Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Free Press, 2 Dec 1992, p. 25

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_77-77-7 Whftby Fmr.Pis, W oeay, DC» ebr 2, 1992, Page 25 Oh, -sorryl I hope I didn't MHhtenyu.Z , Thtsrgtcome a Youl1gh'mnotasw rnmenacîng as I look from. afar. ,I geayou could. sayhrm1Îlearned aotthe . world,;- botter -yetrm wise to the. word of the studeýnts ofTrafagarCastieSehool. - *If, youi.haven't gueàsed who or what I am «anthe castie on Reynolds St. After ,beinig constructed in the' 1850%, Fve,*had many additions up '!until 1985 -té improvemy ' v6been lier. for-l32'yeàrs'«or so; and ýyou .'know, I have only, a distinguished wrinkle or two! J7ve taken l good car.of myseif thoughi theyar But honestly I !owe it.to thegrls Wlio wn&r thro6ughý my-.halls' tokeep me young., Yes, they' have kept me nimble, and young -by decorating my antique walls witli balloons, streamers, and, a Christnmstree for.suc'h yeaîrly, events as the formai dance h'eld lest Study One would:thnIÙ -,would be able" to <get -bsm.rest 1on JSaturdays ýto. recuperate, after -a bumýschoo91 weekc, but the- Fulford Oup' Independent eho Competition was held -lier.ink My halls., It was an. honiour for the girls to' hst ,suaiàa prestiglous comipetition,*sinceit ,i. hfield at the sameschool onfly once every six - --Te-hoet echool doesn't cmpte in -thé. event which 18 scaools= ,.d A 1 Career Awareness' e vent wil ho held, Dec. 7 for secodary. stuÏdents in DurhamRegion..- 1Durham Rogional Police, Durham Board of Education and Durhamn separateahool 1board are sponsorsof tii.ovont. Sgt. ill Temple, recruiting officer, reahized that-. many, students had few opportunities te, observe tii. 1,other .,careers availablo iu the. police force. " .. Ie talked witli tue co-oprative education teacliers and fouud a ueed for a Career Awareness' Day. Temple has organizd ii resource. of the Durham Regional, Police 'te, presut. a glimpse, of some careers available te interested applicants te tiie police More dma 100 studeuts are expected te take part iu the eventý at ti.hope n Resource Centre in Whitby. STemple Winl adniinister a mini-version of a recruiting test iven te, applicants for the police entered. Branksome Hall had the -honour-'.ôf taking 'home the Fulford (ùp.this year. Don't think that an old castie like me doesn't have a funnky bonei. Ever since I heard- the rumour about those old .,and deAécrepit teanhers* takng. on the seir. basketball team, 1've been On Sunday, Nov. Ï221 was able, to relax a bit- ýand listen te I.the peets' ýbeautiful Sndy evening chapel. Thanks, preeas lnprouci ta announce. wo you Utat once again this year .ýmy Concrt allwasturned it thieatrical s'.tage for .houe plaIy M -ewnlentons. Tii. wiinnor ofthe anete rdpy f bs t atress îs AlA" irsand -the.bestplayý awar-d'ywent to Hareouse for its pràduction of' 'A Man of Conidrale Value.' Soon I il IIwatch the, girls colledt and- donate food- ta two Whitby fiamilles- for Christmas Thon my Grace Chapol, -wbich waa built mi 1955, will rin;g with grace and spendUr from Our annual Carol Service at 4p.-m. on Dec. ý6. AUl are invited te jàin' us ontmclia festieasion., Thon, once amg, my aged but unique halls will be able to work out- eme of their creâks and gonand Ar chy and I will have a ltl rest since my girlswill b. loaving ,us for their Christmas vacation. We'i* look foxwavrd te force. ' Stude nts will find out liow spelling, and aptitude is important te tii.police cadet. A panel- 0f police officers, rangiug from cadet te sergeaut, will field questions from tiie students relating te tiie rnauy aspects of-1f. as a police officer. During the'afternoon, students llli have. a n opportunity te explore 'the c arer of polygraph (lie detector), forensic identification sud tactical support unit. Equipinent used by thes. police officers-is.available for viewing by students. ,The evqut 1i.e orgauized by Paumie Lnmico-operative edution eahe at Harwood Secondary School, Njax; Dawne Duckort, >-operative educa- tien, depertmentliead at Uixri<ge ýSecndaiy -Sehool; aud Marie 'Jabriel, co-operative - educatioq., project facilitater for the Durbain Board of Education. 'Coàta fo E.A- 'FAIRMAN publi c school students, have, so far collected abouit 60 winte coats for ,the, rn'eedy "through their 'Coats for, the Cold prgra. Tying on, some of the .. .......... -The', Durhiam -College ýwinter- icontinuoule arnîin g -calendar' ý'Will ho available Dec. 7..': Registration for courss also be nson that date.. Tere are busines 'and compter courses, iiealtli aciences, applied, art., WeBekend course,. general interest workshoe'.and trades and te i pragrWams.I "A numhor of ýnew:progranis have been. -added-.at _tie publice. request,"f< says ,Mclelle Nicliols,. dean of the coètntinuous..learnig division.. 'W. continually, strive 'te bring the. public the moot fleible and most relevant; progr-am." Computer'courses are among the' bist'popula, ites'advised Me PeOPtr ar Rçisterby phono 436-1100 or 1-0068 -4(have you Visa or Mastercard avraJlàble); ý:by >1fax 436-9774;Iijy mail te Regi;strar's Office,, Durham, College, _ox 35, Osliawa,,LIH ML; or in person at th. ýOshawa Campus, 2000, Simca.St. N. Calendars wilt bho ýavaiable Dec. 7 at local librares or at' Durham College campus locations. To have- a calendar mailed, or moreinfrmaionon thie coures caIl 416721-2000 ext.,507. ', ir the -CoId' donations are Brian ýBarrei, <MiWzak.- frm le)Anïdrew Smih,ý 'gritany Rfosa -and ýKrystal taW by M.rk ROosor. WhIhy Froe Pams L A, Jennifer AyIling FATH ER -LEQ J.1,AUSTIN~ Tii. energy was, electifvigIr tii. muie-was thwnping, anïdthe Eegorbunny nmd a .piqal Many 0f ur. fabulous sSports easwere called forward, and acknowledged- by the entire student;body. When ýAustin's medal-winning' teains"were brouglt on stae, the. thunderous applause and 'tii. deafening cheers ý ccùld ho heard, out in the hallways. Congratulations, go out té, prem'dent Dave Brennon and the: rest o f the student council for making this pop. rally suaiaa success. More importantl, congratu- lations, te the rest of the. student bodyforprovng hat Austin do..' inded hae moe sinit than any otherkmhool i.the region. Oh,, yes, suad a -specialý congratulations te Ausinso, teaciiers for putting up witlial tiie noise. On Nov. 24. about 20 students. partcipated. inapga m cal students a anete expwlore future ,,carerptions. Students visited -the. Oshawva courts, Rogbrs Cable, Buffet Thylor & Associates, aswellU as many -other companles., The 'students, 1wouldlike to'-thank MissBramy ndtleRtraso giving thi this wonderful OPprnty Thon, on Thursday, Nov. 26 Austin leld a' post-sjecondary wôrkshop. University and - ollege representatives- came in to eisusaur 1future education. Tusè proved te b. an excellent learning experi ence. Thank yo, rs. Roy, for mak*mgtspoibe rln ur that many Austinites haenotced the. new cardboard boximn the cafetorium. Thi purpose lof this box, i.'te collet non-perish"le food7items for St. Vincent K-itchen. Sou far the. response has been good, but the. Cliristràas s' eason: '-io -fast, approachin, anïid- many more familles "are 1gong to b. needing the. mals that theè St. Vincent kItchens'upplies. Without, your gonerosity, this wortliy"0raniza-tion -won't have enougl od It is the. tie for Srvng, s letesall <do aur share« wigthis'Clristina's season. Until' we meet again --keep, smniling. <141* E@AIE* STUDENTS, Send submlsslons'-for CLASS COMICS to the FWhRtb Free Pres's_ Sy - ......~..-,.....-.-.. .b7aès~1>q A~W6D5GU * i Do yoiu think the CanadaU.S.-Freée Trade agreemenàt was a good idea?i > "North American, Free 'frade? I Just two ofthe quesidoŽs hM, last weelcs readersurvey. Tell us what you think of this and other issues iand -what'you like and dislike. about the Free Press, i - - Pleasereturn your surveysoon! I i v I 4-. 4.. ---- - - a &lmi 17W.76 & ""%FU 'ICCV3M Yi Imm 1

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