By Elizabeth Hooper Durham Hot -Wheels l'sa club for physically disabled athlètes of al ages and boasts members such as oeutpanic.who won ,a bronze' medal at *the Olympic Games for the Disabied. >The club, says board:îmember "Marilyn' Thrasher, ýHeps,,get kids outcf their sheli»'- .Started,,eight ýyears ago ýby Janis Junkinand Jeff Simpson, the :club ý.raises*,funrds through bingo..' Simpson contributed rnuch' te the organizatiobeêfore his édea,1th earlier this year says Thrasher. Durham' Hot 9hè sis a mem- SPORTS FIBERGLASS' CAPý SLIDING FRONT & 50E WINDOWS I GELCOAT COLOURI ~ $59-9001 ber of the Ontario Cerebral Palsjy Sports Association and, the WheeiChair'Association. There are 40-members învol- ved in the club and thoyare split into two groups - recreational and'competitive., The recreational group meets on Tuesdays at the CivicCentre- and plays games such as floor hockey., They hold parties ýýat Christmas and Halloween.ý' The, competitive group's mem- WIMhby1Ià oness ftween: ýB ringette teamn rallied from a three-.goal'deficit.!to defeat .Ajax 7-4 on Saturday. Leiiading the comeback was Angela -Dunn with ,four"goals. Flirst-year .player" Shannon Perry fired two .and Janice Foot chipped in with a sinigle. B Fine'defensà ive play by rea Blight, Amy 'Sagan and Dana Frew helped preserve the win. LINIERS' *OVER OR UNDER RAIL AVAILABLE *LIFETIME WARRANTY ~SALE $199p0 Mon.-Wed. 9-6 Thurs., Fri. 9-7 Sat. 9-4 bers are involved in events such as the regionals, can qualify'for the* nationals- and then for the .world championships in. track and field. Members are, encouraged to comete in events,' says, Thrasher. "They really, get s3urprÈised when they accomplishsoe Fromn Nov. 5 to 7, 23 'club members will be inNwOres to participate in a "fun» track meet., The whole trip, including air- fare, hotel and money needd to' reeiter members for the meet, is. beîng paid by the club.- Parents and club members "really have a good time and get along," says Thrasher. For ýmore information" about- the club, caîl 430-072 1. PBRTICiPXIIJ Corby Amodeo Chrysty-Begley Ryan Bentley. ýCathy, Biýeau. Chis Brownell', Grgory Doley Brntn Gorùs Kari Huitema Michaël Lu David O"swald Kosiw leadsnovices, Michael Kosiw scored two goals and an assist to leadthe Whitby minor 1novice AAA hockey teamn to a 4-1 win, over Peterborough, in weekend action. ^ Peterborougk was heid to n'in e shots on goal in a strong effort by he, defesiveg,.çpp of Jamie Fox, Jeffrey-Seedljouse, Ronnie Robertson, Jamnie MillageRyan Whitb y Lion defeated Rich- mond' Miiij2ý12-in petite B ringette 'recentiy.,-'ý* It was the first mme of the season for Whitby ,whihe- after -the 'first periodand, then coasted te the'win. Kristina Baldasti-.scored fve goals and had two, assists, and Cynthia Whaley- scored three ~okAine. Paddison Andrea Le and Corinnie Rcter each hada goal. Shandi VWhittle Teresa ug den, Paddison, anâ "Sarah Craw- ford each had two'assists. Frt year goalie Christine Parrott wai. solid in net for, the Whitby ,teamn coached b Otto Richter'. and Sherry Whttle. NO7~ \JX ~ a Shawn Ra goo Jon Riberdy-. Laura Van Wyk .Kyle Verwey, Jeremy Visser' Durham lakeshore.1. women's fastball league TEAM AWARDS Hghland-Atlas Classics Most vaIuable player - Cindy Hooper Most improved player - Jane Bouillon Most sporismanlike player - Kim Knihnisky Picotte Pirates Most valuablaye - Shelley McHugh Most improved layor - Jackle Boullord Most sporlsmanlike player - Julie Grylîs Whitby Suns Most valuable p layer - Pauline Lanhier Most improvedi player'- Tamara Bà nar Most sportsmanlike player - Mary Anne Shilson #.B. White Insurance Most valuable<player,- Sue Carriere Most improvec player- Pamiela Parks Most sporismanlike playpr- Stella Matois aySorts Most valuableplyr -CindyNicholson Most inmproved0payer -Abr Frost Most sportsmai1k player,- Frankie Masushita >Tersan Robels Most valuable p layer - Sandra Cathcart Most lmproved player - Laura Savage Most sportsmanilike player -Huelte Sirns Dodd &:Soute9r Most valuable player - JennyPaîkinson Most irniproved player - lngtîd Vickers MosI.sportsmlike player - Colleen McCready Brooklln Leglon Motvaluble playér - Tanny Tyrrell, Most lmrproved'player - Kelly Freeman Most sporismanlike player - Debbie Coton KATIY GODIN MEMORIAL AWARO (PLAYOFF MVP) Cindy Hooper & Pauline Lanhier (lied) Tutak and Paul Ranger. Àlso scoring for VWhitby, sponsored by' the Ladies, Aux iiiry were Fox (unassisted) and 0 ,er Harrison assisted b Kosiw anhd Brandon Fowler.' WhiMtby'g next game is Nov. 5 at«7 p.m. at Luther VipondAjrenaà against undefeated Markham. A PorA Ferry rink won 'the' third annual Senior Ladies bons-ý piel'at the Whitby Curling Club Oct. 28. The *top r:ink 'wa made up of skip Ellen 'Gibsoin, vice Shirley, Lee second '-Maij Jackson and îead len èrParish. .Second, prize ,went to the'Osh-ý awa rink of skip. Mina Marieý Greentree, vice Eleanor, Hut- cheon, second Dena Di-Cesare aînd lead. Olga Thompson. The onie-game'high was recor- ded' by the Oshawa rink of skip' Bernice Perry, vice. Lorraine Edwards second Donna Snoddeni and lead e>hyllis Boyczuk.; Winning the consolation was the Whitby-rink of skie Barb Campbell, vice . Liz arnes second',Alyce Kunetsky and leaci MonicaîDuqiteé.ý, Pumpkins,'ghosts and goblins decorated the Whitby club for the -third annuai event for those aged 50 and over. Convener was'Ev Bonnetta. The, WhitbyFree ý,,,Pres s* would like ta wish HappyB"thday toalal its carriers With'*NOVEMBER .birthdays!', M lýý ýll 1- ý VAN & TRUCK -WORLD--- ACCESSORIES & INSTALLATION , RV PICK-UP M VAN Page,2, ýWhitby F reea Press, -Wednesday, November4, 1 992 Rot Wheéels provides ýsports 'fn'to physclydsbe