Pffl 6. WlIby Fme Presa, Wocedmy. Jmuary 61993 The only Whîtby Newspaper owned and operateci by Whitby residents for Whitby residents! Published every Wednesday by 677209 Ontario Imc. at 131 Brock St. N, Whitby, Ontario Il N 5S1 Phone 668-6111 Toronto Line 427-1834 Doug Andersori - Publisher Maurice Pither - Editor Aexandra Martin - Production Manager 2nd Class Postal Registration #05351 What was; what could be By Michael Wycks Whewl 1992 was one tough year for Canadians. The Blue Jays sang loudly in October but the rest of the year was fa cause for celebration. The persistent, nagging roality of recession hovers liko a rain-fillIed cloud and the paln and suffering le amply spread around. However, as w. say goodbye to 1992 and hello to 193, l's important f0 rot Iect nof only on what was, but what could bu. A wise maxim bears repeating: we should ail bu concerned about the future because we will have to spend the rest of our lives there. What was: anothor tough year as tho economy continued ta sptebankruptcies ballpned an nmployment kepfrisinô What could bo: Canadas economy gathers momentum, expands, strengfhens and croates jobs as we turn the corner to recovery. Whaf was: the constitutional agreement was rejected in a referendumn by a majority of Canadians for a varief y of legitimate reasonsI. What could bu: a federai election is hold in the fall of 1993 with Canadiens f urning ouf f0 vote Mam*streamj LCanada in record numbers, givin!g democracy renewed vigour in Canada. What was: the spiralling federal dot icit and soaring provincial dot iths persist. as governments continued fg9 bse control of their fiscal levers. Whag could be: a pick-up in the economy combined with govern- ment spending resfraint, 10w interest rates and a 10w dollar, allows revenues to rise, expenditures to fait and debt levels to stabilize. Whaf was: a span of 10w morale when many people feul on hard times; when Canadians began questioning themselves, each other. and the direction in which the country was headed. What coutd be: a period of hope and optimism for the future where Canadians work together t0 forge a sfrong, successful and dynarnic nation. What was and will be: season's greetings and best wishes f0 al Canadians for a prosperous 1993. To the edior 'Disappointed' by year-end report To the Editor: The overali. tone of Ross Stevonson's Parliamonfery report, 'Job prospects brighter in '93,' FrePress, Dec. 30, 1992)> which 1 presumne was penned by a funcfionary who has nover set foot in the riding, was vague and lackod a local perspective. Please teol us how ftho Finance Minister's economic statement will affect ftho local oconomny? Will Mr. Stevenson se. to If f hat smaill business sfartups are encouraged by his personal leadership in the ridlho ensure his local office, In concert wif h Rene Sootens' constituoncy staff, develops a smail business resorce centre f0 oducate entrepreneurs and investors f0 ftho benef ifs 0f invesfing in small business? Or, rather, wiIl they continue f0 dispense the empfy rhetoric of uno megic formula' or uno quick tlixesu or "the f inanciai strait-jacketu to dampon expectations of leadership from the federal govemment? 1 amn disappoinfed by the' quality of the year-end report that was produced by a representative of one of the wealthiest federel governments in the world. 1 suppose during an olection year, our local MPs wil continue to hope for the best rat her then bu our best hope for leadership In a very complex and unforgiving economic environment. Jo.oph Butoon Whitby The Whitby Free Press welooemes letters to the editor on any subjeot of concemn to our readers. Letters should be bnief and to the point - rarely more than 300 words. Ail letters must be accompanied by the name, adciress and telephone number of the writer; however, on request, your name may be withheld from publication if we agree that there is a valid reason. The paper reserves the night to reject or edit ailetters. Send to: The Editor, Whitby Free Press, Box 206, Whitby, Ont. Li N 5S1, or drop through our mail siot at 131 Brock St N. S..........,.... .... .. .... EDITOR Meranda Waters holds copes of Hawk Talk, Henry Street High School's first nesapr, ln November. P o~by MonatIh. FWq H~ySuootHS..oe.op student ED CROUCH, Whtby's first full-Uime fire chief, retired JuIy 3 atter almost 23 years of servce. Ptia by 11.1< R«, WNtby Fr.. Pros . 1