Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Free Press, 30 Dec 1992, p. 12

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Page 12, Whh>y Fmo Pros, Wednsday, Docoiber 30. 19P2 The Palliatve Car.- Education Hospital will présent 'Woridn Committe. of -Whitby General. Togethera An ;ner=a.e Hospital gude-published' Whltby General Hospital bai publish.d a 'Guide, ta Patients and Visitoro.' The pamphlet gives patients and viieitorâ an introduction. ta the hospital azd 'provdes infor- mation on sace topic» .asadmit- proedue varions servicSà tmgded ven houri, "tand Dur sices. Approach to'Paliati#>e, Car. on Saturday, Jan. 30 from 8:30am. ta, *%30 P.m=,at tii. Thunderbird Golf and Country Club in Ashburn. gerdtWar-d physiciensý health c ar -" roeioasndvofunteer workin wilth- palliative care, patients and their famffies in the homo," sy egPrimeau ofthe planning camnrittee.. "Tii. feedback fimlait ear's half-day sesson identified the -.g{BROOKLLN W- New pag.stor.am to brigethe gap By Ma rk Reesor It's taken the nèw p aterof Meadowcrest Baptist Church in Brooklin a littie while toa4ajust ta snow and'freezing tempera- tares at Christmaos. At Pastor Emanuel Elizee's lent ch .a.low of 69 degrees Fabrenhetduring tho Christinas. season had the locale ibivéring.< "That'.B reelly cold for there, salys Elize. " «thow la the Ceriben island. of Antigua, where Elizes. was pester of the Villa Baptiat Church in the Islend's capital city, St. Jobn's. Other thingi that took a little getting used ta included the fait pece cf 1f. in Toronlto, where Elize. attended seminaryi -He says it was a big céhange -from, home. "Theres only 85,000 people in Antigua on 105, square miles- whï hurry, tbere's no place te Elizee's been in Canada six years now - ho gaduatod from seminary in Aprireand took over as pstor at Meadowcrest in He says adjusting te 11f. in Brooklin has been- much less of a problenr it even reminds hinm a lttle ofÂnitgua. "Ifs very nice -- very different froin Toronto -- thi eople are ve!y open.» Elize. says he's been going door ta door, introduci n sel ta. peoploeand "they've been very friendZy27 .Social and family concerne are an. importent te Meedowcrest. «We're very much' aware that there are people in the coin- munity that n el, e notes. The congreg a s loigat ways it cean hlp 11. ettn invfolved in. the MasonWeels progami, for ex mle. Evanlem - iharing your faith with othe»-* h also a major -focus, saypElize. He a considetig adding a a arts And crafts, leoMeadowcèrest's existing progam~, wbich includes two Sunday sr4ices (11 a.m. and 6:30 p.m.), unday school PASTOR EMANUEL ELIZEE «geered ta alI agroupas,» at 10 a.m. a .iw~ bible study (Wenesday nights at 7:15 p.m.) and a Tuesday mornming ladies coffee hour and devotional <9:30 a.m.). A discusion group, Mopen te Durh aiewing W The economic statemient made recenly IW Finance Minister Don Mazankowski speiled ou!t quite clerly tht thrs no mi *c formula for booting the Caaan econmhowee uhwe aUWithtefinncial strait-jacket of debts and deflcit i which ail levèe of government flnd theniselvee, unfortunatelyr there cen be ne quick fixes or easy idck-sbta. e simplydot bve te m ont go on a spending ipre.. To moot Canadians, tho mont signficant news ls that there will be no tax increase and that tbe tai cuts for ext ya ennounced previouely in the 199 federal budget wil o ae0 as lened. - 1e finance minister' bas announced- a wide range of measures to increase both go--vernmenlt end «ivt investment in economic recovery and long-terni çrowt.'iWny of these are directod toa mail businesses, which wj11 crmats more than 80 per cent ocf new jobs. Theso incentives are te ho paid for by broad spending cuts - including a two-year freere on th. entire federal payroll -- that aise will help- keep the national 4eficit under control. Fmn optimistic that were seeing the lait et the ziecession that- bas go severely.restricted the amoemt et monq inicirculation, thue raising unempicyment t ceta ble levels and reducing ~oeren revenues. Economic growth * mexpectedto more'.than, aoueneit year and, with inflation remaing at a record Io1 empîcyment prospects should ho coasderably brighter for 197. apybodv with questions,»" j alec "Basically what we went ta do ls ho friende -ta the communityý end ho part of the" commuùnity... the histery bas been that there' not boon imuch- contact; my goal is ta bridge that gap.". need feîeducatinî,caregiveos. lu arder taovido etter isupport mao~ patie nts and the r fimdlie th*y omo te ternis with d fer e ducation Prorau wo~pswlUfocus on ash topici a Bereavement' énd <Open Comimunicaton with the Patient.' Âlzhimer's 'Prennes for Your Thoughts' campaigu Canadien Impeijal Bank of Commerce CIBC)baches will help with t e 'Penhies for'Your 'Thugha'cwpâ inJanua1?. Alzheimer Society' of Durham gTei;s wilî havé special con-- tainers ta receive penniies for the public.hInformation ion Alzheimner ýdisase wil also ho available.-as ert of awareness activities in FuMnraised thro'i the pro. Jerot will support the Wandering ProRegisry and other coin- munity progranis. Regatraton f.. in *40' (bifor 3Dc 1) and,$45 (iftwr-Dbc. 31), with enrolmnt limited to 100 p articpantK 1>. For ffier information arid r.goeatiotn, contact Pimesul.i t *BEA~ join the.rnany people, who agree flot to drink alcoholic beverages ... and to drive everyone ln their group home safeiy. Emma, Tffl FLATIRON BUILDING, BROOK9M'REÇ UM4H Q.1898 This frame building was demolished in 1948 ta, make way for the Public Utilities office, now ocupieby the Wib hme fCmmre h tr tleft je W..Pringle's grocery- te cetre soe rdJns eni ikradstoretoeat right, RLBlow, cool anc1 telegraph office. WiwAovàpt finmthe Wednem ,.Decomber 29,1982 edition of the -PREM " Ibo Free Preas says al, people should pull together in 1983 to corne out of the recession. " The FreePressisreviewing the eventscfl1982 ithis issue. " Sefeway store is advertisîng chuck blae.mons at $1.48 a pund. " Seventeen industries relocated or expand.d in Whitby in 1982. 35 YEÈARS AGO fi-om the Tluirsday, Janiuary 2,1958l edition of the " Door-to-door mail delivery in WhitlJy may begin i 1958. e AIl overhanging aigu are ta, be reýmoved fon downtown businheesthis year. " Two hundred and Îfen new telephones wore installed i WhithY in thoelest two weeks. " Judge John E. Pritchard bas been re-élected chairman cf the Wbiitby Police Commnission. 110 YES AGO from the Thuraday, Decmber 28, 1882 edition cf the WiB1W OBIONICLE- " A brakesman on the Grand Tnmk R.ilway was killed when knocked off a train passizng under the Brock Street bridge. " fizty gentlemen of Braoklin -hcSted a dinr for former reeve James B. Bicheil who is * Z Wilia Hsrýnto Smoe f Ashbur are -holding an extensive mde e, Eiorthorn cattie and " Fes charged for, itudents attending tIi. Whitbhy Coimite Instituts, are a mncipal élection issue. ------------- 1 ý l r-7 1 1 i

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