Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Free Press, 4 Nov 1992, p. 27

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Whltby Free Press, Wednesclay, Novembor 4, 1992. Page,27 I i _ I I ~ A ___________ k CAR!PR$, j ___________ ___________ CARIER ____ ________ ::j:::::j~~. COMPUTERS, COMPUTER ELECTRONICS YECHNOLOGY BUSINESS APPLICATIONS9: BEDFORD ACCOU NTINO, 0 LOTUS 1-2-3,.DBASE, DOS, WORD PROCESSING ADMINISTRATIOiN BANKING SERVICES ACCOUNTING. OSHAWA OSH AWA CENTRE (Shops up Top), 723-1163ý I YOUuI DIPLOMA HOSPITALT TRAVEL and TOURUSM HOTEL and RESTAURANT OPERATIONS ,TA CHA vi~~:riI R-l IDE SECRETARUAL LEGAL, MEDICAL, DENTAL, BOOKKEEPING, EXECIJTIVE, RECEPTIONIST,, WORDPROCESSING PICKERING, 1450 KINGSTON RD. (Hwy. 2 at Valley Fa=*i Rd. 420- 1344' . . . . .. .. . . UNEMPLOYED OR ON UIC? Earn $500/$700 part-time working for yursetf. For dotails, send SASPEta CAPA-20 Corp., P.O. Box* 46010, 1725 -Kingston Rd., Pickering, Ont., LIV 6P6. EARN' MONEY, readlng booksl $30,OOOIyear Incarne tentlal. Detalis (1) 805-962-8000, ext. fl Y-335. VOLUNTEER- COORDINATOR Hospice, Durham requires ..a dynamic, energetic, persan to fûither deoop. a- cammunity- based' vol unte er proýgram. The coorinator: wili bé 4worling pare-tme, on'a six-nlionth !contract commencing January f 993.', The ýsucce'ssful ,. applicant wiii possess a potsecondary educa- tion or equivalet expenience, and the fotowing:'. -expenience in votunteer sector *awareness, of Hospice and ,~provenpublic retations sit -strong aorganizatonai abilitios *excettent, oral and' written communication skiits *knowledge of, community agencies and resources *proven ability to, faclitate- workshopstraning sessions -computer expenence would be an asset -valid drivrs icense and car. Thank you for your interest; however,- ont y those to be interviewed wili be contacted by December 4. 1992. Please . submit resumne by November 18, 1992 ta: JUDITH SKINNER, PRESIDENT HOSPICE DURHIAM 850 CHAMPLAIN AVENUE OSHAWA, ONTARIO L1J 8c3 RELIABLE SENIOR WANTED' who is wiling to work flexible hours for Whitby House-/Pet-sitting Service. 666-5353. AIRLINE JOBS! $6-$20 per hour with excellent benefits. Many Postions. Men/women. Wili train. Catii 1-504-646-0512-, 'ext. F-1142, 24 hours. $200 - $500 WEEKLYI Assemble products ai home. Easy'", no selting.Youre paid direct. Fufly' guaranteed. No o xperience, necessary. Cati 1-504-641-7778, ext. 142, 24 hours. MODELS/ACTÉORS Toronto agency will be in Whitby to register new talent for modelling, commercial acting andmovie extraI representation. Ail types, al ages consideredL Experience not required. Hanest evaluation of yor potential. For an appointnwnt Cal) TNTMANAGMENT 1-416-921.,8883 ESSO SELF-SERVE 'Servce sta- tion.,for.tease. Car-&,tructc bays,. coin-op car wash. No. 12 Hwy., north 0of Taunton' Road. Toronto, (416)>531-1158. I '0111 IT - YOU CAN TOO. Become invotved' with *-an International network marketing Company ... Quorum (TM), which p romotes bath ;persona!l'and financial securfty ... if YOU are COMMITTED ta working the. programfi Forfurther details, ý ease Cantact Paul D. Lough, P. ng*aý(416) 668-3193. BILîNGUAL GIRL FRIDAY available, contraci 'basis. Hauriy' raies. 1 - 4 days per wé ek. No bon- efits req uired., Cal Henriette ai. 435-3472 after 3 p.rn. ArtY=u support, cm nlICMANI beae. Lt] LfumLJ Pleaise gï1e. 1.., 77 :....... . *AFFORDABLE EXCELLENCE! Corner Stono Counselling & Tutor- ing. Educationai services for ail ages. Au plaisir de vous servir en francais. 432-9223 aftor 6 p.m. 102- ThkIiscRd. N ty Head Stan Education * lntodmdu l , <, - _ IDropin ChiId Care - 7:30 amlito6:30pm I ~ es:18 monthsIo 9 years Also aftersC ooI TUTORING & daycare available IClip coupon for $5000 off new registration__ CINDYS ALTERATIONS ,& Custom, Tailoring. For ýail your sewlng needs. Leather,. weddings, custom.desig ns. -Tuesday - Feiday 10 -, 5:30; Saturday, 10 w .N apýpolntm ont ,necessary. 101 1Î/2, Mary st. -W. (Pearsan Lanes). [Complete FINISHED BASEMENT, fr $6,875. Càll for detoîts '4322266 'or 427-5763 CM VIDEO ELECTRONIOS: Soklftig, à VP,4steeoradio & TV repair Professionai techni- clans. -Sevico .callI only $30. 668-0629.'<' ,GIRANDMA'S ýCOMPANY. offers GREEN ýcleaniing of residences -and, offices. Al our ladies are.security cekd through. the".-police. Baondod and" insu'red. Céhamber member.,,Knock 'yàuor socks off. servicel 725-9177, (24 > houîr answortng). CUSTOM 'DESIGN and dress- making. Wedding and evening gowns, brldesmaid's & grads, suits, etc. 'Reovalilon ,and.. alteration. Garments al1so made. from "a HANDYMAN SERVICES - Clean' Sadbasemfents, -c-ut trees. gmet4hlng ta soul? Call 5-04 Russ- Wilds 'the",ELECTRICIAN. Service upgrades. Free estimates. At 666-21-27 CUSTOM-MADE DRAPERY' and tule installation., Own fabric welcome.- Also, :we, repairai draery ati 1Beryl orTed a 43-74after 5:30 pm 1I had a ver good respanse to. my ad - a lot of phone cails.7 E.M. KLEEN KUT' UPHOLSTERY.: Re-upholstery af antiques., Al: kinds of recovering. Yaur fabric or mine. Free -estimtes., Over .40 years expenience. 430-7568, Whitby. EXPERIENCED MAN with, hait-ton ,will do clean- ups, moives,, etc. Excellent, ratesý Call.Todd, ai 430-61l92, oru-,toit-f ree pagerý 1-416-559-ý6729. > Drywalllng (tape & finlshing) -Roc Rooms - Basements Texture Sprayling -'Painting (exterlor/lnteror> - Trim, Fiee estimates 576-7503' L I Financlal Assistance May De Avatable AS AOU URNIH CURE 2 Campuses in Durham BEQUIRED IMMEDIATELY FORD EXPERtiENCE NECESSARY. For, Interview Cali Bernie 686-2300 PR-AID WORD1 ADS <Cash, VISA, choque.received before deadline) $6.00 for 20 wordS; ($5.61 + 390< GST) 150 each additional Word; 140t+10 GST> BILLED -WORD ADS $8,25,for 20, words; PLUS GST 150 each'additional word;,,PLUS GST AUCTIONSIANNOUNCEMENTS. 930 per agate fine (14 agateà u 'nes per inch), minimum charge: $13.86; PLUS GST DISPLAY ADS IN CLASSIFIEDS (Ads with.borders, pictures or graphios>, Regular display rates apply - 99o per agate Iine Minimum size 1 column inch.$1 3.86 CONTNSRN DISPLAY ADS AS"LOW AS $10.89 PERC,ïqLUMN INCH." G.S.T. is extra on ail ads unîess otherwise indicated' D'EADLINE' Mondaynpoon prior to Wednesday publication. Please check your. advertisem.ent for errors on the first day of pubtication. The Whitby Freo Press will not be 1hable for. failure taO publish an ad, or for typagraphic errors lin publication beyond the cost of the space occupied by the error upto a maximumcost of the insertion. The Whitby F ree Press reserves the right ta classify or reject-all advertisements. 1 SCHOOL Ohwa * 728-0091 Full Drivers Education Courses COMMENCING NOVEMBER ,1OTHUurs Tues. & Thurs. 4 week course NOVEMBER 21ST, Saturdays 4 week course REGISTER NOW FOR CHRISTMASUs -PRI VA TE LESSONS -« REGISTERED a AffROVEOD YTHE ONTMRO SAFETY LEAGUE : lut :ý; l mur lige

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