Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Free Press, 3 Feb 1993, p. 25

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VW*Iby Fee Prou. WméieBday. Febn'aiy 3,1993. Page 25 NEWGOMERS CLUB The Oshawa/Whitby New- comers Club will hold the generel meeting on Tuesday, Feb. 9, 8 p.m., in the green room at the Arts Resource Centre, Oshawa. The speaker will ha Suzanne Grae from the Ritchen Cuphoard. For more information, call Inoration Whitby at 668-0552 or Information Oshawa at 434-4636. CHILD SUCCESS WORKSHOP ' How toe Help Your Child Succeed in Life' a four-session workshop for parents, will ha held on Feb. 10, 17, 24 and March 3, 7 te 9 p.m., at Durham Hous, 1521 Simcoe St. N., Oshawa. Parents will lesrn varieus ideas and akilîs that will help children do hotter in life. For more information and registrationi call the centre at 579-2021. ONE PARENT FAMILIES Oshawa Chapter One Parent Familles Association will hold the general meeting on Tuesday, Feb. 9, 8 p.m., at Simcoe Hall SeUtlement House, 387 Simcoe St. S., Oshawa. New members and gueste welcome. For more information, calI 436-5089 or 433-0832. PREsSOOL STORYTIM The Whitby Publlc Library will held registration for pro- school storytime on Wednesday, Feb. 10, 9:30 a.m. te 9 p.m., in person only. Classes will ha held Feb. 15, 22, March 2 and 9 at 2:15 p.m. For more information, cal) the llbrary at 668-6531 or ,668-6541. WHITE CANE WEEK The message for Canadiens during Whidte Cane Week, Feb. 7 te 13, is te focus on the abilities of a, blind or visually impaired person, and consider the disebility as a characteristic of that persen. Réhabilitation and integretion inte the community through social, recroational and advocacy programa make up the mandate of the Canadien Council of the Blind, run by people who are bllnd. The Canadien National Instituts for the Bllnd is a non-profit, vluntary agency establlshed in 1918. The CNIB offers quality rehabilitation services te blind and visually impaired people through a network of over 60 centres. DRIED FLOWER DISFLAY For the month of February, the Whitby Public Library wil ho displaying dried flower arrange- ments made by Patricia Mullen. BREATH0F SPRING The Durhamn Region CBIB is selling pets of crocus ($4 each or three for $10) te raise funda te, hoîpprovide services te the 1,500 blind and visually impaired CNIB clients in the region. To order, cal) 436-7732. Pets will ha delivered hatween Feb . 10 and 12. EUCRE The Whitby Triple Link Unity club will ho)d a ouchre on Thurs- de y Feb. 11, 8 p.m., et the Od-dfellowsi Hall, 211 Brock St. S., Whitby. Ail welcome. Prizes led planes, cars and beets on Feb. 7, 10 a.m. te 5 pim., et Heydenshore Pevilion. Admis- sion is $2. Thore will be 30 tables of vendors. ]Refreshments^ and door prizes. For more informa- tion cal) 668-0569. whatti~' PARENT SKIILL SERIES- The Family Education Resource Centre of Durham Hous will hold e series of four worShops for parents of children aged 1 te 10: 'Undorstanding yoUr Child's Mishahavieur,' Tueday, Feb. 16; 'Diécipline Without Punishment, Tuesday, Feb. 13; 'Building Your Child's Self-Esteem,' Tuesday, March 2; 'Personel Safety for your Children,' Tuosday, March 9. Workshops will ho held et the South Oshawa, Community Development Project, 777 Simcoe St. S., Oshawa frem 7 te 9 p.m. The cost is $24,'for the serios, or $8 per workshep. Pre-registration is required. For more information or te register, cal) the contre et 579-2021. I g DANCE The Ladies Auiliar pot Brandi 112 Whitby willCod-e 'Western Nigt Danced on Setur- day, Feb. 20, 8 pm. te 1 a.m., et th vLgon hall, 117 Byron St. S Witby:,There wil heae variety music by Hon Moore. Casuel or country dress. Coet is $10 per couple, lunch included. Spot prize, door prizes refreshments are evailable. Ce1) 432-2207 or 668-3215. -ONE PARENT FAMILlES North Oshawa Chapter, One Parent Familles Association will meet on Wednesday, Feb. 10, 8 p.m., et Christ Church, Mary and H-illcroft streets, Oshawa. New members end gueste welcome. For information, cal) 668-7579 or 434-3687. KERRY SMITH (Ieft) and Jili Innes of lst Brooklin Guides wiII be among the many local Gid Guides who wiII seli cookies starting Feb. 6, at $2.50 a box. The cookie camrpaign, CIlDBIRTH EDUCATION The Childbirth Education Association of Durham will nieet on Feb. 9 and 16 at the Pickerinig library's central branch to present 'Have a Healthy Pregnancy' information series. Guest speakers from Genetic Services and Motherisk will discuss pregnancy topica. Al proceeds wiIl be used toward the purchase of equipment for the new birthing rooma at the Ajax-Pickering General Hospital. To register, call the- association at 420-3890. FASIHON SHOW The Whitby Seniors' Activity Centre, 801 Brock St. S. will host a fashion show for members on Sunday, Feb. 7, 2 p.m., at the centre. Simply Senior will prvde clothing and hairdressing wibe provided by Sharp Cuts. TIckets are $4 each and cen ha purchased from the centre. EART SAVER COURSE Durham Save-a-Heart will hold a heart saver CPR course for a specal ateof $22 te promote Vebuawyas Heart Month. The course will ha held on Saturday, Feb. 13, 9 a.m.'te i1 p.m, at the Durham Save-a-Heart office at 1450 Hopkins St. Advance registration is reuired by contacting the office, at <416) 666-0995. cominun mgrp whlch aonare d In W I t yo r h a ve a ijeanilWhhby mernborshIp nmay, place their Page ai no cost. :e bIeqweif~Ofl BLOOD DONOR CLINC In recognition of Black History Month (February), Club Cerib of Oshawabinc. will sponsor e bleod donor clinio held by the Red Cross Society in the auditorium et St. Gregory's Cetholic Church, 194 Simcoe St. N. Oshawa on Thursdey, Fob. 4, 11:30 te 8 p.m. GERANIUM SOCIETY The Geranium & Plargonium Society of Ontario will held a meeting on Sunday * Feb. 7, 1 te 4:30 p.m., et tho Civic Garden Centre, 777 Lawrence Ave. E., Toronto. Admission is $2. Plant sales, seeds of new varioties and refreshments will ha availeble. Slides will ha shown of the Lynde Hous display _ and September 1992 show. a fundriaser for Guide programs, bas been held annually since 1929. For more information oeil Annette at 579-8241. Photo by Maurice Pfher, Whltby Free Press 509 AND 60s DANCE Brooklin-Whiitby Minor Hockey Auxiliary wiIl hold a '50s and '60s dance and catered buffet at Heydenshore Pavillon, Whitby on S aturday, Feb. 13, 8 p.m. te 1 a.m. Cash bar. Jimmy Mack will ha the DJ. ickets are $25 per couple and are available at Peacock Sporti or by calllng 666-3944. CASINO A 'Casino Weekend' will ha held at Tiffan-ys in Whitby Feb. 13-14 te raise funds for the Children's Program of the Osh- awa-Durhaxn Rape Crisis Centre. Advance tickets, for $3 (for which one gets $50 worth of funn money), are available at Tif;ny8 (01 Dundas St. W.) or by calling Dawn at '725-6152. Tickets nuIy also ha available at the door ($30 in funny money). FITNESS AT THE YWCA The Oshawa YWCA je offering several fitness progrems te suit everyone's style. Mondays, 7 te 8 p.m., pre'poet fitness for new mothers; Thursdays, 7 te 8 p.m., a clas designed for larger women; Tuesdays, 8 to, 9 p.m., lin. dancing;, Tuesdays, 7 te 8 pan., general workout (drop in, pay as your partioipate).Ote progrems include co-ed badmin- ton, volleybafland intense workout. To register, cal) the YWCA at 576-8880 or visit the office at 1 McGrigor CHA&RITY AUCTION A charity auction will ha held et Durham College, 2000 Simcoe St. N., main cafeteria on Saturday, Feb. 6, 2 te, 4 p.m. A preview Ywill ha held from 1 te 2 p.m. Donations would ha appreciated. Ail proceods te the Oshawa Deef Centre. For more information, call 579-3328. EFFECTIVE SPEAKING Beginning Thursday, Feb. 4, the Whitby Junior Chemhar/Jay- cees are offering the second in thoir series of training prograras, 'Effective S3peeking.' Ceet of the five-week course is $96. For more information and registration cali Jim Bradfield et 668-1529. ART'S & CRAYTS COURSES The YMCA will hold a varioty of arts and crafla workshops from Feb. 16 te May 3. All classes will ho held et the Whitby Baptist Church, and include: 'Planning your Gardon for Spring,' Tuesdays, Feb. 16 te March 9, 7:30 te, 9:30 p.m, $37-45; 'Knitting - Intermediats 1' Saturday, Feb. 20, 9:30 a.m. te 12:30 p.m., $16.05; 'Knitting Workshop - Intermediete IF' (for advenced knitters), Saturdlay, Feb. 27, 9:30 a.m. te 12:30 p.m., $16.05; 'Interior Decoreting IIV, Thursdays, Feb. 4 te Feb. 18, 7 te 9 p.m., $32.10. For more information or te register coeiltbe Mk 23, 25, 7 te 10 p.m. and March 27, 9 a.m. te 4 p.m.; instructor recertification: four hours, March 31, 6 te 10 p.m. An infant/child course will aIse ha held at Anderson CVI Feb. 8 and 15, 7 te 10 p.m. To register, cal) the officed j nI COMPAIBLECOMPANIONS CONNECTIONS Celebrating the new year with a multitude of house parties an>d fun activities. If you're single and want te mingle, give us a caîl. 430-7022. WINTER WILDLIFE The Central Lake Ontario Conservation Authority (CLOCA) staff will conduct a hike fromt the winter parking lot at Hehar Down Conservation Area on Sunday, Feb. 7 at 2 p.m. Admission is free. Groupa of 10 or more are asked te contact the office hafore Feb. 5. Wear appropriate foot- weer as the tour will net always ho on groomed trails. For further information and directions, contact the office at 579-0411. VALENTINE TREAT Guess how many candies are in the jar at the Whitby Public Library and win free tickets te 'The Magic. Drum,' a- puppet show, or a swim/exercise pssa te the recreation centre. The conitest is for ages 4 and up, and winners will ha announced on Saturday, Feb. 13. For more information, caîl the llbrary at 668-6531 or 668-6641. EPILEPSY MEETING Epilepsy Durhamn Region will hold the monthly meeting on Tuesday, Feb. 9, 7:30 p.m., at the Kinsmen* Centre, -109 Coîharne St. W., Oshawa. Guest speaker wéill ha Nancy Mutch discussing how te deal with or avoid a crisis. New memhars and visitors are welcome. For further details, cal) 666-9926. IlWJNG WITH DIABETES A lecture focusing on diabetes will ha held at the Whitby Seniors' Activity Centre, 801 Brock St. S. on Friday, Feb. 12, 10 a.m. A nurse educator, nutritionist and a volunteer from the Diabetic Association will give diet tip as well as discuas ways te make life more enjoyable for diahatics. The talk will ha of interest te diahatics and those who know a diabetic. The cost is $1 et the door. Refreshments wilI ha served. Cal) the contre at 668-1424 te reserve a place. VOLUNTBERS NEEDED Voluntd rs are needed for the Council ýf Caring Parents, Grandparents and Frionds summer camp, Friday, June 25 te Friday, Sept. 3. Youth (grade 5 . nd up), parents, grandparents and friends who are interested in donating a day, weekend or week during the summer may call 576-1198. An orientation work- shop will ha held Feb. 26, 27 and 28. CPR COURSES Durham Save-a-Heart will hold CPR courses at the Whitby office, ýI450 Hopkins St., during February and March. Advanoe registration is required. Basic rescuer (management of adult, child and infant choking, beth conscious and unconscious; demonstration and prectice of adult, child and infant CPR by one and two person rescuers): 12 hours, $48.60, Feb. 15, 17, 22, 24, 7 ten10 p.m.; infantic'hild

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