Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Free Press, 30 Dec 1992, p. 3

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Régional council' re-lects, Pickering. garbage resolution, By M&eoKowalsoU An atternp1t by,.Pickerng on clo0rs tô Mt,,teoaëtablis ont of,,anýther lnillsite ln thoir.' tow*n hui falled te win support of l -DurhamRogitflon council. Reglinal council voted Iast week te talcs no action on a Town ofPicksing resolution opposing Ontrl gvsnmnt pan fr !rôpasdandihlsite in rha Council held firm teits sarlier' dêclsio that it talcs no position on where a landfihl site should be -octein Durham. , The. Pickeringreso!ution oeilsl on- Ontrio, Environment Minis- ter ]Ruth, Grier te eëlimnate ýal lands owned by tepoic frmconsideration .for aProndfih 'te b th Interim Waste Auth- Fourof thefive sites ,argted by the 1 WÂ for a dump nD ur-, hem are ocated Îlu ickerlng. Tihe fifth la lu the Town of Newcastle. 'Tii. Pickering resolution stateà that over the yoars land in Pick- oring waa acquirod by the pro- vince for residontial, agricultural and, induatrial/commercial .pur- *Since no'mention was over- mnado of a Iandfilsite, the landsa should not ho considoroci for that use, the rosolution states. But aa Oshawa councillor John Akor pointed out, supporting the rosolution- would mean counil is tolling the IWA te put the dump lu Nowcastls. U'The position of this-council- lai and should ho that we shouldn't tace. a position on the landifill aiteë.e"tiaid-Aker.- «ýSince;Nowcastlo la, the onlr other municipality involvo,. SEE PAGE 19 A Chrlsmas day fire ,at ,a Byron St., N., roo;ing hous cauaed an osthnated .$eoo000 Th blaze, which apparontly started luan* old chair, lu ths, backyar d'-ane, clmbod up q,ýtho aide of the hous, was rpote shortly after midnlght. There wore- no -'injuries; tenants are staying at neigh«- bours.ý VOLUNTEER Elizabeth Hatter and Sunnyorest Nursing Hoefidet eryBarrett were amiong thlose taking -part in.a'recent variiety.show at the home. >Photo by i4milw StoUc, Hsny Street H.S. o-op student eJim's Swim begnsJM., For theo l7th, consecutive yo 1ar, municipal and medical the City of Osbawa -willhast a digni tales, along ,with frionda marathon sw 'M li Md of and supporters lun Durham leuke msarch. Roegion, arejnvted te join the. BJm's w -M' uMemory of > Kinlin famîIly foraerecetinli Jlm KIin, ýwho iaited thethe Bobhy,- Orr loe :fmmil projct nd edi.d . ~ a.m. te 1lp.m, following Loreo' effarts durm a prologe illns, to ii.funi, cf kta> osarh Contributions te leulcomia- into >the. cause,. prevontion and, researh may. ho mad * te the troatmsnt of leukomia aloeig with head office. lu Torontoý located eat .rlaedbloddiea.3768 Baturt St.uite 300" Prom Jan.. 3 toe. 24, long-distance simmsr- Barb Loreno will« Swim for Jim' et the Civic Centre Auditeiium. Complex located at .141, Thoruton Rd. S. lu On SundayJan. 24, provincial, Torortoý Ont., M3H M7. -Donations aeam so hig ed at.thbToSrooDominion KiJüng a'nd SimcSoee tt lu Oahawa. F'or ne foatn on pledge shoa rniona cail 432-7405. Shortfall could have '"dev astatingcimpat Barg lait minute donations, the ý19e2Unlted Way campalgn for WJhitby, Oshawa and Newcas- tle will ho 375,000 :short cf its $3 124717 goal. j< ampagign has noôw come- up short thle'laat thre yearso. Cair Jîm Souch extended this year's drive in'a last-ditdh effort te, achievo the goal. The shortago will have a «devastating" unpact on-local; support services, according te the United Way's board cf directors., Donations (wbldh are accepted Yearqr undi)*.,au hob sent te tthe UntdWay office 'et 52 Simcoe, St. S., Oshawaý, Liii 4G3. aIl 436-7377. for m ore infor- mation. Whltby Fros Prose.We&ciisdy. Deceniber 30,1992, Page 3 Newnmbrsrfor bl nquiries Durham Regon la making it Whitby, Aax, the Town of New- eaaerfo pope te iure about castie, Pickering, Oshawa and their water and sewsr bu.118cuw"Township; Effective Jan. 1, 'the ,Region 866611 for <aIls &cmrom will lutroduce new direct têe- Pickering d Toronto* phonoliot the finance *180(J4656611,for oeils from vu 1-8~ custemer service Uxbrldge and Brock townships; diviioU 180-461-9283 for call from .Icluded lu thia chnelsa aTDD uaers. TDD tolephone, number for the A- brochure. detailing the tels- hearing impaired.phono sxchane etmn te Tne follo'wln nwbers will hoe' ach of the new numbewill hob available for use in the new ysar: includod with the'frat billlng lu *571-6611 for caflla from the new year. Benef its sysem m-,Ï proved ByRsaSevenson Duitam riding MP Startng Jan. le, there -will.'ho a slmpler, fairer, and-'more genérous, systom of child'benefits for mnost Canadian'familles. With the -newfoderal Child Benefit, the currentpatichwork of' F.amIly ýAllowancesand .refundable and UnoeiCmdable tai credits ail are beln replaced with one -single monthly, paymïent., The# monthly'c eque vill got the Samne person who, now. receyesFaml Alowace usullythe mnother), with thef anxuntreci .depenidingo the number of chilciren, thoirag and the family's ýtotal net income. Most. familles, wlth blghincoines -- 'over $75,000 per year - won't qualify for lassistance -theydon't require. But 84 per, cent'of ail famlls -with chilcirený will continue recelving, bernefita.. Twoi-thirds of al ,familles wil have enhanfcedhonofita, ýncr aaing ).ýi -$É.1billion ov er the next fivo .years. The 'Child, Bene#t wil ho non-taxable: anci,,thus, doesn't have' te ho reported for income 'tax. The 'amount pald ila èalculated automnatically, and' made u of- abaseamount -of $85,par. month for,-each child,. nu ',te: 91.25ý,for tii. thirýd -and subséquent chlldren.. A furýther 1775 monthly la included for each. child under-age 7.,if child ,car., expenses " aren't claimed at tax timé. As well, theres' an -earýned. income sÈupplemeint',cf up te $41.67 >.monthly, 'te help low-income familles make 'the transition from ,social assinstance te tii. workforce.ý For *example, a- mother- with two childien ovor age 7 and a fandly inomeé of *30,000 sihould receive $153.25 each month, begininZi anuary." Forthe now> receiving.Famiy A]lowýance and who filed-, a J tax return last yathere la no -need 'te apply. Health aftd, Welfare Canada, viii notily you whother. or not 3îou're, eligcible for the new Chilci Benefit, sud the amount ýthat canho expected.. It-should ho noted that the new "ystem won't affect paymonts to ho reeived- during the. baance of 1992. Maklng payments, on,ù regular.,mponthly basis should help ensure, that,- ln future, low-incomo ,p arents don't sacrifice any part ofhoenefits t taxdiscouniters. The Child Beënefit I' aise designed ýteadiýt#a more quickly te changes in famnily statua. Under tii. prenent systei, ,familles often -muet wait .up te a year*tà, receive in creases 'te ýwhidh they1re .entitieci, due te the birth of a child or a, marriagel breaku' The P future well-hoing -and"p'serty depan d upon .our chiidren. By',wýorld sitandards, no one - would- disputé that Caânadfin chilciren generally, are Well cared for, are.healt1ËY and havre.god educational opportunfities.. Unfortunately, .far 'tee ûanhyCanadian dhlcren still grow up in condïtionisýhkt make: it-harder 'for. them te Succeed later -lu their lives. No -singlo level "of goverrun*ent.or organization can provýide the complete .answer te this. The new Child Benefit Ala an importanit stop forward 1Px helping Canadian familles provride children with asrigstart onlte road cf lie. - HAIR ESIG 0 M, mm ý me, - ý femp w vs w f., >, 1, m

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