,Pa~ OrWhIbY re Posa, eclqaNUarWaI2O, 1 Q9 Whitb Iurnament: s fainS l# .UI U U f i u Whitby Lionesa tween Bs rea- ched the final of the Whitby ringette tournament before los- ing 5-1 to Pickering. Whitby began the weekend tournament with an 8-3 win over Kingston. Whitby trailed 3-2 but scored six goals in the second period. Angela Dunn scored flive goals while Janice Foot was excep- tional on defence. In the next gaine, Whitby and Pickering were tied 3-3 when, with only 28 seconds remaining, Whitby was granted a free pass in the Pickering zone. Dunu tokadvantage by firing a low, hard shot past the Picker- ing goalie for a-4-3 Whitby win. Dunn and Brea Blight each scored two goals in the game. Whitby then faced a tough London teain that dominated but couldn't penetrato Whitby's tough defonce and Heather Hurst's strong goaltending. Whitby won 2-1. For the tournament, Dunn had eht goals and four assists, Bllghýt three goals and two ass- 2wins for tweens The Whidtby McCullough Jewellers Ltd. twoen A ringette team had two wins in five gines at the Whitby tournament Jan. 15 to 17. WVhitby won thoir first two Whidtby petite As, sponsored by Bell Canada, finished second in the Whitby ringette tournainent over the weekend. Whitby lest 4-3 in. a hard-fought battie in the final gaine against Pickering. Whitby got excellent goaltending from Heidi Schlitt and good defence fromn Lindsay Freernan, Jennifer Cassidy, Calle Osborne and Karyn Poacocke. The offence consisted of Jessica Willianms, Jennifor Leighton, Jessica Brownridge, Melanie Larocque, Colleen Ackford, Nicole Freeman and Haybey hMillard. Boforo the finals, Whitby lost 4-1 to Pickering, tied Oshawa 7-7, defeatod Nopean 6-2, defeated Gloucester 6-3, and thon defeated Oshawa 9-5 in the semni-finals. garnes which qualified them for the semi-final round, but lest their next three gaines which didn't allow them te compote in the modal round. Ajax was Whiùtby's first opponont in a close 3-2 win for the bomne teain. League rivals Oshawa provided the opposition for the next gaine which resulted in a 4-3 vietory for Whitby. Whitby thon lost 5-3 te Mississauga, 4-1. to eventual champions Gloucester and 6-4 to, Ajax in the senil-final round.. For the tournarnent Jennifer Pennoy had six goals, Ellen Johnson five, Calle Corneal two, and singles going to LUsa Vanderlip and Dani Bloau. Notching two assists each wore Lara Hugel, Stacy Beetham, Melanie Davis, Bleau, Ponney and Vanderlip. Adding single helpors were Johnson and Corneal. Sam Sheppard made inany good saves te keep Whitby conipetitive. Additional team members Sarah Larocque andl Uisa Corcoran comploted the roster. In regular seasen play, a short-staffed Whitby teain put in a strong effort but lost 5-2 te Pickering. Scoring were Bleau and Vanderl.ip with assists going to Davis, Hugel and Bleau. Soccer tryouts The Oshawa Kicks under-iS girls' soccer team je blooking for q ayer. te, attend upcoming vouts. o be eligible, players must have been born between Aug. 1, 1978 and July 31, 1979. For more information, cal Georgje Dunn at 404-0759 or Alan-Dolan at 723-9016. ists, Lindsay Millard three goals and Lorie Barchard a goal and an assiet. Ami Sagan and Ainsley Hunt each h ad two assists, Shannon Perry and Laura Crawford had7 one each. High sehool hockey Sodcr Bwyys Esoudai. 8 0 O 53 23 16 Dunharton 6 0 O 29 8 10 Anderson 4 2 ' 34 24 9 Pickering 4 3 02930 8 Dwyer 4 3 02425 8 Ajax 361 37 47 7 Henry Street 3 3 O 23 28 6 McL*ughln 3 4 0 39 30 6 Donevan 2 31 1721 6 O'Neill 2 4 1 22 31 6 Roberts 0 70 1366 0 Pinerldge 01 0 2 14 0 Pineridge ho@ wthdrawn frori . longue. Ail taon.. with dmi exception of Uxbrndge. play an lnterlocklng achodule wlhh othier regional temmiL High school basketball SENIOR BOYS AAA 'lie Easten Division G W L F A P 074.11 4 4 0 221 134 8 McLughlin 4 4 0 288 176 8 Dwyer 4 3 1 263 180 6 Donovan 6 3 2 283 361 6 BowmanvilUe 4 1 3 199 233 2 Fr.LooAuvtsn 4 1 3 184 284 2 Anderson 5 1 4 264 291 2 Eausta" 4 0 4 133 264 0 Weaken Division Pickering 4 4 0 262 134 8 Dunborton 6 4 1 3Z5 266 8 Aax 2 20 165 67 4 St. Mary% 3 1 2 156 210 2 Heny troot 4 1 3 201 266 2 Denis OConnor 3 0 3 140 210 0 Pine Ridge 3 0 3 84 220 0 AATire Brock 4 4 O 252 161 8 Port Perry 4 3 1 271 147 6 Central 4 3 1 200 192 6 Courie. 3 2 1 177 135 4 Roborts 3 2 1 182 135 4 Uxbridge 4 1 3 137 182 2 Harwood 4 0 4 173 298 0 Pereyma 4 0 4 117 228 0 Teafr&cm Cannlngton, Oshawa, Ajax, Whitby. Pickerng, Bowmanvulle, Courtice and Port Porry play an inter-locking schedule. Whiitby Iroquois swim club NATIONAL RANKINO 0.1.1 to Dm .10, 1992 îî,m iman Allimon Dunlop euh 14th 24th 201h 25th 100Obrouet 200 brasat 200W 400 lm Lima Del Mastro 81h 200fr.. 8tls 400fr&e 4th 800 fr.. 6ih 100 bock 6tb 200 bock Lindsay Crowdor 7th 100 Dy Robyn McCuUoch 2Mt 200 bock (29.02) (1:2228) (3.01.76) (239.78) (.46.97) (29.61) =22.10) (4:51.71) <10:.31) <1:11:17) <2:33.42) (1:12.40) (240.62) 4 x Som 0 edy îelmy Del Madtro.L. Ciwdor. Dunlop, MeCUlloch, & LO SOi (216.68) 4 x SM0mrway ardi 13114 0GIRLS Ashlalgh Crawder Sth 100 back 2nd 200 bock 13114 BOYS Erik Van Dljk 9th 14th (2.00.50) (1:0.45 (2.2D.96) 100 brcoat (l:1O.9M 200 breast (2:35.31) 15117 GU"l Kathoyn Mcflurney lIth 50 fr.. 131h 100fr.. l6th 100 Dy (27.56M (59.42) (1:06.17) Jenniror Crowder 2lat 100 brausa (1:16,65) 4 x 50m nimao ewlsy A. Crowder, McBurn.y. I. Ayotta, J. Crowder 20th ( 210.41) 8th M1.72) MMRHM INV1ATIONAL MEET 10/UNDER BOYS Matthew Dol Matr 4th 400 froc 6th 50 brasai 6th ESback,l100 braut 11132IRnS Lima Dol Maffre 2nd 3rd 4th Sth Allason Dunlop 2nd 3rd 4th 6th Robyn McCulloch 4th 6th 6th SarabLo 4th 6th 6th Jacynthe LaBfea 4th W0 bock, 200 froc 200 fy, 100 back m0 Dly, 80.100 fra 200 IM 20028.50W .y 50 bock W0 brasai. 200 brasai 200 fre 200bsck 200 bruet 60 bock, 400 fr00. 100Dy . 100 bock 100 brueti BD brueai 100 brout 300u.deyrelay lai MaMsurLaBoUeýMcCulloch, Dunlop 32w &re uay 2nd McCufloch, Arnott , .Loffle Nathan KIor 18/14 GIRLS Lndy Crowdeir Ashlelgh Crowder 3rd 6011Dy 4th 50 bock Sth 100fr&M th BD froc, 100 bock Gth m Dy> 2nd W0 bock 2W0 nîcdy aelsy rd A. Crowd.r, Dunlop, L. Crowder, Kelly Robins 2W fresuMay Ird A. Crowder, Dol Maitrc L Crowder, Robins Asie L0 li/OVER GU"5 Janifer Crowder 2nd 3rd 4th ath Bi.Ayotte Ird 6th 6th 50 fly, W bock 200 E ly BDfr.., 100 fly 100 bock 50 brSsai. 200 bock 200 Ili, 100 bock, 200 bre"a 100 brasa 0 back 50 brasa 100 breaut 200 brasa 200 Me ray Ird Amanda, Brimble, J. Crowder, Ayotte. Tracy Amnot 200 b"e rsib" Srd Amaunda Bnimblo. J. Cnowder, Ayotte, Tracy Arnoat MINOR HOCKEY A ss 0c 8AÀt10fiN WANTED REPU DIRECTOR B.W.M.H.A. "A" teams Director for the remainder of the 1992/93 season. For job dscriptlon, please contact Larry ýDancey - 728-0550 or Terry Wtruk - 666-3944 &IS - HOncK1AyeYf NOTICE: B.W.M.H.A. ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING Date: Sunday, March 11h, 1993 Timo: 2-4 p.m. Place: Whitny Hall - Iroquos Park Complex **Any proposod changes to the constitution or bylaws must be recelveci In wrtng 30 days prior to the meetlnQ. mail to be sent to Box 385, Whitby, Ontarlo, Li N 5S4 Attention: Secretary. SKYOM EM :; . .UNSHOTROD i MOTORSPORT INTERNATIONAL -~ $ Friday - Saturday ~5i~~2L ~. January 29 &30 TICKETS ON SALE NOW Skydome Box Office and alile Locations To Charge B>' Phone: 870-8000