Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Free Press, 9 Dec 1992, p. 28

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EXPERIENCED. DAY GARE In WHIIBY - *SHARE spalous new 'BFOOKLIN 2- OR 3- bedroom SUBLET.2-BEDROOM apt. from REPOSSE$SED pawer'of sale my home. Breakfast, hot lunches home-with one orto working apatent. Close, to ail ame'nities.Jaury tJuy 19.dnac rpries aalbenw n snacks. DaiIy outlngs & actMtles.& people."Ail lncluded. Non-smoker. Availablo for Janu ary 1 and Febru-" Angela it 686-8300 ate'r 6 p.m, Oshawa. from, under $80,000. F.nced y-ard. --Reasonable rates. 666-8590. ar ,19.5-59 rSeltrCop '8-6021Flnancing, available. Cali Garai 666-55.__________ ____________________Ross, Safles presntatve, Guide __________________ - ---- ---- -ReafltLd., 723528,1 or 723-6610. P"Rm~eoîDaCane 'The system that provides... *Unscheduled home vsits ensure quallty care for your child *UIPlocal back-up " covers Provider Dnesa or hol ldo *Complote Insurance, *ýe Inoetxrecelpts *Chlldren six weeks and up *Full or pattme For mooe Inf on n a el: 0663995 aeneAec WHITBY -PRIME 'downtown commercial retail space, ln main floor'of Ontario BankBuildirui Fully serviced and recentl renovated to suit most businesses. Fall occupancy. CalI 668-3011, message; or 666-3883, evesiwkd. KINSDALE & HWY. 7' , Detached ingle building. Heated. Sultable for body. shop, auto re4al0 sarage, etc. Phono MEDICALI PRO FESSIONAL, 625 sq. ft, downtown. Whitb. Ground floor, loads of* parking. Private entrance and washroam. 666-383. RETAIL SPACE FOR LEASE, 1500 sq. ft. Main street location, downtown Whltby. Creative rentai arrangements. 668-1488, 9 am. to 5 p.iir. F Compiete :FINISHEID BASEMET for $6,875. Coul for detolisj [432-2266 or 427-5763 Derek Dutka planning s'Ince 1986 CALL 434- 6119 FOR AN APPOINTMENT. LARGE TWCI-UEUIIUUM apt. in new home. Cable, laundry facibties P and WAkyàrd. $8SOImonth, ýLJ nclushre. Avallable end of Dec. 430-7944. BROOKLIN- - LARGE raam, close toaail amentles.. Al Inclusive. Available for Dec. 1. 655-5539. GENTLEMAN, non-smoker, furnished bed/sitting room. Own bathrôom. Available Immediaely. Please beave message on--tape. 666-5149. CLEAN ROON FOR RENT near Oshawa'Shopping Centre. Share bathroom, & Citchen. Sultablo for fem.i.. $350/month, ail Inclusive. Referencos. 576-9219. FURNISIIED 'ROOM for rent, $80lweekly. Share bathroom & kitchen. Student or worker preferred. Walk, to ail amenities. CalI 666-3776 after 6 p.m. ROOMS & 1-BEDROOM APT. with private entrance availabie ln Pickering Village. $525; everything * ncluded. Rooms $90 and up per week. Applyaet2 Elizabeth Street, PkrngVillage, Ajax. Ses -Peter. 683-9370. CLEAN ROQMS FOR RENT. Quiet building. Central Whitby. GO bus at front door. $100Iwe Phono 619-2181. WHITBY9. FURNISHED ROOM. parking, laundry, cable, phone. Brock St. N. & Starr Ave. $85 weekly,ý or $115 roamn & board. 430-2598. RETAIL/OFFICE SPACE for bease. ln Downtown Whitby on Dundas St. Specializing in lbase packages. 666-3665. The Mutual Group I HERB TRAN calfor quotaflon1 HOUSIE, APARTMENT FOR RENT? If you had advertlsod hore, 1.00WMes Uic o wouid b. roadilng ibis now. 6684111 3-BEDROOM APT. & DEN, main floor of bungalow., No -pets. Near primary chool, Whitby & GO buses. $80 range + utilities. 430-7298, Whitby; voice mail Toronto, 416-337-3455. NORTH WHITBY - Immaculate, spacous 2-bedroomn apartment. Appianes, 4-pc. bath. Separate entane, laundry. Backyard, pakntransportation, cabe & Utlitiles lncluçied. Non-smoker. $6751 manth. 430-1972. Jf LARGE, 3-BEDROOM, Central Whtby. Quiet building., Broadloam throughaut. Appllances, 'lncluding dishwiasher. Cavered parking. $795/month.. Avalable now. 668-4643. SMALL COUNTRY one-bodroom house near Whitby, $500/month. UItilities extra Suitable for slng le or working cou ple. Available Immedi- ately. 668-2122. HOUSE ON THE WATER. Four year-old bungalow. 1 3-pc. & 1 4-pc. bath.,3 bedraoms. Finishod family room. Large doeck looking anto Mae. 10 mina. rarth of Port Perry. $1,000/month" + utilities. Aveaio January 1t References requlred. Call 985-4159, beave mesae. TAKE ADVANTAGE of our 98 pr cent oeaofWhitby when buing orszln your wares. W itb Free Press. 668-0594. Authorlzed Servloentre For Most Major Brand VCR's " Camoorders - TV's "VCR's - Stands and " Microwaves Accessories Snce 1982 7234373 SORO 1300 King S. E, Oshawa TWO 2-BEDROOM, apartments- for rent. ý1000, sq. ft.,Stave, frldge9,. washerldryeër. Only stops>toGO traln &401. Whltb.-Cal I668-8551. ONE-BEDROOM for January IL Close ta siioýping. $569/month& hydra. 668-7 6.. WHITBY DOWNTOWN, 4 corners: Renovated, 1-bedroam %,$4,plus hydro. First& ast. ndayto Saturday, 9a.t WHITBY, 2-BEDRO.OM luxury aprmnt. WsIc ta, GO train.2 yeajZode building. Ample parking. anuaylot. 430-8608. *The'room for rent we had adver-' tised rented after runninr only one week. Most of the cals we had were from 'People who sald they'd seen the ad in, the Whtby Free Press." H.V. CROSS- CANADA MARKETPLACE TS FAST- ITS EASYI ONE CAIL, ONE BILL DOES ST ALL. CAREERTRAININGý LEARN AUCTIONEERINO iioSuhetr Schooi ai AÂuctioneering. NexI *Clas: Nov, 21-27. Information, contact: Southwestern Ontario Schooi ai Auctioneering, RA 05, Woodstock, Ontario, N4S 7V9 (519) 537-2115. FREE .CàAREER GUIDE ta home-study correspondance Dipoma courses. Accounting, Air conditianlng, Bookkeeping, Business, Cosmetology, Etectronlica, Legat/Medicet Secralary, Psychoiogy, Travel. Granton, <5A)263 Adeaide West, Toronto. 1-800-950- 1972. MONEY-MiAKING OPPORTUNITIES. Income tex or Bookkeeping courses by correspondance. Fres Brochures. No obligation. U & R Tex Servicss Ltd. 1345 Pemibina HIghwaý, Winnipeg, Manioba. R3T2BO, 1-800-665-5144. TRUCK DRIVER TRAINING AZ and DZ courses. Also air brake, dengerous gooda, defensive, driving, log book and border crossing. Rodgers Schooi. Onterios aideat. Calii-800-668-0031. RECREATIONAL'VEHICLES COACHMEN, CAMPING TRAILERS, Herdiop- Foidown, Fifth-whèee, Travel, "Park modela,- Truckcampers-caps, Fibreine & Lber Fibergiesa & Aiuminum Truck Ceps. Perta-Servicé iorm mosi makes Inctuding Bonair'.Lioneî-Lextre'. Royal Trafler & R.V. Centre in Teviétaiee, nt. (519) 343-2122. MORTGAGES' NEED CASH TO PAY BILLS, credit carda, home Improvement, business? Morgegea mo ney eveilabte, no quatifylng hessies. Exemple: Borrow $10,000.00 and'pay as Iow as $13000 par motih. Cati toit-res 1-800-268-1429.1- 1 BUSINESS SERVICES GOVERNMENT G R4NTS, LOANS & assistance programs <Federai 61 Provincial) for your new or existing smait businissîinformation,(514) 937- 2422 ext. 98.» REAL ESTATE GOT A CAMPGROUND. msmbershIp or timeshare? We'iileke hi America's largeat resale ciearinghouse. Cali Resor Sal es International. 1- 800-423-5967 <24 hours). AUTOMOBILES FOR SALE GOVERNMENT SEZED/SURPLUS VEHICLES US. and Cenadienl.ow as $100. BMW.,- Cadiliacs, Chevs, Fards. Mercedes, Paracheës,1 lru cks, vans. Am Ing ires 24-h;r. recording reveaIs how.,1-416-f1-4266.' GOVERNMENT (CYNADIAN & U.S.) seized, and surplus vehiclea ram $100.. Trucks, vans,1 Fords, Mercedes, Cadiflaca, Chevys. Amaing' Iraes 24-hrs. recording.gives deleils. 1-416-631-1 4618 ext. 98. BETSTEEL.BUIL DINGS, BETBUILDING,.PRICES - Steel Slraitwai Type' -notIquonsel . 32x54 $7,344; 40x72 $10.276; 50x90 $15,982; 6OX126 $22.972'- ailier sizes availabie - Final year-end clearance - Paragon. 24. Hours 1-800-263-8499. STEEL BUILDINGS,- Find oui why mors andý more people -ii and rec ,ommend Future'forý Ouallty,,Integro iýand'Service.ý For allýyour building needa,otie phono cati: future1~0. 668-8653. BUILDINGS. GUARANTEED LOWEST, PRICES. Ontario Manufacturera epecial fectôy- dire *ct year-end.'lnventor*y.clearance. Straîght- sided arch style and utility'model aevallable on these specilly prlced modela: 20x32, 30x50, 40x60, 40xlO2. Exemple . 14x20 Value $2.142.00 Now $1,,689.00 F.O.B. Toronto. Complets with ends., Wll i stre for sprtng delivery. Cati Pioncer NO, CHARGE*1«.800-668-, 5422. SPAN.TECH STEEL BUILDINGS - Authorlzed SleeIwey Dealer. Why seilse for poor-quelIy kit barns whsn Sleeiwey. Hlgh.Ouaiity steet-fraed buildings are cornpetlivety priced?,,24 hours 1- 800-561-2200. A-Z PRE-ENG. BUILDINGS INC. Ferm, storage, CommercIal, Industriel. New types. steet/woo 'd, quonset, cleddlng. For true velus, action & answers ' Welty <416)> 826-1794 FREE. brochures. Ctip-sae. TIMBER FRAMING Builders of hand-crelte'd tlibr-fràmed homes end additions. Customdesign. Energy.slffcient pael enclosures.- Frie brochure . BLACK CREEK TIMBER FRAMING COMPANY, R.R. 01". Stevenaville, Onterio LOS 1 S0 <416> 382-2290. VAC-ATION/TRAVEL CANAL CRUISES. Five deys aboard KAWARTHA VOYAGEUIR, scenic Trenl-Severn Weterway or Rideau Canal, privete staterooms,> meals, free brochure. Write Caplain Marc, Box 6, Orillia, 13V 6H9, (705) 327-5767. SERVICES SAVE ENERGY $$$'sa."1 ADVANCED, REVOLUTIONARY heating technology hn your home. Contact Mr. Energy S1aver, 65 Dueker Village Dr. Uxbridge. Ont. LgP 1 A2. (416> 852- 4727, fax: <416) 852-5441., Weste nat ... want flot. INVESTMENTS MORIGAGE INVESTMENTS AVAILABLE. Onty. people from amatI towpns understanid the- Importence oai nvestinrig n amati communilies. 11 - 1/2% ta 14-3/4% returna. Cmli Intransicon toit- ires 1-800ý268-1429. Vour ad coufd appear In com munfty, newspapers fin Ontaria, or rîght across Canada, or amy Individuai province. Space la Limited, so Cali This Newspaper Todayi BLANKET ADS ARE NOW *'CROSS CANADA MARKETPILACE"- 'ro reach a wid.r mark.a*dfse thiuughoul 1he r.imal memb.rshq> cf the Ontarie and Canadian Community Newspap.r Associations Cnrlntra55 nswspapers-S$160 or 25words - Al Ontariol71newspapers- $350 for 25wors AliCanada 572 new rsem- $974for 25 words For further Information pie.. oeil the Whitby Free PM"s Classîflecs - 668-0594 -r? --j THlE LUNG ASSOCIATION For Bettier or For Woroe by Lyno Johnton. 1987 Uoooroat Preoo Syndicite Ail righto reoerved --ECU RT1 Y ROBERT I-4AMMOND 063 Fuiwood Cru., Whtby L-

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