Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Free Press, 18 Nov 1992, p. 27

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N Whltby Free Press. Wednesday, November 18, 1992, Page 27 Ri*ding association. survey, WHITBY General Hospital volunteer Estelle Gc print's Cody Partridge at theè hospital recently.C one of hundreds of children, who had, their pri under the 'Kid Check' program. Photo by Mark Rossor, WhItlý Ladies win i q The Whitby ladies B ringette teain had one win and two losses at a tournaznent irn Scarborough Nov. 13 to 15. Whitby, sponsored by Rogers Gable, got three goals from Helen Pffe to defeatUtndon 6-4 in* the fîrst game., Camre Brown, Laureen iBrown and Tinlc McKaqjue each scored a goal. >Wednesday nigzht dart league LAEATI5 MuE LIGHTf DIVII Stndflnsaet Nwf. Il Fabrlcatlng Technics 41 4 Dexyn Norton ervice. ý39 8 Ferma Fo.M internatIonal 37 Whltby Tropliy fouse 82 Gai Cppnaeu ee 28 2 DaloerFrnltur ishng 25 2 Whitby Wemn 21 2 _agutiont Coflector Cars 17 1 Fhctcating Tech. 8 Darryl Norton7 Claremnt Csam 6 Whltby 'rrophy 5 Toqi 0 Soe Davepindar 219 John McFheruon-178 Todd Bs.rbe153 Dmoefqd Br. 161 AI Phndar 143 ToCY VanDe von 138 Natte Broding 129 John Iapote117 Orute sangwln lie GorPgDy 100 1re fet the k Goep iUat LABATI'5OALS1EW DIVIION staxninmeantaNov. Il PMi 21 l 12 il Deeratta Office 6 Dodd & 5ouW 1 Bq% E r 'ri.. 4 In.IineFlxtzuw 2 710PS4nmme Scmtt ridaDI79 Daveadd 43 Waye hais29 23 21 c inu etthearW Ferma Foaza 2 Bakerurnlture 8 Whltby Weedman 4 0=7 coplns5oeV. 5 Deirtta Office à1 D)a&Seoterafodom16 inLIn Fltures 12 Eogntuprdn il Gamma pInysm McKaque scored1 ls to Markhan Laureen Brown aisc Laureen Brown1 goal in a6-1loèsto. Whiti meni hocki STANDINC W L Atteruley Tire 6 2 National Trust 6 2 C.KMAuto Body -652 = enHota 5 68 ,4reChov-Olda 4 2. Cuatcm AutoRPadio 4 3 « NRSRsaltY 4 41 Brothen Plza 4 56 Dodd &Souter 8 61 RoalWod 3 61 2n, DaiMon 2 79 Boy'. Entorprlmes i 71 OMM I Bees said Sheddoni. Ontario riding Liberal candi- date Dan'McTeague disagreed withSheddon's asséesment. 'U think :You will, see a lot of people saying, that with this government ite its flfth yea; ,i t gives the appearance of c inglng tejpower, saàid McTeague. 'Mefe consistently ai 20%, or bower In tlie polse. Remove Que- bec and ihey're in the dozens gbTague, who was nominated in August, postponed door-knock-, i; on bis own behalf, te cami- paign for'ihe iosing Yes side in last month's referendum. «Some people thought the ref- erendumn should have been the election. Their view was the tine and money could have been bet- tjer 'used for a federal eeto, he said. McTeague iaid the Liberals hope te open a pre-election cani- pag fiei ? iigadar optimistic about their chances. '«Tere's been a hlgh turnover WÉ eaýý in parts of the ridingshice 1988 ld figer- a lot of new people h ave moveci Did finin. Cody was «I think it (results) will ha ints taken different than '88, Pm upbeat about iv,' by reePres .New Democrats in Ontario rid- -- Frg Pras in ere hoping ihat a date for a rn nomination meeting would be set last weekend following a meeting of the riding association- execu- tive.- President Paul Hqrvey said three people have indicated their 0f3 iterest in the nomination but no one has publicly announced his/ o f 3 her itntions yet. Harvey does not expect Cana- îwice in a 5 - dians te go te the polsa before a. Pae andnext fali. i. Pagre and 'For one thing I ihink the hd> h s ored. Conservatives wil -go throlwuh a London. leadership race fi*rsi» said Har- vey «"I dont think làr. Mulroney wiîrun again.Y S the Tories in thé election. ey Sign bylaW FROM PAGE 1 13 * election signs on private pro- T F AP perty;. 1 49 si 13 * signs promoting the coni- 1 47 34 13 munity interest; 2 45 32 12 * construction site signs four 1 35 30 il square metres or less; 3 27 24 Il 2 44 38 10 * subdivipon direcltional. signs i 47 84 9 three square metres or less; 0 si 33 8 *real estate signs one square 1 37 407 28 38 7 nietre in residential zones and 0 32 63 4 threè squaemetres ln other 1 2uab7e areas; lia * temporary price signe and feffHowe 2 related producte sold at retail %nt Musselman 2 services at aut omobile service stations, gasoline bars or car washes. rdlWoods 3 rjUd Whiby author FRMPAGE 10 VsEnt.rP" u0 Wood has put his police experience and contacts te good use inl many of his books, includ- ing his latest, 'Flashback,' which Idô&Seud«r 4 isaýbout youth gangs. aesDaéer2 He sarys an oîd7 police buddy Bouy Noble 'Aperson (Mulroney)-Who ro sented a constitutional patckage t6 theà country and failed -tWice' (Meech 'Lake and referenidum) would not have the confidence of pope a third time,» predicted If th*ê~ is an unknown factor i the lection it will be' the perform'ance of the ]Reform Party, ofa Caa*. Th jarty will contest both Whitbyjjdings -- Ajax bushiess- man D ullivan hin Ontario and Courtice resident Ian Smyth i Durham. Nominated earlier tbis yvear, Sullivan.was an ou4tspoken pro- ponent of the No side i the recent referendum. He plans on- returning te many Of the schools, service clubs and senior citizens'- groups hee addressed durlng that camipaign te discuss bis partys policlies.* "I find most pepl are very receptive.-,-I think rPve struck a chord with people that l'm just an ordinary guy who wants te change thizigs, said Sullivan.' However, Sullivan also feels that some people have a miscon- ception about the -party and hie welcomes any queries the public M Y have, For istiance, Sullivan wants te "Iay te, reat the fear of union people" when Reform Party lea- der.Presten Manning advocates governinent cutbacks. "We talk about -cuttig down at the tep, downsizing, cabinet-.not across the board cuts and jobs,» said Sullivan. In Durham riding,icumbent Ross Stevenson is again expected te carry the Gonservative ban- ner. Ridingk association president Marion anders said a nomina- tion meeting has not yet been set. «We ciscussed ih the other night but there's no rush," said Manâersi. '"It's different when you have a sitting mnember, y ou tend te wait a littie Ionger " s he explaied. Manders d'oesnot forsee an élection caîl until bats spring or early fail and probablythe latter. "I feel that way because of the poIls and the state of the eco nomy,» M ders ald. However, (she conceded that it's "alWays Fa probiem' that the Silver stick. FROM PAGE 24 AAA play. There are eight teams'in ýthe minor atom AAA division, 12 tasarn in the minor peewee AAA division and 12 teanis in minor bantam AAA division. There are oight teains in the minor peewee AA division and eight teams in the minor bantain AA division. The Brooklin Optimiat Club will malce available opening nihadvace tic eta 1 eac.i roceeds go te Whtby hockey teasar, achool band. or skating teains that selI tickets. Tickets are also available at the front desk lu the lobby at Iroquois. AdImission to the teurnament is free for thosulnder ae12- governiit:,çuld be ,perceiveti as trying to hold on to power as Nodates havie been, set for noinfation meetingsby eithor the Liberals or New Democrats i Durham riding. Liberal Party 'president Jos< Oosterholt hopes to have -a bei- ter idea7 later this monith f4 he meets with his executive. j >Former Scugog Township,_ councillor Glen --alcolm h;ý announced that he will seek the nomination, said Oosterholt. NDP president Veru Yorgason also plans te discuss -the matter with his executive. "I hope to have a candidate In place before Ghristmas,7 saWt Yorgasn but he*noted!that this mývnot >U possible as 30-day.', notice must be given te the ieiu. bership. Yorgason said a -«number or highly qualified people' .axe interested ithe MDPnom-m-, tion but he could not say more i, this time. «We're i the process of settingi up for an election. Our impres- sion is this area is winnable byv anybody,» Yorgason added. Last week, Ian Smyth was chosen from a field of six candi- dates te be" the Reform Partyr nominee in Durhami. FROM PAGE eil ened draina. On another- level with tIi. character of Glaude, ýrernbIay fa' perhaps questionmg bisown career and just how he went la using -his own famnily andi environnient as material for bis- plays. As Clande, Paul Kit gives g soîid performance, particiilary la exchanges with bis (real) fathar Alex, well portrayed by Broti Carson. Joe Szekeres, as the, boorlsh Alex iClaude splay, iM oi- standing while Susan -Iowey gives a fine,' undersatated perfior- mance as the 1mother in Claud.'a pEay (saying mc fws Glaude himself really fe).Wh The play-contiues Nov. 19, 20 and 21t at the Arts Resource Centre Bçhind Oshawa cit hall. ickets, for $6, are avaliale at Merle Norma n smetics ithe Oshawa..Centre or at Information Oshawa atcity hall. *Answers to Whitby Tr-ivia frolm page 4 1. Frank Loosemore served in the South African War in 1900-01 and wasgiven a civic roception when ho returned home. 2. Ontario's- Lieutenant-Governor John Blackç Aird dedicated the Camp X memorial on Aug. 9,.1984. 3. The Ashburn hotel was called 'The Wilson House,' Nurse Chev-Olds 4 John Lenarduzd Fat Sheehan John SIegenp Peter van Aste Brother.sPMmza 7 o Eno eRinali3 e NasERealty7 Ro Anthony Lober4 Gowga Leer Mark Mül-e E.ugae Anti.. <Dm Davidien Do RancdyGoâla2 J- Wayne Colomb El Marial Thmpen Bs Kn Gyle. Nad"oalTrust 5 .6 Bob M.wast 2 Carl 'icher.s Dan Bnborough 2 Wehod Fbuter job, Doq Dodo jam, yak Ban C.x Culd Ba fworthe Wok AnUhoe ant Gàff. Ler.NUS Simily combined Giril p$s ln a 7-0 wln ~ îl og'% -onrpim, Plu 41 39 37 32 28 25 21 17 ct

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