Paaa le. whiov Fm. Prose.Wednosday. D mbOir 30. 1 J \OftM~4T~ + BROOKUN -LARGE, room,1 close to MIl amenities. Ail Inclusive.1 Avalable for:Dec . -1. 655-5539. DOWNTOWN WHITBY: Excep- tionaide , quiet, fuinlshod room. Ineludos use of -Nicdhon, parking, cablo. Avalablo l1 modlely. Sut maWuro maie. 66/wek. First& 1". 668-3640. SON VOYAGE,'MOTEL -ton minutes from' Whltby,' between BrooklliPort Perry on Hwy. 12. Roome avallabis for ront. Low wekly rates. Oeil 655-5308. FURNISHED ROÃ"M for renti, $80/weekly. Share bathroom' & kitchen. Studont or worker proferred. Waik to -ail amonitios. Cali 666;,3776 aller 6 p.m. FULLY FURNISHED ROON for rontlng by mure, wodldng Indiv- Ididel ho la a non-smokor. Adclng $410/month, which icludos hydro., hoçà at .câblo. Pios phno 436-099 <us.> or 666-5288. MEICAUýPRO FESSIONAL, 625 *qa fI, downtown WhlIb. Ground»floor, loads of parking. Private ontrance, andwashroom. 666-3833. RETAIL SPACE FOR LEASE, 1500 sq. fI. Main street location, downtown Whitby. 0Ceativo, rentai arrangements. 668-148, 9-am. to 5 p.m. pJThe Mutual ru HERB'TRAN cail for quotation 725-6564 Derek Dutka Specializ!lnâ in tax -& retirement aplanning since 1986 CALL 434-6119 FOR AN APPOINTMENT. * s.nia TWO-BEDROOM AP* for romt. 1000sq. ft. Stove, fridUWashert cr0 niy sq o train & PORT WHITBY, nice, dlean-on.- bodroom -,apartmonts I aallabie immodiatoly and Janua y 't'$575/ month. Indclds -f rki$Ã",stovo, paki< tlfes.A ev t' 110 723-2969. WHITBY: ONE-BeDROOM tuoont apt, 600 sq ft frie stovo, laundry. Privat. em hoat, 'wator. $560 + 1*3 hydro. 655-4120. WHUTBY, NEW- 2-BF.DROOM iuxwy unit with largO balcony, cood parking. WaNkng 41stance to GO station. Avallable Jbnuary' lst. 430-8608. 3-BEDROOM APT.& DEN, main f loor of* bungaIow No pets. Near primfiary school, W - itby & GO buses. '$850 range utilities. 430-7298,- Whit b; vice mail Toronto, 416337-3455.. BROOKLIN: 1- 8' 3-B DROOM apartments. Close to al amonities. Availabs for Fob. 1 -9-3. Oel NORTrH WHiTrBY- aalous 2-' bedroom ln new home. ApplIances, 4-pc. bth. So-parat entranco, laundry, parking, transit Cablo utililles ldsbd. Nckn-smoker. $675/morith. 430-1972. WE'DELIVER FL ERÈ The Wrhitby Free press 668-6111 WHITIBY - SHAIREsýiacious new homhe wfth one or two wo rking people. Ail. included.,Non-smoker. 666-8590.^ SHARP 8-TRACK RECORDER. A -1 condition. Dual meters & plugs for mikes. Great for- amateur recordings. Inludes biank. tapes. Only $4S. 430-2075. CHEST 0F DRAWERS $25. >Polo lamp,ý $8. Dinette tabl & 2 chais, ctaonal, end table. Sowlng macine, -ý$25. lroning board, heaters 668-3975. HUNI>REDS 0F MO VIES for sale et $14.95 or less. 'We have chiidren's, drame, corned, horror & sei fi. For inventoryjlis, lease ssnd' SA.S.E. 'Io 17 Mowa CrI., Whitby, Ont., LUN 8H2. STAR TRAK 8, complete with 10 fI.. dish , satellite' system, $1,500. 293-6220. MARSHALL JCM 860 LEAD series amplilier,. head & cabinet.. Asking $900.. Gharvel. Jackson model #2ï guitar, customn case, $350. Must selI. Oeil MUce, 1-416- 697-1536. Leave affmessage. MATTRESSES and box'sprii1gs et hall price. MoKeen- Furniture, 524 Simcoe St. S., Oshawa. Phone ,725-518-1. FIREWOOD - SUPREME quality. .Maple, 'beech. WeIL-seasoned. .Very dry. AIl split. *-Honýst measurement. Free deiieryTr the best quality. 416-753-224o5î w HITIBYS, ý3+ BED )OS Privato f ront a en âc rd.- Bmaidloom. $00 123 utlite To p -floor ýof 'bungalow.'>j Movo boforo Chrlstmas. ReWnt stats Jan., i. No ^pots. Reforoncea. (Whltby) 430-728 ,oronto) 337-3455 3-BEDROOM HOUSE In .Whftby' available Feb. t, $1.200. Main floor only, $850.. Basement 'onlyb, $500. Prices negotiabie. UtilitesIrýluded., 445-6203, ask for Diane. TOWNHOUSE -40,VTI4lcksof Rd". Whtyý. Gorgeous 3-bedrooi,, famillv oom, >firoplac. ,air conditlonsd. Foncod yadgarage. $850/month. Firet l-avllablo Feb.t1,436-2839. *I recelved 65 phone calis about a bouselIwas selling r .0. SELUNG MY COLLECTIONS of Persien rugs. Various, sizes. Great Christmas qgitt1 $500 and up. 430-8189. PORTFOUO HAtlD-HELD computer. .1BuilI-in programs- Includel:, Diary, D[)aaee, TexI Editor, Lotus compatible spread shoot prograrmmal calctulatâr, otc. âomes with -serlaWl port Inter- face, A/C adaptor, & 4memoy cerd. Asking $200. Cali 430-151 beave rmessage. Sewing Machine Repaira» Ait Makes Complete Tunie-up $39.95 Rc mndIitioedSewing Machines from $59.00 TOPUINESEWING CENTRE 400 lng St W. Oshawa FIREWOOD FOR SALE. Weli- seasoned hardwood. Hall-face,' face cord, bush cord, kindling. Plck"Uj> or dellvered. <416) SNOWBLOWER: 1986 Craftsman 10- HP, 2-stage.- Excellent condition. Asklng $750. -Cal 728-9750 aller 5 p.m. CHESTERFIELD SUITES, love- seats, sectionals, less Ihan hall rieLarge selection. M NcKeenf .'Fumniture-, 524. Simncoe -St.. S", saw.Phono 725-5181. ARE* YOU:,HAVING TOUBLE gett Ing auto Inîsurance .because of age, poor -drMvng. record or' suspenion of license ? Perhaps we can help. Phono 666-2090. AJAX, FROM $750 ad3Bdrm. Suites 5 ppiances iG. *n suite laundry " Pool, Whlrlpool, Sauna " Exercise equipment " Tennis court, Playgound *Wood burning fie places NEAR GO TAIN & HWY. 401 Rentai Office Hours tues. - Fr1. 1 pm -7 pm, Sat. 10 arn -5 pmp N Hwy. 401> ALake Dr*ivway West, 686.6872HE REGIONAI. GROUP Oshawa, 686-2936 Pickering. PRIVATEMORTGAGES - the placeto Igo when your bank se1s, INO.w Servi ng Whitby since 1973.,,. 668-7200. A NU BIS INVESTMVENTS.' EROLUS APPUANCE REPAIR' Weshers, dryers, f ldg os, stovos, mlcrowesi, etc. Usedaplancos purchased. Major cre«it. cards Mo.ptd'.ènday .té',*Seturdey, TWO CÇATS FREE 10 o odý homo. Bartdes f)&AJeymes(M)are sistor and brother and must nt b. 'eeae.3 1(21.earsodde clawemuterd4, e qd, biter tralnd Theso cals are vory hsalhy and affectionate. They como wfth 2 iftter boXes, kennel cob, food dishes,. ail health. records, etc. Cali 430-1051, bave CLASSIFIED RATES are $6.0ü,,for'20 woýrds-erpild-i. >or $8.25 bllod. Cail now ta. place your ad. 668-6111 CILAYTON BLANÇHE, at tho AI ax-PtlckorngGonoral ýHospital, AI exon Mon-dy, December 28,' 1992. Blanche CIayton, .beioved wif of -fPeter Mrsoi shwa. Doar mrother of Grog and his wifo Petricle 0-f Cobourg, Wendyofrd Petawewa, Pettie and er hsan Larr Thmpsn »of Cobourg, Che1 - and b er -husband Rosa Muldrew of Gardon -1MI and Micel of Whistler, ,&C., Loving grand- molhor 0f ,An gela, Amy, Usa, Alison, Amanda, Erin, Sarah and Jonna. Speclal frlend of Colla Durst of Whlitr. Funoral service will bu held et tho M*Coubrey ,Funerai Home, 30-lOngi St. E.. Cobourg on Wednesday, Docembor 30 Mt2" p.m., foliowsd* by crémation. Those wsngmy m aememor ae-- &lnbceque to tho Canadian Cancer oc=tyor tho Kawartha-' kPin RdgeLiurg Association.-' *Lato omnani" kormodh" *Cwh fur tubde-Coli now forIarkqJoto -LEASEGUIDE AUTO LEASING ...43649837 ëff ______________ _"IL EAVE YOUR CARES at homo ________________wh >us." Profosuional pot/homo Ssittors are fuliy bondcoI& lnsurod. ýCustom, Homewatch Interna tional. MORTGAGE LOANS - 1s 2nds to 950/ of velue. AIl propeýrty typrime rates. Quick service andr approvais. Ca9l Gityn NEED TO KNOW SOMETHiNGABO Tr YOUR NEW COMMUNITY 9< r * PHONE ý668-665 Our hostess wilI bring gits and greeting, along, wh heipful community inlormation.ý . A.T........ ......MA......LE Authorized Servicev.tre For Most Major Brand VCR's *Camoorders * TV's * VCR's - Stands and *Mcrowaves Accessories 723m6373 INH'WROMI 1300 King St. Eo 0awa 7-7p 1 - ý - 1