Puas 12. WhiUby Frm Pros, Wodnoday, Januuy 6. 1903 A Monthly Fashion, and, Beauty Review** Is pssive exercise real exercisea exorcise real oxrcise »'LC:Iteixgsalons have answered ths uestion poiioyfor hundrods of area rsdtsover the peut five years Passive exorcise works on the pnncpleocf repeated movement of muce groupe against consistent resistanco. Muscles become strongor and leaner, net bigger as- thoy do with wegtmchines. Toening tables and EMS (electric muscle stimulaticti) equipment wore introduced te Got in shape for the New Voar. mhe Aorobics Studio is having an Open House Saturday, January l6th. Evoryone is wolcome. FREE AEROBIC CLASSES ALL DAY. 9:30 arn - Moderato 10w impadt 11:00 arn - Starter Stop 12:30 pmn - Movos & Grooves 2:00 pm - Moderato Stop Roefroshments will bo provided. Ploaso bring indeor shoos, with you. THE AEROBICS STUDIO 223 Brock St. N. (at Mary) Whtby - 666-5773. Durham Rogion five yeare ago. Many excited clients thought they were "'pioneersd in something new and wonderful. However, passvo exorcise in this form bas ben around for over 30Oyears. Moot salons offer a free introductory workout. Prospective clients should oxporionco the tables' flrst-hand and ho better equipped te de"de if this i. the answrte thoir exorcise noods. No spocial'clothing is roquired. Howovor, blue jeans are eut as thoy restriet movoment. Shop around. Ask questions. Compare. Price is net the only coeernHeurs of oporation, %gcissors %ýHAIR DESIGN We offor complte hair care for the whole family with a ful range of perms, tinting, highlights, cuts and styles as well as manicures, pedicures, nail lips and waxing. We provide prof essional and friendly service and carry a ful lino o f Redken and Sebastian products. We offer perm specials Mon., Tues. &ed., plus.gift ce4'ificates for that special porson. SCISSORS HAIR DESIGN .601 Dunidas St. W.. Town Plaza, WhItby 668-1640 Aton yu NWYEAR'S &LJa'k * rmpsh in the gym - while Fo r comploto hair care and oth oo10k great. Boost your addit 'a services, the ontire morale with a NEW aerobic fari il ejyAnhn'sH outfit NOW. You wiîî work~fml flejyAloysHi harder. Aise, try using Power Studio. Our specially qualffied Trim herbaI product for weight staff are periedically updatod loss.with the latest trends and NEWYER AL fashionable looks. Tanning and - Leotards - pante - two pieco wxin aenjioy avoecup sots, - Childs size 4 - aduit 3x colatadenFoyar eddin9 or 15 te 50% off. - Body Building pomAnthFon y'sHr Stdio iso Supplies - 10Mo off rmAtnysHiSudos - AIlMaterniiy Wear - $1 (.00 thore for your consultation. Cal oach Rtem. ahead for a lime that's most GO NATURAL conveniont for you. HEALTH & DEAUTY CENTRE ANTiIONY'S FAIR STUIO 121 Brock St. N. 1200 Rossland Rd. E. Whltby (etAi>Mono) WhItby668-261 4 -M or 68-053 availabilit~y of parking and the ~enonce ef tho salon'a staff are otr concerne. Each session i. apprxiately on. heur. Moving fro on high-tehtbe te enother, the body rocoivos a complote isometric workout, leaving you feeling invigoarated. Toning tables are the fitness answor for many ppla who are unwilli*gor wabo teperfora conventiol exordies. Salon owners have holpod clients with hoalth polm including MS, arthdti, strokes and high blood pressure., Unsure about using the Ssugarng Your sugar bowl etolds the secret to the most gontie hair removal today. Body Sugaring i the modernization ef the ancient Egyptian Art of hair remnoval uigan ail natural sugar basod product. The application of this unique product will remove dead skin colis leaving the skin soft and heafthy looking, and of course hairless. For a free demonstratlon, ! loescal AEEXANDRIA BODY SUGARING Denise McFarlano 686-5817 up a brochure and discusethe possibilities with your doctor. RM exorcie at a local toming salon can neIp 3 unwanted inches, posture, reduce stress you feeling wondorful. YOI! t teoss and leav Fora erfect shaI Mon's grooming noode require g consimdoration. Thinning ýmrcen mrate havoc with self-image. Heir thats a11y tends te stick togother and lie flat. Frequent Color Me Beautiful Bou4ue rgtb $tart the New Yar rgib nanga wise investment - our cQou nalysis consultation. Lot opr certified image' consultants show you how te pull together your total look by making your erîtire wardrobe work together. We'll show you how te pick the riQht styles,. fabricm and accessories with our Style Aalysis or show you how te p rfect that polished look in nlk-up. Make 1993 the ear y U do something specmal e0or a' vry important persn -youi COLOR ME BEUTIFUI 103 112 Mary St. Pearson Lanes - Whltby 666-5547 jane#s SBryant's ___ I ii air Design Gîve a glft certlflcate for a spa day et Jane's. Spend four Effortless hair... leisurely heurs aI Jane's in a If ton minutes seems friendly atmosphere being like an tOfflty 10 papered by osthoticians& spend on your h Oir, r fl8k ma sage therapists. Your spa The key is in the cut and the0 m.ssge, ail eiuo procise shaping. nda gliof te mncr,&mk-p ih iar so that il dries against the face lunch will be served. Cal & and head int somnething pretty. book your spa day individuaily Getiing a great hair cut means rwt ru.0hrsrie goiig home and shampooing your available are olectrolysis. and AvoIokreatNE' FACE FASHIONS HAIR DESIGN & COLOURS LTD. 852 Biock SL. N.Wbktby 49 DMvslon St. Oshawa 668-1310 59S washng -- every day if necemsry -- will remove exces acil and lbave hair with more shineï greator body and extra volume. After shdmpooeng, hair should be petted, not ruhbed dry. While hair i.s till dam ilippi*ng the part to the otLr de wll automatically give the hair more lift because of the change ini the roc* direction. Shaving i. an integral part of a maxi' grooming routine and geing thrugfh the extra effort to get a groat shave may take three or four extra minutes but the resuit; 1B worth it. stops" to a Pu"f tshave 1. ZvMwith a blade dolivers the threo qualities most asociated with quality board removal; it's cdean, close and comfortable. jIt aIse helpe te exfoliate the skin, scraping away dry fiake and the *1l residue that builds up aroundwhses 2. Softening the béard with plenty of hot water is crucial te a good shavo. When saked, whiskers abseurb water, becomne swollen and weaker, decreasing the rosisiance te the- blade's cutting action. 3. The board around the ohmn and upper lip i. donser se, Bave those areas for lasit, allowmng the shave cream te soften the board for as long as possible. 4. A sharp blado is a must. It should ho changed after eveiy few shaves. Instead of wipng the blade with a tissus- or towel te remove shave' cream/whisker accumulation, rinse the blade undor hot water after every few strokes. Finish by rinsing the blade for five te, 10 seconds beforo, putting it away. 9Ie-Qtce'g, BODY TONING & LASER THERAPY STOP SMOKING TODAY Laser Theray is HYGENIC eEFFECTIVE -Diet Pr=rme also 1330 RUTSON RD. N. IMM- IF.#-* A