Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Free Press, 25 Nov 1992, p. 20

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Page 2Ã",WItA6y firêè Pre~sb5WedMésday-, Novéiber 25, -992,- COMPATIBLE COMPANIONS CONNECTION Durham's single social club is now meeting on Saturdays at 7 p.m. for planned social activi4tiçs.; Ail singles 'are welcome. Also availale are tickets for the New Year's Gala dance party. Price is $30 in advance, $3~5 at the door. Dinner,. midnight snack and' champagne are included. For more information cail 430-7022. GENEALOGICALSOCIETY The Whitby-Oshawa (Durham Region) br anch of the Ontario Genealoggfral Society will meet on Tuesday, Dec. 1, 7:30 p.m., i the cafeteria at Hen1 Street High School.. There wil be aChrist- mas social -and 'Bring & Brage night during which participants c:ningle and talk about their famly heirlooma, records and research. Ail meetings are open te members of the general public. For more information cal Marion at 683-2476 or Bessie at 723-7460. EMDS ON THE BT.OCK Nids on the Block, a troupe of disabled and non-disabled pup- pets that teaches kids about social issues and disabilities, is available te perform in schools on Wednesdayaten ynstr- ing the first wee of Januay eo is are the visually impeire aWdivorce. In the evenings, there will be performances about 'Street Wise' and cerebral palsy. The troupe is available for brow- niWsceut groupé. on Monday and Tuesday eveninge. To book, cal Bernice at 723-3397. Vlneer are- also needed, for the day troupe. Caîl Carol at 576-0597 or Suzanne at 436-0925 for more information. FOOD, TOY DRIVE The fourth annual Christmas food and tey drive will bo held by the Durham Regional Police Ser- vice from Dec. 7te 21. Drop off unwrapped new teys or food items at any police station or firehaîl in Durham Region. For more information caîl 436-6170. DIABETES ThîeDurham Diabetes Associa- tion and Charles H. Best Dia- betes -Centre will hold a general meeting on Tuesday Dec 1, 7 p.m., 'at the Whitby >ubUc iàbr- ery. Ouest speaker will be Dr. Sal Sherkin, a podiatrist from Ajax. There will bo refreshments available and a display of foot- carepro~uct an dübetic sup- p lies. Admissien will be $2 at the door. Ail welcome. For more in- formation caîl 434-7233. PARKINSON The Parkinson Support Goup Durham Region chapter, i meet on Dec. 7, 7:30 pM., t St. Mark's United Church, corner of Coîborne and 'Centre streets, Whitby. Guest speaker will be Christine Kent of Ajax-Pickering COPE. Ail welcome. For more information caîl 666-8676 or 668- 65W0. BEREAVED FAKEIES The Bereaved Familiesý of Ontario will host a family infor- mation night on Thursday, Nov. 26,* 7:15 p.m., at the Durham Heuse Child and Family Centre, SAINTA CLAUS PARADE The annual Santa Claus Parade, presented by the Whitby Jaycees, will be held on Saturday, Dec. 5. Entry formns are now available at the VWhithy Public Library and the Whitby Chamnber of Commerce office at 123 Brock St. S. For more information, contact parade chair Jim whi& SOCIAL BINGO The Whitby Seniors' Activity Centre will hold a socal binuo for' seniors at the cen e, 901 Brock St. S., on Satud4y Nov. 28, 7:30 -p.m. Prizes ad cash Whitby Seniors' Activity Centre second edition cok books- are now available at thé centre, 801 Brock St. S. at a ceet of $5 each. Ail roeeciâs to the centreés The annual general mtngo the Wbitb4y Seniors' ACtivit Centre, Will be held on Fiýnday, Nov. 27,';1:30 p.m., at thi centre. There will b. an 1l tien Of members te, the boa rd 1f direc- tors, and discussion f other issues. For the electio there will b. an advanced ol on Thursday, Nov. 26, 2 t 4 p.m. and 7 te, 9 p.m. TREE DECOBATING Tree-decorating will b. held at the Whitby Seniors' Activity Centre, 801 Brock StJ S., on Wednesday, Dec. 2, 10 a.m. Refreshments will be >sered ad the Seniors Jubile. Choir will entertain. For more information call 668-1424. QUILTERS Durhami Trillium Quilters will meet at Faith Place, 44 William, St., Oshawa on Tuesday, Dec. 1, 7:30 p.m. A film about quilting will be shown. Participants may also enter an exchang f Christ- mas orInainents (han~~~) For more information caîl 728- 3629. Ail welcoxne. ONE PARENT FMLE The1 Oshawa chapý rof the One Parent Families Association wil meet on Tuesday,ï Dec. 1, 8 p.m., at the Simcoe Hiall Settle-. ment House 387 Simcoe St. S., Oshawa. 'Wrap Night! will be held. New members and guests are welcome. For more informa- tion cail 436-5089 or 430-0832. DROP-INFITNESS Drop-in fitness classes will be held at the Whitby Ciyi»c Centre rec complex throughoùt Decem- ber. Cest is $4 pay-as-yeu-go. Caîl the centre for a schedule. BOOK WORKSHOP The Whitby Public Library's children's department will hold a creative book worksl4op, 'Our, Home at Christmias;' on I Saturday, Dec. 5, 10 a.m. to 2 p.m., in the librarys program room. The workshop will appeal te artists and creative writersaýdd9 to 13 who will design a giant children's Christmas picture book for public display. Register at the children's STORYTELLING The monthly get-tegether for adult sterytellmng of the Durham Folklore~ Society will be on Thursday Nov. 26 7:30 p.m., at the- Micjhael Starr building, Centre St., Oshawa. New xnem- bers and guests are welcome. For information caîl Carolyn Hart at, 434-1975 or George Blake at 579-7149. CAREGIVERSl The Durham Region Cern- munity Care association offers time, off for areives ffri CHRITMASTREES, lat Whitby boy scouts -will sl Christmas trees in the parking lot: at Jerry the Drug Warehouse, 311 ,,ljrock St. N., Dec. Ste 21. Tree pales begi after;the parade, on *Dec. 5. Heurs of sale are,6. te 9 p.m. Monday te Friday, 9 a.m. to 6 p.n. on -Saturdays andl alm to pm.on Sunday., Spruce ànd.,scotch :pin. treé- will 'b. availeble for $15 each. Proceeda, te seoute. For more information caîl Kathy et 666-3247. LEABNJNG DISBLIIS The -Learning ,ýDisabilities Assocliation, Oshawa Chapter will hold -Ia,.monthlynmeeting on Thuréday, Nov. 26, 7:30 p.m. at the Whitby Public ,Library' programi room. Provincial exec9ive director Eva Nichols will speak on 'Trends and Directions in Recent Research in Learning Disabilities.' Ail are welcome te attend. and admission is free. Oeil 623-4934 or 436-7706 for more information. FIDDLE CLUB The Oshawa-Whitby Old Time Fiddle Club will meet on Wed- nesday, Dec. 2, 7:30 p.m., at Heydenshore Pavilion, Whitby for an evening of old-time round and square dancing, singing and guit r-playing. Ail weleome. Admission is $2. For more infor- mation caîl 436-9019 or 655- 3023. LIONESS CLUB The Whitby Lioness Club meets on the first Wednesday of every month- at 6:45 p.m. in the gold room of the ýCentennial Building 416 Centre St.S. Whitby. tor more information cal1 668-4944 or 668-2268. PHOTOCLUB The Whitby Photo Club will meet at the Famil1 Trust build- ing- Dundas and Hickory streets, on 4onday, Nov. 30, 7 te 9 p.m. Fred Miller, an. award-winning nature photographer from the Oshawa Camera Club, will make a presentation on phpographing butterfiies insecte 'and wild- flowers. N'ew members are wel- corne. BOOKWORKSHOP 'Our Home at Christmas,' a creative book workshop for those aged 9 te 13, will be held at the Whitby Public iàbrary on Satur- day, Dec 6. Cal the library's children's department for exact tinie and for registration. lNon- prott whlch ae edIn Whtby or have, aomn go substantiai Whltby em mbershlp may < 1place thelr or activills n th a page at no cost. Pvofitmakklg qor r»IzV¶ F, ="yai 5P.m. FAMILY CONCERT A family concert of songe and Christmas. cheerwill b. held at thé_ Robert McLaugh]in Gallery on Saturday and Sunday, Nov. 28 and 29 at 2 p.m. 'Sugar Plum -Lamb?' sterring Adele and Mis Ewe, is recommended for children aged 4 teo 12. Tickets are $2 per person and are available at the ,,gallery. WORLD AIDS DAY The Ministry of Revenue will host a workshop, 'Teaching Your Children About A[DS,' on Thesda, Dec. 1, World AIDS Day.- The workshop, by the AIDS Committe. of Durham, will b. held from 7 te 9 p.m. in the boardrooms of the Michael Stan, buildinig, 33 King St. W., Oshawa. The workshop is open te al parents and children in Durham Region. SPEAKERS' NIGIIT The Head Irnjury Association of Durham Region will hold a Speakers' Night on, Thursday, Dec. 3, 7:30 p.m., at Cedarcroft Place, 649 King St. E., Oshawa. Dahlia Camnpbell and Frank Murphy will speak on 'Managing Confliet,' turning, conflicting situations into positive outcomes.j >LIVING WITH CANCER The 'Living with Cancer' group, organized' by the South Durham unit of the Canadien Cancer Society, will meet on Monday, Nov. 30, 7 te 9 p.m., at the Cricket Club on Monarch Ave., Ajax. Ouest speaker will b. a nutritionist. For more informa- tion caîl 686-1516. REFORM PARTY The Reform Party of. Canada will hold alublic information meeting on usay, Dec. 3,.7 te 9 p.m., at the Pickering Main Librery, 71 The Esplanade. 'A New and'Better Canada' will b. discuissed by Ontario riding can- didate Don Sullivan. For more information caîl 686-0278. SOCIAL BINGO The Whitby Seniors' Activity Centre will hold a social bing for seniors et the centre, 801,rc St. S. on Saturday, Nov. 28 at 7:30 p.m. Twenty games will b. pleyed for prizes and a cashI share the wealth.' A light lunch ] will b. served.. OSRAWA STAMP CLUB The Oshawa Stamp Club will meet Tuüesday, Dec. 1 and. Dec. 1 » to-9 p.m., in th, O'Neill Stamps," postcards and collections can be exchanged, appraised or sold atauà in.Collectors and visitore are -welcome.- For more information, oeil John at 725-7962. CHOOSING BOOKS The Whitby Public Library', will hold 'Lad me a Story -- Choosin~ Books- for Babies a ng Preschoolers' at the library: on' Wednesday, Dec. 2 at 7 p.m. This 90-minute programn demonstrates. te parents, soon-to-be parents, grandparents and caregivers, the joys and rewards of reading aloud te children. Handouts and bookie will be provided. Space is liniited. Oeil 668-6541 for more deteils or stop by the children's desk at the library. SUGAR I'LUM LAMd The Robert McLaughlin Gallery will. present a family concert, 'The Sugar Plum Lamb,' starring Adele and Miss Ewe, on Saturday, Nov. 28 and Sunday,. Nov. 29 at 2 p.m.nTckets are $2, per person and are available at. the. galleiy. The Christmas concert is recommended, for children aged 4 to 12. SCOUTS, TREE SALE lOth Whitby scouts will.be selling scotch pine and white spruce Christmas trees, six te eight feet fali, at thé Whitby Sunoco Oas Station, on ,Dundas St. at Frances on Saturday, Déc. 5, 12 and 19, 9 a.m. t6 6 p.m., Sunday, Dec. 6,.13 and 20, noon te 6 p.m. and-Friday, Dec. il and 18, 6 p.m. te, 9 a.m. Proceeda te Canada Jamboree 1993.,, TREE-LIGHTING The -Volunteer AssciSation,,of Whitby Psyhiatric Hospital will boat ttiird annual tree-light; ing ceremony and Wassail recep- tien at the hospital on Wednes- dayr, Dec. 2, 7 p.mn.», beItýM.eQn building 5 and 6..T'ere Qel Christmas mus!c by ý,The,ý Notables, a hospital-based choir. Friendship, and refreshments- in building 30 after, the lighting ceeo~.For more information, cati volunteer servi»ces- at 668-ý 5881, ext. 5292. .F re admission. to Wassail. Donations weboee' LIVING WITHCANCER The Living with Cancer sup- >otgoup will meet on'Monday, Sov. 30,7te 9 p.m., at'the -Ajax Cricket Club, corner. of Clements and Monarch. Guest speaker will be nutritionist Melissa Jaeger. F'or more informatibn caîll the Cancer Society at 68 .1516. T~~zâoe~milI ~fK~ W WW~ WW~ 'W ~WW 'WW ~ EXYHIBTION L AMD SALE The Station Gallery,. Henry and Victoria~ street; Wity will hold a Members' Christmas Exhibition and Sale fromn Safurday, Nov. 28 te Sunday, Dec. 13. Gallery heurs are Tuesday te Friday, noon te 5 p.m.; Tuesday te, Thursday, 6 te 9 p.m.' Saturday and Sunday, 2 te 5 p.m. For more information, cal the gallery et 668-4185. OLDE TYME CHRISMAS The Station Oallery's 2th annuai exhibition and sale, 'Olde Tyme Christmas,' will b. held Saturday and Sunday, Nov. 28 and 29, noon te 5e p.m. There will be drawings, paintings, scupture, stained glass, fabric dolîs, decorations, special draws and muhmore. Admission is free.. The ga]lery is located at'Henry sind Victoria streets, Whitby. CHRISTMAS CRAYJT SHOW The Brooklin Christmas craft show will be held on Saturday, Nov. 28, 10 a.m. te 4:30 p.m. and Sunday, Nov. 29, 10 a.m. te 4 p.m.,- et Brooklin Community Centre, Cassels Rd. E. Admission is $1 and proceeds will go te Denise House. There wil be numerous handicrafts,. and ,efeshxnents will b. available. CRAFT AND BFAK SALE Staff of the second floor'dinin room, at Whitby General Hospital will hold the 'lot Annuel Vendors' Day,' a Christmas craft and bake sale, on Thursday. Nov. 26, 10 a.m. te 4 p.m. Ail are welcomne CHIISFMAS BAZAAR Fairview Liodge will hold the annuel Christmas bazaer on Wednesday,.Dec. 2, 1:30 te 4 p.m. and 7 te 9 pm There will b. hendmade gLftsake table and a new te)yland display. Afternoon and evening tea room is $2. MMN BAZAAR & BAKE SALE The Whitby General -Hospital Aumiliery will hold, a mini bezeer and bake sale on Thursday, Dec. 3, 10 a.m. te 4 p.m. in the lobby at the hospital. There will b. an essortment of crafts, knitting and baked - goods.' For further information, cail 668-2816 or 668-170i3. CRAF, BAKE SALE A Christmas. creft and bake sale will b., held at Meunt Zion community centre, 4230 Salem Rd., two miles north of Hwy 7, on Saturday, Dec. 5 10a.m t 4 p.m., and Suùnday, bec.-6, 1 te 4 p.m.--Foir more information oell 31RW ANNUAL CRAFF SHOW .Harmony United Church Women, 15 Harmony Rd. --N., OshawaZ will hold their third'ý annuel craft exhibition and sale on Saturday, Nov. 28, 9:30 a.m. te 3 p.m. Over 50 local artisans and crafters wifl b. selling- items. Lunch, is from 11:30 -a.m. Admission is, free. Ail are welceme. CRAFT SALE An art and craft sale will be held at St. Mar of the. Peo le Church hall, 532 Stevenson Rd . N., Oshawa on Saturday, Nov. 28, 10 a.m. te 4 p.m. More than 30 vendors. Flowers, gifts, carda and decorations. Fr.. admission. BAKE & CRAFT-SALE' A bake and craft sale will'b. held at Reformed '.--Church Women's Mission on Saturday,, Nov. 28, 10:30 a.m. te 2 p.m. at Emmanuel Reformed Church, 401'Rossland Rd. W., Whitby. There -will b. alise b.a white' elephant sale. Lunch wil b. available. CRAFT SHOW More than 1,00 ex hibiters, will take part in a craft show et Durham College on Sunday, Nov. 29, 10 a.m..te 4 p.m. TIhe focus is on unique and, personal gifts. Admission is $2-per perse n. Mma

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