Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Free Press, 18 Nov 1992, p. 28

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eSetiq SQ 8 emol4,banW ra e, diW Page 28, Whitby Free Press. Wednesclay. November 1, 1992 FACT SHEET SinclairSecondary Sohool and Education Centre Projeot BACKGROUNID Mlntstry cf Education epproved Îitecatien for Sinclair Secondazy Schoel Durhiam Beard cf Education epprovod rneUon Io proôeed wtth piannig and construction ot new educatin centre. Moifet end Duncan Architecte Inc. retained te deslg;n Sinclair S.S. and Education Contre ProlOskathpleapp-roved by Durham Beard cf Educalon. 'luci orientationimeting fer new trustees. Nîne togorei conta ispeualied and lnvted te tender. Sub.ontactrs iseprequelltlodtor tonderlng. Site plan sibmited te TeWn cf WNhy'and appreved. Developmont 4greement nw bel ng cnnpltod for signature. Tenders cied Oct. 9,1 M. Thiteon bide recelved. Architect and Durhamn Board ef Educatton staff evaluated tenders for recoinvrendation te board. Motions te boerd: te award contrant for the construction et Sinclair S.SiEducatlon Centre proiect te, Daicon Contractors Lai. ln the arniunt cf 633M97,000, te ove thes budget ef $24 996,470 for the construction of Sine 8.5.; andto aprovet e budetoet$21.474,445 for the construction of the Education Centra~ Subitantial ce e son andtor oocctpncy ef Sinclair 8.8. and Education Contre Juno 22. 199 (open for students Sept. 1994). FINANCIAL SUMMARY A. SinclairSscondssy School Total budget Lom - Provincial grants -Grant for corutruction of chilticaencentre - Whtby contrbution for Conynny Use faieso Tota local cuit B. EducaUo Cunrem Tota budget Lmi - Revenue from pMrq>ry sales . Revenue frem reorves Locl net cost to be fnanced Annuel cuit - 15-year flnancing at nino per cent Loi estlmated annual cuit roductions Etlmiaed net annuel InroenL local ley Estlmstod rosidentiel rmlii rate Incronoe Estlrrutod average annuel ccet pet public scliool household for 16 ypars $11.239.657 507,724 $24996470 $21.474.445 $ -4.600.000 $ 1.W69.366 .26 par cent $4.55' * Thb.figure ba beeed on thes nu*ffer et publie ichool householdi ns of 1991 and wili reduce accordlngly as thes nunter of public scifool householdi Incisase. Coit per si. f. for Sinclair S.SiEdution Contre project lb $91.67. LEASE FACIU11ES 1. The annuel cuit te lae sand mintein t" curont fedilities and the extra comt atref to tortn ro mll for» 1056»0 sqi. if. 2. Based on an average annual Inflation rats of thrce per cent. thes umrnt expenditure cf $997148 el U ruln a cuit te tdeboard of $Z.8 Motin over a 2-yeurverlod for exlsting faditles. 3. Contnued growth lasprcjected for 1utmPm In over thésnomt 20 yen 4. 1ons cots %vlU ontinus lndeflnkely ns a board expenditure and thes beard WHlawn oe building of 34,000 sq. ft. Totl cm epened vera 20-year A graduate of a high echool in Cobourg has received tii. Kay Buffett sciiolarsihip. The scholarship, valued at $6 000 is adxinietered b the. Os#awi & District YWCA and funded by Buffett Taylor & Asso- ciates Ltd., a bonefit, pension and actuarial consulting firm ini Whitby. The' eciolarship le given in memory of Kay Buffett, mother of Ed Buffett president of Buf- fett'Taylor & Âsociates. The scholarship is awarded te OWNERSHIP 0F FACILITIES 1. Construction and flnanclng ot an Education Contre te service future néeodiof the board wtl coet $M~5 Milioln. Z Coita currently kIcurred by the beard te oeraie from ultiple locations cculd be elfiaed wth a single tecility. Thes savings ever a 20-year portod la estlmtoed te bo S5.7 mlUkn. 3. Finanding coM Itew net b. roqulred alter payments wer a 1 5-yeer tlancing torm, and thes beard wl onn an education centre of 171,000sq. ft Toa ot xeddoe a 20-yoar a female student wiio has demonstrated leadership through both echool and community acti- vities. Female students in Dunrhamn Region and Northumberland County are elieible te apçly. Oliver had onour roll statue in high ecéhool, was involved in programe such as Special O1ym- pics, Friendly'Visitor andPeer Helper, and was teaching assis- tant, as well as active in church. She now majore in psycholopy at Trinity Western University in B.C. DIRECTOR Vivienne Joyce (right) puts Anderson students through their paces ln a rehearsal for the school's production of lmy Fair, Lady1' whlch Invoves close, to 200 staff and students. Itfs belng presented After returning from, a therapeùtic long' weekend, I realized two thi *ngs. The. fret je that I -have to write exams before my next holida, Christmnas, and the. seconlis. that I truly like to wake Up at a decent hour, such as noon, when, the sun lias at least risen. I ý searched, and perliape begged, several students to tel me something interesting about their weekend, so that I would have a little something extra to write about In my, article. Instead, mny questions were answered with the common question, 'How rnany more days until Christmias, vacation?" rm stiil waiting for a conclusive re~~Trafalgar lias attended the. Trinity public speaking, contest, as well as a swimn meet' with lielp of our star swimmer, IAndsay McCrea, and the rest of our victorious swim teain. We hosted a successful murder myster night on Nov. 7, and we have the honour of liosting the Fulford debating competition on Nov. 21, for Ontario independent echools. Sinc'i I arn going to b. a madame speaker, I will have te remember to bring my whietle or soin. loud instrument, because sometimes the arguing becomn'es so intense that the. explosion of firecrackers would not grab the. attention of the participants when their time 15 up. Currently, our four houss are competing in basketball, and hous. plays go on next week. I cari tell from the stressed expression on the face of Robin Keon, Carter's house captain, that éhe, like the other house captains, bias more than her share of directing, coaching, and getting everyone to cooperate in their houses. I would like to introduce Amy Kwok,Trafalgar's recent addition to the prefect body. It ie highly unusualthat a girl be given tus position in the middle of the year. This year moet of the prefeets are day girls, and, there seemed to b. a shortage-of help for the, housemothers with the boarders, and- since se had already takezn upon herseif some of the prefecti duties, the decision seenied logical. Somehow Deirdre Brown's naine did not appr on the list of prefects in my first article, so I ýwould like to express my humble apologl'es and correct that error noàw. It recently was decided by etudent council that once a-week the entire school should wear their dress number one uniforme, which includes blazers, during the school day,' and so far there have been few complainte. A good exemple was on Remembrance Day when Miss Roberts' writer's craft class did a speciel* service im chapel that morming. Incidentally, it is lier class that writes these articles in the paper weekly. I amn sad -to report that Mis Barton, our beloved math teacher and guin spotter, is leaving us this week -to pUrsue another job. Her unmista1be, lively voice and presence ý,will be missed by ail. Lastly, the formhal dance is on Nov. 28, and just today I heard a rurnour about some girls arrivmng with their dates in a school bus. If there is something tob.aid for Trafalgarites, it is that we certainly do not laclc originality. jThe War AmnpsA of canada À&L Nov. 26 to 28, 7:30 p.m. at the sohool. liokets'($5 for aduits, $3 for students) are available at the, door or from cast members. Photo by Mark Reesor, Whilby Fr.. Prei L A. Jennifer Ayling FATHER LEO J,, AUSTIN Hello there, Austinites. The Much Music Dance was a hit, and everyon seemed te have a great time. The only coniplaint was the. lack of variety in the music played. HojPefully. the DJs will keep ttin mind for the, Thi. Wildcats are maldng a naine for themeelves in the wide world of sports. Our junior boys' soccer teain lias won yet anotiier LOSSA chaxnpionship. Tii. midget girls' basketball teain, coaciied by Mrs. Lafontaine, juat keepo'getting botter ad botter. -Tii. girls advance te the playoffe and, with their awesome playing -ability, and tiie epectacular coaching, tiiey are definitely ciiampionship inaterial.-. . 1 On Nov. '11, 'a -solemn iand emotional pres'entation in our cafetorium marked Austin's remembrance of our veterans and those who clied for our freedoin. Thank you, Mr., Labriola, for an excellent Assmbly. Finally, a little news froin Septembor. As part of tlie celebration for. Canada 125, our -governinent, aiongwitiiAir Canada, funded ne Vo gurs '92 prograin. Val W.dell, Kathleen Lafontaine, Fionna Scannell, Corolyn Mohiamnmed, Andrea Santos, Andrea Scholtes, Kath Jones and yours truly,' traveLedto New Br unswick thie Septomber, and Carolyn Carr, Debibie Nelson and -Cliristine Ibarra travelled te New Brunswick in Octobor. W. made many great friende, and soin. of us will b. going back this summer. This was a truly unforgettable experience. Tii. Voyageurs would like to, thanl(' Mr. Nicholas, Ms. MacDonald and Miss Riccutio for ail their hard work. Without thein, the program would not have been such ucess. Well, Austiites, you"ve, had a rea]ly busy week, and next week looks even busier. Don't forget about those - wonderful parent-teacher interviews. Until w, meet'again -- keep smiling. Dec. 1990 Feb. 1991 Sýept. 1991 May 1992 Selm99 OntA1992 Ont l99 Nov. 1lm Alexis Simms TRAFALGAR CASTLE 1

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