Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Free Press, 6 Jan 1993, p. 20

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Pao. 90, WNUan tFr.. ProsedWodnesdayfrJanuwyrBm1903 The- Whitby Hanet Plastcs minor po.wee. -A" hockey teain fared well iutii. Biot annual Don MiusItrntoltournament Dec. 27 to 80. > The 24-teain tournament was split, jute six, divisons of four teams, with the divisienal winner sud two wld. card teains advancing to the.pylaiof round. A maximum, , five pointa was awarded te, a teain that was able te, win each period as'weil as the. gaine. The firet gaine saw Whitby againist Indianapo which had four ,Emropeanlyrseefrom Mescow sud tioTethree from Riga, Latvia Whitby, coming off Christmas break, wasu't prepared sud IndianapoUs. won the. ganie easilyby a score cf 7-0. ByLý the scoring system, Whtysonly chance now was te, win net only the. remaining two gaines, but virtually overy period of thoe two games. Inu*the second game, Whitby farod much bottair and with the support cf strong defense sud forwvardg, Whitby.skated te a 4-0 vice ver Markham, holding Markham to just-two shots on goal sud winning aIl three periods. Jef Harris 'hait the shutout sud Evan Cardwel ccroit two Atoms are beaten by percentages in silver stick Those al-toofamiliar words femay be niâtyer were ail toce true',for Wtb's maor atoin A teain, *posordhy M&M Meats, over ti Christmnas holidays as they tried te, win the. firt phase cf t h internationa silvor stick in Bramalea. Tough luck was the. naine of the, gaine, for. Whitby was knocked eut cf the. teurnaint by porcentags eonthough they nover lest a gae.xý In the frst gainsethey faced a teain frein Caledon 1Hils sud outscoreit their opponeuts by a scocf 3-2. Gaine two waa against the host teain Chinguacousy Who were also defeated by the. saine score 3-2. I the third gaine Whitby met the. Toronto Penguins Who had also won their first two gaines aant Caledon 13-2 sud Chi*nguacousy 2-1. Against Whitby, the Ponguins skoitéd te, a 1-1 tie, eneukh te go te tho championship round by oee goal As the. regular soason starts te woar dowu sud Ontarioplayoffs only weeks aaWhitby bas playod a t.tlc 50 gaines including regular season, exhiion 1udteurnaments. The. toam, Ontario champions last year, hopes te, repeat that feat this year, sud witha geod teain effort sud a littie discipline should bave ne trouble. goals, with siges going to Shane Neil and Mike Longo Lo ngesd A.J. Shannon èéh had two asssta, with othor assista, coming finm MattForani, Mike Foret, Adam Lay and Cardi*eil. The. third gaine was important i that both Whitby and the hest teain Don Mils. Fly ors still had an outeide shot of making tho playoffs. Either teain would have to daim at least 4-1/2 of tho possible fivo p&Jnts to, advance. Whitby started strongly and sicored the oly goal cf thle first pericil. Tanner Westfall scoredý assate byMatt Snmith and Randy Davidson. 1Whitby continued *its strong Mlayinto the seond period and h3 a-1 lead going into the final period. Scoring iu the second for Whitby novice 7 selecta won four staght gaines aftor su epening round loss te, wiu the tyko chaipionship of the North ToÃ"ronte teurnamnent. With strong aggressive play sud lots of onthusiasn, VWhitby scored impressive victorias over Parkwood, Markham sud North York beforo meeting Markham again euthe.championship gain. held De. 31. I the championship gaule, Wlitby was on the. attack frein start te finish. Wayne Turcotto sud Chait Tsagkis shared giultending duties sud made. the big stops when necessr Camoron Vnschc lzhad niue geais for Whitby in the Whitby rep' UMNOE ANTAX 'A' ~ss.anudIVUhlqWuih D«4 2 Whltby 8 BOwmn soe1lm Jueati S.Ong Whâtlu 1 Baugha Juatln OtOnge 2 Paul Wb2 J. MCElhsnnoy Brout Jounue. Steve AU$t" Dec. 28 Whlthy 4 Bowvun MarkRad 2 Etuna TeM Jin SO.png ewm Sound Siver 511h T'Deac, Jan. 1 Whitby J. McEluey Whftby Omad Paiho Jan. 2 JaIu 3 MarkRid Cra erqn 2 Elmira 2 Belle River 4 Guelph Edme Whty was A.J. Shannon asitdby.Long and Davidson with an unassst-ed goal. <Chuck Colos tended goal superbly with the suppetn denseo f BilIy Duncan, Brant Flahortn y, R Hickingbottomn, Lay, Brett Macrury and Sammnie Scheopor0. Whitby had won the last five periods of play and only needed to tie the final perio4 against Don Mils to advanco. In the third rio d, Colos suffered a minor keeirdury and had to leave the Harris roplaced Colos in goal and was imrnediately tested, ..maldng two tremendous saves. Unfortunately, it wasn't enough as Don Mlsa battled back and salvaged a 3-3 tie, with the tying goal coming with 18 seconds touruainent, David Arnold hait six goals, KyIe Percewicz sud Jef Freoian each hait three goals, whilo Steven Soedhouse hait two goals. The balance of the scoring was shareit anong the other playors, iàain Reildox, Shane Sargent, Kylo Simpson, Ryau Johuston, Blakce Robinson, Jason Michie, Kevin Avery-Mangolt, Scott Morrison sud CGreg Williams. Assistant coach Don Twigger said at the start of the teurnament' ho would do 25 push-ups if the teain won. Ho was exhausted but siil sxiling when ho completeit the last push-up after the. chainpionship gaine. Dan ThSm Jimie Barusl Nul Gra De. 29 Whltby Jambe Damat 3 Brian Vlamt Whltby 2seatounq %TwddFarqmra DOC. 3 Wbtby Jamie Bernat 2 Haa wlllmhm 2 romainng. Int tie knockod Whitby out of playoff contention, but earnod the tean Borne respect after such a disappointing ftrst gamo in the Whitby indoor, soccer HOUSE LEAGUE Jan. 2 A. Cross2 D. Hendecue frdand P. Finnie4 &. Dereril4 K. etewart2 D. Homes Wales Ensind frelknd Gwrmaw Swaen 5cMOUDd DOC. 19 Bric Regan 2 Muokanae Dicton Kedth Agnw 5.McDe.ald 2 & Aapdui2 M. Bannait 7 W"le I. Duro 6n T. Burwaah 4 4 a 2 2 2 MOeRM tournamont. The winnor of the tournament was the Toronto Red Wings with a 4-2 scor over the Chicago Young Americans. cmnown1pm ara ILKeamtdamoem J" l arrie Nichelsa Mars ~ahsNuesor lboem owls 2 Jam«e Dbmn 1 P.,He=2 umesm IrComes 2etana Ranelar amS Chevoe 3 lmdingCm cehu lUnited cboqwyuoe Dot. 19 Soccer Sumno Ina. 7 RyMnbattin &mýiFwelr 2 Gus oeamoed EmsuDea va oCi Uit um a mxbe 4 Grue. 1 WhllyPFmePMUss5 Allan lyn JaaanEvélyn 2 StatuaNicota 2 bmieCnes Patrick John" h 2 UKue 2 StopheufBake4 Red 0 Purpe &ipe Dec. 19 De. 12 Cmw yDuffl DmL 13 Whtby un Vamplsw Niet Ovan Kyle Crouci Dem.19 4 Bluwe 1 Judd Sievenain sean Haynss scmtîflespu Der. 20 WhMtby Matjardin Woolwlch 0 Judd Sievanai Mm aretAera (a Vamplew 2 RiehoniMUiE 2 3 Petaborougit 3 KoalaTouer TilianMRKa Stewart &mm Haxtilman &AMount 5 Malt Padiga 2 Jannlk KoUw2 Mawpwffl D4m 29 Dec. 12 e 4 àJmPkklctei6ns 5 S nin Dec. 165 4 Rchme.d 111E 3 D. von Euhahota EmbibimuGein 2 Guelpht IMOR ATON A qmomd 5y R.P. On LSd. Dec. 22 villeSy Gouy Kiamura ut Dec. 26 whitby 3David NMs Bautout - Joahua Hughes 6 Witby Bannie Seheepers Davd Morass Dec. 27 1 whflby 3 Auror Der. 21 1 Whitbt MIVamlae 2 Dac. 27 Whitby Caaoy Dupont Kyle Crouch manvM*l 'Tomunnt Whltby Malt Jardin 2 Nlck Owen 2 Bovanville O Rya Boyd Kye Crowch Dec. 28 Whlthy F~n Boyd 2 lMartham A& 3 Icle Crouch DmL 29 Whthy Kyle Crouch 2 O Saborogh D oaqdimhb Dec. 27 4 Owen Sound 56 "Ltamur& 2 RssNBdmtaou2 Davd MoraU» Bannie Dhopera MINORFEEEH ARA W fl,.44. waeMdlvHRBEA cPAaIi Don NuaTunmm Dhe 27 Whltby O npoa Dec. 28 N'an Cariel2. Whllby 3 DO Mifia Tawnm r W ommE" AuJ.Wh MStD RuDemvim IAM13199VM 'A' ~oeoemmued byVld1by ci Dm 2 Whlb b t*YPWU Garni&t at - Jan. 2 Wlthy 7 NewmarkM i BRnHau Andrew Marahafl Malt Jardin lMreLimon sma~ G 7 Jan 2 Whltby Banicheepen dan. 3 David Moale Dec. 8 Ry- Beyd JudoStevanse 7 0Go Vamjuhw 2 Omunes B 4 Ouioa 2 Young Nata 2 London 2 Brampteci SseenOsm 4 martlm 2 .x) M O U N O V IC E A " .pwud by BWNB lu3Amnzlbe Wâý WO93 - heteratiena DOL 27 Witby Michael Koelw s 51ueu3ls SIly Deir Brande.Povler * Audrow Lamiot aRATrON A whthi by mm" am ~da Audrew Pipa 8 Tek-Umas i Dec. 28 Mfie e adw 2 Wu&e Brand Tyhoar m Dec. 17 Whlthy 8 Petecboough Brandon Mcflide 2 Kyle Welle Dec. l9 Whlthy 5 4 Brandon MaBilde James intien Kybe Wanae Ryan Farrow Uan Wtruk Dec. 20 Whltby 8 J D.VenBahhlta Rtyan Farrow gabiGawns 2 Brandon Mfflride James Hinuon Joab Turcotte Kyle Walles DOL 21 Whthî 2 2 KyleWanles James Bintion Dec. 23 Whltby 1 RnF arro& w jen. a Wlithy 1 Ian Wtruk Central Ontarlo O Central Ontarlo O Blchmord ID 5 Ilichmond MU E 7 Der. 27 Whlthy 5 Welknc D. von Raccholta 2 myan Farr Jams Bintac Kola nPeol r Tuw~ Dem 28 Whltby aG Jams llnkm 2 6 SWeneyCuSet 1 Mite Kuhaynat Nton Coller Rtyma Farrow Whlty 9 James Hlnton2 2 Whuatfle 2 D. van bechéata 2 Kevin Perd 7 Brantfecd 1 Whhhy Ry arrow Vwctoiy means push-ups, Garde. Thuam Mutchi me.aszm RyJ Sepor De Grava Paul Kolabutho MSquino Ganthim he DMWlCaRughl Pèdro% Pimi 4 Gume BRetnd Andre Abldekjn - Mit a Dbleiffer Whltb Knamon 2 Jnndifer Tutuit Juatin Grodan Boss Bmlll 3 Cam MFilm Devile Pdu anal Adamie. MAfLtBrutY BddMeAdae dby Ranfe 1 Weisa Whltby O0Staq Cr"ek 2 MMOII NOVICE A"A sponaoeavDmchoiy'i Guamioln Oahawa i 1 2 1 1 2 Brantford Amberi 0 Lande. 1 1 Fàchmond BHM 7 il PMwb«oue

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