Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Free Press, 2 Dec 1992, p. 22

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r ~r - Page.?2,?WhtyFise Piss, Woclnesdýay, Decerber 2,1992 Jlsta e t Whtby ia ,Whitby hockey, WANIGS- ssceNor. la W L,«TP :A P Natio")Trus C. IL AutoBoy 'CWm AutoHedI. G.sefladfr Ja ssidsrgS George d, Blék Marsall.) 2 Wayne W.l Maniai Thmnpon 2 Tony On!.e Wu Culomb NellFsrqv .K.L Autoflê4 HathorsP? Dès rénch 2 BobBushl National Trust 0 olEntar Bob Mowat 4 Doug Wl;lbi Dé Colo! Bl;cwCroncla2 John MCeàron Custm Ato 7 Butai Wood TOM Osier 2 Jéo Patio Herdie Mylea 2 'Tom Rucha Haro l otas!a J"FaTY Mtoe" lire 4 Nurse Ch" Mb" éeloer Mark Bous Jos Lznn* Pst teeh MlksMakv John MStdp <Bs tamita net.w.ék Bob Mnat4,Nagend 1Trusit, 7 ]Pis< ýWhitby selec hockey NOV. 26 Whitlq DhBSyBed a Bolsrtfoel2 lasoner2 Whlthy otoutI lutincmne )MrsGensM Nor-. 29« .Whitby Nov. 28 Whltby 5Mlvr MAJOR NOVICE q.qaesed by T. D. Bani NKm. 21 Wltby 7 Bo=m Mantle 3 kyl LimkMe 2 Sean Thorndybs - Ébutout. luHNe Owen Mstlhew Bedshew Nov. 23 O Wgty Eshibtion Canas Nov. 21 saaseHe*i Osai Aauawaiye Nov. 24 Wbitby 7 BsymnManlle2 * ea ian4k SenBambin Oar iksrle -y LeIJsklms J. P. Gallpesi. NovIc 1 NMm. 21 WMitly' 4 Thoruhil -4 -w m ehoua N -k.loceli J -si ay Whitby's mqjor bantain A hockey toaro, sponsored by :Aandow York Glass,, won'theB champiship at a tournamentin Cobourg recontly.» ;The tam' met with succos riÈht from, ti start with à' 6-3 'victory ovpr Bollovile. S-corig for Whui.byworo Steve Holbisld two), Kovih.ln Lmklde ,(twoç), Dry Whitlock and Miko fiitt In thoir folbwnHao Wfhy dcfet3dFlm rug 4-1 wt bBadOie Lhidomo»an ia Longo. <The final gaine, of the. round-robi s eries, pitted*_Whitby against Port Perry, and Whbitby ,won epsLay, O Secoing hi .this content were Li.mkilde, -<Krys .*Rose, IHoîbiid ýJim Boyd ad>:.Sean. aceo 'iith goi(e. Steve ,'Hastinga registering the. sbutout.ý Succeus, 'n.,the_ .first - throo' games placed 'Whithy ýagains Caledon ithe sm-fnls hichi turned out k he a'real, nail-biter. With tii. scoelied, 1-1 and Atos egedOut 49 34 4035 42 431 33 37 30 ý45, M3-68:1 23 87 lie, was>.named most valuable player. Againut, Pickerig, the. host teain took a >2-0 flirst-period Iead bofore Kybe Ruttan-. scoed.a shorthanded goal for, Whitby i tho ecown"d perod. Kitamurq tied tho score i tho msod, but, Pzckering scored late i the third ko win. Defoncoman Dana Bloom was MVTP. The boss deniod Whitby an opportunity ko meet ex-toaxnmato EradSlater and Mis Owèn Sound hockey teamin hi the .chamnpion- slup gaie. Againut Oshawa,'- Tait, scored two goals wmhilo singles went ko Ryan Moaney, .Bryan Rourko, Reece Robertson, and7Scheopers. Defencenian, Ryan Harris had two assisté and was plus 4 for the. gaine. Tait was namned MVP for, tho gam in iwhiceh the Qshawa goa- naeprevonted Whithy froin roach- "¶hitby goalie 'Jo:hiflfughes won the ltournament's goaltonder competition. !b« 2 Nanm lchuk 2 :huk uharom pharsom 2i )r la 2 dns un Whitby RS.011 L td. mînor atom A: teami finished second bout k the host club i thoir- diiinof a reconït hockey tourý- nhament ini Pickerin. Whitby defeated-West Seneca 2-4e, lot8-2*,to Pickeringan d DIL Hawku. Againut West Seneca, in, a gm hiwhich the the r eferees allowod rou gh- play,'and many creasoscrums Gary Kitamura <and Bonnie Scieepers scored for Whitby. Kitamura also had an asitas did Paul Ta it. Michael Thornton, Whitby goa- Whithy TD Bank majornovice selectu had two wins and a losa at a hockey tournament in Hast- inonN ov. 28. <W#ydefeated Belleville 4-2 i thé first gamo. Rob 'Mulr John- Gillard; Sean Braki anc1 Kylje YLimkilde scored. ,, Gillard, Liimkilde, Sean Thorn- dye,Matthew Graham, ,,J.P. Galipault, Shane Healy and Bran Matîs each had an s- lust. Julian OwenLwas named division whoro ,,they- faced Kawartha and won 2-1.- Trdyeand Mantie score for Whitby, GreoryTsagris ýgot- tig àan ausiat. Matthow Rodshaw was named MVP. Gillard, scored tie only goal in a 2-1 bus 1» ýoWarkworth. Gali- peault and ,LimkildoeOarne.d ass- ista. Brakin wau, named MV1'- In an exhlbi$onjazno Nov. 24, Whitbydefoatoâd ou sHill 7-1eMa .Mantie had two goals and two assisté. Thondy.,Braluin Lmid Gaieit and Carl IJiC arl'as scored. Whitbys novice 7 select hce tea7 , sonoed' by*the Brooklin-WhitbyMinor Hockey Auxiliary recontly bogan the 1992 season with% a 4-4 tie against Thornhill. Whitby goals. wero scored-by Stevon Soedhouso, Kyle Perceivtiez, Justin Sawyor and Jeif Freeman in ' an exciting gaine. Tho teain router is made Up of Wayne Turcotto, Jason Michie,. Kevin Avery-Msangolt,, Sawyer, Blake Robinson,ý David.Arnold, .Scott'Morrion, Perceivicz, Liain Reddox, Shano Sargont, Frooman, Grog Williams, Seodhouso,'Kjb Sinipson, Camoron VonEshhtz Ryan Jobnston and Chad Tals Coachi'is Jim Robinson, assistant coach Don Twiggor and manager is Geoff Micliie. Over-40 510-o R -mBbcc Hobby achlitt Nov. 22 Whl 1W Josh aler 2- Naul Helnrlch 2 NoSl MacDonald, Naul Chornob.y Whitby, rigette Nov. 29 >NOVIcCl ise CULark.2 KatiefBoys' 3 PtIrxy 9 ~NOVICE CW only ninie seconds, remaining in the gaine, Whithy scored what appoared tkhé lthé,winning goal only ko have the refereW, disallow it, claimig ho didn't ue itgo into the net. Thsled tk sudden-death overtimo and Whitby was not ko ho dèeied. Prom .the. face-off, Whitby stormed ko the Caledor net and- at, tho 10-second mark scored the winner. Scoring were Jeif, Rendali and Limildîde :withl thé^wiÏno'rwhile Lob Fodor was excellenit in net. The ýfinal placed Whithy agaîist the'o hastteain Churg ad even, thôughWbiitby played' 'a stoggaine, they 'cý ,"ameu second bestk c1 mm te championsbip. Scornq fa or -Whitby were Rose (two), Elhlott'andWhitlack. Whbitby 'dofeated ,iPeterborough Oly.-mpics 8-4 hi a .bague gaine in Whitby-trecently. Whîitby started aggressivoly and.wero controlling al- aspects of tho, gaine. However,, onie of théir few niistakes gave ýPoterhorough agonl and tii. lead in tho -gaine,. Whitby retuseci k deviate ftom their gamne plan, continuing to appl'y the pressure and,, as -a resuit, tied the, gaine lesa than a minute later.. Peterborough, capitaIizing, on theïr opportunities, go1t a- second breakaway whon 9they 'caught WVhitby on a, lino change and again taok a one-goal, lead. "" However, this goal soemed ko mako Whbitby more deterniined than ever and thoy closed out the first periad with four unanswered, goals and went on ko victory. Scoring, for.the. home teain were Rose (two>, Rendall (two), ElitLongo, Steve, Faust and Whitlack.' Scarborough4 Scrron 8poeby DIfflCanad Oit. 24 UM* br 7MaPx julhan mUss 8 KahýC Oct.'8 Cdl. Osone Wbtthy 10 .7 HOdrI4I 2 NOV. 17 Whlfby. 2 .JmrirL.lghton 2 Nlcaloreeman' Mdan Larui Plckoelng ~7 oScmrbomogh MarlahanL JMNORE NOV. 29 Whhtby Bris Oaue 2 Port Caran 3 ilsi 4 wbiht ' £la o Iaa ieinmldole2 BiGoes Mogan NSly El Vneri Yak con - NOV.2 < afMINOUATMN A 1 qsonsord byIL.P. 0- Ltd. NOV 2 10' &Sndmdl 4 INari 1 Bayait Borke 3 rOi'57Davld Morase2 Honnie Schoepera Kyle Buttait Rya Mone GaryKitasura 4 I Nete*nomueI MAJOR PBEWBE A sgsn meme-by 01H00 Nov. 28 Whltby Jasie Barn"tt2, Brian Vinent 2 MatI Quart Todlarqulmmao NOV. 27 whltby Gauy Kitaunura Hennie Sohoers Nov. 2S Whitby iCyle Buttait Gary fissura *Paul ýtt2 Bysit Msanoy Bayai tBourte WatMoReeco6Bobormon i WatrlooAA 6 Shutout - Michael Thoràton -mmG-w Nov. 24 .Whulth 5' lnda"yl Bris Vinent Scott Young Scott Glmour Plskaasgu nnst Whitby' 6 West HlU lBysiOIAMa MatQar Jasie BarneLtt Bye Mcldeod Bris Vinent Todd Farquhmeeo 'MINOU SBEE A sponsrS byBecélin Liens NO.?7 WMab Byan Babcock8 NËulCok aulHednrlch lasShweio Joda Huether 2 2 Wet5mea 1 Nov. 21 Whithy- 6 JarS tion'8 Scott Bdnqr21 tutout!- IsGs 1 PortarsyhA r i Oalswa MINORNOVKIB A"A Nov. 2t: Wbih 3by Blcnad 11HM WadeBranh Boly Deir Michael ICoslv BxlSaon Osas Nov. 23 Whltby Mfichael iol 1 AJax 2 Plktig 3 Nor. 24 BrandPo oie BO"m Nov. 27 Whlthy UMOR ATGU A &osn j M£MMS NOV.?7 Wltfr Danny Sas) Whiby, Rlch Mace Shutaut - scott Wylie* NOV. 8 Whltby BarraIt Church Jeff Chuath nEsalo asunu" O0Hraapton 8, Nov. 28 Whltlsy Michael Koelw 2 fyrorarian 2 Andr.w Piga 2 Kevln Walsh Wada Brancit i Wiel 2 Whlty- Andro, Larniot BMfy Deir. i Wsiord O Michael Koelv wad" Branch Nov. 29 Whltby Michael iCoew 3 2 Mauihas Ah 2 IblerEarrin 2 LeegasCa , Nov. 12 Whirj 7 Mianvera 2 Ouay Sma))2 >Scott B«Mo Nov. 8 whlthy 4 Onae Jams thiife 3 Naul Ednrlsh Nor. 19 NaulCeét NlBdrch Nov. 21 WM1W -Jutin T" 3 -oe asa B- hrt Ferry NOV. 13 w-ib Naul Goldeith 3 Scott Herey Jon itra 4 StonI~vllle 2 8 uffalo 4 Wem enoa 5 Hrsnptoa hwiL.flov flA" < MaI.RegaisI.hM Lh q'ow. 27 qNthy D. vonEmbabeta 3, YsrkToreAA i BysnPrreW àbon, Whitlw '2 lesdamn tzglbbo -Jared Bruw Whidby Osmw aman Nov.' 15 Whltby, oaAA BatârdAA Nov. 28 Whltby<. Natian CotteS kan WIltrk KY& alles Jases Hiobsen tutoul - Joëlamara Widtby JasaBlésau i- Buffab Boch em. ' I O Brd AA 3 No. 29 Whltby 8 York BandoMeI[alda2 WhV itby rep- hockey MINOU DANTAM A, W ty ]noil Nov. 28 Whltby Eimon Olguer NOV. 29 Whltby Us.neTessy2 &-nGSua Je'm cEhan .9l' Oshawa' Plckerlng i Losade VieIoda 7 WoatU V. Kosakan 8a M.L Yir.akvltah 2 DiasAv"y 2 IlâNnm Dun= o -nlthmý, 2

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