A.U. . . .C . . . .8. .T.S 1979 CHRYSLER NEW YORKER, Ioade. Leather intorior, sunroof. New brakes. RêbUlI transmission. $%,50 ob.o. 666-5316. '83 VOLKSWAGEN IIETTA 5- speed. Sunroof. Very good condition. Must soul. $2,300. 666-5197. 188 GU VANDURA 1500. Certified, excellent condition. New tires, new brakes. Must slli. $6,900. 666-5197. " We have bease take-overs repossessions) " Lease to own any make or moôdel 'Ceshfor trade -.Call now forflm quotas LEASEGUIDE AUTO LEASING d436-9837 - Jeff PROFESSIONAL PARALEGAL SERVICES LET US SOLVE YOUR LEGAL PROBLEMS: " Civil & Criminal Law " Divorce/Custody/Support *Landord & Tenant *Immigration *Trafflo Tickets *SmaII Claimsl Debt Recovery *Mortgage Reterraîs *Legal Aid Oerls. Accepted Tel: 1 (416) 721-2770 TEAN- OBEDIENCE. Next classesfor puppy. & novice start Jan. 25 &30. vening & Saturdays avaim>e. SmalI classesguaran- teed. For Information oel 430-0025. TO GRANDPARENTS Paul and Doreen on December 18, 1992, a g randdaughter,,Brittany., a siser or Dyan-; rud parents Kate and Julian Marshall-wharton, et FMount Sinai Hospital, Toronto. Deo Gratias. I LOSTI "GINGER" Family Pet Ginger & White 924 BROCK ST. N., WHITBYI or Phono 668-5541 ESTATE AUCTION SALE ANTIQUES, COLLEOTIBLES & HOUSEI-OLD EFFECTS SUNDAY JAN. 10, 12 NOON VIEWING 10:30 A.M. ORONO TOWN HALL, MAIN ST. ORONO Auction includes the househoîd articles f rom a local estato plus numorous inclusions. Partial list includes 'walnut .drop-loaf table, buffet, sevoral dressers & chosts of drawers, hall seat (needs repair) secrotazy dosk, piano stoo. press-back rockers, old pictures & f raes, mise. chairs, floqr modol rio, Easlake table, plus many more qu Riy pcs. ef furniture. Also freezer, steve, washor, dryor, mroaeand a seIecion of glass &china, etc. AIso imited edition prînts ateman & Simpson) & decorative prints. This auctien Meatures the articles that you'd expect te f lad in & around an eIder home, with many treasures stilI to be urpacked. (Next miction Jan. 24) MacGREGOR AUCTIONS MIKE MacGREGOR 416-987-5402 JUNIOR WEST 416-983-5556 MORTGAGE LOANS - st & ris tn 95%C of value. Ail orooQitv types, prime rates. Quick servce Mnd approvais. Cali CityCan Financiai Crporation, 571-2880 Oshawa, 662936 Pickering. PRIVATE MORTGAGES - the place to go when your bank says "NO." Serving Whitby sinco 1973. 668-7200. ANUBIS INVESTMENTS. ERROL'S APPUANCE REPAIR Washers, dryers, fridges, stovos, mictowaves, etc. Used appliances purchased. Major credit cards Moete.tnday to Saturday, RAINBOW APPUANCE Servcs. Repairs to: washers dryers, stoves and dishwashors. Good, reliable services. Ail makes and modols 683-8519 or 430-7382. LADY WITH STORE CARD in cashier's lino-up. Dec. 24 pan.: Would you liko te cail man who was wearing dark glasses? Bob, 655-4783. PERSONAL LOANS tram $1.00 and up for a% purposo. Quick approvals. 436-8104. MAAIS BELIEVE: Love is heaven's kidlyight, the Holy Spirit's eternal broath that vivifiet h the human seul. For information and discussion, cail 668- 8665. ADVISOR Joan Monday to Frlday 9 am. o MWbyFmeePresa VM. WcsaJanua 6, 19M. Pffl 27 Bfrd feeder tour Sunday A tour of the bird feeder trail at Lynde Shores Conservation Area in Wbitby wili ha held on Sunday, Jan. 10 Begi'nnig at 2 p.m., Central Lake Ontario Conservation Authority staff will conduct the tour that includes opportunities te see different species cf birds. Bird seed will ha previded te feed the chickadees. DREEN to, meet on Jan. 12 The Durham Region Empb1y ment equity Network (DREEN)% will moot on Tuesday, Jan. 12, 11:45 a.m. te 2 pamn, at the Holiday Inn in Oshawa. T'he network la for Durham Region resource professionals and employment oquity practi- tioners. Tickets for the luncheon meet- injq are $20. To regfister, cal Elizabeth McArthur at 721-2000 (ext. 409). EEE~-OBITUARIES- WILM BIIADLEY William Lorne Bradley, a life- long resident of. Whitby, died on December 16, 1992 at Oshawa General Hospital. Ho was 78. Ho was bora on January 18, 1914 in Whitby, son of William and Edith (Mayne) Bradley_ Ho was a General Mvotoe employee before retiming, and was a member of the Oddfellows. Ho is survived by his wife Alice, daughter Lorna (and hem husband Warren Thaxter), daughter Donna (and her hua- band Randy Coppins) and son Neil (and iea wife Leona), grand- cidmen Sherry (and her hus- band Darren Smith), Steven, David and Corrina, brothers Art (and his wife Rita), Allen (and hie wife Dorethy) and Roy. Ho was predeceased by his brothers Russell and Luther. The funeral service was held from the W.C. Town Funemal Chapel on Friday, December 18, 1992 Internent at Mount Lawn cemetery. GLADYS GRAHAM Gladys Winnifred Grahanm died in Oshawa on December 15, 1992. She was 76. She was bora in Broeklin on March 16, 1916, daughter cf Eugeno Hezalda and Winnifred Vitoia MeBrien) Wilson. She married Milton R. Graham on November 30, 1935 in Osh- awa. Sho lived in Oshawa and Ajax hafore residing in Whitby fron 1959 te 1991. She was a member cf the Rébecca lodigo in Whitby and Ajax. She is survivod by daugters Donna Bontley cf Ajax, Margae MacDonald of Suo, Candace Lee of Oshawa and o onc Scugog, si4ers Ruth McMullan of Oshawa and Dorothy Allan of Newcastle, oight grandchildren and one great-grianddaughter. She was predecoasedi by ber husband ta April, 1992. The funerai service was held from the W.C. Town Funeral Chapel on December 17, 1992, Rev. Jeannette Miller cf St. MarkWs United Church conduct- ing. Internent at Mount Lawn cemeterT. MYRTLE MCLEOD Myrtle A McLeed died at Fair- view Lodge, Whitbyon December 24 1992. She was 85. üewas born in Renfrew, Ont. on Octoer 13, 1907, daughter cf Isaac and Sarah (Barstead) Stokes. She married Allan G. McLeod on Octeber 6, 1928 ta Whitby. A nurse before ah. retired, Mrs. McLeod lived ta Whitby for 67 yeara and was a menhar cf St . Andrew'a Presbyterian Church. She la survived by daughter Marion McLeod grandchildren Susan Andres, llan Ireland and KimHogarth, and six great- She was predeceased b y hem husband and two daughtems, Norma Ireland and Fay Hogarth. The fanerai service was held frein the W.C. Town Funeral Chapel on December 28, 1992, Rev. J. McClure conducttag. Internent at St. John's oemetery ta Port Whltby. MIELVINTOFFAN Melvin Toffan cf Oshawa dîed on Dcemer 0199 at f-fOshawa Georg and Katie (Ostoffichuk) Tofan. A Whitby resident for 60 years before living in Oshawa for the past two years Mr. Toffan wor- ked at Whitby Psychiatric Hospi- tai before retiring. Ho was a member cf Whitby Baptist Church and the Roal Canadian Legien Branch 112 (Whitby). Ho is survived b y sons Ken (and his wffe Sylvia) cf Kendal, Wayne (and ia wife Coloen) of Kenidal, George of Ajax and Robert Taylor of Northbrook, and sister Mary Green of Whitby. Ho was predeceased by i wife Helen Alice (Sarlea) and ia sister Anne Sawdon. The funeral service was held from the W.C. Town Funeral Chapel t Whitby on January4 19,ev. Henry Dyck conduct- mtremation at Thomton ceme- tory, interment at Union cerne- tery. FROM PAGE 24 being renovated te house the akilleainingcentre which la scheduled te open in âeptember, 1993. Colle e president Gary Polonsky's counting on 400 stu;. dents attendinj the satellite campu on any given day. Ho estimated 175 workors would boe employed renovating the former candyr factory, with another 100 ongoing jobs, mostly faculty, te ho increaaed te, 125 "in the short te middle torm.» NEW FRENCH TBUSEE Genoral Motors werker Marc Lapointe was appoited as trus- tee of the French language sec- tien of the Durhamx Board of Educatien in Octobor. Lapointe, who ran unsucceas- fully for a trustee position ini the November, 1991 election, repla- ced Ginette McCann, who resig- ned. Ho represenýts French language ratepayera in Ajax, Pickering and Uxbridge. RRSPstrategy FROM PAGE 17 adding te, an a]ready heavy emotional and financial burden. For moat taxpayoers, risking Your RRSP conrbution with the intent of catching up later is exactly that -- a isk. And if yeu make a practice of delaying that annual ritual, it could ha difficult te break the habit and make up for loat time. Moneycare is geneirol fiancWa aduice by Canazda's chartered accoeuntants. Joanne Poo&%ey ta consulttant witI& ewitt Asociâtes. In he 90saxnstindRustis aemeok fotr ay tg oLbcîn mor eviofentariy ondDurh ecyfgpCenrs.iduri no eexception(E ) n ice-igvjterdoto Asaprfssoa gopte ein n pitcommunity is fae Ihthre'9soindsiesaey of miniig iforiat on hem environmient. A recently published book entitled Ile Graphic Designer's Greenbook: Eiinnoena Concerns of the Design and -Print Industries,' by Anm Chick, maintains that good design is more than the implementation of bold and innovative ideas; it also takes into account environmiental consequences. The 168-page book lists sources for'more environimentafly ýbemýgp design materals, and discusses pape;, inka and paékaging- A copy of the Graphic Designer's Greenbook may be obtained -for US$25 by contactmng Graphic Press Corp., 141 Lexington Ave., New York 10016. On Dec. 14, Pîtney Bowes of Canada announced grants totalling $13,000 te il more environiment and interest groups across Canada, in addition to the $15,000 already donated earlier in the fail. The funding helps support projects that promote 'green' practices in workplaces acrosa the country. The Pîtney Bowes Green Office Fund was estabhished in the spring to help promote the 3Rs. In total, 22 groupa have received funding. ?iïtney Bowes la committed towards the greening of corporate Canada," says Elaine Lunie, director, cqrporate communications, Pitney Bowes of Canada. "This vision is shared by an incredible arrayr of dedicated and knowledgeable gups acrosa the countr. ince we al ahare a stake in the ftrif's crucial that we -work together towards tins important cause," says Lunie. In 1990, the company Iaunched an award-winning national office waate management programi and produoed gidebooka, posters and videoeste educate office employees about the 3R%. A gidebook offering more advanced tips waa released last fail. Thèise resources are available free of charge by ca]ling toll-free 1-800-456-3777 for offices arrosa Canada interested in starting a waste reduction program. Earthlygoods, a Toronto environinental shop located on Mt. Pleasant, juat north of Davisville, states the following on its customer catalogue: 'This ctalou is printed on Domtar paper muade in Canada. It is lOe e otcnue recycled paper that has not been de-inked or chlrnebeached. The ink is vegetable-based." Rocycling trivi.a The production of recycled paper uses 15 te 60 per cent less water than the production of paper frein virgin fibre.