Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Free Press, 25 Nov 1992, p. 12

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Cr9G9 Me, r aS, lodmovolW ,ysbadiibeVi aaei8q acýivdtw Page 12, Whltby Free Presa, Wednesday,,November 25,1992 Erro r 'prom pts new-heaig'on donutshopla ByMike Kowalsd Due Vo a planning department errer, another public hearing wili be held fior ;a previoiisy eected donut shop and gas aryon Brok St. N. adverd»omn SerVICCMASTER:l the professional 'cleaners. Servicemaster in plessed Vto weicome Paul and Cathy Weir as their new represen- tatives in Oshawa, Whitby and Bowmanville. Servicemastor in the worid leader i speciaity cleaning services becaus. of an un- swerving commitment Vo give customers, botb residential and commercial, the bout posble service at reasenabie pes. From the meut basic bousebold éleaning of car- pots, walse or upbltey, Vo restoration cleanupi folow- ing major floods or fires, Servicemaster is equipped Vo bandie any job. Emergency --disaster restoration servie s are available 24 heurs a day Vo assure. that professional advice and prompt attention is available when the damage is sili fresb and more readily treated.. Threugh the years, Ser- vicemaster bas'develeped its own producta and procedures to soive -the meutst bborn cieaning probiema. They have acqmired. a range of cian* experienoe tJiat is that assure you that Paul anrd Cathy and their staff can do the bout pssible cieaning job for you every Urne. And to assure your absolute satifacton, Servicemaser providesa writtenguarantee. For a free, no obligation estimate, cali Paul or Cathy Seo, why net give them a cail now and get your home or office qsuced up for Mention this announ- Cernent a"d receive free stain protection with the purchase of any car. pet or tfrniture cleai- ing srie -MA Cathy and Paul Weir stand -proudly beside one of the Servicemaster vans. * SeiCeMASTER 436-6000 Town council -MondaLy.'ppro- ved a planning and development committee recommendation' cal-> ling for a new public meeting mnto a development'proposai for the southwest corner of Brock and Maple streets .> Councilwas forced into'this postio aferTown, of ficiais lear- ned thatthe developer had recei- ved false information from Towvn staff about,,the zoning designa- tien of the property. Town officiais only discovered this error after councii had tur- ned- down the -developer'. pro- posai earlier this year. Devéloper Vern ýDutrisac had, filed rezoning and 'officiai, plan' amendment applications for the pro prtat 516 Brok St. N. -' Previousiy a, garage and used car dealership,' the site bas sat vacant sincNe ay 199 1., Dutrisac's application sought a change in the propertys residen- Uial designation V o permit >a' donut store, gas, bar and lûbe ('ffe property had originaiîy been designated commerciai in WVMbba sofficaI plan, buta'1983 study of the Brock St. corridor reuVlted ini a residentiàl designa- tien over the site.) Although- Town pianners argiied against the application 15- donut and counting, WbVit),y seems to have become become the donut shop capital of *0 roifnot the entfire coui- tr4leresi now 15 outiets in Whitby -- tein chain' shops and five indepenidents -- and an' application for number 16 will soon be before Town council.. There's also a wholesale outiet which supplies donuts and màuf- fins to some 15 donut shops. None of the operators was very eager to explain why Whitby is such fèrtile ground. John Paniayi,, owner of "The Wholesale Donut Factory,' says thyrepopula eause a cfe adonut "are the cheapest things you can buy.» Coffe Mme, which bas five shops locally refused to answer questions uniess they were sub-, mitted in writing to its head ofrice. 1A Coffee TMme franchise hol- der, who wouldn't give his name,, complaineci the chain is «too aggressive" because they've opened 50 many 1outiets, and have a po business ethic." Other chains, were also mum, citing the fiercly competitive market in this ares, and owners of independent ýshops said they were too busy te talk. claiming Wrhitby is 'alreardy «well served by automobile service stations, as bars» and donut sheps,» thei committee feit sue ber hearing was warranted. Dutrisac had purchased the property i 1984 witb the under- s ,taniding that it stiui arreda commnercal designation.; .But the. Town employee who conveyed this information Vo him was mistaen and the erreir was net corrected pro eceuncil denyingthýe application. Aithougb he did net oppose Dutrisa's, application directly, councilior Marcel Brunelle fig- gested it be. delayed'until a study on iong-term developmient of that poton -of, Brock .S t. is under- taken by the municipality. Brunelle said other sJctions3 of Brock have been addressed i the p ast but this area is "long overdue" for a study. He noted that a development proposai for housing on the for- me r'Cobi Foods prperty further nortb, is'aise, coming up for con- sidôratiog', soo-n.> "It' fine Vo have these but wée - re ting Vothem ryather than . being pro-active,» said Brunelle.s 1Councillor Joe Drumm, plan- ning comnrittee chairman, did net object Vo Brunéel.sugges- tion, butseaidoeêunciwas ouga- ted Vo do thf "hapourabie thin,'; i light of the lemployee's mir SEE PAGE 34 ANDREW CANADA INC. employees raised $8,324 for the local -United Way campaign, exceedingy the arget of' $7,500. Another $4,500 was added b the Andrew Foundation to the- employees' contribution. Above, Uinted Way campaign chair Jim Souch (right) accepts the, contribution from- Doug Hughes, chair of the campaign by' the Whitby company. Pht yPtromln1 I>tWfePes pRI The Mutual Group Herb G. Tran 40 King'Street West, Suite 710 Oshawa , Ontario Li H i A4 Bus. 725-6564 Llennd w#h MIJIWlLIW WfCada aNdfi&ualinvootcoe km JACK R. CAYNE M.B.A., Ceititled General Acountant SFREE INITIAL %~CONSULTATION' h. 384 SheppanAve. E. North Yoi, Ontario M2N38M Ci Collect (416) 733-8055Fax (416) 733M248 .Whitby Free Press- PC vahUu Mon -Fri 10-8 * Saturday 10- 6 :150 Hpkins St., Whltby (416)430-8081 Fax 430-0795' REASONS TO LET. OUR BUSINESS HELP- YOUR. BUSINESS W'&' 0I Customer Satisfaction #1 0~ After Sales Service & Support. 01 Great Prices, 0~ Availability of Upgrades HOW CAN YOU AFFORD NOT TO? reachea *1500 active buisinesses *hundreds of home businesse .s *thousands of 'other business owners and -executives who live in Whitby For advertising'or flyer delivery cali the Whitby Free Pre se' 668ff-6-111ï/2-' rbusùwssnews ,

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