IffIi kW')~" t EAYY .r.. .. .. .. .. 9-1 j Frustration oerfundingdel-ay ByMme Kowalski Misead $2 'milliôn towards the It ill I elyb next asummer, on is reason for concernT»he said.____________ Whitb Gen rHopit1, offi- *7.5-million pret, hospital off-a t therieabefore..construc- I hr a naccident cials re rpidly Iosig patence ciels stili hfave no idea when tion stirts, provided provincial there's always the risk it could awaiting word of Ontario govern- construction will commence. aproval lis granted soon. be attributed to lack ofsipace. mient fundin for'the bospital's An* antici'pated Februar date B'Put a study' of 'health services A blècked-off fire- corridor much-ned eZansion. for work t "bgmon the 200- mi Durhamn Rein cdfld possibly nowhouses the hospital's radio- Nearl hee years sice the.- al~ft. , pnio as aIl but ýeen delaLy the expansion further. Ig ntwie te.eat forerLierl gven ntpro- rwd.out. Eatrlier this -month, bsia mente muat make do with simi-. Llbrary room named ANNE HOPE-BROWN stands in the doorway of the.Anne Hope_<Browýn, Room, the name of the newly created staff Meeting room >a t he main Whitby Library branch. Hope- Brown wobrked au the ibrary from- 1960- to 1984, and waâs chNet librarian fromh 1965 t0 1981.' The new ~meeting room-: was created from a space that was'once 1-op-BfroWn,' Photo by MLkF"«.osor VdhlbyFSPieuis ."'he only reason I feel I c mn make this career move at this time ^ are the team of, profes- sionals we have essembîed oe the past 20 years...» *aKy and i aer amp MacKay Anial (linic since 1957. Dr. Walter Ingwersonforerly head of meinà t.fthe M KV clinic, wm lbecome tenwhsi tai dfiector on Jan. ,1. MacKay says h. will maintain bis .business interesas**- the Whitby paciceand'-Uoeculd.M returning tà the ýaawhen-bis, raeatth University of Gueélph, is over. ,Mà cKay, Ontario s -Veteriinarian of the, Year i 190 was recently ùnmd vice pre-ý seidnt of the Ainerican-Animal Hospital Assocation - h. could becomo, president of.the morles premier-small animal asociation mn 1995.ý haKy sa omer presiden of bohteOntmario Véteinary Meiclso -aIad the Jçu- lege ofVeernaiasoôfO~xo - - i i ~ J. J. I~j,.45,,,, t t Ct tilt t ,,,,îî.î,.î,: t , . ,. .5- 14~ 17<