Ask Bill 'Ask Bill' is an irregular feature of this newspaper. Readers may send their questions regarding home maintenance and renouations. Our expert, Bill, guarantees answers and resuits. He doesn't guarantee that you'l ike either. Question: My husband is a cabinet maker. You'd tbink that would be a help around the bouse. For weeks he talked about nothing but this new super cabinet he was making. Then when it ail came out he installed this super cabinet at his place of work instead of my kitchen. Is there anything 1 can do to focus bis 4 attention on my neede? - Mrs. Bae, Toronto. Says Bill: This is the old story of the shoemaker's bidren. Sure, it wouid be great if' hubbie could make those super kitchen cabinets you want. But do remember he is out there in the hostile world, doing his best to make a living to support you and your children. You might try to make the cabinet yourself."X If he is not focusing on any of your needs, you, too, might 'Ask Sue.' Question: My next door neigbbor to tbe soutb, Mr. Clinton, bas just moved into bis bouse. Rigbt away, be's starting off on projects that I've maintained are best left undone. Ie's going abead anyway. He's making me look bad. For exemple, I've just completed a deal to overpay drug companies in case we need new drugs sometime. This new guy's insisting drug com- panies bill bim less. This isn't fair. Also, bis left leaning politics just botbers me sometbing flerce. For twelve years or more- we had neigb- bors that beld good parties, invited me flsbing, let me tag along wben be played War Games. 1 don't tbink tbis guy's going to be so friendly. What can I do? - Brian, Ottawa. Says Bill: Don't ask Sue about this one. And I wouIdn't go trading stuif with this new neighbor, ASIIBURN ROAD LOOINGNORFH, C. 1915 either; you can neyer tell where things have been and This picture is looking north tothe four corners of Ashburn with the old brick Wilson House who paid for them. Good fences make good neighbors, Hotel inthe background. At right is Andrew Kerrs blacksmith shop. Standing at left are as Robert Frost once said. Or wrote. So build a fence. Mrs. Louie Cassidy and her son. Whltby Archives photo Make it high enough that your wife and kids can't go tripping off every day te borrowand trade, either. Get a -couple of dobermans. However, if you' have no 10 YEARS AGO inorals nor compunctions, and want te get re-elected, frlom the Wednesday, February 16, 1983 edition of the you might try sucking up te hum. It wouldn't hurt to WH1TBY FREE PRESS try. - The Tlown of Whitby wiIl spend $16,000 to stop erosion in subdivisions a]ong Lynde Creek. *Former Montreal Canadiens hockey stars, Henri Richard and PMi Goyette, participated Quesion I bve ive in anaa al mylif, *in a benefit hockey gaine at Iroquois Park. Staestian:stataelie thereCa sdan entre- A^^^ -.ý1Tc.-,- chas. Soe comonusag migt a -o gve--u- i * sir ..ohnuibson, Leutenant-Governor ef Ontario, was a special guest at the Ontario prse oblmLearon te sa gerof'ista f roof'; don't *Ladies' Colege Conversazione on February 7.I prolens.Lern osa 'woo inted f 'oof; on eAbout 80 pnsoners from the Guelph Reformatory are building the Ontario Hospital. [ give out two dollar bills; and feint whenever someone e A'H-eart Social' will be held at thé Baptiat Church on Valentine's Day, with admission ut says the word 'socialism'. 0f course, given the current 10 oents per person.I climate in Ontario, many natives are learning te faint e The Brookhin Methodist Choir wilI hold an old-time concert at the Masonie Hall on every time Bob Rae says 'socialism.' Ail the best in IFebruary 21. your new life, rat fink. _______________________-_______________ 1