Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Free Press, 13 Jan 1993, p. 28

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Pige 28.WIÎ1II Fr.. ProseWednesday. Januay 13, 1993 V ARMENTI JAARTMNTSIV ARICLE ART pS '<FOR flN? [~o~ FOR U4.......SLE.__ ROOM WITH PRIVATE balhroomn & kitchen. Own entrance. Older persan preferred. $Mo0/ manth . FIrst & last. 655-3012. BROOKUN - LARGE ROOM. Close toalal amenities. AIl inclusive. Available novi. 655-5539; FURNISI'ED ROOM for reni, $80/wekily. Share bathroam & kitchen. Student or worker preferred. Walk ta ail amrenities. Call 666-3776 after 6 p.m. BON VOYAGE MOTEL - ton minutes from Whitby, between BrookllnlPort Perry on Hwy. 12. Rooms avaiable for rent. Low wekly raies. Caîl 655-5308. 401 &HARMONY -1-bedroom basement apt. Privais entrance, centrai air. Includes ulîilles & cable. No pets. Non-smoker preferred, First & last. $525. Avail- able Feb. t beave message at 432-2150. TWO-BEDROOM ,APT. in bungalow er 401 & GO. Available March t Hydro, cable, curtains & dishwasher included.. $700 + 112 heat. First & lasi. References. 430-1746. CENTRAL WHITBY: Smail, quiet building, broadloomn throughoul. Applancos, lnc. dishwasher, Covýered parking. Large 3- bodroom, $795/month, avaliable naw. Vory large 2-bedroom, $750/ month, available March 't 668-4843. WHITBY - SHARE spoius new home wllh ans 'or twoworking pIspl. AIl included. Non-smoker. S66-8590.ý TOWNHOUSE, three-bedroom. immaculas. Privais garage & yard. Wak ta GO station & rec centre. $950/month. Cail 839-2887. WHITBY, 3+ BEDROOMS. Pnivate front and backyard. Broadioom. $800 + 23ulxirilies. To p floor of bungaiow. Move beors Christmas. Rent stars Jan. tL No pets. References. (Whflby) 430-7298i. (Toronto) 337-3455. RETAIL SPACE FOR LEASE: 1%50 sq. ft. Main sirset location. downtown Whitby. Crealive rentai arrangements. 6W-1468 9a.ito 5 p.. WHITBY - 1-bedroom basement aparimont & don, 4-uc. bath. Includos laundry, cablea parking. $475/morth + hal hydro. 430-3072. AJAX - NEW BASEMENT apt. over 1,00 sq. ft. for rent on Feb. t Close to GO & shopping. 1-bedroom, wfth walk-in closet. Ful kitchen wflh pantry. Famlly room, storage space, full bath, access to laundry, hait of driveway, security system. WeilIRi. $750/mont h. utilfies lncluded. Susan, ai 619-1067. m !1 !!eIl 1 1 1!11I M! 5! M Apartments Townhouses avallable In four locatIons Dean Ave., Bloor St., Wentworlh St. (Oshawa) &Currberand Lane (Ajax) - New or newly upgraded - Close ta, amenities *Opportunity to rent-ta-own, or ta receive a f ree mlcrowave BROOKUN: 1-. & 3-BEDROON apartmsnts. Close ta ail amonities. Available for Fob. 1. 1993. Cali 655-5539. BASEMENT APT. FOR RENT lni family_ home, West Whtby. Suitablo for working mersn. Non-smoker. Share Ianry & kitchen. First & last. Reference rsquired. $400/monthly. Cail aftsr 5:30 p.m. 668-9780. BROOKUN - 1- & 2-bedroom api. ai different locations. Fridge, stove, parking. Hydro extra. Large, newVy decorated. Close to ail' services. Reasonable rates. (Days) 655-4544, (evenings) 655-8989. 3-BEDROOM APT. & DEN, main floor of bungalow. No pets. Near primary school, Whitby & GO buses. $850 range + utilities. 430-7298, Whitby; voice mail Toronto, 416-337-3455. REPOSSESSED power of sale properties available now in, Oshawa from under, $80,000. Financing available. CaeN Carol Ross, Sales Represenlative, Guide Realty Ltd., 723-5281 or 723-6610. .O.BAL....FO..A . FOR SALE, 3 ARMOHAIRS, 1 mnetal bed frame with casiers. 2 Wail ighlt ixtures, and ans ail painting. 668-9692. RENT OR BUY USED wedding gowýn, vouls, crinolines, wsdding Initations and accossries. 427-3988. COMPUTER FOR SALE - IBM PIS 2, VGA, 1 meg. ram, 60 meg. hard disk, mouse, loads of programs: Windows, Pagemaker, MicroSoft Word. Ca (416) 666-928t DINING ROOM SET, wainut colour. Table & 6 chairs and china cabinet. $400. Vsry good condition. 668-7822. BABY SUNGS. The most versaiile baby carrierl Fits nswbom ta 30 lbs.Variety of positions. Comfartabls, nurse discrsetly any- whsrs. 430-8987. COMPUTER - 286 100% IBMY compatible, math co-procossr, 1 MB RAM, 40 MB hard drive. 12 & 1.44 floppies. VGA colour. Desk. $875. 723-287. z Bathroom8 KItdhens *Custom tim oDeckci- Gazebos *Addtons, etc. Authorlzed Servlcentre For Most Major Brand VCR's " Camcorders - TV's " VCR's - Stands and " Mtcrowaves Accessories Snce11982 Vv.oeI 723-4373 SHOWROM 1300 King St. E, Oshawa SHARP 8-TRACK RECORDER. A -1 condition. Dual metere & plugs for mikes. Great for amateur rscordings. Includes blank tapes. Only $45. 430-2075. WASHING MACHINE. Kenmors heavy duly, 2-speed, 5 programs, 5 walsr levels & temperatures. White. Good worl[hg order. Asking $175. 655-5480. MARSHALL JCM 800 LEAD series amp lifier, head, & cabinet, asking $9>00. Charvel, Jackson model #2 gtar, custom case, $350. Must seli. Cal Mike, 1-416-697-1536. Leave message. GENUINE 314-LENGTH silver fox jacket, sizo 12. Excellent condition. $300. Cali 430-7608. IND ISPOSABLES cloth diapers, Inserts & ruÈbser pants. 11ke new. (Up ta 20 lbs.) 430-7289. CHESTERFIELD SUITES, love- seas, sectionals, Iess than haif prc.Lar ge seleclion. MoKeen Fuiture, 524 Simcas >St. S., Oshawa. Phono 725-5181 Sewing Machine Repairs A#l abkes Comploe Tuno-up $39.95 Reconditioned Sewing Machines frm $59.00 in TOPUNE SEW1NG CENTRE 571-1385 i400 Kl(ng St. W. Oshawa HUNDREDS 0F MO VIES for sais at $14.95 or less. We have children's, drama, comedy, horror & scl fi. For lnventoty list, pîease send SA.SE. to 17 Mowat Cri., Whitby, Ont., LiN 8H2. MATTRESSES and box sprlngs i hait prico. McKeen Furniturs. 524 Simca. St. S, Oshawa. Phone 725-5181 HAND-H4ELD COMPUTER - Atari Portfolio. Fits in your pocet & makes a groat organizerî Buili- In programs Includeë: DIary, Dalabase, Texi Editor, Lotus comppatible spreadshseti program- mable calculator, etc. Cames wth seriai prit interface, A/C adapor & 641<memory card. Like new. Asklng $200. Cali 430-1051, leave M ess . CROSS CANADA MARKETPLACE UT'S FAST - TS EASYI ONE CALL, ONE BULL DOES UT ALI. CAREER TRAINING LEARN AUCTIONEERING ai the Southwestern School of AuctIoneering. Next Ciass: March 13 - 19. Information, contact: Southwestemn Ontario Schooî of AuctioneerIng. R.R. 05, Woodstock. Ontario, N4S 7V9 (519) 537-2115. MAKE MONEY PREPARUNG INCOME TAX returns. Crtifcate course. Free brochure. Write: Jacks Institute, Box 52028 - 2 Alpine Avenue, Winnipeg, Manitoba R2M 5P9. Cali (204) 255- 1550; Fax (204) 254-6172. TRUCK DRUVER TRAINING AZ and DZ courses. Also air brake, dangerous goods. defonsive drlving, log book and border crossing. Rodgers Schooî. Ontalos oldost. Cali 1-800-668-0031. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES NEW VEAR, NEW B00K. Imagine your customers purchasIng 20 CURRENT CDs, cassettes, AM/FM Roceiver, Vldeo Rewindor, +Prepaid Airfare for ONLY $19.98 lnvestment $995.00 1-800-263- 1900 FMVC. HAVE VOUR OWN BUSINESS SELLING exercisewoar part time. Fitness contacts an asset. Gonerous profits. No Investment. Canadian-made. Free details. Fineinos 2768 Dufferin. Toronto M6B 3R7. B3USINESS SERVICES GOVERNMENT GRANTS, LOANS & assistance programs (Fedoral & Provincial) for your now or existing business. Information: (514) 937-2422 ext. 98. YOU CAN ACHIEVE "TOTAL SUCCESS" with your own business. No oxporlonce necessary. Write for FREE INFORMATION. H. Smith PublishIng. Box 99, Dungannon, Ontaro NOM 1RO. REAL ESTATE GOT A CAMPGROUND membership or timoshare? WeUUl take Itl America's largest resale cloaringhouse. Cali Resort Sales International. 1-800-423-5967 (24 hours). WE PROVIDE EXCELLENT ADMINUSTRATUON, sold backup and superUor payouts for ndependent pianners who seiU mutuaU funds and reiated producîs. Bilan C. Hurtburt, C.A. (416) 225-870l.. MU lC LESSONS LEARN THE SECRETS 0F CHORDUNG ON GUITAR. New home study course. Fast, easy method. Guaranteedl FREE Information. Write: Popular MusIc. Studio (2G), 103-1054 Ellis. Keiowna, B.C. VlY iZi 1-800-667-0050 Extension 770. STEEL BUILDINGS BEST BUILDING PRICES - Steel Straitwaii Type - not quonset - 32x54 $7,344; 40x72 $10.276; 50x90 $15.882; 60x126 $22.972 - other sizes avaliable - Final year-end clearance - Paraoon - 24 Hours 1-800-263-8499. BUILDINGS - ROCK-BOTTOM PRUCES. Ontario Manufacturer Direct. Stralght- sided and utilty modeis. Example - 14x20 $1,689.00, 40x6O $6,363.0O.Order for spring and save. Pinpeer Steel 1 -800-668-5422. BUILDINGS FOR SALE fromn a trusted namne FUTURE STEEL BUILDINGS. To serve you botter, we bave moved to a larger factory. 'Seliebrate wlth us.* Factory-direct prices on Quonsets & S. Modeis. Cati 1-800-668-8653. NOTICES NOT CARVED UN STONE: Public funding of separate schoois. 75-page book expiains the arguments, suggests action. For your copy, cali 1-800-465- 6072. PERSONALS WOULD YOU LUKE to correspond wlth unattached Christian people across Canada for companlonship or marulage? Ashgrove. P.O. Box 205, Chase, B.C.. VOE 1 MO. Your ad could appear ln communlty newspapers ln Ontario, or rigbt across Canada. or any Individual province. Space ls LImltd, so Cal This Nowspapr Todayî i To reach a wid.r matrne: advrfise hroughotat h. egional momb&rshp of h. Onwaro and Canadian Communa> ewppu'Ascitn Contrai Otaria 55 nowsoaoers - $160 tr 25words -A Otno11newsars -$30 Or 5wof For furiher InformatIon please ailI the Whîtby Free Presa Classfleda - 668-0594 89~94~ ~#~Qffl~ ~Iours; M~44a~têJ The MutuM Group HERBTRAN call for quotafiorf 725-6564 RRIFs - ANNUITIES GICs - RRSPS Derek Dutka Specializing in tax & retirement planning since 1986 CALL 434-6119 FOR AN APPOINTMENT. ý- Fînanclai "«-Côncept ------ - ------

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