Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Free Press, 16 Dec 1992, p. 26

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7'X,~ ~ ,~ Page 24, WhIlby Free Press, Wednesday, December 16,,1992 Writing9sudy resuispop sohol bord.totake<cto By MlkeKowaild* Incidents ý of 'sexism and vio- lence in students' writingr has spurred Durham Board of Educa- tion-offlicials te take action. A spécial committieelhas- been formedto determine what mea- sures are needed to assiat tea- chers when they find examples of seztism and violence ini thon, stu- dents writinq. The commttéee was formed as a result of the a review of stu- denit writing during the 1991-92 school year. Appro0ximately 600 grade, 6 andi10students chosen at ran- dom participated in the study. Amog'thé midor highlfgtso the study' presented -te s, chool board'truste.. during a recent meeting were: * three.quarters of students in both grades demonstrated an «acceptable to secure' comm and of, story -writing lfs but one- quarter had ete iited know- ledge or neo understanding cf basic writingsils two-thirds cf students used the râles cf punctuation, gram-' mar and, spelling correctly, but Qne-third demonstrated a lack cf p"roflciey in -tIis area; * a prevalence of sexism and' violence was, evident in the atonies wrïtten at both grade levels; * the media is viewed as hav- ing a strong influence on student writng. Joyce Fisher, who along with fellew consultant Nolan Taggart, co-ordinated the witing project said board officiaIs are concerneci by the study's findinga. However, when Ziwed in a broad perspective, the results are net surprising, Fisher said. ,'he part that's difficult for peqpleto understand is the mix, cf- kids we were dealing with» She explained that as society changes, se doos its educationail institutions. 1«W. have a lot more kids staying inschool who ini past years would have'dropped out,» said Fisher. «We have others Who were in a special, school ý setting but are now integrted into reglar classes and wel have more Engl- ish 'as a second language stu- dents,», Se when ail factors are con- sidered, the resulta were «What we expected,» said Fisher. Yet,ý that - doos not mean they are acceptable, Fisher stressed. -Several recommendations aimed at in oin Miing skilla are includein thestudy,she said. *«There's a misconception ouit there that we don't, teach spél- ling, we do," Fisher insisted. "There is loads and loads of researh about spelling. t's net just memorization, diffeïrent stra- tgies and approaches are invol- yod.» Without wishing ta make excuses for -the "one-quarter and one-third» cf the students, Fisher said teachers today must' deal with more behavioural and social probleme. "Twrenty-five years ago mosit teachers concerns were students. talking, butting into line ... now it's druga, violence," said Fisher. "There are more problèe than ever before and teachers don't have the proper training ta deal with it. «Consiidering, the number cf problems teachers have te face Ilow, getting kids te read and wrte Who nover held a book in their bands is extremely diffi- cuIt.» Curriculum officer Brian Dun- ford will be heading up the cern- mittee investigating the sexism and violence issue. "Our, mandate is te esee what guidance and assistance w.- can provide te, teachers about what procedures gotrouhwe tefid examles fsxs n oce,» exlanedDunod "It's not censorship but te give teachers ideas te se p.a psit- ive forum' he explaîned. The coLinitt-eWinll be cer- prisd of ýteachers , administra- tars, consultants and trustées initially, said.Dunfor-dalthough parents may lie addedlater. «It,,might mean night meetings but I tbink .there may be- 'an aPpr9priate time for, parents,», sa:id Dnferd. 1«We do have a regional.paren- tal advisory board wp can con-, suIt. >Dunford is hoping the commit- tee will have «something pro- duced and ready" for use by next Seatber.l look lilce I don't know. It. will take tino because, it's a sensitive issue." Sehool board chair Louise Farr preferred 'ta withold comment on the study's findingep involving. students' writing skillo. She said trusteesi want a more detailed explanation cf 'what cri- teria was use'd ta establish un- acceptable levels.. .«9 don't think it's as bleak as they sa y,' said Parr.'*1 Hlowev:; Farr. a Pickering trustee, si the study has ser- yoéd a-vital purpose. "Yuidentif rolmareas an d.work on them frein a.teach- jng point, cf view and. what* kids e prdce"sh aid. «W. inten ,t work with the schools and community on this. We want te, share. with them where were at and where welre goinig." As for the sexisin and violence issue, "perhaps we shouldn't be surprised,» said Fanrî. '<Certainly in -the claaron 1 think, the children get a broad view ôf quality material"» said ar, but outideteloli rnaybe -a different' story, ishe Parr dose net advocate parents ne= the* books their chul- dren r or television'prograins the,v watch, only ta provide alter-. natives. «There should be'> a balance9d, healthy, overal Perspewtie,» ehe said. Parr s aid educators are willing te do their 'part as -well, bu ceoper ation is essential. î W.can be, partners. tohe remedy -but we ,can't do it alone. Children are with us 5» 1/2 -heurs a day,9 the rest cf the tixu esp tete famiily."' Dance on. Fridclay at Henýry WACY (Whtbers Active and Concerned Yeuth) is i*vting ahl gae7 and 8. students .te a.. CSlldaYni«h atHenry .mnadmission is $2.'Stu- en a are ise sked t6i bring alS canned food items for the Chitmas feod t '*ive. WAC wil ltzg Christmas caroélling Sunda-ýs Dec. 20 ini the WWsLyde-are"4 fasOpen êiîveryone» even pensare mi ,says *AC chj Candra tIinter, who han .uat receved a4Otro Junior Citizen cf the Y"awrd Those particij',,ng-are asked te meet i ienry Street Hii Shool aroù ff* 7 pm There's only oûn. restiction at WACY-eranizéd events - ne druga orlcoholare permitted. OGA to hold 'Student Night' M ie. Certified General Accoun- tant. of Durham will hold 'Stu- dent Night' at Durham College Jan. 5. CGA Durham memibers, will diseuse accountin¶> as acareer. There i. ne admission for 'Stu- dent Nigh tote b held in con- ferencero E218, fromn 7:30 te .9 r more information oeil LA. Masald at 428-1869 (evenings). Meranda Waters HENRY ST. H.S. les that time agan. The snow is faling, you've hung your dazzling Christmas Iights. and decorated your house, everything is just perfect, riglit? Wreng. UJnfortunately net pveryone will.be as ap or as lucky as Yeu and I this Chritmas sason. That's wliy, with the help of the Christan Feilowsip, .,Hemry Stret bas kicked'off its annual food drive. Each hunieroin bas a farnily te, car.ý for. Food, clothing and tiiare greatly appreciated se lhSe o andgivesomeone else a îwd79Ffil Chrftmas, -too. -HAs well "as the food drive, H em-y Chiý an Feilowship is helping te g4de teens in the right direction. -Lest WednesBday afternoonn, ail the bodies at Hernry crammed into the Sym th watch «'ul l Tt.' This three-screen, film featured many -big. naine celebrities fi= the mvie, sports and music world. Their message: make your own décisions and b. peur. own person - words te live On Friday, Dec. 4, eveiyene at Henry, males and females alike, proudly sported wite ribbons in support tif violence against women. Eager volunteer visited eachhome minte hand 'eut ribbons, and. donations were aoepted. -A Vau= tbank. you goos eut te everyone who'contributed to this wrtwhle cause. lI our wn little sports world, the Hawks prevalled again, this time in wresgLing. Henry hosted the first 'wrestling tournament of. the year and wrestlers, frein. far and, -wide were encouraged te, corne eut. The competition was stiff buteour Henry wrestlers were gold modal in the division. The music *department lias been extremel1 busy, this past week with the Santa Claus Parade and & concert they hasted for the public uchools in the area and some of the senior citizens cf Whitby. Their latest venture was the Annual Christinas Concert which was held on Dec. 9. Tickets were $4 for adults and $2 for students, and the magical evening began at 7:30. Cngatulatiosw tu ail the membersof ail the bande and chofirs for another* superli pefrance! ST. MATrI-EW -sohool'prlmary grade students perform during a Chrlstmas concert Iast week. Mhoto by-Maffh.w Stoilç, mysteet H.S.c-ptdt 014*1 E@AuE# STUDINýTS Sendl submlsslos o CLASS- COMICS -to the Whitby Fre Press mli Gady

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