Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Free Press, 4 Nov 1992, p. 12

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Page ý2,, Whitby Free, Press,, Wodnesd!ay., NoveBmber 4, 1 992 EPILEPSY Dr. Mark Mason, certified in physiatry, will bho uest -speaker atameeting'ofEpilepsDra Région on Nov. 10,',7:30 p.m',, at 'the Kinsmen,,commnunity contre, 109 Coiborne: St. ,W., -'Oshawa.' Topic. will ho e ývarious types of head injuries and their relation- ship ýto'-epilepsy (this includes m edications and rehabilitation). AU weicome. For more informa- tion cail 436-3152. ONE PARENT FAMILlS North Oshawa Chapter, -'One Parent. Familles Association will meeton Wednesday, Nov. 11, 8 p.mî.,'at Christ Chur-ch, Maiy and Hillcroft streets, Oshawa ta learn teaetlinodance -hy Carole of ,Caroles Country. There will ho a sinail fee. New memhors and guesta welcome. For information, oeil 668-'7579 or 434-3687. * ANNUAL bWMEEG Durbamx Ontario Senior Gamnes will hold an annual meet'ing on Tuesday,. Nov. 10, 1:30 p.m., at the Oshwa Senior Ctzn Centre, 43 John St. W. in rom two. Seniors aged 55 and over are weicome. CWL PASH SUPPER, There will ho a fuil-course turkey dinner on Sunday, Nov. 22 (two aittings: 1:30 p.m. and 5:30 K àm) t St. John thé -Evarigeliat- Prish Hall, Whitby. Ail tickets will ho sold in advance only until Sunday Nov. 15at $10 for.adulte,, $fciàren 12 and under. Cail Pat at 668-3188, Lynne. at 668-5206 or Susan at 576-7339. DANCE Thé Durham RaP Crisis Centçe will hold its, iret annual. fundraising dance on 'Saturday night, Nov. 21 at thé Knights of Columbus Hall, 133 Brock St. N., Whitby. Funds 'are néeded to expaýnd thé program (safe énvironment) for children aged 2 to 16 who have been sexually assaulte'd. For tickets, $5 iper peran, caîl Sandy or Maria at 725-2241. Those unable te attend but wishing to make a donation can also call Dawn at 430-1328. CONCERT A GM Choir concert will ho held at Westminster' United Church 25 Manning Rd. (bét- ween hickson and arrard roads), on -Saturday, Nov. 7, 8 p.m. Refreshments* available. Tjickets -are $5. Cal576-8218.or 723-6442. Handiêapped .acceës-, sible.'Proceeds .ta thé- church building fund. WHITY BAHAIS Whitby' Baha'is will celebraté thé birth of Bhuiathé founder of Bahai faith,,at thé Centonnial Building,,416. Centre St. S., Whi;tby on. Wednesday, Novlil at 7:30 p.m. For more information, cail 668-8665. NEWCOMERS CLUB T1hé OshaWa-Whitby Néwco- mers Club monthly meeting will ho held onNov. 10, 7:45 p.m., at thé arts résource centre (Green room), hohind Oshawa city hall. For mocre information caîl 668- 0552. SKI SWAP > A 'Ski Swap' will hé held at thé Pickering recreation complex Nov. 13,.14 and 15. Both down- hili and'croàsscountry equip*ét will hé S'old. For more informa- tion cail thé Canadian Ski Patrol System at (Markham) 29..4-2294. Remembrance, Day services will hé héld at thé cenotaph'in downtown Whitby on Wédnesday morning, Nov. 11. Thé Whitby sea cadet band will hé part of- Whitby, Branch 112 Léegion prdéý that will hogin at théeLégon bùilding on Byron St. S. at 10:30 a.m. Th parade will go te thé cenotaph, where a 15- te 20- minuté service; including laying of wreaths, will thén také placé. - Branch 112. pad'ré ey e. Bob ayutNon* profit oommunlt group wblch are basein =htyor have a WumstntaWhitby m rembershlp may, place their page at f0 cost. 1 Wtilawah5pryi AVICULTURAL SOCIETY The Durham Avicltural Society will meet on Tuesday, Nov. 10, 7:30 p.m., in thei Pickering High School cafeteria (Church. St., ý north' of Hwy' 2). John K Graham will give a presentation on 'si nging Canaries!' For more information, call Dale*at 683-5038. ETIREMENT DINNER Durham' Regional Police Assoiation will-hold the annuai retirement dinner and Oshawa Central Lions Club1' Police Officer of, the .Year ,sýaird presentation on Saturday, Nov. 7, 7 p.m., at Juiee Pav:illjon, Lakeview Ave. Oshawa. Those retiring..who will ho recogniùzed are Dou' Aird, Ron Brooks, Charlie - EhDayso Korr Peter 'Mandryk, Lynn Middleton, Lawrie- Watson, and rétired chief David Edwards and' retired deputy chief Doug Bulloch. 'BUS TRIP Thé YMÇIA Family Resource Centre, recently obened on Michael- Blvd. in West Lynde, Whitby, will hold a bus tripon Saturday Nov- 7, 7 a.m. teS5 m.te kitchenr-Waterloo and Ït.iacobs. Thé trip, a fundrais- Mgvntr costs $25 (adulte' only). Call 6ë6-4794. FUNDRAISING DANCE Thé Arthritis Society (Oshawa/ WMhy branch)- will hold a fundraising dance, with lots of p*izs and fbood on Saturday, kNov. 7 at thé Kinsmen Hall, 109 Coîborne St. W., Oshawa.. Music frin thé 50s and 60s, with DJ Zak Church. ickets are $25 per couple. For ticket information calI the Arthritis office at 44 William St. W., Oshawa at 434-7221. ONE PARENT FAMULlS One Parent . Famil ies Association Oshawa Chapter'Wiil meet on Tuesday, Nov. 10, 7 p.m., at Simcoe Hall Settleinent House, 387 Simcoe St. S., Oshawa for a kIdsW games night.. New -members and- gueste welcome. For* more information, cali 436-5089' or 433-0832.' ANNIVERSARY DINNER Hostel Services will hold a 25th anniversary- dinner on Thursday, Nov.-12, 6:15 p.m., at.. the Royal Canadian Legion, 471 Simcoe St. S.,ý Oshawa. Guest of honour will hé Bruce Porter, executive director of the Centre for - Equallty Rights " in Accommodation. For compli- mentary tickets, cal 728-6604, 579-0973 or- Hostel Services at 433-0254. Theré will ho an offering during thé evening. ROLLER SKATE 'Roller skate for thé United Way at Wheelles Family RolIer Centre, 901 Burns St. E., Whitby on Saturday, Nov. 14, 1 te 5 p.m. Admission is $3 per person or $10 per .family (maxi mum. five persons including one adult).-A11 p roceeds will go ýte thé United dinner on Sunday, Nov. 8,-7 p.m. Brig. Gen. Ernié Huntley, London, Ont. -résident who >ST. JOHM COURMS St. John, Ambulance -Whitby Branch will'hold' the followinga' courses in, ýNovember:frtai anid" CPR courses, Tuesday- ,and Thursday, 6 to 10 p.m., Novr.'10,ý 17 - 24 -andt 26, 'Monday and Tuesday, 8:30 a.m. ta 4:90 p.m'., Nov. 16 and 17, Friday, Nov. 20, 6 ta 10 p.m.,' Saturdays, Nov., 21 and 28, 1 ta 4 p.m.; standard'first aid*â recertification, Monday,- Nov. 9, ý8 a.m' ta 5 p.m.;" CPR courses (ailý lees Tuesday .and Thursday, 6 ta .10 p.m., Nov. 10 andý 12; bâbysitting, (ages lf ta 14, 'auday Nov. -14; colours (ages. 2, ta 7),- Saturday,,Nov. 28-, first aid "for youth'(agos 10 ta 14), Saturday, No'v. -7adSunday, Nov. 8, 9 a.m to 4 p.m.; firatad for chidren (ages.- 8 ta 10), Saturday,. Nov. 21, 1 ta 4 p.m. For More information and& registra- tion,, cali the office. at 668-9006 or. 668-4159.- AGLOW Women's -Aglow 'Fellowship, Oshawa-Wbitby Chapter,, will- meet oèn Thursday, Nov. 12 at the French Cultural Contre,- 384 Hilîsido Dr., > Oshawa. An afternoon session will ho held ftrm 1 to 4 p.m.,nwith'a banquet, fromn 5 ta6, p.m. A prise, worshi p and, ,evening .session will ho held from 6:30 ta 7 p.m. Cost is $5 for afternoon .onlor ,$20 for the day which includes banquet, and evening sessionî. Matilda Kipfer will' speak, on 'Remeinhor the. Lord' thy> God *' For further information 'or, tickets,' cal 723-9458. EUCHEPARTY The Whitby ýTri ple Link com- munity club will'hoId a ouchre Party on Thursiday, Nov. 12 8 e m. at thé- Oddfellows hall, i1 rokSt. S., Whitby. Prizos and, lunch. Ail welcome. For more. information call 668-2684. 'DRINKING and driving', is the. themne of Ontàn*o'Crime, Prevention Wçek, Nov. 1 to 7.-At the Pickering To'wn Centre Thursday to Saturday, Durham., Regional Police wilI hold a display that wiII include demonstrations of the breath tester, shown above by Const. Peter Bramma. Photo by Matthew Stolk. Free Press o-op student BREASTFEEDINGPROJECT Victorian Order- of Nurses (VON) offers a free service - ta new mothérs to answer their individual questions and provide, information ýand encouragement' in theéearly weeks whenbreast- feeding is hein geetabhishéd. Tho support group for nursing moth- ere ýand babies. is héid each Thursday morning -in, Oshawa. For m'ore infornatiohn inludingý location*, call théeOka 571-, 3151.- SIIPWRCK SLIDE 5SHOW Thé Oshawa IHistorical Society will hold a élide présenitation hy Les -Pullen -of Save' -Ontarie Shipwrecks which focuse on shipwrecks in the Muskokaà area. The show wil h held at St. George's parish hall, Centre and Athol. streets, Oshawa on Tuesday, Nov. 10 at 8 p.m. Admission is free. For more informâition, calI 436-7624. fought at El-Alamein during World War II, will hé guet speaker. Gala ar t auction upco mr,*ng Thé l2th 'annual Durham YMCA Gala Art Auction will hé héld on Friday, Nov. 20 at thé Whitby Yacht Club. Thé auction has been pflannéd nca-operation with Beaux Arts Starting bide, from 30 te 50 per cent helow galléry 'pricés, rangé frim $70 te $4,000. Féatured'artiet will hé, Janicé Tanten. Previéw of art is at 6:30 p.m.ý Thé auction hégine at 8 p.m._ - WOMENPS-BRUNCH Thé Womén?'Growth, Ministry will hold a brunch on'Saturday, Nov. 7,* 9:30 -a.m. to noon,- at 'Commiunity Pentecostal ýChurch, 416 'Taunton Rd., Oshawa' Thé coat is $5.95. Jane Ann Murray, marrage, and, famnily therapiet., will ho -thé, speaker; thé topic, 'Family Reconstruction.' For, more information ortic-kets, cal 433-2964.> EUCRRE Thé Oddfellows, and Rebekahe, 211 Brock- St. ýS., Whitby will'hold aweély eù'chre on 'Frday, Nov. 6., Cost is $1.50.' Lunch wil ho provided. Ail are welcome. HOCKEY. SWEATER DANCE' Brooklin-Whitby Minor, Hockey Auilary ý will, hold. a hockey, sweater dance on Saturday, Nov. 7, 8 -p.m. - ta ,-1 a.m., aàt Hleydenshore -Pavillon. *Tickets are: $25 pWr cquplé and may ho obtained by ,calllng'.666-3944 or Peacock Sport. SNov.. 14 & 15, 9a'n4 e3Opm COIN CLUB' 'The Os-hawa' & District Coin Club will' meet on Nov. 8, 121,30 .pnat the Michael Starr build- m~g, Oshawa, For 'more informia- tion cali EarI MàcLearn at 728- LA LECHE La Loh rLaue Oshawa will meet q9n Nov. Il. Mothers and nursing babies are welcome. For more infomation Wabout, the meetiîng, including locationt, eal SANTA CLAUS PARADE, The annual Santa Claus Parade, presenteAb te Wib Jaycees, wilh held on aturday, Dec. 5., Entry forins are now av ailablo at the .WhitbyPublic i-brary and the Whitby Chamber of Commerce 'office -at - 123Brc St.1 S. For more ifrain contact parade- chaiîr Jim Bradfieid at 668-1529. BNAO MEETING RNAO , Rego 8E will meet on Tuesday, Nov. 10, 7 ta 8:15 p.m., in thé cafeteria annex of Oshawa General Hospital. There will ho a presentation 'by 'Jan:ice- Ouéac director of-Nursing ýOG]H, NAO nursing administration meinhor- at-ýlarge. Door prize w1ll hoafe RNAO imehshi~.Rteh mente willhé- provdd i r welcome.- For more nfoation, cali Uàsa 'Bora at 668-5881, ext. 5656 or 1-800-263-2679 or Susan Uranowski at .576..8711, ext. 3807. and 12, 7' to 10.1 p.m-.; infant/cbild -(six hoburg)i -Nov. -4, andl1-jl0 p.m., Nov. 7, 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. Courses will aiso be held at the Ajax Comrnunity Centre: basic rescuer, Nov. 17, 19, 24 and 26, 7 to 10 p.m.; recertification of basic rescuer, Nov. 3 and' 5, 7' to '10 p.m. eourses wiIl aise be held in Bowmanville, Uxtbridge . and Pickering. For more information, call the office, .at 666-0995. Advanoe registration is roquired. FOR4 MORE INFORAION > CALL 4.uwte'you Io ourj S thAnnual Christmas Carousel Cràaft & Gift Show, at the. HOLIDAY INN llour st., Oshawa. Fridaly, November 16 frein 1:OOpm Until 9:Opmll Basic Cr-,ystal Heali ng AfirnnWorÉksýhop $35.00 'Nov. 21, 2-Spm- Remembrance Dày' s'ervices planned

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