Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Free Press, 27 Jan 1993, p. 24

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- Ée i i n t a st 9gr24;e ............................... - The Whitby Figure Skating Club's precision teame will hast the animal invitational campa- Scuba diving courses offered The h4ax Scuba Club will offer scuba divin g courses beginnin Jen. 31 at the Ajax community centra. Catit is $275, and includes al instruction, use of equipment, open water axperianca cartifica- tion and one-year memlrsip in tha club. For more information cal Mika Rose at 619-2159 or Andraw Secord at 831-7765. tition on Saturday Feb 6. Sa ffar, more iilan 40 teams have registered for the avent that will run aIl day, with medal presentations talcing place in the evening. A group of approximately 30 parent volunteers is preparing ta make the competition aven more succesaful than last year. The goal of this yearls chair, Sandra Chase, is ta raise the profile of precisian skating, a comparitively new spart. Pr-ecision skating involves a team of 12 or more skaters jainad shoulder ta shouldar performing variaus elamenta ta music -- like a graceful chorus lina on ice, but much more dangerous and axciting. Petites win 2, lose 2 Whitby's petite B2 tearo, sp ansored by Dodd & Sauter -roadloam, had two wins and two lasses at the recent Markham ringette taurnament. Whitby apened the tournament with a 5-3 win over Ajax 1, and followed it Up with an 8-2 win over Markham. The second day of the tournament was not as successful for Whitby as they lost ta Pickering 6-4 and Ajax 2 10-5. Tlffany Jones led the scoring for Whitby with il goals and four assista, Robynn Dupont had eight goals and two assists, Jillian Crate two goals and an assist, Sara Meaney, a goal and three assiste. Amy Challaner added eight assista, Erin Harvey twa and Sarah Power, Karen Hewson and Danielle CGlover each had ana assist. Kery Lynn Smith was solid in goal. Whitby Iroquois swim club POur HOPE INVTI'ATIONAL MENT Jan. 16 to17 1011/UNER GIRLS Kelaey Bennlng 11li 2BOYS Matthew Rempel lan KI=c James Ayotte Gre&Klng 300 frac aday 2W Bmeey aeay 11113 GIRLS Briana LaBeIle Jennirer Andlermon 13/14 BOYS Brandon Maseraon Chili Kender 13114 CHUS Margret Sharp it 2nd Srd 6thl Alana Kng 3rd 4th th th '.&BeleAndierson, Sharp.King 300 mdoy eLay3rd lot 100 fr. 2nd 200 br« ut 3rd 100 bock, 100 breat 4th 200 bock 6(h 50 &te. 100 Ely lot 2W braaat 2nd 100 buee, 10( breaat 3rxi 200fr&e lS fro rut" 2nbd Sharp, lOng.Herdmmn, 1Luae 200 ey reLay 1hn 2nd 60 back 3rdi 6D &eelOOfree, 200 IM, 100 back SthB 5bsat 2nd 100 free, 200 frce, 200 back 3rd 200 IM 4th 200 breaut lat 100 brea, 200 breaat 3rd 200 back 4th 100 fr, 200 fthc. 200 I4 2nd 100 breaat, 200 bresmt 6th 5 S 2nd 2nd lot 200 free 200 back 2nd 100 back. 100 breait. 200 114 4th 100 fre 3rd 200r&w, 200 back lat 100 Dy. 2001iM. 100 back, 200 bock, 60 (Der, 100 fre 200 free 2nd 100 (te, 200 froc, 100 bock, 200 bock 3rdW S0fre.200 IM 100 ly 100 bock 200 bock 2001Lw 100 Dy 200 &Me 200 38 100 bock, 200 bock .Two weeks later Whitby teamn travelled ta Cambridge, and defeatad Niagara Falls 9-4 befare falling ta Cambridge 8-1 and Woolwich 9-3. Tallying for Whitby were Jones with seven goals, Dpnt a goal and two assiste, Challner, Meaney and Stephanie Campeau with a goal and an assist each. Crate had four assista, Harvey three and Power twa. At the Brooklin-Whitby ringette tournamant, Whitby's petite B2 team loat ta Whitby Bi 7-4, lost ta Pickering 5-4 and tied Kingston 6-6. Jones had eight goals, Dupent thrae, Harvey, Crate and Campeau one each. Assiste want ta Challoner (three), Crate (three), Campeau (two), Jones, Dupant, Power, Glover and, Meaney. In recent league play, Whitby defaated Ajax 2-1 on two goals fromn Christina Baldasti with assists fromn Challoner, Dupont and Power. Whitby lost ta Pickering 4-1, the lana goal by Dupant, from Jones. Whitby won ovar Part Perry 4-2 as Jonas scored twice with singles fram Dupent and Hewson. Assiste went ta Meaney (twa), hewson, Claver and Dupant. Smith was autstanding in goal. ~pstr crtet There were flive first-place win- nars of thaeposter contest held during the Whitby ringatte tour- nament racently. Veronica Milas, Lauren Miles, Jessica Brownridge Ainsle4y Hunt and Julia (from b an Kish s team) were first. Karen McWilliams, Brea BIg ht, Rebecca Duncan and Mèani Larocqu~e were second. Thir wen to aura Gray-EIlis, Carrie Tully and Shannon Perry. Participant prizes ware given ta Tara Henry, Erin Mclntosh, Emily Mountjoy, Sarah Laroc- que, Lisa Paddîson, Jade Blight and Jennah Cheesman. Prizes ara availabla ta winners by calling 666-0955. Participating in the avent will Tha las Angels have been ha the VAib ce Pix (juvanila, Canadian champions for the past up toaea 11), Ice Angels (novice, two yaars and hope ta de fend agea 12 ta 14) and Ice Crystala thair titleaegain this year. (junior, ages 15 and aider). Laat yeWr' senior team laced The Whitby club has long third at Canadiens and the been knawn for ite excellence in masters' teain won the silver precisian skating. medal at the Canadien finals. VonEschscholtz scores 3ini novice vietory The Whitby major novice AAA hockey team had a win, two ties and a lose ta complota regular seasonplay. The Whîtby taam spansored by Don Cherry's Grapevne, defea- ted Ajax-Pickering 5-4.i Dan VonEschschaltz scored thrae goals and James Hinkson scored two. Kevin Peel, Ryan Matthews, Matt Taylor Kyl1 Wailas, Brandon McBride, Ian Witruk and Josh Turcotte had assiste. Wailes scored in. the third pariod of a gaine against Oshawa Legin but Oshawa's Derek McE- voy scored with only 32 seconds remaining ta tie the score. Wailes scored two goals in a 4-4 tia with Peterborough. Nathan Cotter and Hinkeon aiea scorad. Wailes, Hinkeon, Peel, McBride and Turcotte had ass- iste. Whitby's only loss wae 5-1 ta Markham, Hinkean getting the lana Whitby goal assieted by Taylor. Whitby mnor hockey HOUSE LEAGUE MIDGET Jan. 24 Boy'.Enterprise Chri. Lindgren 3 Brent Gilea 2 Hlghland Van Erie IvulI 6 Joci Phair 2 Nlck Attwooll ChiliSkelcher Jan. 24 Marigold Lincoln Justin Fortier Ken Mathews CanadienTiNre Steve Jedinak 2 Brett Carmichaci Nick Peacock Andrew Aahbee Whtby Audio Shawn Koornu Sean Poland Malt Andre Van Veen SnapOn 7 David Mitchell 2 Creig Minaker Geof Corey Mike Boucher Matt Swift Rob, Dixon 9 Vicka Insurance Mike Banks Glen Knewlea Neil Yetman ChriliKilloran Daryl Pleehe BLANTAM 2 ITT Cannon Cory Brick Mike Keogen Mike Keogen Don Hutchingu Matt Nortan Mike Keogen Cory Brick 5 Alied Food Service Mike Medili John Anderabn Mac McKinnon 3 Guiterzan Ian IHunt Kevin Grahamo MA4JOR 1'EEWER Jan. 26 Whltby Toyota 4 Gary Ehasco Joeliua Wiliam. Chad McKenzie Derek Van Egmond Joel Whitmarsh and Bryan Sand were strong in goal for Whitby. The club ie now preparing for playoffe. igh school hockey SENIOR BOYS W L T F A P Rauidle 9 0 67 24 18 Dunharton 6 10 37 1412 Anderson 4 3 1 40 31 9 Pickering 4 3 0 29 30 8 Donevan 3 3 1 22 24 7 Aja 3 61 37 47 7 HenryStreet 3 3 0 23 28 6 Dwyer 3 40 24 25 6 MeLaughln 3 4 0 39 30 6 O'Neill 2 6 1 253856 Roberts 0 7 0 13 56 0 PinseRidge 0 1 0 2 14 0 Pins Ridge ha. wthdrawn from the. league. Whitby Optimiste 1 Curtis Henry Bradbury Mech. 2 Shewn Ilnatko 2 Mclvor Ineurance' 1 Mike hiron Whltby Kinmen 6 Mark Thompson 2 Raid Mosey Kriatian Wiesiolek Paul Matugiak MAJOR ATOM Jan. 24 Anderson Veterin. 1 Joahua Brimbie Par Eao 2 Whitby men's hockey STANDINS maet Jan. 21 WL T PA P Atteraley Tire cuom. Auto Radio Queenla Rota NationalTruot c. Auto Bodiy Brothers Plaz Nurse Chev.Olda NRS Realty Dodd & Souter Royal Wooda RayaEnterp,1.e Jim Davidmon il 8 61 96i Gaine Resulta Royal Woods 3 John Patte Andy Asquith Paul Ilutchinson NRS Rcalty 5 Mark Milar 2 Tony Leber Murray Robin. Mike Armstrong Qucen's Hotel 4 Grant Musaiman Dav. Duggan Ruse Arbuckle Day. Parquharson Brothers Pizza 6 Jim Smpson 2 Rob Bush 2 Bob Smally Roid Unwln Attersley 'Bt. il Jim Smith 4 Mike Mackey 2 Jim McIlroy 2 Ken Hewltt Jim Bouchard Mike Foater Cuateo Auto Radio 5 Rea. Brownridge Joe Ferry John Parton Harold Huitema Ian Brand 1C.KC Auto Body 3 Scott Flegol 2 Vie Dallait. Nurse Chev-Olda 1 Pat Sheehan National Trust 2 Bucky Crouch 2 Dodd &Souter 2 Steve Sendford Howle Hope 1Jlm Davidien 6 Marshall Thompeon 3 Rlch Marahlil Tom Oldm.n Roy% Enterptise Gary Burges Deug Wtlbur Andy Gnsy Playes(a) Ci te e. Jim Smith, Atterluy Tire, 4 goal.. 3 assiusa, 7 pointe Fortune Pinancial 9 Adam. Hurat 2 Doyen Gardiner 2 Sean Keey 2 Demi Amurwalye 2 Metthow Graham Brooklin Legilon Sheo lealy Standings au et Jan. 22 CF Smillng Drillera 19 Whitby Saturn 2 Lonnox Drum Ltd. 19 Mike McKinnon Minequip Ltd. 17 Ken Towrie Sign Imagea 9 llrooklln Legion 10 West Lynde F&C 5 Fortune Finenclal 10 Dylan Chynoweth Matt Welton 2 Dan Orr Jo. Klein Nathan ivera GarrettRIbchard WhdLt.Pro. Pire. Stuart Blake 2 Chad Atkinsen Grog leblanc Matthew Portier 5 Broolln Kinsmen Jaien Turldngton Brian Witruk Standings CF CA w Whtby Saturn 27 2566 Anderaon Veter. 38 2655 Breolin ICnsmen 32 27 6 West Lynde FAC 33 35 6 Whit. Pro. Pire. 48 49 3 7 ParE.eo 22 38 3 MINOR ATOM Jan. 24 Brooklin Cycle Kevin Taylor 5 Brien Abbey 2 Stephen Hurczak Trevor Rend Chria Michaud 53 10 Brooklin Concreto Michael Lieke Brendon Roa Michael Demaio Speedy Auto 4 Bockford Service Michael Astelos 2 David Bockford 2 2 Kyle Maybury Luc Chiaaon 2 Rob CoUina Mike Kobrynovich Whitby Optimiata 5 Andrew Alîison Scott Cook Shawn llubberd Craig Bond Dufra Towlng Accurary Plus 3 Franklina 2 Ryan Newport 2 Brian Crilty DarrylAshbey Ryan Brown McNamoo Provincial Signa Kirk Lereverond Joel Johnaoeo Stephen Racc Accuracy Plua Whitby Toyota Franklinia Prorvincial Signa Rocyls Enterpils Dulla Towing 3 Roy'iEnterpnase 6 Sean Donnel]y 2 Jeif les Brian Nelson Auotin Piel Stanbdfing W L 7 1 6 0 4 3 256 2 6 1 7 CF CA 28 13 32 12 28 23 203-4 16 31 18 32 MlINOR PKEWEE Jan. 17 Mclv.' Inamrnce Janon Dickaoe mathew Wu Luke Power Bradbury Mcch. Paul Grahan 2 Shawn llnatko Chria Red Jan. 24 3 Whitby Kinsmen 0 4 Whitby Oputims a0 Durham Dodgo Blair Dinsdaeo Standings CF Beckford Service 26 Whidtby Optimiata 27 Speedy Auto 2r7 Durham Dodge 26 Broeklin Cycle 28 Brooklin Coecrete 14 GA W L 21 4 1 253 2 272 2 24 3 3 17 3 3 341 6 Leadig cg GaiSceScu Matthew RBec.Durham Badge I1 David B-a, Whitby Optimista 7 Michael AatalOa, Speedy Auto 10 ICcvin Taylor, Breokln Cycle Il David Bockford, Beckferd Service 6 Lue Chiason, Beckford service 8 Scott Cook. Whitby Optimiata 6 Marc Leblanc, Whitby Optimiata 6 Ryan Rebb, Durham Dodge 1 Mike Kobrynovich, Beckford Set. 4 Stephen llurcaak, Brook. Cycle 6 Michael Demaio, Brook. Concrete 1 Stefan Ilias, Brooklin Cycle 2 MAJOR NOVICE Jan. 23 Sign Imagea 8 Boyan bManle 3 Michael Naccarato 2 Shie. oidman 2 Scott Eyman LenneaDruin Robert Raid 2 Ian Gillea Minequnp Ltd. 4 Seiling Drillera Rebt Walker 2 Mark Orr 2 Robert Muit 2 Daniel Deluca Brendon Kortekaaa CA w 10 3 16 3 19 3 6 2 l6 O 17 0 Goalie Statistioe aR..pJaim. 32 CF Mfatthew Reaa)mw, Sign 5 Christopher FokweI, Lennez 5 Danny Wheatley, Mlnequip 3 Brendan Pool, Mlnequip 2 JeIT Baird, S. Driller.5 Patrick Derrane. Fortune 1 Adamn Hurat, Financisl 1 Steven îIyland, Financlal 1 Ryan Gardiner, Financial 1 Matthew Graham, Financtal 1 1 Julian Owen. Brook. legion 2 ' Greg Johnston. Br. L.egion 3 1 * Matthew Redahaw, 1 ahutout AVO 1.20 3.20 4.00 am5 2.00 2.00 4.00 4.00 1.00 &00 3.50 3.00 M INOR NOVICE Jan. 23 London Li te Jason Conn r3 Sean Kerr er Metthew Aionla Clintarrounida 7 Andrew llcnaon 3 Brett Beckman 2 4 Peulolmbardi Scott Tuckwell Brooklin Legion 2 Adern Thibodeau 1 Nethaniel Andrea Ont. Data Supply 6 LS. Waddington 3 Erik Walchuk Grog Smith Ryan Taylor 7 T &D Steak Robert Eberle 3 Service Mâater 7 Jeremy* Brimble 5 Andrew Berkhouse Derek Wrey Lennoic Druro Seun 1MI12 Brooklin Kinsmen 2 Adam Death BUI liend MAJOR squiiRT Jan. 24 Kinamen 6 Gregory William 3 Jeffrey Freeman Coa llis Jason Gordon Optimiat Shane Sargent Matter Bedrota 4 Grood MBme Lsundi. 6 Andrew Lebel 2 C. Vonesc hol tz2 Aaron McMurray Kyle Branson 2 Devon Dadaît Grahami Knox Andrew Ewart MeTeague Eleetrie 6 David Arnold 3 Brent Chynoweto Kyle Vandero Wayne Turquotte Iome & Rotai Kyle Verwey 2 Scott Mortiason ICevin Mangolt MINOR SQUIIRT Jan. 24 Sign Imagea 6 Steven Seadhouse 3 Bob Scott 3 JamesaDick AW. 9 Liam a Rddoz 3 Brandon Davis 3 Nick Schand 2 Kevi n Lomai Jerrys Dnag Warc.3 Keni llenery 2 James Steigerwald Mitchell Brotheta 4 Ranidy Waltoei 2 Steven Foarton Adam Marahal Whitby Ttophy 1 David Advent Brooklin 1-gion 1 Mathew Edmonda Emily Ileedman PaU'scla Luike 1

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