Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Free Press, 28 Oct 1992, p. 29

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Whiby reePresWednesday, October 28, 1992, Page 29 FULL-TIME BABYSITTER needed in my home, Mànday to Friday. Located in Pringle Creek area. Must have own vehicle. For details, please contact, Cindi, 430- 0398. !atch® The system that provîdes.... *Unscheduled home-vists aneure quality cars for your child' " Fully tralned providers roceive ongoing Agency supprt " Rée.iable local back-up covers Provider illness or holidays " Complote Insurance Coverago " Incomo tax recoipta - Chlldren six woeks and Up, " Full or part-timo For UN" e InMbain, eil: -a kensdAgency Specializi ng in Early Childhood Education. For Peace of Mi. - Perrp Hou 'se Day Care Centre Ltd. 129 Perry St., Whltby 668-9476 LOVING CONSCIENTIOUS mother ol two available to care for p ur child. Nutritious lunches. Reasonable rates. Lots of TLC. Rossland/Thlckson. 723-6765. BABYSITT.ING' AVAILABLE in my homne. Excellent 'rates. Any age. Fuli-time, or part-time. Brook! Rossland. 430-3986, Grace. RELIABLE, LOVING day care for your infant in my home. Please cal 668-0748. EXPERIENCED DAY CARE available in my home. References, safety, f resh air. Ages 2+. Loft housefAnderson. 668-7025, Joanne. CROSS CANADA MARKETPLACE ITS FAST - ITS EASYI ONE CALI, ONE BILL DOES T ALL. AUTOMOBILES FOR SALE GOVERNMENT SEIZEDSURPLUS; VEHICLES US. and Canadien low as $100. OMWs. Cadiltacs, Cheva. Fa'rds. Mercedes. Poraches, trucks. vans. Amazlng free 24-tir. recording r.veals how. 1.416-631-4666. PERSONALS WOULD YOU LIKE to correspond with unatached, Christian people across Canada for cornpanionîship or marriage? Astigrove. PO. Box 205, Chaem. .C., VOE 1iMO. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES START YOUR OWN busirness $large profits. Largest manufacturer of punch embrodcry. Calllwrile Pretty Punch for inormation on dealership. 1-416-662-8116. 10 Pineanda Ave.. Stoney Creek, ON. L8E 3A5. ADVANCE oppoR FUNITY. levolutionary digital 80-chanrel rinidish satellite syaltem wilI rapidîy expand Iano enlertalarnent and comrn'unicaions lnduslry. Network Marketing. No irventory. No investiment. Calil1-800-263-8242. 8 ili 6. BUSINESS FOR SALE RAINBOW PAINTS WALLCOVERINGS, Benjamin Moore Dealer 17 yenrs. Corrplete, Decorating Store. WanI Ouick Sale. Owrnens wani- retiremenl. 4801 Joyce Ave.. Powell River, 0.0. V8A 3B7, 604) 485-2612. FOR SALE NEWCAfALC)GUE! Uncommon B.C. producs - màiiy tîandcrafled. Cilla, goods, jeweflory, crains, Isys. art, cards. more! $3 ($5 off order>. Sargeants. Box 2188, Vancouver. BC, V68 3V7. FIALFORD IlDE &Leather, your rrail-order teather and trapping supply warelnouse. Wrie/phone frea catalogue. 8629 - 126 Ave., Edmonton, AB, 15B 1b. Phone (403) 474-4989. fax (403) 477-3489. RIADIANT TUBE HEATERS - as, propane. aluminum roof fans. For garage. bodyshop, woodworking. greenhouse, agriculture. HALF PIICE. Instaltaions availabte. Cal Larry 416- 939-8116. SArELLITE DISH OWNERSI' Read "WhaI's Hlappening' in every Issue oI ONSAT. Canadas weekly satellite TV guide. For free mini sutiscrîplion. cail 1-800387-2412. INVESTMENTS MORTOAGE INVESrMENTS AVAILAB31E. Only peope rorn amati towns understand the imporance of investing in amali commurniies. 1 1 - 111/. Io 14-3/4% reluras. Cal Inransicon tolîtfrea 1-800-268-1429. SiJPERIOR MORTGAGE INVESTMENT R.Ri.S.P.. R.i.r.F. eligibte. lis Morgage 12% Return.- Loan Io vatue ratio 41.4%. cal Raalty Lyrks Lid - Exclujsive Agent. Colleci (416) 629- 0902. Min. irvenirnent $7.500.00. *REAL ESTATE GOT A CAMPGROLIND rrreinbersrmp or, timieshare? We'l take il! Ameriras largest resala clearlnghouse. Cati Resort Sales Internatloriat. I1- 800-423-5967 (24 hours). BUSINESS SERVICES GOVERINMENT GRANIS, LOANS &:a 'ssstarree iprograms <Riderai & Proviiril) for your rrew or exsing aninti business. InIormation (il 16) 596- 7521 extl. 98. CAREER TRAINING LEAFIN AUCTIONEERING ajr ii'Souttîwestorn School of Anrctionneerig. Nes i.Oigs: Nov. 21 .21. Information, contact; Southwestern Ontauio Schuot of Auctioneeritig. R.R. #15, V/oolstock. Ontario, N4S,7V9 (519) 537.2115.- MORTGSAGES HEED CASH 7O PAY BILLS, ciedit carda, home imiprovernonit. business? Molrîrjage rnoney available. no qualilying hassols. Esarrple: F3orrow $10,000.00 and pay as low as $130.001 pnr moulIn. Cati ttllIre 1-800-261i42T. FURNITURE FOR SALE OVER 300 tTEMS IN STOC'K. Cali or Write in tnday for a free catalogue: raveri'r Urnpaintnid Furniture. t V.lleywood Drive L'niit 4. Msnktaiin Ontario L3R 51-9 or 1 -800 268-5543. RECREATIONAL VEHICLES COACHMEN CAMPING TRAILERS, Hinardlop- FoIdown. Filth-wheel. Travel. Park roodets, Truckcannpers-cips, Fibretine & Leer Fiberglass & Aluinirnuro Truck Caps. Paris Service brr most roakes inctuding Bonair-Lionel-Lextra. Royal 1 tailer .& R.V. Centre in Tevioldale. Ont. (5 19) 343-2122. STEEL BUILDINGS BEST BUILDING PRICES - Steni Slrailwali Type - nol quonset - 32x54 $7.344; 40x72 $10,276: >50xg0 $15.882: 60xt26 $22.972- other sizes available - Final sumniner clearance - Paragon 24 t-turs 1.800-263-8499. E1L'ir)NG.s- IF A SIDE BY-SIDE comiparison is wlrat il takes te pick out the bosi and lowesl.. .we're aIl -for il. Now for a limited timp Faclory Dirent ROCK BOT1OM PRtCES. Exanople 25 x 30 Valua $2,749. rrow $2.244. 40 x 60 Value $8.073. now $6,188. Mamny sizrns and types available. Pioneer 1-800668-5422. STEEL BUILDINGS - Future Steel tluildmnigs lif over froin the International Plowing nmatcth. Diltercnt suaes. First cornie. tirsi served. <Juonînts and Straightwall. Cai loli-iree 1 800-661 8653. SPANITECtI STEEL BUILDINGS - Curnplete Pra.engineered AII/Steel and Wood/Steel buildings. authorized Sleelway dealer. seIt. erected with cunntracling available. Caliltoday for frec towest ptises. highest quatily 1.800-561t- 2200. I our ad could appoar in communify newspapors in Ontario, or riglîf across Cnada, I ILor any hidividual province. Spaco is Limit cd, so Cai 'ilis Newispnpcr Todayl BLNE ADS ARE NOW "CROSS CANADA MARKETPLACE"q To reach a wider market. adverise throughouf h. reionalMembershp cf the Ontario and Canadian Communty NewspaperAssociations cen-trai Ontaro 55 newpapers - $160 for 25 words - All Ontario 171 newspapers - $350 for 25 words- Ait Canada 572 nesapen ,- $974 for 25 words For f urther informnation please oeil the Whtby Free Press Cassilied;*6-0594 EXPERIENCED ýDAY CARE provider & mother of 4>sohool-- aged children would love to care for your inifant or'toddler in my. home. Cochrane/Dundas. 430-9520. DOWNTOWN OSHAWA: Clean, quiet house has f urnished or unfur- nished room. Includes cable, kitchen use & parking. Shifts welcome. 668-3640. DOWNTOWN WHITBY: 'Clean, quiet house has f urnished or'unf ur- nished room. Includes kitchen use, cable & parking. Available immedi- ately. Suit mature male. 668-3640. FURNISHED ROOM for rent, $80/weekly. Share bathroom & kitchen. Student or worker preferred. Walk to ail amenities. Caîl 666-3776 atter 6 p.m. SPECIAL WEEKLY RATES avallable at Bon Voyage Motel. At Hwy 2 & 7, 2kmr north of Brooklin. Ca 655-5308.. ROOM FOR RENT: $75/week,' or '$300/month. Laùndry facilities,- use 'of rest « of housàe. Whitby, b Kendalwood Plaza. 404-9287. ROOMS & 1-BEDROOM APT. with private entrance available in Pickering Village. $525, everything included. Rooms $90 and up per week..Appl at- 2 Elizabeth Street, Pickering Village, Ajax. See Peter. 683-9370. GENTLEMAN, non-smoker, furnished 'bedlsitting .rooml. -Own bathrolomn.,Available- immediately. Please, bave* message, on ýtape. 666-5149. PARTIALLY .FURNISHED 12- bedroom--basement apartment. $80/weekly. Non-smoker, please., Phone 430-2984. ONE-BEDROOM ADULT apt. for rent with fridge, stove, balcony, paring. $485lmonth, plus, hydro. N0 pets. Cali 668-7943. ONE-BEDROOM APT., main f idor. Quiet, non-smoker, non- drinker. No pets. $500lmonth. Heat, hydro, parking included. First &last required . 668-2233. CARETAK(ER POSITIO N. Mature couple wanted as live-in caretaker for quiet triplex inN.W.ý Whitby for Decembèr 1'l 3-bed- room, fridge, stove, utilities includ- ed. $875lmonth. No pets. Refer- ences please. .CalilRon, Barsi, 434-5222. Remax Reflection Realty, lnc. BROOKUJN, NEWLY decorated 2- bedroom apartment. Fridge, stove,* parking. Close to ail conveniences. $650 + hydro. Phone 655-4544,' (or oves. 655-8989). WHITBY - SHARE-spacious new home with one or. two working people.' No pets. Non-smoker. 666-8590. WHITBY - AVAILABLE immedi-, ately. Share home with 2 to 3 others. Laundry facilities. $3501, month. Cal 430-7103, weeknights, 8 to il p.m. N.E. OSHAWA- Share spacious, condo with one pe ,rson. Suit, a student or. working prof essional. $80/week. 576-1073. itrokng stone relainig walls wood tencing & decks FREE COMPE TiTi VE ES TIMA TES UNI VERSITY' WERKS 666-9690 FITGERALD CARPENTRY WHITBT -LTD. Generol Cai 7ent ryAdiâionâ Home ImprVovemet RecooSms DiywaJlndPainting 18 Years In' Durham Region I745~ Cail: 668-4686 è Drek'Dutka' Specializing in tax & retiremnent -planning since 1986 - CALL 434-6119 -FOR AN. APPOINTMENT. r i S N advriiiWr~ WHITBY: ,NICE,iCLEAN ,one- bedroom apartments.' Availabe Novembor, 1.' $585 . -monthly. Includes, utilities, 'appliances & parkng.,Appg at110Victoria St. W.,Apt. 5.66 -0271 or 7826. LARGE, BRIGHT 1-BEDR OOÃ"M basement apartment.," Fridge,, stove, cable.. Laundry facilities, parkin' $600 Inclusive. Available Decer eh666-8714. BRIGHT,- CLEAN, 2-bedroomn apt. Separat.e entrancýe,, parking, 4mpce., bath, laundry, cable, . and, utilities included. .$7d0/m;onth. Available immedi!ately. '430-1972. WHITBY, SMALL 2-13EDÉOOM for rent in-triplex. Available immed- iately. $650/month plus hydro. References required. C al 666-1071 in p.m. MAIN FLOOR of house,ý Whitby. 3 bedrooms, ktchen, ,dining ro, Sitting room- & -parking. Shared utilities. Prefer quiet, ýnon-smnoking couple. 576-4579.> MARY/ADELAIDE, OSHAWA.- Clean,' quiet *triplex,, large main floor one-bedroom at. Includes everythîng. Available immediately. SM l pets welcome. 668-3640. WHITBY C OENTRAL townhouse, 3-bedroctm, 5:appliances. Inclucles A/C prfing. Hydro, ýwater incîuLd- ed - f irst& Iast. Available oa,ër1y November. References. CaII coèllect, 1-705-789-1497, (or' :668-7298 afterNovember 1.) wThe room for rèént we had adver- tièed. rented, afteir running only ans week. Most, 0f the calis we had were froff people Who "sald they'd - seen the ad in the Whitby'Frêe' Press.-H.V. RESUMES TiHAT GcET RESULTSre Effective resume' design & writing -Free consultation - Cover letters Labels - Fax SATISFACTION GUARANTEED' 430-03631 ----------------------- Nu -- gue 'd - en %; M, - - Q. . 9 ------------ ---------- ------ -- Týe Mutuai Group HERB TRAN call for quotation > 725-6564 RRIFs - ANNUITIES GiCs 1, RRSPs W49b-, m .j 1

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