Page 14, Whitby Free Press. Wednesday, February 10, 1993 rahap pen and perhaps most impor- By Mike Kowalski Owners of the Subway Trailer Park will be allowed te soîl a portion of the property to, help lower their mortgage. Moneyr from tho sale may be aIl that s preventing 67 families now living at the Ipark from being evicted from theïr homos. Town council Monday appro- yod granting a land severance te Deca Investmnents Ltd., ownors of the Dundas St. E. trailer park. The severance involves two parcels of land in the northwest corner of the property, previously zoned for nine single-family link houses and either a four-storey apartment building or block townhouses. Council'a planning and de ve- lopment committee rocommon- ded the severance after learning last week that the park owners have oncountered financial diffi- culties and are in danger of losing the property. Deca project manager Ferdi Aloise said ho has been unable to secure financing for the park's long-standing redevelopment plans and that it is costing him $25,000 per month te operate the site as a trailer park. If the severance was approved and tho land sold, money from the sale will go towards reducing the mortgage, said Aloise. But ho also promised that Deca would honour the redeve- lopment plIan. (Tepan calîs for a complote refrbs'hngof the' 29-year-old park prior to any development not related specifically to, the mobile homes. (This condition was imposed on former ownors Falcon Devolop- ment Ltd. in 1988 to ensure that maintenance problems which had plagued park residents for many years were rectified.) Although ho had no objection to grantintgthe severance, coun- cillor Joe Drumm wanted some gu arantee that the residents will berotected. "don't want to do anything that will hurt the man but if we don't protect the residents like we did in 1988, it's ail for naught,» said Drumm. uIt's not good enough te shako hands on gofait those things were gone by tho boards years ago,» he said. Councillor Ross Batten, com- mittee chair, said council essen- tially had littie choice but to grant the severance. "The reality of the situation is if wo don't allow something to happen...these people will bo out on t he street,» said Batten. (Aloise Ied committeo that without financial relief, his only alternative is to evict the tenants.) "We don't want it te happen, the residents don't want it te tantly, the owner convinced us hie doesn't want it to happen," said Batten. After hearing fromi planning director Bob Short that the Town has no jurisdiction in a landiord and tenant matter councillor Marcel Brunelle saici Aloise can close the park any time he chooses. UHe's losing $25,000 a month. You can only keep that up for so long before y ou do something about it," said Brunelle. A former park resident, Brunelle said some tenants mis- takenly believe they are yrotec- ted by a 99-year-lease or "grand- SEE PAGE 31 VALENTINE'S DAY BRUNCH Club Carib will hold a Valentine's Day brunch on Sunday, Feb. 14, noon te, 4 p.m., at the Polish Hall, 219 Olive St., Oshawa.. Cost is $15 for aduits, $8 for seniors and childron aged 12 and youngor. A variety of Caribhoan dishes will ho on the menu. Purchase tickets by Wednesday, Feb. il by calling 434-3673, 432-8828 or 728-4293. OSTOMY MEETING The Oshawa and District Ostomy Chapter will hold the monthly meeting on Wednesday, Feb. 17, 8 p.m., at the Oshawa General Hospital, room 1002F. Guest speaker will ho Bilan Loyes from the Oshawa Arthritis Society. For more information, cail 579-9516. DANCE A dance, featuring'Chaser, will ho held at the Kýights of Columbus Hall, 133 Brock St. N., downtown Whitby, on Saturday, Feb. 20, 9 1 a.m. There will be door prizes, spot prizes. Cost is $5 per ticket. Cail 668- 4570. PHOTO CLUB The Whitby Photo Club will meet at the Family Trust build- ing Hickory and Dundas streets, Witby on Monday Feb. 15, 7 to 9 p.m. Thero will Le a bus'iness and information exehange, and novice clinics. BABYSITTINO COURSE A special babysitting course for ages il to 14 will ho held at St. John Ambulance' - Whitby Branch on Monday, Feb. 15 (FA day), 8:30 a.m. te 4:30 p.m. Students are asked to bring a doîl te diaper, and lunch. Pre-registration is required. For more information, caîl the office at 668-9006 or 668-4159, 9 a.m. te 6:30 p.m., Monday te Thu'rsday, 9 a.m. to 4:30- p.m. on Friday. WHITE CANE WEEK The message for Canadians during White Cane Week, Feb. 7 te 13, is te focus on the abilities of a blind or visually impaired person, and consider the disability as a characteristic of that person. Rehabilitation and integration inte the rl)mmunity through social, recreational and advocacy programs make up the mandate of the Canadian Council of the Blind, run by people who are blind. The Canadian National Institute for the Blind is a non-profit, voluntary agency estrablished in 1918. The CNLB offers quality rehabilitation services te blind and visually impaired people through a network of over 60 centres. whia ,THE MAGIO DRUM' will be presented by Join Hands Puppeteers on Saturday, Feb. 27, 1:30 to 2:30 p.m., at Heydenshore Pavilion. In the second show in the Chil- dren's Concert Series, a sloth, toucan, squirrel-monkey and oCher colourful crea- COMPATIBLE COMPANIONS CONNECTIONS Celebrating the new year with a multitude of house parties and fun activities. If you're single and want te mingle, give us a caîl. 430-7022. ONE PARENT FAMIL10ES Oshawa Chapter One Parent Families Association will meet on Tuesday, Feb. 16, 8 p.m., at Simcoe Hall Settlement House, 387 Simcoe St. S., Oshawa for 'Lino Dancing with Ray!' New members and guests welcome. For more information. calI Non-profit which are,ased ln Whihy or have a substantial Whitby membershlp may place their or activities on this page at no cost. upwmI b. d<apd.s %fit 11.Oruor0 *tofflWg W bu WOO= I br5p tures wéil f ly, Ieap and dance their way across the jungle. Tickets ($6 each or $20 for a family of four) are available at al branches of the Whitby Public Library. For more informnation caîl 668-6531, or 668- 5803 ext 217. ONE PARENT FAMILIES North Oshawa Chapter, One Parent Fami.ies Association will meet on Wednesday, Feb. 17, 8 p.m., at Christ Church, Mary and Hillcroft streets, Oshawa. New members and guests welcome. For information, caîl 668-7579 or 434-3687. COIN CLUB The Oshawa & District Coin Club wlll meet on Sunday, Feb. 14 at the Arts Resource Centre hohind Oshawa city hall. For more information caîl Earl MacLean at 728-1352. VALENTINE DAY SPECIAL The Whitby Public Library will hold a Valentine Day special for children aged 6 and up on Saturday, Feb. 13, 10:30 to 11:15 a.m., mn the program room. Register at the children's desk. For more information, caîl the library at 668-6531 or 668-6541. CASINO A 'Casino Weekend' will ho held at Tiffany's in Whitby Feb. 13-14 te, raiso funda for the Children's Program of the Osh- awa-Durham Rape Crisis Centre. Advance tickets, for $3 (for which onegjets $50 worth of funny 436-5089 or 433-0832. LiVING WITH TODDLEIIS ""Y),a va±iaUUie 01aJi -riiiny 'Living with Toddlers' wilhob (601 Dundas St. W.) or by callîng PSCIC TEA FUNDRAISER held at Durham House Child and ,j nt72-12.Tcetra A psychic ea fundraier wil hnFamily Cetreh1521 imcoe S t DANCE ~held on Saturday, Feb. 13, 10 N., Oshawa on Thursday, Feb. 18,ifny ee) The Ladies Aum"liar-' Sports a.m. te 4 p.m., at Hope 7 to 9 p.m. The workshop will 50s AND 609 DANCE Branch 112 Whitby wifI hold a Spiritualist Church, St. Joseph's help parents foster confidence Brooklin-Whitby Miner daysen 20, 8 p.m. e 1 a., parish hall, 300 Court St., and co-operation in toddlers by Hockey Auxiliary will hold a '50s th, eLegon2a, p.1 1 yron st * shawa (corner Court St. and introducing effective strategies and '60s dance and catered buffet Whmby.Thoa wl o avaretyofBarrie Ave.). Vaieus mediumns for dealing with common con- at Heydenshore Pavilion, Whitby muicby %Rn Moore. aual tyor will ho available te give spiritual cerns, including tantrums, toilet on Saturday, Feb. 13, 8 p.m. te 1 country cress. Cost is $10 per readinge. Cost is $20 per training and mealtime hohavieur. a.m. Cash bar. Jimmy Mark will couple, lunch încluded. Spot haîf-hour session. Spiritual The cost îs $8 per person. To ho the DJ. Tickets are $25 per prizes, door prîzes, refreshinents healing will ho available at no register, caîl the Family couple and are available at are availablo. Caîl 432-2207 or charge. -For more infermation,iý e c pteu Poacock. Sports or by callisig, 40 e W., . - . - Èe>e*4! *..Ir- BIBLE SPEAKER Grant Jeffrey, well-known speaker on bible prophecy and author of several rWks on the subject, will bo spoaking on Wednesday Feb. 17, 7 p.m., at Whitby CrstianAseby10 Rossland Rd. W. Alare welcome. PARENT INFO NIGHT Resources for Exceptional Children - Durham Region will hold a parent information night on Thursday, Feb. 18, 7 to 9 p.m., at Holy Trinity Anglican Church, 91 Kings Ores., Ajax. Representatives from Durham and Newcastle/Northumberland school boards will outline education options for children with special needs within the school systems. Admission is free. To reserve a space, caîl 427-8862 by Feb. 15. The agency, funded by the Ministry of Community and Social Services, is responsible for providing resource services to preschool children with special needs. ASTHMWA INFORMATION The Lung Association (Durham Region) will hold a free information evening for parents of asthmatics on Tuesday, Feb. 16, 6:30 p.m., at South Meade Clubhouwe, Kawartha Ave., south Oshawa. Local pediatric specialist Dr. Sunil Mehra will discuss 'What every parents needs te know about asthma.' To reserve a space or for more information, cail the association at 436-1046. EUCIJRE The Whitby Legion Branch 112 Ladies Auxiliary will hold a euchre on Thursday, Feb. 18, 8 p.m., at 117 Byron St. S. (up sa'rs). Cost is $2 per person. Light lunch will be served. Al welcome. LIVING W1TH DIABETES A lecture focusing on diabetes will ho held at the Whitby Seniors' Activity Centre, 801 Brock St. S. on Friday, Feb. 12, 10 a.m. A nurse educator, nutritioniat and a volunteer from the Diabetic Association will give diet tips as well as discuss ways te mnake' life more enjoyà ble for diabetics. The talk will be of interest, te diabetics and those who know a diabetic. The cost is $1 at the door. Rofreshments will ho served. CalI the centre at 668-1424 te reserve a place. VALENTINE TREAT Guess how many candies are in the jar at the Whitby Public Library and win free tickets te 'The Magic Drum,' a puppet show, or a swimlexercise pass te the recreation centre. The contest is for ages 4 and up, and winners will ho announced on Saturday, Feb. 13. For more information, call the library at 668-6531 or 668-6541. MEETING The Durham Down's Syndrome Association will meet on Tuesday, Feb. 16, 7:30 p.m., at Whitby Baptiat Church, 411 Gilbert St. E. Speaker will bo Luke Cedlum of the Special Olympics. Refreshments will be providod. For more information, call le wý i