Page 10, Whltby Free Press, Wecnesday, December 23, 199 >$- 2 049 Lb ý$3 1.99 Lb HE EF .PLACE ney Rd.S.#Ajjjî »742. CORPORATION-' 'r HE, ,ý,OWN'FWHITBY On behaif cfthe members c cunoil and the -staff 'of the Town of Whltby, I1 wish that al of the, residents 0f Whitby rmy enJoy, the festive season and that the New'Vear, may.'bing rehewed hopie, prosperity and peace. >TOM EDWARDS MAYOR 4Seaà on'sGetn4 to Ail Our Valued Customers, & Best Wishes For a Happy, Pýrosperous,& Safe New Year From the Managemient & Staff of 'Superior Propane. Supe4ior-' es5 VictoiaSt. E, whi 4. 68m332 HalakOrnamentsà Gift Wrap* .Boxed> Cards Napkîns* Plates, Decorations, 25 Thlckson Rd. N. acosfrom the Brick) YHITBY I Theft, asault -charges laid I A 'Shopperit, Drug. Mart seuiy guard was roughed 'up Saturday i.after confroting,,a shopiffing suspect. -Pol1ice siay the guard noticed a nian concealing mierchandise and açrsted him outside the Dundas «H. tried to escape and she grabbed him and hung on... until the store supervisor came to her assistance»,s éays Staff Sergeant Jim Adams. "She was pushed but there was no seriousinvur A 30- ear-old Resoute Cr. man iachargewith theft under and assmalt to resit'arrest. Tentative 'trial 'date-,* is Jan. 20 for Lindros'o The, Oshawa & District Real f'~ E state Board :ODREB) re- taof' *3,500 to non-p>rofit Durhm Reion.organizationsi mones,, a.located to the Salvation Arxnyfood, banks were $300 to-the Aax branch, $300 to the Whitby branhl, .$300 to the Bowmanville branch, $300 to the Sgog branch' and $600 ta h Oshawa branch. The :Durhamn Region Lung Assoiaton received a $200 donation. The United Way Aýjax/Piïckering branch receved $500ý and, the Newcas3tle-Oshawa-Whitby United W4Iy branch received $19000.1 "ODREB <bh»a agood history-of community involvement, 'and* we are very pleased ta dénate ta our non-profit organizations in the DuhmRegion.-As raltorswe eoyhelping Our comunity. M*i wlhy we,,gladly donate every -yei4, maya Mak=1m prsdent ofODREB. <ODREB received -a cash (MICC). earlier this .year, for SericeÀwad for 1991, adas received geneýrous support *rOM the Ontario Rceal Estate 1Association Foundation. "Due to the generous suppirt fr-om the aboveorgam*zations, we, catry t6,1 make Cliistmas a .itfe Wtibetter for the. less fortunate hIOur community," ays Smith., DR. 'MAY'.DAEMI'&,,STAFF Hockey. star Eric Lindrosfmds out next week whether his trial will go ahead Jan. 20 as'tenta- tively scheduled. <Hîs Toronto lawyer Earl LIevy, will b.- back in 0sIÈawa court Tuesday to1 contirm whether a judge will be a«vailable 'for at. least a full day to hear the case. 'Lindros and Jeiff-Hardy' 21,, ,were charged with commnon assault atter a- 24-year-, old Whitby woman complained they roughed her up and R'oured beer on .her at Koo Koo Baa aa Whitby sports bar, Nov. 29 Hardy is to stand trial March 20. The complainant, Lynn.,Nun- ney,'also face a charge of com- mon assault laid on iniformation Oiven by Lindros. Shes to appear in Oshawa court Jan. 7. Loblaws in limbo" FR OM PAGE i pxanIined todétermine whether its findings are stili valid,,he gaid.' "The population has chanod pince 198 we'il check it egainst te officiaLI-plan," said Penny-. "Iftheres no problem, we wv»ll withdraw the appeai" But Pe4yeýke lnisited that the *need for an 0 -MB appeal could have been avoided..' «Al of it could have been settled a yer ao.They're the only municipalthy Pv.,,come, across that wvouldn't release a public document.» (In addition ta the. 0MB appeal, 'the Town's' refusai ta rele ase the study was also appea- led ta the Ontario Freedomi of, Information and 'Privacy Com- Pennycooke rejected Town offi- ciais' aims that, the study was available to, the- public when Graywood's official plan amend- ment application came. before council. «Thne subtlety ther. is, that we told we can only look -at it at the counter- (at .the. Town office)," said Pennycooke. 4 wouldlike to wish our patients and ail'thepéop1e of Wvhy> a Merr4y Chr.itmas and a Prosperous New Year. t~ ~ We look forwvard f0, serving you in the new year. 112 ATHOL ST. 1200,ý WHITBY 668-581l5 "Ther.'s a large amount or numbers and calculations to <go ghr ,hyoujust can't do it that Wannyvcooke said p rovincial leg« lation stipulates Pth'at the Oshawa GZroup muet be provided With the stUdy. «I think the market study should have been released <(ear- lier) .. I don't know what kind of games they're paying." Ina ,report ta own counmcil, last' month htypann director -Bob ,Short.tre h Oshawa Group's 0MB appeal "frivolous ini nature-and mède without supporting 'documenits of a planning nature.^'1ý - Short toldý The 'Free Press it was Graywood's decision ta release the' study and he suas ted thedeq enn. oictd ning anddeveqplopm ent coit e chair said the Town was follow- ing ôraywod'sinstructionsi not releasigthe market'study. "We didhit, reloase it be ase Graywéod dd' want it r-eleased,! saïd Batten. 'Ibey- prefebrred not .t6 and we had ta, abide by it,- the' didn't have ta, give us reasonis," eKe said. Batten suçgested Garywood was only being -«cautious" in- ,Tuey realized there was nothing to ýhide.*and the.* releasedit,uhesaid. Graýywood president'Gamnet Watchorn'maintains that the. stdwas always avaîlable o theOsawa Group. «If they wanted a copy they had ta, make it themselves," said Watchorn. "'fie Town called us8 and said did we have objlections ta, making them a 'à . had no objec- Watchorn admiitted the con- struction delay will cost "money sud »os but_ preferred not té ni don't thiuk you cari put a figure on it. We'r talking about a 140,000-sq. ft. building, I don't know." WIiLiU vasco Yolkswagen Imc. 1425 Dundas- St. E., Whitby, usîmwui vv ££0yf-,0-2?Ã" Toronto/AjaxlPickering - 686-6410 * - TOLL FREE 1-800-263-2676 Experience the Owasco Feeling - It's been proven since 1972 AN "I'CARE"- and OML SERVICE, AWARD.WINNER. Owas' 35 MIN. FROM TORONTO _FWY. 401w îco Canadian Car &,Camper' Rentai M4efiliated with OwascoVolkswagen & Audi Inc. 14 Dundas St. E., Whitby, Ontario CanadaLiN 2K6 Telephone: (416) 668-9383 (Whitby Line) (416) 686-6410, (Toronto Line) Fajc:--(416) 668-9734 Ontario Toil Free 1-800-263-2676 Traveling Canada the U.S.A.ead Europe the Ovwsco Way -~--4A~Y- -' *' m If everyone would lightjust one. candie., what.a brighter world this would be. Warmest wishes from ail of us at... Ltd@. e Il > < w i- . , 1 . - m- > 1 1 ý -1 ý ý - 1 ý ý ', - > , ý ý 1 < , -,âik Id , - ". , - - - - - , . .- - , - -, , M%,W r-qumq-N Fe