Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Free Press, 11 Nov 1992, p. 1

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I l2,N.4 ensaNvme111922pas owner. of the IGA grocery -store chain, has appealed a' Witby bylawpermitting devlopment of a q28-. métre (136,502 sq. ft.) compi ex on the northeast corner of. Rosslandf and Garden St. The complex, which wîll con- sistý of a 4,181-sq. metre grocery store (Loblaws), .commercial 4 units and qffices is thé first phase of a comprefiensive projeet planned by Graywood Develop- ments. Graywood owns 49 acres extending from Rossi dtoDry- den Bivd. and intends to b;uild 4 townliouses and apartment units 4 in addition te the -commercial ' block.r But how soon'Graywood com- mences construction,(site. excava- tion is underway) on the project W IBY ROTARY Sunrise challenges other service 'clubs may be detérmined by thé 0MB. adcmuiygop opc ptesak-n*ôdbn AÀccrding te a letter from RL. n omnt#gop apc ptesaki odbn Penycokesoicipr or hé drives. Dr. Larry. Greenlandý (left), Sunrise president,.Joàhn Osliaa Grop,.-thé appeal. was Stotts (Mlddle) and Peter Irvine colecàt food ati *a rebent, filed beca'use'.of is client'sinabi- meeting. Members are bringing to the, weekly,-*meetings ,lt ereceive a-markét impact fàod, items or cash (ta be, matched by club, fùnds) ta be -~~~ - ~dOnated'tbJoa.opf Q hfb eéos SEPAGE 3Pht yN it Ë lckPondplan approved By Mike Kowall Nery20 years since a build- ing propsai wâs first presented, teré ould finally bé develop- ment néxti te Lick Pond. Town council gave théegeen light Monday te a tewnhousé complex sand two-stoev office ~repsed orlauds bord.ringr Lick rorn ýItWhitby. Council approved rézoning sud officii plan amendment applica- tions from Whitby Estatés Ltd-. for a 12-acre site on Dundasl St. E., egst of Spningwood St. sud north of Nichl ve. Council's 9décisio wilsw thé developér .te proCééd with plans ýte build -36 tewnhousésà south of thé pond at Nichol suad Sprigweod, sud a 40 000-scmi ft. ofce towe r, nortli of té ono Dundas. But ponhaps. most signifi- cantly, council ase apprQved ipré- paration of a master déveiop- ment agrent bétwéen thé Town sudWhtby Estates. Théeagrment..will -provide that thé pond and adjacent wet- lands are tranéferred- te thé. municipality -tliereby protecting approximptely.6.14, acresfromn development. Despite oee ares residént's réquest that thé proposal hé postpned at least until potential trafipobéscan hé rectified, councilforslweere net prepared te délay it further. ,- Most séeed te agréé witli sentiments expresséd b council- lor'Dennis Foxi, a long-time foe of development near thé pond. UQuie fsuky Pm glad te ,se thé end of it » said 'FOX. -ý l' «I don't inow' miat" will hé gaine dat this Point by.-sayÏnp no, I don't think anythi ng will ,Fo addéd. Councilbor Joe Drumm noted thé Ontario Mrinicipal Board (0MB) lias already indicated that it will support developmént near thé pond. Various schemes for thé Pro- pé9r h avé been proposed since only te encounter opposi- tion from résidents worriéd about thé impact of development on thé pond sud wildlife.' Previeus9 building proposais had been réjécted by past coun- cils andthe 0MB.' lu fact, earlier -ths year thé 0MIB denied an application from WhitJby Estates calling for. 39 tewnhofuses. But iii. se doing, thé board did, net mirue agaiat suy dévélop- lthough, the board felt: rési- dèets' fears weré . adequatey addressed, t said allowiug clave- b1opmýent'.in thé southern ý--tlreeé acres would affect thé méat)of 'thé Ireoard felt thêéâetiié 12- acre site. should hé . viewed, as,-,a whole hence thé néw;application from *hitby Estates. Although, thé evised proposai SEE PAGE 2 Lobl aw's plan.. may.. go., to OMB f I. ~ - This is a laying off staff and thingsý going front page about ti omr ..rtemn isI h good news bunp in thenight., CobiFoode factory on Brook sports, pages about the sncss" story. Or so the argument goca. Ac- St. N? An application han been of our local teams. That's why tually. nxut of the news -i the made to the Town to rezono it Actually, good news storlos. - the littie fellow Free Press A fafrly neutral in for rosidential use., Not only la it are a.'lot harder toi find. Peoplé on the left ls that it provides information ore abetter use fort iebth r a oelkl elus 6smiling. tiiere'- are both good and bad construction will generate jobs. aboutti.tig&ta me 3.1Yopl beeeng moreoof him aspects of thesatory. ...or the stories about the. tbcmmad. -9every week because tii. Pro But we admit that sometimes Chamber of Commerc business Bop if you come acroas a story _12 Press basdcdetoge a little its ,pretty liard to find the stuff awards on page 8.abualolpesnreet 15 more empliasis on th positive. that puts a smile on your face.' ...or the nomination of that beaves cou with a goock, It le a common complaint But in spito of it ail, tiiere seveal Wiiltby women for the. warm feeling, please lot us 12that the. media cnetae on are usuaily several atonies eveyYC'ion f itnto nw B-21 doom and glooo., week that will givé you a boust awards on-page14. W. hope ýte -ses ths smiling 2,23 News leailn about strikes and Take luet week's paper for, ...Or on Page 26, the .tory ltl ebwa iebgnlgo -27 -asadacdns eol e-eanl.about. a fLmnd-ralelng raffle by lotof atorles. t6 u n pped ofl companes ]Did yoreadt.e to.ryon the the. Chfidren'aAidSoclty. We hope you like the. Idea. Education cente construction By MPark Réésor Thé Duirhazn Board,-of Educa- tion lias'voted 17-8 te go ahead with, .construction of thé Sinclair <High Sdhool and néw administ- ration centre in Whitby. Only 'Oshawa'trustées Cy Elséy, Kathleen Hopper and Don McIlvéen votéd against thé $46,400,000. project at thé board's meetingMonday niglit. Construction is scheduled te begin teday, with thé building te bé substantially comploté and ready for occupanc by June 22, 1994 and.completelyfinisliedby Sp.3,1994.' . Board staff say thé, project will only cost,,public school house- liolds an averagé of $4.55' a year --- they ar rive at that figuré by subtracting from, thé cost more than $11 millionin provincial and"othér grants, $46 million from thé, sale of séven 1properies, and $1 million in te, d'a réserve fund.ý That l>âeavés $15,874 000, which the.board plans tefiance over 15 years a t nmieper cent, at a cost of $1,9,000O ajear -b1ut it, ep-ëtimatés it wll _sauve i1,28ý "00 Oia Ï arb y-h in g7ý.a l thé eslité hiTn ~I local levies te abouti *687,000. Thé budget te bwld vsudeqmp thé admipistration biilin $21,4741,0,, and, thé schbooli. te costi $24,8 ,0O0 te get- up uüd runnin. W'tbytrustéee Tauya Kochi aged m" favour of theé projéot. She .says ' thére s urrently more than 30 portables at, Whitby's two higli scliools*>(Anderson< and* ýHenrýy Street), wvhidh ,she says are overcrowded.ý About 1,800 students attend Anderson ud 1400 go- te Henry >Street" Thé bÃ"ard opted for thé, second lowest tender it received te con- struct thé pro»et a base bld-of $33,827,000 1 from .'Da!con Con- -tractera of Gormley. A, bid. from, E.ýG.M. adsu Compauày.-was a.lmost $578,00 leçs, but' wasireeted because it plaéd a .qualification on its. ten- der saying it Would sé matertial from -thé buildin -site'as backlll ..; thé' board ,tnder 'ý'called :ýfor truckingmaterial in. 1Cape offered te truck in back- I at ne extra cost,.the, day after tenders cbosed,. but thé board said thé'-offer was too lIate aud disqualild"iL. B~y Mlke Kowall An objection, to a majorý com- mnercial -and- office compbex pro- p osed for ]Rosslaud Rd. has been filed with thé Ontario Municipal Board. However, a rosotionpased by *Town coucil on Monda1y deems the ojection to hé «frivol- ou?' aud asks thé board to dis- miss it. - Thé* Oshawa Group, Ltd., 77

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