Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Free Press, 9 Dec 1992, p. 14

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PagP 14. Wtly Fm .Pros.,Wednesdy, Decmber , 1992 > Unte ay campin$1,O hr f goal #1 incleaning ~ ~MM eCarpets eFumiturae *WaIIs' F E S I 0 Disaster Restoradon # FirelWaterClean up PROTECTION, with:,'cape àA d460 0 ea&nitur PERSECUTIONS CONTINUE IN' IRAN' Tii.pernecution cf dmi Bahai community of hma continiues. MSi National Spiritual Assoanbly bas. lcamcd front die UUmversal Houe cf Justice that Iranian slmic revoludaz institutions in Yazd, Tchran mxxi Isfabmn bave conflscateda. considerabi. nuxubor ofpiat homes ad i h property belongixtg to Baha'iz flle Bahais aneitu pxominent believers zuer weet"y engaged in Bahai administrative activities, reports tihe Houe cf Justice., Thics confiscations, t"i Hous. cf Justice advises, ane based on a religious edict issued te tdm. udiiayof Iran by dm late Ayatu'llah SadqfrmrIm of Yazd. On the. buis cf this ediét. the. members of the. Imam h= neniFouxxlato e rcseizing d.homes cf .Bahais mxxi liaIiytullaP, in ntun, had tken this acti on nhe, instigation of a Mr. Kasbmfiriwho h4d plq au x active roI. in tdmopausso f tie Babais iYazd;mxad was keenly intecsted itheirpouks The Universal Houe cf Justice is conernd hattu sudden intesifcato f actions against dm.Babais, maken almost simlmnous i différent p"xtofcfIrsa, "",y siga h beginn fa Frw phas e d~persecution cf thi elymred rcii itiCai fo flic National Spiritual ÀAssenibly, iresponse Io C= outage b provided information mc v"riasgoveumntofficiais i n ada&sed Asemblies to contact local media, im mxxi nhis proms reoe cCadn madié Irmioln Goverument Moves to Ceofsate Baha'1 Properties Babais around thm worM a«e dooply coxcenod tut ýa sudduc intensification cf actions agamnst the Bahais, ta=en aimt sinulranuouîly i différent chien minm may signal die. beginning cf a MeW pliase i thm ersecutions cf tmiBi.Ba's iIrant. . Drig hepust fcw weks, Irania Islanicerevolu*m institutions inYad Te'h'eband mxisfaban bave coeflscated a conideranu mber cf neiat homes mand other Ixcçoety belongig te Balxas. Mmii.Bmhais cncem renti e itu p---inent believers nar wec miiyegagedi Bahai administrative activimes. lh Yad, i centrl Iran, eleven fanilies bave eitle bucforcfuily cvictd or have boc Sorvod rntce, and nre xmder severepesu, by the Islaaic revolutionary institutions, Io vocale thei homes mdhand thm aver tadmi.Government I TeJuran, two womuc have boon evicted from dxcixf homes and authorities have seized a. large, building consisting cof a store and 10 apartnm, nts d cvictod theowner. I Ifdm in iwestern Irn, un octgmnarian 1 hose home mand :çrouesa iuhübg several husaadbocks, wecoenflscated bas bouc lfotiy dpiinon bis friends. hiadion a wonmxi was evictod frcm ler .hoimeand officern cf tiie Attmcy-enead cf Isfmhan bave enterod eight Bha'i homes durng tie put two weeks, makng- away bocks, household items, radfios, téevisio sets, recordescameras, mmd Cash. Althougli complainte have bouc lodgod with dmejuicial authoxitiesi my of tiiese cases, O= rhave bem no reaults so far. Sie.tthe beginning cf the Isimic Revolution in lma in 1979, over 200 Baiiais have bouc executod, ichlding women mxxi tenaged girls fluer are presnly six Bmbais ijail, two who have bouc sentenced me demth, merely for refusing ta recuit thei Faitb. Bma'is have no igm unde e r .Iesont regime n e, dmxx .ccmmumity hm bou se maial hasad uitercized by tdm gove m and mob». Bab' rpii bave bouc seize&, caneti eS egd, yuth pFeýc3ed fu m dn umeiyth ek*en ted from. rocng peommont, mcd di dw kq* fm lidfal8" e"iàL By Mark Rteesor Tii. local United Way carn pa-i i till about *0,0 short cf its goal,- but that'. $313 000 loes than lut wveek. OsÏawarWhitby-Newcastle United Waycampaign diectar AnnKinela tald The Freo'Press early lust week that $6t3,00 was needed ta reach the'1993 goal of *3,124,000. But at the annual awards célébration' on Wednesdai lut week ut Cullen Gardons, it was announced the -United Wa~y anticiptes th at approimateIy $300,000 will bo reqired" beforeé the carnpalgn onds DD. 31. insellaays workers talked t meof the larger companuos who hadn't comp1eted their cam- paiensyet --«wen wetook our week-long block at'what wo can posby g in, we had'arnassed aohr$00,000 from the cer-- mnunity that will corne in before tho end of the year.» * Kiae~ isopeful the. short-. taM~~ w~lcredown -«sign'f- cantly» when campaign ýworkers freezer, needs! (n e0'. mats & cheeses ers e Deli doodies meet again tomorrow,(Thursday) ta add up donations and pledges. ~Caiupaign chair Jim Souch told 'volunteers, at the awards célébration :that ho knews this yearhas been tough. 'e been working extremely hard 'and sometimes, I feol *11k. rm ,trying ta push acar upaUlii with a wet rop;'seaw ar ta, got rncney out cf some cf theso :eThe. cmagnhsbeen oxten- ded unfl flthé eh dftheyear, -and Souch says «We're goizg ta really put on a push the neixt couple cf Weoks ta'reach, the tar,¶et. Tbe. campaign hafàlion short of its goal for the. last threo years, but Souch says hes con-ý dont it will b. -diffèent this tim e. -, ., ': , 1'>': 'TM damn sure that by the end of December wo'e&going ta mako after form er chief librarian The, Whitby P ublic Library b oard* ha. naxned:a- newly cr eated: 'staff aftr former. chief librarian' Anme Hope-Brown. HloWeBrown woeked..,at .the liWmr ~ fromx 1960 to 1984. She wa h chiot librarian tram 1965 ta 1981. mmi. oewstaff meeting -room was created fiam a space which wms once Hcpe-Brown's office., It ýthon u.rved mas Infrmtion Whiýtby's »office upce until :tbey m1edto BrackSt. Btoý,becomie the Whitby If CmtoCntre.. Hope-Brown -will ,be att Wltty .,Publc ,Lï»brary ,on: Tuesday, Dec. 22- at il amr. for the. officfia narning cf the room.. The. publc à in-vited ta attendi ~IjobsOntari'o' .Trainîng jobsOntarlo'- Training wiliIcreate a more.higbly skilled worktorce. And wiII get.people back ta worlc. How- jobsOntarie * Training',works.: Each new position you create is eligible for actual training costs Up to $10,000. YOU can get help in designing the training programn that's right for each new job. 4<When you create a new job and receive training funds, you can. also det financial help 10, train existing employgees. jobsOntario - Training is coordinated by local people in your community. jobsOntario - Training is a new program that's designed, to p ut people back to work with new skills. Find out-more about jobsOntarjo - Trainîng.ý It's good news for> your company and for Ontarjo. (ýDOntario You r local jobsOnta rio-'.Training broker is listed below. Cail today. Roglnai MAunlciality ot Durham Social Services Duepsrtment Oshawa 70 Harwood Ave. South Ajax Ajax, Ontarlo WhîtbyLiS 2H6 Pickefing Bowmanville Newcastle tixbridge, Port Perry (416)427-5035 See us for yo'ur frèeeze'r neeIds!

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