Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Free Press, 6 Jan 1993, p. 18

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Pqp 18, Whiby Fr0,Prosl., Wchio. y Juxfuy6. 1003 Hi storical designation recommended for Tweedie homeI By Mke Kowalukl Dpite fears about its susce tibllty te oa l48-year-old west Whitbwr oua. han been recommended for an hiatoricgl deintion. Town ounMýcl'. planning sud dvlpment commnittee recom- mendid Monday that steops be taken to eoèignte the James Tweedie House as a heritaee structure under the Ontario HeritageAct. If it recoives the dosignation, the uow vacant Cochrano St. farmhouse will no longer be in degof famlng victim te the Although council had approved initiating heritago proéeedingB lest June, the action was tom- porarily suspended following con- cerna raieodby the Whitby ire department. Rotary relief effort FROM PAGE 1i More than 100,00 refugees sud 200,000 children need immediate asmitsuce. The plea for help came from the goveror of the Rotary Club in Austra which includes the rotary clubs in Croatia, Slovenia, YugoIavie and Hungary. ment of immediate holp sud assistance for 100,000 refugees in Croatia anud Bosmia. These people could live through the winter if our holp lsa sffcient,- say the governor. Although many international organizations are discuseing the situation, what is now required is action, saye Meadwell. «We cannot solve the complex probleme in this regionbte can reepond te thir human needs,» says Meadwell. Eyewitnessee have descrlbed mon sud women who muet stand for several heurs in rein te receive nourishment frem the various relief agencies that are tigte distributeflood. Wh«itby's clubs are working with clubs in eaetern Austria, close te the Yugoelavian border,. which have arranged for the transportation sud distribution of ail donations. Pire departmont officiais were worried about .accsstethe building sihould a fre occur. The hous. site near the middle of its -original farin lot on the edge of a plateau ovorlooldng Linde Creek. FROM PAGE 1 te residente, Edwards eaid the province's preferred route, may eterilize a large section of west Whitby for a project at least 25 years away fromncompletion.. Another signfficant issue is extension of sanitary sewere from Taunten ]Rd. te, Brcoklin, said Edwards. «TMis rogrami would at one stroke, clear up a long standing environmiental problem e ffecting septic tanks sud wells in this nra»he said. 'ý*eat the same- time it would «kick start» the local ecenomy with $20 million of capi- tal construction sud more then Oer major concerne includo the future of Kinsmon Pool, a The main access te the pro- perty is from Cochrane St. along a short dirt road and acrose a metel bridge over the creek. The fire department deems thia inadequzate aud suggests thie building either be demoIiehed or new fire hall on Taunton Rd., a new senior citizens' activity centre sud the need for expanded library facilities, Edwards added. a fence be erected around the property to prevent anyone fràm entering the prendsS.. Since Angust there have been two fire on the property the committes was teld. Built in 1845, the Tweedie Houeia ene of the oldest brick houses in Wbitby. Since 1990 it has been owned by Erin Mille Development Corp. which plans te build a massive 1600-unit subdivision west of docraue, between Rossland and Taunten roads. Region ignored concerns FROM PAGE 1 their neighbourhood. 'Tm really upset; my kidesud they're in their tiiUes, 'Èave already teld me there's ne way they want te even think of buy- iga place in Whitby - it woulId b.the lest place they'd .went te, bu lAd) quite frankly, I have it in the back of my mmnd te sel sud get the hoîl eut of here.m Burgess questions whether Hwy. 407 is needed, considering the number of people sud jobs ho says are moving south of the border - either te the U.S. or Meico. "The epportunities are just dis- appeering ,they'redr"ngp snnply beicause oN A orth American free-trade agree- ment)... «I thiuk they (the government) are puttuig m oxpenusive jot4ys, such as big, magnificaut hiàh- waýrs, te treat a population ilat ian t going te b. tore, because of their ewn policios." Whitby. hospital offciais await word on expansi on firnding SMikoi1owaluki For t~GeneralHospital officiais, 199 ended the waýènit began - still ne word on w o work cen begin on a long-awaited 'Aone-stoey addition la plan- ned for tho northeaat sud xnorth- west corners of the Gordon St. facility. The new areas will house relia- bilitation services, ambulatery care, emergency department sud admittingoffices. Cost of the 26,000-sq. ft. expsusion la estimated atbet- ween $7.5 sud $8 million sud funding will be sharéd by the Ontario government sud hospi- tal- Local officiais have don. theik part by raising $5 million from the communlty. But nearly three yoars have passod sinco, the fermer idboral govennent at Queen's Park pro- med$2 million. Opposition te link i<eidents sud Town council wlll continue battling a prope elght-lene Hwy. 401/407 ln that would cut through west Whitby. The technically proferred» (DMZ) route whiéh iwould run between Han sd Coronation Rd. from 401 te, north of Hwy. 7, was approved by Durham Region worka sund planning committees in mid- Decimber. Regional council will vote Feb. 3 on the recommendation te, aP&rovehte mrntimo, Whitby works sud planning staff sud polticiens are meeting with their regional sud provincial couterparts, hopingteconvnc them the rot ae sens.. MayorTom Edwards faveurs a lithroZthe Ruge,,Valleyin Scarborough - other cnclors sget alink usiing an oxpended Lakeridge Rd. would bo béat. Résidents say they cant under- stand why the province would choose Witby fer the link after Ajax council said it probebly would accept it thore.. - They say the link would cut proerty values, cause environ- mena damage, especially te, the L4ynde Croek area sud destroy tho, small-town atniesphore sudâ rural character of the area «for- ever.w The expansion la on hold while the Durhbam Region District Hoalth Council conducts a stu<dy of health servi*ces in the ares., While local MPPs sud health ministry sitaff are confident the New Democratic Party goveru- mont will honour its predeces- sor's commttment, they say the study muet be completed fret. Since Durham is such a rapidly-growing region, the government wants te ensure the proper facilities are in place te accomedate grwth. However, hospital'beard chair- man Ed Buffett contende Wbitby has been "studied te death7 ever the years. .Buffett has invited Health Minister Frances Lankin te come te Wihitby sud se. for hersolf the problems the hospital is facing With overcrowdiug. Beth the Ontario Pire Mar- shal's office sud a public institu- tions inspection panel have iden- tified eafetyhazarde at the 97- bed hospital. Whilo awaiting word on the expansion, hospial officiais are buey with a stud of future neods for the hospitai. Health consult ing firm Agnew Peckham was hired lest ,year te aesist in developing a long -range strategic plan. Rocmmendations for the hos- tal'a future rôle may b. ready opublic scrutiny early thi ear. On a related front, talks on a proposed administrative merger etween Wbitby General sud ewmanville Memorial Hospital Were uneucceful lest year. The merger would have been art of an overail cost-cutting rogramn involving the two hospi- E . But "personality differences» between some of the people in- volved i the discussions was cited as the reason for not pursu- ingz the merger. In other developments3, Eliza- beth Barton, former director of planning, replaced Jim Miller as the hqspital's executive director. In June, the hoèpital received a three-year ecceditation for the quality of health care it provides totCom'~ui The award folowed a compre- hensivo review of the hospital by the Canadian Council on Hath1 Facility Acceditation. Li ck Pond development plan approved By Miko Kowalsld Dospite e]most twe decades of opposition from area, residente permission was finally grsute<â in 1992 fer development of lands bordering Lick Pond in east Whitby. Lest November Town council approved a tw~oa complox sud two-sterey office buildin proposed by Why Estates Li for a 12-acre site on Dundas St. E. which oncompasses the pond. Council's decison cleared the way for 36 1tewnhouses te b. bualit south of the pond on the northeast corner of Nichol Ave. sud Springwood St.,* and a 40,000-sq. ft. office' complex north of the pond on Dundas. But perhaps most sinifi- cantly, council aise approvedrpro- paration of' a master dfevelcop- ment agreement between the Comop townhoust Opposition from area home- owners failed te prevent Town coudilfro aproving.a contre- vornial non-ýpofit housing devo- lopment in west Whitby lest Fobruary. More than M25 sgry residents could not convince council te reject su 85-unit tewnhouse com- Plexpro psed fer su ares. near McQuyBldsuad the Canadien Paciflcrailroad tracks. Concerna about population denaity, fire safety sud increased traffic failed te, sway council fr-om supprtig th prject sponsored by Witb DunopsCo-oporative The coplex wiil consist of 23 townhouses south cf Beocroft Ct. «Sat of -MCQUaY, 29 - tewnhUses Town anid Whitby Estates. The agreement will provide that the pond and adacent wet- lande are transferred te the municipality thereby protecting approrlmateiy 6.14 acres from development. Although many resident.sud councillor Dennis Fox preferred net fo ses an y development near the pond, this latest building proposai rnay have been the best compromise. Since the p-operty was sold by the Lick -famîily te Whitb7y Estates about 20 yoars ago, van- oua echemes proposed for the site alwýays ran inte opposition from residientesud enironmientalists alike. The pond han been a popular skating spot for manyWbitby familles in winter sud home te soveral species of wildlife in sum- mier. Previeus building proposais had always been rejected by past Town councils or the Ontario blunicipal Board (0MB). lu fact, following a four-day ýiearCing lest January, the OM.B çleniedasuapplication from ttitby Estates cefling for 39 lonouses on threo acres south efhopond. But in go d,', the board did ment near the wetanciL.deep Teboard foît the entiro 12- *cre site should be viewed as a r'hole. As a result, a reviaed eohg»lication wa submit- ted byW4 Estates. Both the 3eveopor sud Town 4ffials have proiniisod that the P nd will b restore as much as ible te its naturel state fol- bwing construction. es approved despite, opposition north of Brookdale Cres. sud tect promisod that suficiont amr oast of McQuay, sud 33 tewn- hydrents. will b. installed sud houses oppèsite Jacob St., west tat a section of the road south of McQua .4 of Beecroft will bedesigned tolet Althougiiteld that Town p Ian- tire trucks turn if necessery. ning staffoteined the bestdaeve- Planning directer Bob Short lopment possible, ares, residents aIse notjd that the Whitby fire wore upset with sevoral aspects department had ne reservations of the project. , about tho eveopment. The number of unit. was a mhe complex will consiet of two major concern, but as former sud threo-bedroom unit.. planning sud development com- There will aise be a com- mittee chairman joe Dumm munity centre on the east side of pointed out, the province refused McQuay for co-ep residente. a Town request for a lower The development is part of the density. Ontario government's non-profit Another issue raised by rosi- hbousingprogrem. dents was the difficulty ire vehi- 'Tbroughout the province, spon- clos mayhbave in roachig¶the smor f such proJects mrev devolopmeut since Mc ayBvd. fàudmng te. help previde housIng mayb. tee narrow in that area. for famfiie ssemer citizens sud Hoevor, the piojèctîs aèi-i bpbwt èWfoW Deepito angry demonstrations byworkers and politiciens at Oshawa city halte $85 million Hulston. developmènt fell through. The development, which was te include a new Durham Region administration building pro- mised to revitalize Os3iawa's downtown and creato much- nèeded construction jobs. Regional council ba]ked at apeprovng the project because of the cost, turning it down once and then votin« te ask the deve- loper te, resubmît its prpoal. After more politicalrmeanoeuvr- ing, Hilstone decided te pull eut of the prject, saying it wouldn't be in te companiy's botiinter- est. te, put forward another sui- mission. Oshawa politiciens blamed Whitby councillors for leading opposition te the project, 'and complained of an anti-Oshawa bias. -Par-Sk polm West Lyde residents met in January Iast year te, look for solutions te, vandalisai problems in Central Park. People with homes backii onto thepak coplained o! ï uPIo e hrwing beer bot- le, îikigdo' drugs and making loudl noise ate inte the réeople at the meeting came up with alot of sugestions, includ- ing better lil ting, improved sports program, more police patrols ana inresd.parental supervision - a V"upwa or- rnd tlok noptting someof Good omen for '93

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