Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Free Press, 30 Dec 1992, p. 15

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FOOD FOR THOUGHT Dear Lorraine, W. transferrd froin cof.. filters to baskets to conserve. As I1shako out the, grounds for. composting,- some sticks and I-rine thisadown. the.sink. At home this goes b»to a, graygatr sytm tthe shop, te a septic tank; forothes, va sewers to, o'verbudned sewage treatmentplants. If we ail did tie, resulting in 57,000 basketsrfmed at least once daily, and have to rise on. gramn a day, wliat happons? 50kilos m 1,254 lb9/aýym 456 456lIbayear added to various composting systenis in Whitby alone. Kory prtmy raywater steirquires digging up and pumping nfý enoig. I grow concerned about tMs and may, upnréflection, revert bock té, filters. A compostable filter lnnwouldwork botter for us. John Hulley Dear John, Your interest in water quality is. well received. As MnY major focus is on waste reduction, I prefer ta support, reusoble items over the. disposables. However, it is juat as .mportant, ta consider ail environmental concerne. More tho'nany other generation before us, we are now faceing numérous environmental. decisions. Reseorch 'is curenty bingdone on the. lie-cycle analysis of several,types of products and services. With regard ta used coffee grounds - moisture is on. of the. ingredients necessory ta croate compot - and as you have alr-eady purchased tii. filter rack, may I suggest that you rinse out the. coffée. dregs inta a pot or inta the. container that holds ýqùr kitchený organic scraps and pour it into your compost 1ýaeou- choose ta revert ta disposablefilters , note that coffe. grounds with filter, as well as tea bag% are acceptable m your compost heap. Also, you con use your <fis sable filter at least twice. Just rnis. it out and hang ta dry (te use of amagnet on a fridg. is convenient). Try taprcase unbleached filters. Our' socety lias been brainwashe inta associating 'briglit white with dlean when, ini fact the. bl.aching proces f products contributes ta the. toxins in our water. Together we are ail pioneers accepting ustewardship of the. earth ta become conservera of aur natural resources., If you are interested in becoming active on the. air/water quality sub-committee of Durham Enironena Network, contact Lynn at 723-7733. Tip: Use leftover, clear tea, as well as any water that lias been used ta liard bail eggs, ta water planta. GULLEN GARDIENS Festival of Lights is tions us the miniature recreation of a Santa drawing large',crowds over the holiday- Claus Parade. season. Among the moxst popular attrac-. Photo by Ma"kReesor. Whiby F»e Press Susiizdcourses for tradespersons DLrham ICdllege and ,the. mini of SkdIfs Developmlent i3retuition subsdized courses ta qualifl.d trades- poraons, beginning in January. To hoeéligible for the. courses, one must have at lout cof ithi. followinir Ontario Certificate of Qualifiation, Certificte of Apprenticei, Interpovncial Trades cote, or equivalent experienci), ta ho qualifid-%the must hoi a related area for the. patclrcourse., Tii. folowmgwpregmmrs are offeed a ' (J" -a-campus:! CAA basic, CAIYCAM advanced, fibre tcs:, mii rJic maitnne Semtics hydraulca control; rbtc ;rbtc l o tunguten arc weldi g ags(TG elig(pipe), train tii. trainer, f»ir alarm ,and protection systeni: conponents.and devices; application and installation; fire' prevention, sy*ema; (or For more information on tues. courses, « o areWgisrcalik at (416). 721-2000, ext 217, or Catherin. at; ext. -383.1 IO coSTEEL 'LASCOI Frustraition ove r,»funding* delay forward, should ur money ho going elsewherer» Duiham Centre )MPPDrLum- mon W tem tci dned governm.nt was bakigaw'y from the. previous goenen s Q&~ H[ISTORICAL FEATURE in tii. Whitby Free Press l. The volley in the Heber Down Conservaiton Area, is called 'D.vil's Den.! How did Rt get that nom.e? 2.Which Ontorio premier opened buildings ai the Whitby Psychiatrie Hospital? 3.Whot noted figure in Whitby's history hod his dog buried beside hlm In Union Cemetery? 4. How did Iroquois Park get its nom.e? Answers on Page 19 This featre provlded by commitment to Whitby. «It's flot that at ail, tuis is tiie kind of facility (ambulatory care) we want ta look at,» said White. .But despite a demonstrated need for an expansion of Whitby General White said a Durham Region bistriet Health Council study of healtli services ithe. ra mstho completed first. reouwant to givea green light ta Whitby it's recognizable ad neeed t away"' said White. «But a th tisame time you don't want ta go aiiead without the. local-screenmgproces. «It"ls -important ta lobby, for local needs butwe aiso want ta look at regonal needs,» Aithougih. did not know how ion the. study wiIl take, White sait health ministry tf ave indicated that Whitby's proposed ambulatary car. unit ho studied' first. «It should ho coming hmthe neéar future, 1. don't see probleme with funding,» said White. "Ministry staff have spoken Buffett, however, cannot understand why Whitbys expan- sion muet ho put on hold until ti.rgonal studyi cornpleted. «UI rcgie the need for an acute car. studyý, but frankly we've been studied and re-stu- died » saidBuffett. Wilei acknowledging tii. need for a region-wide acute care IAJNOHEON OUT 'Luncheon Out, meals for local siors,»isheld ev.iy Monday, Wednesday and %rdaya M onat thi.Knights cf Couus Hal, Brok St.N. i downtown Whltby.Kngf tf Coumbus sofo i; lundieons. For mor informa- toioi668-8334., study, Buffett said a 1985 repr recommended an ambulatr care facilitfior Whitby. "No stuy will change that," lie said. «ii. oly'thing chaned is'the. population- will continue ta in- crease.n Paul, HowarÉd,ý spokesman for Lankin, said the health council study will ensure, that future health demande con b. met. «Because- Durham lias been sucli a high growth region we want ta make sure they have the. facilities to accommodate that grôwtii,» said, Howard. On. 'of the areas ta b. exa- mined lsa ambulatary care, "exactly what Whitby's propos- ing,»said Howard. , WIe hope that's one oftÎhe pro4ects that proceeds firot,» ho Howard addd that Lankin bas Yoipans ta tour Whitby Health ministry communica- tions officer Judith Glyn Wil- liams -said the expansion only vare >rasryboard appro- «Every otiier phase lias been approvea. W. cant issue a ten- der cail, tii. treasury board lias ta give approval,» said Glyn Wil- lioms. CORPORATION 0F THE. TOWN 0F WH ITBY Worklng Out. Windlng Down, ReIaxing, Rejuvenatlng Stepplnýg, SIiding Make your 19 Resoutions Matte r with a. thre e-month. or 1fuII-year membership at the Whitby 'C ivio- Centre Recreation Complex.< CU.R.C. 66-1991 aturdoy Mornling January 9th BOUNDARIES: Sochrane'St e West Garden St, èEast CPR traeks ê Suth Ross1ndRd. ~North 1~leczse ~yc~ le

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