Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Free Press, 13 Jan 1993, p. 23

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- . %t ,- C , % 1I Whllby Fee Prou.. Wechiosday, January 13, 103% Page 23 Juniors fait to rivais in goid miedai final Brooklin-Wlitby's junior B MMgtt team, sponmuoed by MdsMuffler won the ilver moda in tihe Port Perry teinameni ve h weed. Whitby play.d extremely wel but agami could not beat their rivais >froen jax ithe gold modal gaie. The. tournanient startod with a gane ainst the. hast Port Perry tea. FrtPerry came out stronig, with Whitby ahead only 2-O at half.time. Whitby'is superior strength showed i the second period as they skated to an 8-2 win on three-goel performances by Amanda Wiieelans and Kim The s9iecond game, againat a squad fi=m iàndsay, was a real barn-burner. Scoring came early and often, with Whitby holding a 2-1 edge thre. minutes into the gaine. One minute into the second pe riod, the. score was 4-4 when Vand.rlip scored once and Kristine Johnson twice te give Whitby a lead. Thi ea"ni stayed ahead for the rest of the gaine, finishing with a 9-7 atm. isfneSoper scored The Whitby McCullough Jewellers tween A ringette teain had twowinsminthe. Port Perry tournement Jan. 9. Ail teams competing were reguler league toams, resulting i more close, fiist-paced gaines. Whitby compiled a record of two wins and on. base, good enough te put them in a three-way die for first place. But due te, the tournement's p lus-minus scoring rules, it beft WVhitby one goal short of quali1fing for the. championship gaine. Whitby's first encounter was agenat Pïckerng who handed Whitby their only bos by a3-1 score. Whitby then d.feated Oshawa 5-4. Ini that gaine, Whitby played me of its best teain ringette of the season. Tournament hast Port Perry was thi. victini of Whitby's next win, 4-3, in a well-played contest. Samn Sheppard came up with her usual strong gaine in goal making difficuit saves, especially against the. hard-shooting Port Perry teain. Tournament goel-scoring was led by Melanie Davis with three. Notchingr two each were petite A call-up Hayley Millerd and Dani Singles came fron the. sticks of Uisa Corcoran, Ellen Johnson and Lara Hugel. Johnson had three assiste, and adding two each were Davis, Corcoran and Hugel. Single helpers went te Millerd, Bleau, Sarah Larocque and Callie Corneal. Usa Vanderlip put in a strong defensive effort. The next action for Whitby wil b. i the Whitby tournament this weekend. three goals in a strang effort. 'Nxi eir final rudrW gaine. Altheugh Johnson scored quickly, just over one minute inte thiegame, Whitby could net iiold the. strongAjax squad, bo1ng4-2. In the final on Sunday, Ajax went up 3-0 three minutes inte the. gaine but Wbitby settled down quickly and battled beck te malk e game 3-2 on strong efforts by every girl on thi. ice. Wihitby Pringle Cre.k IGA bunnies #2 remain undefeated after 14 ingette gaines tuis season. Wbhitby bas won ail 14 gaines. Tii. pat tiire. regular season gaines have seen Whxtby poat 8-2, 12-1 12-1 'victeies over Markham, Ajax and Oshawa, respectively. Coaches Steven Abel and Joanne Gray-EUlis teok tuis record te an exhibition Bunnies Day teurnament on the w.ekend ini Cainbridg. I two gaes Whtby put on an impressive display of power, def.ating London 8-0 and the, home teain Cambridge 12-O. Snipers in this scoring f.ast Bunnies play it for fun nhe annual Cambridge ringette tournainent Jan. 8 to, 10 proved te b. an excellent experience for the. fi rst-year players on Brooklin-Wliitby bunnies 1, sponsored by Home and Rural Appliances. Ail teains in the bunny division played just two gaines -- strictly for fun -- and every participant received a medallion. Whidtby drew teains fromn London and Guelph and it was soon clear that Wliitby was in a class of its own. So Wiiitby placed ite less experienced players on offence. Kelly Cloutier, Susie Crabb and Jessica Teniplemen eacii scored for the. first turne. The only tearn members left out of the. action were tii. golies. Witiiout a singlie siiot on net in either gain., they had no chance te hone tii.ir ekille. A regular séason gane, aise played over tiie weekend, was anotiier easy victory. Bunnies 1 bested Oshawa 1 by a score of 15-7. Jennah Cheesman got iier firet goal. Otiier scorers were Rachael Jimmo with six points, Enin Mclntosii five pointa and Shauna Heiner three points. Ajax flnished the. scoing with WhitWys goaltender on the. bench for an extra attacker. Withy's goaltending vas superbly iiandled bySamn Sheppard and Wiieelans. Scoring durung the.teurnament were Vanderlip with six goals and two assista; Wheelans, four unsl and two assista; Tamara' Viol.k, four goals and thre. a" ist,- Soper and Johnson, each with tir., goals and one assist; were Karen McWilliams (21 goals) Kailoy Miller (seven goals and tour assiste) Joanna Tells (three goals anâ five assista), Kelly Mattiiews (three goals, three assista) Ker rly Smsn (five goals), kathiryn Pratt (tre goals, two assista), Uàndsey Giordano (two goals, on. assist), Laura Grey-Ellis (two goals, on.ea"eit), Mykala Abel (a goal, an assist), Con.e Horwood (togoals, two assisté), Tracey Kotorba (on. assist) and Sara Rossall (one assist). Sharing the goaltending were Giordano (shutout), Matthews (shutout), Rossali, Eleine St. Onge and Miller. Whitby faces a te gh upcoming contest this weekendt whn they face Whitby's bunnies #1. Erica Giles, on.eoa and on. ast; Megan Neely, Jean Templ nan and Anne Henderson each witii two assit; Jen Cotton, Erin Carrol and Tanva Ciumpeau, oaci with on. assist. I 'A~ ~ \~\ \ mhe Wbitby novice #1 ringette teain was runner-up in thei.fial of tiie Port Perry teurnament over tii. weekend. Tii. te=,1 sponsored by the. Brookil Leg*on Ladies Auiliary Brancii, defeated Port P.rry4, Oshawa 11-7, Whitby #2 8-1 te meet Port Perry egein on the. final on Sunday. mhe firatgan of the series was played on Thday againat Port Ferry. mhe gaine was tied 3-3 in an end-to-end ciif-hanger, until Whitby scored the. winning goal witii only two seconds left in rulrturne te end tii. gaine 4-3 for Whtby. The f.ilowingtwo gaines saw Whitby skate confortably te victories. m.e final saw Whitby meet Port Perry again in another exciting gae. Port Perry iield on te 2-1 Vead througiiout most of the second period under constant pressure from the Whitby forward WVhitby tied tiie gaine 2-2 witii only 28 seconds of- reguler time left te tae .tii. gain. inte sudd.n-death overtime, whicii Port Perry eventually woýn 3-2. There was a fine performance by goaltender Tracy McGillis, conceding only 13 goals duringi tii. entre three day event. Goals duning the. tournainent were scored by Michelle Leni Nicole Clarke, Knisty Kotara Rachel Stewart, Katie Boys, Kryrstle Krasnaj, Joanne Boys, Caitie Osborne, and Katie MacDonald. Goal scorers were assisted by Maur.en Brehai, Ashleigi Hughes and Kathryn Perry. Bunnies make itl14in arow MINOR HOCKEY WANTED REP. DIRECTOR B.W.M.H.A. "A" toamrs Director for the remaindor of the 1992/93 soason. For job discription, please contact Larry Dancey - 728-0550 or Terry Wltruk - 666-3944 MINOU HOCKEY As 0c 'Alto"N NOTICE: B.W.M.H.A. ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING Date: Sunday, March 7th, 199 Time: 2-4 p.m. Place: Whitney Hall - lroquois Park Complex *"Any proposed changes to the constitution or bylaws must be received ln wnting 30 days pnror to the meeting. Mali ta be sent ta Box 385, Whtby, Ontario, Ll N 5S4 Attention: Secretary. MINOU HOCKEY B.W.M.H.A. COACHING APPLICATIONS REPRESENTATIVE TEAMS Coaching applications for 1993/94 season may be obtained at Crawf's Sports, Iroquois Complex, Whitby, Ontario. Deadline: February l5th, 1993 For f urther Information, please contact: Larry Danoey - 728-0550, Terry Wltruk - 666-3944, Stu Currie - 668-2320----1 VAN HEMMEN TIRES & SALES 317 Hopkins St. Whitby 666-2121 L,*/e carry lhe largest in vcr.lori oh'rghl truck Pres tn tho arv3 Mlon Thesý8rvO 5310,FriACIV 5ÛVI Salý 8CO 210 1

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