Page 10, WhIthy Fre. Pissa, Wednesday, Dember 16, 1992 Witr art.claà sses offered at gallery, Regfitration ie now open for alft wit.r art clases at the Rbert '011: Painting - The Old Masters Technique' and <Advanced Silveromithing! 'Saturday Kidstufl' a 10-week program for &-'to 12-year-4dlds, mntroduces creative >Youmpte«s te new techni4ues, new ideas, new materiala and new friends. Early claMasize ln limie The claie begina Jan. 9. Clama feeu ar $55 for gallery members, $70 for other. 'Art4Teens,' a four-week ,.I= IM fr bih scoal- agdnts, takespÃ"eeoeh Sunday frim 1:30 ta 4:30, pm. bgnngJan 10. Instructor John Mainu=* is a 1graduate of Queen'isl!!&versityheand bas Education at arts camps. as well as at the Ottawa, School cf Art., Caa fees are $30 for RMG members, $40 for oth2ers. 1'Advanced -Silversmithing' and 9091 PainVfng -- The Old Masters Technique' are both Thuruday classefr aduita. Classes take place from 7 te 10 p.m. and bath beion Jan. 7., Cidy More well-known lu the area for ber equ te Iewehryv la teacinoe lb. Advanced Silversmithing dlass. Intencted for thon with aine prvius knowledge of -wrkinig wýithsilver, students li m sev9en-week course wil b.introduoed' te the technique,<f silver castng. Fées for Ibis clama are $120 for RMG mebr,$140 for o"h*. Masters Tchni ' wQ l * -taught by An w- an lastructor aI -the Toronto, Schooil of Art and a prfes*oaI lit who la repreSented in privater anc coerporate collections, both i North America and in Europe. Students in Ihis 10-week clasa will learn how such artiste as Rembrandt and Titiani built up Iheir paintings froin a' bore canvas. Class fees are $115 for RMB memabers $130 others. A supplies Bast la available upon registration. Register either ln persan aI th. ,,Mery or by mail te th. Robert LauhlmGallery, Ci-tic CneOshawa, Ontario, LIH MZ. -For furtherifoato 576-3000. 'County Town Chrstmas show The County Town Siera, will beta'Uhritma-show on 19 'and 20. 'Silver Anniversary Chrlstmas wlllbepreaentedat Hienry Street 9P 1Sèholtarting t ,pn bonghts. The -singera are directed by Barbara Oueîlette. Tickets, $5 each, are available at Léafontaine Trading Post.i downtownt Whitby and at North- oui Traditions im'1he Oshawa. Centre. For more informnation Cali 668- 5469.BULRKvnHre ie tpae Martin. and. Adam Hyatt in a scene from ii i t [ 1Whitby Courtosleatre Senior -Youth Group's production of 'Done to Death.' The Wednesday, Dec 16 FULL COUNT BLUES BAND Frlday, Dem..18 EASY ACCESS NVICOLA VAUGHAN 11 jD d s St. E , tl mystery-comedy runs, tomorrow night trUgh Sunday' he $5tice t'Sare avail- able at Lafontaine jTradinrot 'E a sy, A èc'cess'sin dowtw Local band Easy Accesa will perform at G-Notes in downtewn Whtby Ibis Friay night. Begun lu 1989 as a caver baud, the0shawa-bamed unit now per- forma mostly orin-nal tunes, inia musical styledscLbe as a "blend of folk, country and hard rock stylinge.' Easy Accesla a fihaliat' lu Toronto'sHard Rock Cafe Rock nW Rail Fanlasy competition, the finals te; have. been held last night (Tuesday) at the Hard Rock Café at the Skydome. The baud was one of the win- ners in last year's CKPT Home-, grown contest in Peterborough, The band isn'Inew te Wity, having played, several ties at thie formler OTooles loction ln south Whitby. >, Band membera are Dan Blomme (vocale), Mike- Minmie (guitsrO. backup vocals), Barry Poster (bass), Rysan Harlcck (gui- tare,- backup v.ocals) and Vinice Monitagn'o (drumau, percussion). The third annual 'Vital Spark Christmnas Party will bed Saturdaynight, Dec. 19. Song shoots will be providod to encourage aud ience participa- Admission is $8 for members $10 for non-members. The- club is at the Maaonic, Hal 91 Cenfreé St. S., Oshawa. The summer is gone - so ispasture putt. The tilils are ready for winter fun'. Remember our pies & torts, cavaildble year round. 15 miles north of Whitby, on Lakeridge Rd. ction, caoi1655.-3091 M -Ã