Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Free Press, 9 Dec 1992, p. 6

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..................................................~ Pa.Se WMY Fr.. Pro Ws*, Decsmér-9, 199 The only'Whltby Newspaper owned and Operated > 'by Whftby residents for Whltby residents!' Published ýevery Wednesday by 677209- Ontario Imc.ý at 1131 Brock St. N., Whitby,, Ontario LI N.5S1 Phone 668-6111 .Toronto'Line 427-18â4 Doug Anideison - Publisher, Maurice' Pither - Editor, Alexandra Martin - Production Manager 2nd.Class Postal* Regi'stration #05351, The invisible killer To the Editor: George Washington said, 'O4 peron Muet b. Involved in the actions m apWi o0f hietime, lest h.ofMn the disk of fot haeiny Evdat aLi Chlldren are aur moat precious resaurce and the. aduts of the future. R. la wasteful and unjust ta aiiow chlld, paveîty-ta e xist In-an affluent sacetyIlike Canada. There la no tîme to iose. We ceannot' afford nat ta put the Issue af child poverty at the top of OUI country'a agenda. Poverty has clear consequences for the health and *9Il-belng of chlldren. When camfpared 'ta chlldren who are not poor, poor chlldren have mare physical health probleme *(lncludlng lnfectioff dîseases, anaemIaý obeslty- and malnutrition) and more montai heafh problemns (includlng.. emationai . and resuftlng behaviourai problems,, learnlng disablities, mental retardation and py chiarc disorder). Por children have. a higher rate of. teenage pregnancies, are more likely ta dis from accidents, ta perform poorly ln echool and have a hlgher hlgh sohool drap-out rate. Poôr children, when campared ta non-poor, ,chlldren, are - mare. likely a o abused ar negiletd are dspoornaely .IrvolyedI crlmînalofemirnces, -have shôrter Ife spans-.-a dliat gobé on." To make. matters wàrse, these children often' lack ,access ta services that *would prtect against the effects of :these condlitions, maIeng, R next, ta Impossible ta break the -cycle, of paverty' and dia Xanae.. "Poverty la an' InviiblekIllr bt pr> ecouslittle lIs don. to combat R. On Nov. 24, 1989 a mation was Inade by Ed' Broadbent in the, Haje-of Gommons to "seek ta, achieve the goal cf elmntg poverty among Canadien children by the year -2000.u k was a unique and exclting moment when ail thre. federal political' parties unanimausly supparted this motion. Unfortunately, little has been done by the federai government since then. Campaign 2000 Is a naional movement ta build Canadian awareness and support for the 1989 resolution. The9 campaign urges ail Canadien electedoficial ta ke.p their promise ta Canadas chîldren. To date, there are il national partners, three provincial partners and approximately 30 community , partners throughaut Canada *Fîïô bavé Joined the 1palg Children's Services Council (Durham) Inc. has recently become a community partner ln the campalgn. A local action group la being farmed and their firat meeting was on Nov. 24 to mark the passlng of' the third anniversary 0f: the 'Big Promise! The group's firat tasks are ta gather chlld pverty statisticW-far Durham Flegin and ta Increase memberhi. W.'. ail have a stace iln preventing the-,, damaging oucomes 0f poverty. W. al pay to Incarcerate the violent. W. are al ecanomically weakened by aost productlvtty. W. al liv. wth the fear af crime'In -our homes and on the stree1t. We are al diminlshed when large numbers of parents are Incapable of nurtun .thelr depe-ident young, .o r hn pervasive -ahienation erodes our national sens. of communit. ý: ýWe need toi ask ourselves, as Oanadlans, do we want ta live ln a ccuntry which- relegates many of its citizens to the status of a praetunderclass? Join us. We need your help. Diane Garvîn Chair, Durham Chlld Poverty Action Group 433-4100 M»uch support for ca mpaign 'To'the eédItor: -1I would- like ta take this opportunity ta thank ail the chiens, service clubs, businesses and' schools throughout, Whitby who contributed ta aur Poppy Campaign 1992. ..We.,were- most grateful ta the Whitby Sea Cadets for, their help on Saturday, Nov. 7. We wlish ta thank the, Whftby Free Press for thelr excellent <coverage of ail iàtvhles'durdng' Thank "you fo' r enabling-us ta have a succesaful a ai" Poppy Chair Royal Canadlan eg ion Branch 112 Whltby Su pport was appreciatedl To the Editor: Thank you very much for ail the media attention g*Von ta the Durham 1R-ionYMCA's l2th Annuai Gal rt Auction. The auction was a great succesa and we hope- to repeat it again next year. Thank you for the contlnued support. Mary WsIler Dîrector, Admînitration'and Client Services Durham Région YMCA Most people think there's on ly one way ta, help the developing wÃ"rld. We have 26. CODE SeIf-suficiency through iteracy in the developing world. For more iformoulon, mgII>4004661-CODE' By Re V. Christopher White Westminster United Church, Like most parents, we try to Impress certain values upon our chlldren. Among them la the Importance af enviranmental r e~~niduce byusing cloth diapers. (mastly).,>recycle by composting cont lnually (glving a home ta myriad generations . of frulti lies when I forgot to take the compost out) and, we*reuse. SIn particular, Wendy carefully saved ail the wrapplng paper used ln the move from Alberta to Ontaria and Rk]la naw being chlld-docorated, for use et Chita.Sarah tols us ln no uncertain terme that this, lsa agood thinge for us to he o dng ,UDaddy,0 ah. says serlousIy, ýwe have ta save the. trees, the trees give us oxygen and ifthere are no trees then.we can't breathe.w, Theseiarelesons thâtshe ges" from Sesame Street,. Mr. Dress-Up and j un*ior ýkindergarten, to nameý Just a few. But ,there lhas ho'n, an unexpectèd consequence ta thîs around- the subject ai Chlrstmas trees. *Every December, when.we w9e liviln '%>ringbank, Alta., we wodtr oop, out Into, the forestry resere, chop, down the Christmas spruce, and - take it home (as an E5sterner, however, i continue to holleve thal. the, only true Christmas tre. la a iotch pins). This year,. as there are no mounitaina to head Inta, we had. thought 0f going to one af the Christmas tree farma juat north of WhItby ta cut our tree, but there ha. been a stlht complication. Sarah lesappaied at the whole If daddy chopa down a tree for Christmas, wham, there goes the oxygen. Ail 0f a sudden I have been transformed fromn a ioving parent Into a rainfarest- chomping, atmosphere-choking, bulldozer, als Ferngully. Four-year-old s, I have dis covered, have no sense of nuance. Thora e larlght and there, la wro, thore are trees or there la no r Explalning the economic benefit fort the tree farmor has received no support whatsoevor. Nor has the asrance that the tree would ho replanited been greeted with anything other than the skepticismn of a member af Greenpeace when speaking ta a major polluter.' Unlesa we can lind a saund and convincing (for .>a four-ând-a-haf-year-old) ecolo gica agument fat, -the fres1h scent 0f pine branches la ln danger 0f, belngrplcdby-the seasonal scentofrecycle d plastic In'a box. As this la a prospect that fis me with dread, I have. on.iy on.' Wordleft-- helr. ft Ia an awful thlng for parents ta have ta live- with the consequences of what' we teach. Belng held' accounitable by- a faur-year-old la a most discon- certlng- experlenc. But Sarah le nat kIddinq around. Her generatian,- the children of baby -boomners (what -I ,calI -the boomlets) are belnp raised and are deveioplng an environmental ethlc literally from the cradie. 11 l's shaprig themn right now and wlill have a- profaund and, lastlng Impact upon thewa we live and the- economy edevelop. They WiIl see environméntal, resrsbilt o as an option but 1As for us, wo are, now I h mude of >complex and ocngaing negotiationa regardling 'the .hristmas tree. W. are developing some options and alternatives so i still liv'e ,in hope. Al i1 can. say la this: ts a, good thin thet Santias rindeer'and -sleigh are envlronmentally,,sound, or on Christmas, Eve,,. .owould came down tlýechlmney ta face a stèrn lécture ýfrom ,my'.daughter. on - tho need for"hi. transportation ta ho ozone-frlendly. This <oes f Ã"ours, ogthe question,.'.aàs ta whether Sa stopffand"scops.Btthere'are sorne issues thtljustdot want ta get inoa. Opinbmon.xpreesedare those Toth eB or,, Arile lé otappreciated To the edftor:ý We take exceptian ta Mark Reesor's. .article'T ownhous complex rosidonts ,victims -0f miachîef-makra' (Fr.. Press, Doc. 2192. What1 started , out as a dispute between two famlles has resulted ln painting our community as full-0f mischîef-makers.- For the record, our young resldents generally comp!y wth our. corporation's rules and regulatians, and many of them are Invlved in community ..Wrk r. tsÀ<>'5 hyperbole la..nat Durham n'Condomlumi Corg. No. 69 Spread the.message To the Edilor: Member *of 'the 'Rotary' Club were dellghted ta see Daug Anderson's reent f ront-pag article stating the editorial decision ta place increased. emphasls on the many - ongoing -'positive' elements around us w lih0 o oten tend ta ho gnred. As a club, we adopd a simfilar srethis year, t=înkata the nitiathve 0f club director Lionel Graveline. While »Mikng ways ta get this messgeOut ta -the media, we were Plesaty ýsurprised ta se. your article., Hopefulty, this, message wili ho plcked up by others,. as we have s may blossînga in atm' community and country,, wth millions' 0f people .ail over the warld ready ta trade places with us. In asecn.- Way tO9a p anany thanka for yaur 'conitinuing support 0f aur cltub'sactivities. John A. Stotte President -.Rotary Club of Whitby Sunris. The Whltby Free Press welcames lettersta thm editor on any'subjeot cf conoem to aur'roaders.- Letters shauld be briet anmd ta ithe point -. rarely mbre' dma 300 wordb. A 'Il -letters must b. acompanied by the narne,- address and' teephane number af the writer; however, on request, y ur name m'ay be' wittiheld from publication if we agree that theres a Valid reasn. TheIpaper reserves the right ta reject or edit ail letters. Send ta: The, Editar, Whitby Free Press, Box 206, Whàtb,.Ont LI N 5S81, or drap thraugh'aur mail slat at 131 Brack St N. * ein The perils of raising an ecolo»gicalchd lr

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