Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Free Press, 9 Dec 1992, p. 3

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whItyFrm Proua Wednosday, Docember 9' 1992, Pages3 Soetnse,MTege -square offove egiSiaion * ~ . ~ Bym I kKowal skl name m n f cur r y an 0isaso r s o do o nan o l n t k lc, A bHaimod-at, protocting'aorgeof threetofIlve gay ou'.. wirépopdd o lant§ould aeplS»s brand-ndamoe drug mîanufacer. ooto0,ns said that w le there chargeos that drug pricos, ilEotons. bas Whi sMRandIl l»brâl are soveral roa-on'for 'the"i â>l kyrockot as a rosuit of the now "What would b. the cost on lie tIe mac c hematimotatconsidertiaî f halh ariyotem if peoplo were Omoet to. aCù duompotiti-onse in used 'the .tIll lxn.iàthe hospital livin n Items from1>Q the international marketpîaco. cmayzhs-Snomilssmcieadcud' e Ontarioeipug zu s a uver Erangpeasive Development Committee permit a churcéh'anidingle amly reidential dwelllngs on 1he.northwestcorner cf, , ,Gardn S t. and~ Manning Rd. be aproved. !he Evanglcal- Lutera Chrch has agreed to purchase 1.2 acreson the southeast corner of the property from owners JIm Flaherty and Christine Elliott sothat it can bulld a 10,000 sq. ft church. Athough the * owners have no plans 10 develop the remnalnlng portion 'of the property, theywould posbly conelderseéverancée Inthe future for residential lots on he south side of' I awll St. IReoomm dto counil That a site plan application from Whltby General Hospital 10 permiit a 15,700,sq. ft. expanslor b. approved. The expansion, yet to be approved bythe Ontario -Minlstry cf Health, Invoves the ambulatory cars and emerency room mras. Reoom .ndoto council Opeiçations Committee That -Steve, Fox ançi Charlg Tàberbe swomf as Municipal: bylaw!ýenforcement officerd. The public works department has used Re s nlght patrolman 10 isue parking tickets lni amas where parked vehicles are blockln g snow plows for the past number of winters. To do this,.theyhave ta be swom ln as bylaw enforce- ment officrs;:ý ',c@ laenedto Coucil, Thot Councilappov.ethe Plkerlng, Ajax, Whity. Animfal Control's 1993 budget of $529350. That's down about f Ive percent tram the 1992 budget of $557.250, ivieri extra money was requreid ta pay for an expansion ta the agency's >Thlckson Rd. N. building. Esc@inmsnddto Council That Councli give Canadian Women's Fleld Lacrosse Team meriter Margot Jacobsof Brookln a $250 grant to help pay the cost of travelling toEdlnburgh , Scotland for the World Cup comettion In August. Rso@m ondeto Council That a Public Works Depornment repo.rt n Conuervative MP Reo.Soetens edaims bie government' a u patent bil l-Illead te more lnvsthnent ad jobs li Canada.i' Dan Me' 1ague, S ooteni' ~eder4 election, vehemently dii- i~WI'ag, èhprgs hat Jobs 10U blost iandjCanadians will endu paylng More for drugs if Bi (1G, an mt te amend thé feb alPtnt Açt, was approved by a Husc omns commit- tee chair-ed by Botons last Fr1- dà è I is «pect ~te b.e voted on Bihf C-91 aims te, bring Canrada'. drugpatejit laws li lino with'thoso of her trading Iartnr. and te botter centra eprice of new and existing druga.' Last January, ýCanada endorsed GAT (Goèneral Agree- ment on Tariffs and Trade) pro- posais t e otend patent protec- tio-n for pharmaceuticals by eli- minating .compulsory liensing for thoce patent. coipulior licensing allows genec eplu, cf patented druga teemadèwhile the drug i.s til protected.ý After seven.yer on the mar- ket, the gonoric compane ay a fes te, the inventer. cf the énew pharmaceutical for the right te make cheaper copies. But the governinent bill will extend monopolies for brand- hro nplc icers r n c~adf rusersmgd lI a chas.e erly Saturday mom- ~which began and enided in Sergeant Jim Adams say.an officor ,potted a stolon 1992 subcompactDodge around 8 am. on Duhdas St.E. Theceu had beený taloen ommlier mfter being loft runninj outaide a Ken- tuaky ried Chucken outlet in Oshawa. Officer. gave chas. pur.uing it wostbound en Dundas te Iak- eridge.Rd .outh'te Victoria St., westote ikwood,"north te the 401. and thon back te WhitbY again at speeds up te 120 km. per heur. Adams says 'officer. tried te box the car in at Thickson RBd. but it bit a guardrail, seun eut andplayod 11k. a pingpong bail," hitting the cruisers befroro noing ta step. The driver of the stelen vehiclo -there wore ne ossngr. - wasn't hurt in the cras, but thero woro iu* ries te tbree offi-' cers.. Adams lays ono la likoly te b. off work for about a month witb a bmuised choat and wbiplmsb. The. other two sufféred miner BynÉot brift our ,patent lawéln ne iZrniger countrios, Sootep said Canada esa'nnot hope t eon #ce brand-name manufmc-, tur te produco druga lier.. Urf odn't, thepeeple who do ru and dovo1o'ent will, do it where,» said Seos «Bu if ycu gv qapeu# Uti ch#bancen ofgt9ngý are b.' Soes sid Canada stands te gain j Ibo and new tecbnology 8as a r It, of this- increased protec- tion. ButfMcToague says Canadians Will net accopt gcvernment daisof moro invostment bythe. brand-nammocompamoes.' "ThMero, are ne provisions, ne puarantees cf jcbs or investmont in theoeconomy," said McTeague. "The gernment wants te mako us swallow a bitter pinI. They're playing patale te the manufacturer. and giving thom' a blank choque.» MeTeaguo said that undor the curront system, brand-namo pro- ducor. receive royalties. ony after their seven-year period cf "en.cusiveeegts" eires., Uher.', ne .watc g who says yen ca't charge a million dollars for a<&lli"ho smid. h oon èeaguo nsid te oen ment,,bas not demonatratod a, need for the bil and.bas'failod te deliver -on-,1 p remiem*mdinM 1986,whsn ilt fir.t changed the drg patent laws.* eO were promised an incroase of 5,000josi 1980 but it'. coot 800 jobs li the gonorie industry," 9 01cT à .ne trade off; ne significantbenofit. "Itdidn't happe n the-fir.t time, why shcu]d we ' beliove them no:? Soeteuàs. repliod tlXat Md%èpfSes figuréeswers "ýnon- sense..'-' Sosns a*d. tlat in > 1986' tecr43, 000jo b y an "no far tliey'vecreated 3,400.'. They aise pledgod te invest -10, per cent of sales and that figure ls ncw at 8.2 per cent, ho said. "Altogther Canada lias dons quit. woll tho hast five year.,» said Sooetens. "Tics. wliesid it would b. a' disaster baye beon provien totally, wrong.7 Soetens was misa critical of ,American consumer, advccate Balph Nader. Last week Nador releaaod a letterbhe wroto te Prime Minister Brian, Mulroney hicli donoun- ced the drugbill. Nader snid multinational drug companios would b.nofit by the leg44Ition and Canada will get little in r.turn. Noting.that theU.S. privats bealtli industry abliors socializod medicine,,Nader siddestroyin compulswexug licensing would belp "undormino" Canada'. universalliomltli cae system. "H.'. a good old Libers], NDP socialist osupporter," Sotens .aià of Nader.< sometn said many Europoan countries h~ave teuglier patent protection than Canada and "their healtb care system' stili sxists...his argument la non- sens.. m ojuncionWi organ trans- "Withqout that drug tbe ,trans- MdI'ague bowversaid the an andnded ut1 b.eap' d A wunner every. day Drawswill beheld for ~ every dayoôf 1993 ~ for the amount show n in'-the calendar. in prizes Cal'ndars are avallable tram any Rotary Sunrise member or ePicture Tbis and That,ý Donald Travelé, NRSRealtyOn., National Trust (Dundas St. W.).'& Nurse Chev Olds" mOW. moredmumcos t. Wb each week from now 'tii the endofDcner wewIll draw 12 numberstrom those thathave ,already been sold. The numbers will be published exclusively in'the Whitby Free Press. If your numrter is drawn, you can ..pickç up an additional calendar Ira from the Whtby Free Press officeat 131 Br"ck9t. N. Thbouble your chances of winnin n 19921 9,çasrlieryou buy your CA$H,'ÇALENDAR, the botter your chbnces 10 Mn another. An5y such. calendars must b. claimed wlhlfl 15 4ays atter the numbors are published or they will b. e urned iti the prize pool and drawn for agairi Buy your calendar today Tht welcs ary Brc Nmtdréar ~ Proceed s l id,12 local charities!!, - - - -- - - --- -- - - -- i M LJt you r.WUk eieCteCL rtpreSenlDUUVeVD w C. , , i rpresentete majority vieWs of their consttunts regardless oftheir party'aposition?.ý I Just one.of the quoetons Me i OurNoveinher 25th readersu;rvey. Tel us what you think ofth" and other issues Iad what you like and dislike about the Free Pres PeerettLrn your survey sooni. - - - - - ----- -- -- --- - a 1 a

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