W hltby Fie Pis, Wednesday, Deà ember 1 6.1iGO1P9e91 MPP ets upportfrsoilwork. regulation- GRxEEN CHRJSTMJAS SHOPPING. As we are ail aware, the festiv e- season is known ta, croate M..ore garbage than usual.- It is ne wonder that garbage bag line the streeta after Christmnas when we.take inta account the extra shopping, entertaining, opecia events, over-packaged produots and gift Mrpig It's just as esttln; 'green' over the hoidaï eason. as itisole t awasteful. For th. uw 'redu' 8cietys gift-giving ideas such. as: theatre or sports ticket, coth tata bagng distance phono certificates, a donation ta you friendtfa vorite charity, onergy or water cnevto inventià os, transit takena, a fitness and health membersip,, or simplyr an hour or two of your time, lagin ta, emerge ai ideda uggestions foe this spécialseason. Chlfdron, and their parents would probably appreciate the gift of lessns such as muai; swunMing, dance or gymnastics. The fllowing gift-wrapping ideas are, always worth' a mention at this tineocf year. -Ycu canmak attractive gift lage freinm unwanted-draperies or clothing, clourod -seiùrm thenespper, childron's artWok, inside.outpoatchip bags, tes towes, bath tawels,Piu-ow aesor adwlpapor. When yeu receive gifts, unwrsp te resénts carefuly se you can reuse the paper as well as the ri=bnsand bows. On Dec. 17, Windfall Cloting Service will clebrate its fret, anmiversary -wihen à poia y 60 volunteers plan to puali rolling lothes ýrocks thrcugli the.two Miles cf Torc-nta's downfown underground mals . They wfil pick up preorranged donations cf imerchondise fin up ta 400 particieating retail stores. Toronto Mayor June RoWlands 'Wil paizipate in a brief ceromony when a representative cf the nJdrgcn City presents thia donation. Windfall is a volunteer, non-poi organisation that locates and çollects new supleus.clothingfîrcm manufacturer. and rotail outiets.. These seasonal surplus, production overruns, canceled orders and samples are now distributed free cf charge ta hostels, shelters and social service-agencies that provide for people who seldoin have new clothes cf their own. The.Levy Strauss & Company Baye cf Widfal: "Vie aï 1aud ypour imagination and diligence in croating éuchasuen cost-effetive program." TIPi When a tablecloth lias become table, c ut it Up ta make cloth gift or toto dinnernapIns. unsuitable for the bagB, tes towels or Dùrham Centre MPP Drummond Whites private memberIs r»solution received unanimous suvo -fin Mail *thlreè parties at QÙdt Park lait The resolution cailsu énthe' provinciai governinent taflegslate reusto for the practce cf ~fesioaIsocial work in White was' delighted. by the unaimos spport b f1 ail thre er, bhis resohtion and thie cf support frein sociai workes,,_from ocr Ose ýthe province *hôo filed the -public gallon..for thi. debate. "Social workiers work with- the most vulnerable .in ,our community ,and ýwith peolo a t tii. most vuinerable..perioda in their lives," fead White. «Now,. even more thon ever before, -vulnerable. adulte and cbîidren deserve protection froin lilmothical and inoompetent, social workers. "W. grant iglits ta doge, since veterinarians are regulated. We teaý ucli rights -ta bushes, since- lrndcape architecta are ren&a ("W. protoot doge and bushes althoughnot one from the other) but we stiilAdo net affordsc protection topeeple." Ontario à i stiil the only- rrevnCnadanwthoiit a work. Social workers pctise with a coxnmunityaselderly, clfidren and moot unerable adulte,* but cliente have net had. protection frim unethical or incompetent practitioners. "I Durhamn, we are moving towards, more and latter comnmunity-based services for the elderly, for fanmilies* and a substantivýe redevelopinent cf the Whitby'Psyhiatric Hopital," .aid W""t.'e "Vie need ta la assurod that tiie prcfessonals who'direct these trusted ta ea with comMuity servces :can la vuinerableneigiours" Our Pariaret'ryReor Consider other.'options A garbnege il secroachlon the GreaterTarIAnea. Alhog sgnfcèt tids obeen m Weinwaste ýmanagement in Ontario, vmneglaring faots romafin. Millions of, tonscfresidiualsolid waste mliMst hofSpose f. MAvaiable disosi cpai erap* iydiminishing. And havng rnowýhero -to waste Management planner. The Greater Toronto Area accounts for mare than haif f ntro.total Of 10 million tonnes of sold waat oach year. Wlth a rqjected population cf six million b~y the year 2020, there willl basteson waste management- capabilities at a times when the current system is close ta reaching its limita., Reoently, I attended a meigta studied this situation, and, offered .an ambitious souton I'scaled"ti. 'M! T-he- OR builds on the popular currýent waste mnagmntatvities cf Réduction, Re-u, Rcyin Mad Racver. h injecta ýwan* imotn ifth<R- the Riway. The proposail comblinesth ri ims f ON and the Ontaril oetand ta sase the pesr on Toronto landifl sites and deliver. econoenicenea opportuntie t the narth. Heeshow it works. The solution entafll thé cosruction cf a waste transfer facility at CON' Macillan Yard in Vaughan,. the city where most cf Torontoig waste ia currently dispased. At ti Utase acl ItU&yP solid waste wil la seaed in 48-foot containers. Each container, holding 25 tonnes cf compacteduimd waste, wif ride double-etacked .on, flat car for oï carrying this waate .will trave from Yrdta the, former ore-producing site known as Adamsa Mine, near Kirkland ,Leke, Ont. for disposai andfor recyling. SThis -rail systm oould héndie al cf the groster Toronto aroe' waste each year. And it could -do it in a very, practical maDrier. Rai transport is unmatohedý in its efficient use cf1 energ ita relatively minor impact on air, soû and -water quality auJ its ability té move large quantities safel and effectively. -oepared ta transport by road, railways can reduco fuel cosumption by65 to 75 per cent. It aiso relieves congestion: on public highwsys thereby reduoing maintenance csta I don't know if thua 13 the solution ta Durhiam Region's landfl problems, or. if- it will replace the four'possile sites around Whitevale. I only wish that the provincial gouvernment woud open its mmd to alternatives like the rail option so that the people cf Vihitevale niight la spà red anothr dump. 1