Page 10, Whitby Fr. Presa, Wednesday, Deceniber 16, 1992 Winter atclasses, offered at ga llry Regstration la now opn fer aul wïuter art duasses at the Rdbetý '011 Paintig -- The. Old M[asters 'fTchnique' and 'Advanced <Saturday ]Cidstuff,' a 10-week prcgram for 5- te 12-year-olda,. introduces creative youngsters te mww techui4lues, new ideaà , new material ansd n ew friends. Early casa size Ia limitL Tih. claie begins Jan. 9. Class f... are $55 for gallery membepra, $70 for lothers. 'Art4Teens,' a four-week cartooning is sfor highs1 chool- aedatudenta, takes place each Siday fio 1:30 te 4:30 p>m. begln" nJan 10. Instrutor John Main is a, graduate of Q 0e 'nversitrmandhas EiCat-on at arts- camps as well as at the. Ottawa. School of<Art., Ciassa tees are $30 for RMG members, $40 for others 'Advanced ,Silversmithing' and 001 Pà liVg -- Tii. Old Masters Technique' are both Tiiuruday classesfor adults. Claustae place from 7 te 10 p.m. and both on Jaln. wnlu7.i a~~~~~a~i foth .qiit . elr, teacinoe tii. Advaiied Silveromithing clasa. Intended for thcue' with 9 m. previous knowledge of wà kn Wa ivr atudents lu tha seven-wéek course will- b. introduced'te tth. technique, of .silver csin.Fées for thia das. are $1206orRMG members, $140 for otheis. 'OÙ Painting - The. Old- Masters. Technique' will * be -taught by AndrwBo ,au instructor at -th Toronto, School of Art and a professonal arti9t, who la r.presented in private sud corporat. collections, Ibath lu North America and in Europe. Studeuts lu ti 10-week cass wlll learun how such! artiste as Rembrandt andTItian bilt up their paintings fi= a' bas cauvas. Clasa fées are $115 for RMB members, $130;A supplies list lu available upon regstration. nëster either lu peruon at the. llror by mail te tthe Robert Centrî Oshawa,Oery, CiMi contact Marg 1Jackeon at 576-3000. County Town ChrstnmSshow lie County Towu Singera will ~e a CRiaùt'mashowon 1ansd 20. 'Silver Anniveruar Chriamas' willbepreueted at enry Street Hi~Scho1,startng at. 8 P.m. The.-singera are directed by Barbara Ouellette. Tickets, $5 each, are avalable at Lafontaine Trading Post lu dowutown Whitby aud at North- eru TradItions W the Oshawa Centre. For more information cali 668- 5469. PRESENTS, 8.0 3UTIERKevin Harpr tates Stephanie lartini and Adam H yatt in a scene from Vhtby Courthouse Theatre Senior Youth 3roup's production of 'Done to, Death.' The mystery-comedy runs' tomorrow night through Sunday. The. $5-tickets are avail- able at Lafontaine Trading Post. Photo by ftkRoeso, Whlby Fr.. Pres 'Ea 1sy -Access' n d ow ntown, Local band Easy Acems will perform at G-Notes lu downtown Whtby this Friday nlgiit. Begun lu 1989 as a cover band, thieOsiawa-based unit now, per- forma mostly on*miai tunes, mi a musical s3tyle .descrlbed as a «blend of folk, couutryasud hard rock stylins.n Easy Access is a finalist* in TorontWe Hard Rock Cafe Rock Vn Roll Fantasy competition, the finals to, have. been iield lust nigiit (Tmesday) at the Hard Rock Caf. at the. Shydome. Ii, baud wau one of the, wlu- uers in lat-years CK1T,.Home- grown conteat lu Peterborough." The. baud la't uew teWhitbyp fivlg playe. sverLl tmsa thefreO os loain l so6uth Wbitby. Baud mrnnbers are Dan Blomme (vocale), MIke Minnie (guitare, backup vocals), -Barr Wednesday, Dec. 16 FULL COUNT'BLUES BAND Frlday, Dec. 18 EASY ACCESS NICOLA VAUGHAN 11 D ndsSte EVViib 430-863 Foster (bus), Rjan Harliick'(gui- tas bcuvoala) s.uad-Vinice Monagno I(ums, e rcussion). ~.. . .. . The. third annual 'Vital S ak Chritmnas p7rtywill be rl Saturdaynight, Dec. 19. Song sheets will b. provided to encorageaudinceparticipa-7 tion.=eadinD SAdmission. is $8 for meieibersý. $10 for non-members. Tii.- club la at the Manonic Hall, 91 Centre St.. Oshawa. The summer*is -gone- so ispasture putt. Th e hbis are ready for -winter fun'. Rernember our pies & torts, avdildie.year round. 15 miles north of Yhltbys on Laikeridge Rdl. à t.n Ca 655-309-1< ...........