Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Free Press, 3 Feb 1993, p. 22

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Pae -22, WNdi Fre Prm es.Wdnosday, Febuy 3, 199U q*A{ i-BROOKLIN }, .................. kkk ........ . N ................... By Mike Kowalski The Ontario Minitr of Municipal Affaireaie stili waiting to hear Whitby'e explanation for permitting a proposed lumberyard south of Brooklin. A minietry spokesman teld The Free Prose the Town bas net yet responded te a ministry request for more details about its decision te allow a home improvement centre on Spencers Rd., west of H .12. Mi-lena Avramovic said that while Durazin bas responded te a ministry letter of last September seeeking justification for the decision, Whitby bas net. The ministry wants te include the Town's and Region's reasons for supporting the proposed development in ite report te the Ontario Municipal Board (0MB) prior te a future 0MB hearing on the matter. The hearing will determine whether the board grante aniendments te Whitby's and Durhamu Region's official plans se that the home improvement centre can lie built. Whitliy and Durham have approved officiai plan aniendment applications from the Mitchell Brothers of Brcoklin for a lumberyard and showroom on the six-acre site. The Mitcheils bave been seeking permission te move te the site on the north side of Spencers Rd. -- about haifway between Taunten and Winchester roads -for three years. The Mitcheils have been based in Brooklin for 43 years, but their Church St. stere is teo small te accommodate their building supplies business. In fact, the Brcoklin store is essentially a showroom. Most of the steck is kept at a former Ontario storage yard, aiso located on Spencers, southwest of the proposed site. However, the Mitchells' desired location is now designated major open space in the two officiai plans (documents which stipulate preferred land uses in a municipality) and thorofore requires an exemption permitting commercial use. Although an 0MB hearing was requested by a neighbouring homeowner opposed te the project -- net liy the municipal affaira ministry -- the rninistry bas its own concerns about the application. A lotter from ministry senior pianner John Waller states that the "general intent" of the officiai plans is te "discourage" urlian type uses within open space areas. As well, "any 'spot' rezoning and changes te land use designation which would permit activities more appropriately, located elsewhere...are aiso dscouraged,'Waller adds. Avramovic said that although Durham did answer Waller's letter, no reasons were givon for that council's decision. f#They said we (regionai council) stand by our decision," said Avramovic. Without sufficient explanation from the Region and ne respopse from Whitliy, the miistry>s concerns are stilI outstandingsad Avramovic. It's at the boad and the board-will deal with it," she said. Councillor Ross Batten, chair of Whitby's planning and development committee, said the Town will respond te the ministry's letter. Failure te, do so by now bas been due to a "time" problom and not an intentioxnal sleighting of the ministry, Batten stressed. As hoexpylained, the planning committee originally reconiended against the Mitcheils' application, only to have council support the proposaI. "Coulncil af the time feit there were a lot of other issues te consider, instead of whether this was a good spot for a lumberyard," said Batten. He said future developnient was projected te occur in this area and that it made sense te include the Mitchelis' proposai. leThey were an existing business for 40 years in a residential area," said Batten. "Vie feit it would bo a botter location, more central to the town, rather than sticking them in an area that might not lie developed for years." According te Batten there were "a whole lot of issues outside the planning scope which arompted council te forgo the advice of its pl anni ng staf It onded ug lioing a political decision rather than a planning one," said Batten. "The ministry is lcokingfor planning reasons but biclythe answers il corne from council rather lt'hte planning departmont," ho added. Ashliurn Rd. resident Glenn Bryers bas requested an 0MB hearing into the projoct. Bryers dlaims area homeowners are worried about the development's impact on well water, lack of adequate fire protection and potential traffic prolilems. The OMB bas not yet. scheduled a hearing date. Hiliclibers at WlImeeting By Eileen Young Hill-climbers Ruth and Ciiff Holtz were guest speakers at the Brooklin Women's Institute international affaire meeting held Jan. 20. Ama Cin Ben É They discussed and showed siides of- their experiences in othor countr-ies including Vene- zuela and Switzerland. The meetings motte was 'The world is an oyster net a clam,' and roll caîl was 'A way Canada is a good citizen of the world.' Hostesses Ruth Agar and Rohina Neslitt soi-yod lunch. The WI's citizenship and logis- lation meeting will be held at the Brcokiin Community Centre on Feli. 17, 1:30 M Marion Ha i will be convener. Motte will lie 'Happy homes do net happen, they are results of family efforts.' flucal] wil libe 'a way to manage stress." Guest speaker wil libe Jean Stachow, who will discuss 'Mar- riage Encounter.' Hostesses will lie Mai-ion Young and Laural Hamer. Visit- ors are weicome. Dessert, card party at church Brooklin United Church Women will host the Cupid's Dessert and Card Party on Wed- nesday, Feli 10, 7 p.m. The party wifllieé in the Chris- tian Education Building of the church. Cost is $4, by advance ticket sales oniy. Caîl 655-4559 or the church at 655-4141. Whitby Free Press would like ta wish a Happy Birthday toalal its carriers with FEBRUARY birthdays! nda Baeinbridge Kevin Peel idy Blanchfield Clint Reisma )oug Chard Jamie Schunk jamin Harrison Ashley Vaughan 3oyd Martin Scott Wilson fk4 * 5@ 9. .4Ig 7BROOKLIN Le gion members have provided funding for a newblood banl refrigerator at Whitby General Hospital. Shown are (from Ieft) Legion treasurer Mary Jean Heron, hospital chief Iab technologist James C rumb and hospital fundraising director Sharon Bell-Wilson. Photo by Peter Tomblin, Free Pross Mouse tales at library The Brooklin Library Chl- dren's Club meets every Satur- da y fromn 10:30 to 11:.30 am. There are stories, crafts, movies and activities for children aged 4and up. 10 The theme for February je 'Mouse Tales!' * <-44 $ *. CORPORATION 0F THAE TOWN OF WHITBY 1993 INTERIM TAX NOTICE The first instalment of taxes for 1993 is due and payable Fobruary 15, 1993. Taxes may be paid1 at any Whitby bank without collection chargs, or at the Municipal Office, 575 Rossland Road East, Whity Ontano. In addition, taxes may be paid by telephone through T Bankline or Canada Trust EasyLine. If you have flot reoeived a tax bill and you are responsible for payment, plééa0 contact the Tax Department at 668-5803 to obtain the nucessazy information. If paymentis flot roceived by the due date, penalty WilI be added on the rst day of default and the frst day of eac h caiendar month so long as non-payment continues, at the rate of 1-1/4% per month, or part thereof. LYNN PIKE SUPERVISOR 0F REVENUE 0- 4 V. W 1 a a -W. Irqu- 9 \J.-Ot W4, eéeyzý

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