Page 30, WflhyFros Pros, Wednesday. January 27. 1993 I~PO SAL FO AR R~L~ <~ 1> .PS. ........T..ES< RT.. .OR A .. __ ___ ___ . .....-. FOR SALE: INTENDO GAMES: Super Maria 3, Timeord, Mike Tyson's Punch-out, Tetris, Turtîes 1, Super C, Maria Bras., Link. $10 each. 668-5143. CHEST 0F DRAWERS, $25. White sewing macine, $60. Chrome table & chairs, $20. Electric broom, baby's change table, smail tools. 668-3975. YORK-2600 MEGA Home Gymn, 240 Ibs. weghts, ail attachments for total wo Dout. Like new. Cast $860, seIi $525. 579-5277. INGUS FRIDGE, STOVE. Self- clean, frost-fre vory. Four years aId. $950/bth. Custom-made sheers and drapes, 7 1/2T Wide. Rose/cream. Brand new. $600. 723-9791. E,-- PRE-PAID WORD ADS (Cash, VISA, cheque receiveci before deadline) $6.00 for 20 words; ($5.61+ 390 GST) 150 each additionaî word; (140 + 10 GST) BILLED WORD ADS $8.25 for 20 words; PLUS GST 150t each additionaî word; PLUS GST AUCTIONS 930 per agate Uine (14 agate linos per inch) minimum charge: $1 3.86; PLUS GST DISPLAY ADS IN CLASSIFIEDS (Ads with borders, pictures or graphics) -Regutar display rates apply - 990 per agate Uîne Minimum size 1 column inch $13-86 CONTINUOUS-RUN DISPLAY ADS AS LOW AS $1 0.89 PER COLUMVN INCH. GST is extra on ail ads unless otherwise indicated DEADLINE Monday noon prior to Wednesday publication. 668-0594 Piease- check your advertisement for errors on -die first day of publication. The Whitby Freel Press will not be liabil or failure ta publish an ad. or for typographic errors in publication beyorîd the cost of the space ooeupied by dhe error up toaa maximum cost of the insertion. The Whitby Free Press reserves the right ta dlassify or reject ail advertisemnents. MATTRESSES and boxspns eat hall price. McKeen F urue 524 SimncoO St. S, Oshawa. Phono 725-5181 RENT OR BUY USED weddlng gow!n, vouls, crinolines, wedding Invitations and accessries. 427-3988. COMPUTER - 286 100% IBM t44 tlosles. VGA colaur. Desk. FIREWOOD FOR SALE. Weil- seasoned hardwood. Hai-face, face card, bush cord, kindlia. Plck-Lp183 r deliverod. 4) FABRIC VERTICALS with valance - 72" W x 84" L, $69. 84 W x 8,r L. $89. PVC $49 & $59. Other sizes avaîlable. 428-0937. DESK TOP FUBLISHERSI Great clip-art. ý618 original images.for. ony $99.95 (plus shipping, han'Iing & taxes). Please cal 666-852 for information Mnd ta place your order. FOR SALE - Car booster seats, twa, Cosco Explorer, six months aId, like new. $20 each. Phone 666-3690. HAY FOR SALE IN BROOKLIN. No. 1 quality. For more information, please cail 430-0102. SECURITY ALARMS - home, business, auto, persoinal. Simple Installatian. No monutonng tee. Cali 430-8794. FIREWOOD - SUPREME quahity. Maple, beech. Well- seasoned. Very dry. Ail splt. Honest measurement. Fr. deiivery. Try the best qualty. 416753-2246. BOX TRAILER, CUSTOM -buift, 24e tires, lights. $600. Radio- controiîed aircrat accessories, kits, engines for sale. 432-2065. OPENING A BUSINESS? For offer: Meridian Norstar telephono systemn for business. 2 phone sets, conferenciN~, hands- Ire. speakers, headset interface, alternate language capabilities, speed dial, message centre, and many mare fMatures. For further mbd, cal (416) 666-8083. DONUT SHOP EQUIPMENT for sale: Gas donut fryer, cake donut drapper with swiveî arm, wooden tablé top with can opener for cutting donuts, bear mixung machine, 9 ft. 4 in. stainiess steel front counter wvith dishwasher racks, dishwasher, muffin aven (eiectric), powder f ire extinguisher, electnic soup warmer , 9 tables, 2 compartment ss. slnk, 6 ft. hood, honey glaze rack (s'.s.), meat slicer, hooks and pots haner, 6 Il. top counter glass enclosure, 12 ft. sn dis tay electric box. Cal 490-6004. Sewing machine Repairs A0 l M k e s Complote Tufs-up $39.95 Reoendiliofed Sewing Machines tram $59.00 TOPUNE SEWING CENTRE 571-1385 400 Kling St W. Oshawa CHESTERFIELD SUITES.-love- seas, sectionals, less than hait prico.Large selectibn. McKeen Fmtro, 524 Simca. St. S., Oshawa. Phono 725-5181 BOB PROCTOR instructional audio success tapes, in original jackets. 430-2075. HUNDREOS 0F MO VIES for sale at $14.95 or Iess. W. have children's, drama, comedy, horror & sci fi. For inventory ist, please send SAS.E. ta 17 Mawat Crt., Whitby, Ont., LiN 8H2. HAND-HELD COMPUTER - Atari Portfolio. Fits in your pocket & makes a great organizerl Buit-in programs include: Diary, Database, T ext Editor, Lotus compatible sreadsheet, programmable caicu- lator, etc. Cames with serial port interface, A/C adaptor & 64K memory card. Like new. Asking $175. Caîl 430-1051, beave message. I~~~ .OT.UC.M.S .S. . .URA.C. 1982 (NEW) VAMAHA ET300 snowmobiie, caver and tool kit included. Qil injection. Blue & silver. Wiii take $1,950 o.b.o. 430-1659. ARE YOU HAVING TROUBLE getting auto insurance because of age, poor driving record or suspension aI license? Perhaps we can help. Phone 666-2090. I APPUANCES MO~TOAGES I UCENSED TECHNICIAN AI Errol's Appliance Repair. AIl major appiances. We buy used aliances. New/used parts guar- anteed ane year. Monday- Saturday, 432-7734. RAINBOW APPUANCE Servics Repairs ta: washers, dryers, stoves and dishwashers. Good, reiabl services.Al makes and models. 683-8519 or 430-7382. MORTGAGE LOANS - lst & 2nds ta 95% aI value. Ail property types, prime rates. Quick service and appravals. Cali CityCan Rinancial Corporation,. 571-2880 Oshawa, 686-2936 Pickering. PRIVATE MORTGAGES - the place ta go when your bank says "NO." Servi ng Whitby since 1973. 668-7200. ANUBIS INVESTMENTS. or 1702 monitor. Please 728-9698. cali USED WEIGHT UFTING equip- ment: weights, bench, or York MegaGym-styîe unit. Also, electrlc winch for boathouse. 668-9906. el had a very good response ta my ad - a lot of phone caelse E.M. A NEW BABY? In this world, there's always roomn for one more! Calilyour Welcome Wagon Hostes now. 668-665 PROFESSIONAL PARALEGAL SERVICES LET US SOLVE YOUR LEGAL PROBLEMS: -Cii & Criminal Law - Divoroe/Custody/Support - Landlord & Tenant Immigration -Traffic Tickets -SmalI Claimsl Debt Recovery -Mortgage Referrals -Legal Aid Certs. Accepted Tel: 1_(416) 721-2770 FREE TO GOOD HOME: Pure white cat, 2 years aid, caie, ail shots. Very afectionate. 55-8764. CATS FREE TO GOOD HOME! George & Cuddies are 3-1/2 yr. aid brother & sister. Trained, neutered & spaed & extremeiy affectionate. CaI140-7179, leave message. THE DURHAM REGION ROMAN CATHOLIO SEPARATE SOHOOL BOARD Invites Alil nterested Parent(s)/Guardian and Ratepayers ta an INFORMATION MEETING Regarding Registration for IMMERSION FRENCH PROGRAM: GRADE 4 (ehtry point) DATE: PLACE: lIME: DATE: PLACE: lIME: Parents mayi include: TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 9, 1993 HOLY REDEEMER CATHOUC SOHOOL 747 Liverpool Road Pickering, Ontario 7:30 p.m. TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 16,1993 HOLY CROSS CATHOUC SCHOOL« 357 Simcoe Street South Oshawa, Ontario 7:30 p.m. attend either presentation. The presentations wil "a description aI the Board's Immersion French Program "the established procedures for application, recommendation and registration of pupils "an opportunity for questions and answers. Application forms wiii b. available and wiii be accepted at the information meetings. EJ. Lagraix, Ed.D. Director af Educatlan Chairman af the Board j r ---------- * 6 - 0 94 * ttce ou s M eid y.t rda1 9 0 r o 50~ r F x6 8 0 n .a 1- . 1