Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Free Press, 2 Dec 1992, p. 3

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WhIIy Fms.Pmse, We*,sdyDec.mber I, 19,Pop 8 Board ,ýseeks public help to decide, on, spending cuts Duniiàm Board cf Education tusates. *ant iie91p #r deidin! what, ýIf a â pormei are cUI acrosthe. rqlon ta rtc"ve tcom- menti, from ,thepublic about ai ot,,mandatembth.O0ntario Mlnistry 0f- Education couid -b. modlfled or cihopped by cootcn- scioustruste.7 But before that o &mrsp_ trus- tees want ta know how, the public feeliA meeting "at Hen-yStréet f*-g Scbôol last week.drew more than 150 people .Althou1Éh*' the board's 1992 b.geèut programa sund staff, vice-cèhair Patty B-,-owman stressd that no decisions have been made about next year. bugtprocess. until -now, but w. étarèdiJune tus ýyear, said Bowman,>noted that ýtrustee have , direct control, over oniy a imail portion of thetirbudget.. lie40. itemsunder conside- ration for 1tiinig acount for oniW * 5.2 million ýof this years But ivhile control of most of their 'p'nding lies elsewiiere, Bowman sad tuse. can have an impact. For example. board'apendaà $18miliontransfporting stu- dents ta botii regular classesand specia> eeeds prograzns, said I$wman.> But if trute.. -w.re ta eli- mnate busing entirely, "'we would come in with a zero per centlncrease i sid. .1 -,The problem facing truste.. i. what ares. t a tBowman said. 7he <common threWd emerj- In> f:rom thei. 1public Ilmeetings Js n ta touch pro grams if cildretn are invoived, sho samd MThe second thing- iithatif Bo if the. public do.. not want cnt. lu prngams or services, truste.. ire Ieft with -littie room ta operate, Bowman admité.. HISTORICAL FUATURE in tiie Whitby,,Free Press t.ifrst addition ta Trafalgar Castie in* 1877 was named alter a great Canadian educator. -Who was ho? 2.The remains of a'railway trestie can be seen, in 'D1eviI's Den' at Heber Down Conservation Ares. What was this railway and when was itbuilt? 3.,What Is the oldest downtown business stili run by its foundlng family? 4.Where ln downtown Whitby is the ont horse-hitching ring Ieftinthetown? «W. have ta -look -at ,d.liverlng It anotther way,' » > âd BoWman.,* Thtis coiidtakeif«or0f' sjhariÉ>n srvices wlth tiie separt. ichool sysýtem sud/or werlEwen wh soeised. Duriham s 'two'school boardsll cur.tl hare céomputer ser- Bowma and sep arate, ichool boad chairTom Odman -agre. that ti. làonàe awhich can be« panded upon. * amcognizant 0f the. (aët tiiere are dupion of service. Ânjareas w. éoizid shareîhi we Ã"1olmn.-niâd other venues, are b.ngxord uth.wouidnot 1On, Item ion the public board'. 'hit 119.'whlcii hairais"d con- cern.,Involves 'busing studènts -ta1ý Frnhimmersion proprami such as at. F.M. Heard public ichool iWhitby. Ti. schooi's parent asocition warned trustes lat week . that eliminating bus* oeud sud, the. "wdath kréelVor F'enci m mersion in Durham Rtegion. Assoiation chali àinda Smith Miller nid asu deofparente of tii. chools 390 sIdents found that almoot 50 Per cent (188) would b. forced ta withdrawif ,busing was eliminat.d. Anther,62 students were un- certain 0f ow ,tiey would get.,ta 'ichool, wieon>, 59 responded tiiatthefr. attendance would be uniaffected. » S_ imith Millar .,tald 'The Pre.e Proes that truste.. must look buiynd out avlp h decdl 8h. nid stiidenté wiio have taken-Frenci immersion ail their lives ,wouid sdenyb. tbrust inta ain ii-Englseh'ichool envirôninent. «Moit wouid probaky need Upgadirgw 'and many:,wouid âgke,"'suker ýemotionailyand socillyséaîd SliiMar. Buù tuens aFrenchi im- mersion classes in Durham coit *626,180îzî192 Smiith* Miller, said >students couid >share bs.tavligt othir public echools or-'ta 0W. nid wé, wanted tus item off th iîi htit .shouldut even. b. coniderd, said Smith IMllla. u1'ts net a viable th-mg ta cût. ,Board chair,'Louis. Parr, 'a Pickering itrustoe., agrpe.d with Bowmsnthat .decidîing wat ta cut Probles. -i from the. public'generally i. thatour pro- grami r wonderful and have vle 'se pieas..dont .witiidraw them' n sazd Parr. Some suggestions that hkave been made ta truste.. involve teaciier and staff negotiations, incr.aing ciasroom sizes tm porarîiy'and some compromises on busmg, Pai r said. «But generally the. overail tan. is that people appreciate this Iesprè,i4ed<lu witiian opportuzity ta celarif issues and provide 'accurate information, ratiier >tian' ,get >into la'long debate." Other items on thei- list for possible budget cuti include: SlnklngO THIS VEHICLE wasn't on flrm, dry grounci after a work crew struck a, water- main, causlng -fioodlng, durlng construction work at the corner of Du ndas St., W. and Annes/Cochrane streets last week. Phot by MamhswlIk.Henry Swtt H.8. coop aludnt Trins o.Planes * Cars * Boats Tools ~4%~Pants an d Hobby Supplies Best s'election of THOMAS THE TANK engines, books, puzzles and playmatsl Oiiawa,,G;e"ralshockeyv Llqm'Who areW à fl ot loca resW fy..: pyn hiown uto - cuttlng transottomo r lgufitii. pefrngt; Science Pair. eutuiLéitcsupport to the. Ontexiý deraUonseodi Athetie Assocition,each iOchool iivinthe pintm - tain inemberulp; . - elinatinggtransportationto local .,art galleries&a,' e liminating tras ottion i0f <students to otiir chol -for Educatien Week; -dropng a prga iwhlch onslors r wt rpot ostudents at rlsk 0f dopn out; hout. shifts it hm oJwithportables; -. .tablishlng reces at al klndergartén c Ies9 (reducing, patin time for a reduction equivîalent cf Sixfil-time a, d oéra f tsest", removai -cance iga -contract.ýwlt'h Durham Rgon for "oai wor- er 1~~atln à25-yearclub, retiremenit and Qstmas din- pers; -~ etabllshing ali-lq, every- othe-da )dndgrtenr cation.prograin; - imposing the multi-track stom (ifled schooi er>on - odilrreduce or. eliminats thfe.ee family studies/design t.ci - eliminatetrsportation to collector sehools for the, gifted studentprogram; -reviewingstaf deployment.

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