Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Free Press, 28 Oct 1992, p. 19

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Whitby Free Press, Wednesday, October 28, 1992, Page 19' Probe. -into possible,,con flict-ofi,-nteres.t FROM PAGEZ1 office. "After allegations were made to our >office we contacted Doug Lewis' office," said Bob Linton, assistant te Breaugh. 'We- contacted tbe solicitor general's office to see if there was any conflict. We didn't say anyone was gult but we aeked them te look in tt, Linton said. Staff Sg't. Jim Vickery, bead of the ROMPe commercial crime unit, said the. investigation is still in the preliminary stage.'. "We ,realize ite importance to the people involved. We will be working on it as quickly as we can" "said Vickey «fquinîes arebeing conducted but I don't know how long it will take." DRACT is one of nearly 200 non-governmental agencies in Ontario which are involved to some degree in delivering job training in their respective com- munities.1 An 18-member board of direc tors, elected annually at a general meeting, decides how job training dollars are distributed in Durham Region. Funding for job training cornes primarily, from the federal government through Employ- ment and Immigration Canada. The Ontario government, tbrough the 'Ministry of Skills Developmenit, also contributes te DRAC'Is budget, altbough thie money is usually eamaked for administrative pruposes. % According te DRACT executive director Robert 'Hartlen, Dia- mond Triangle was one of 10 local agencies to receive funding from -DRACT's $2.Z5-million budget during the 1991\92 fiscal Theis year Diamohid Triangle wae one of only three agencies te share. in DRACT'e reduced budget of $112million. Durham College in ,Oshawa received the lion'e share of about *900,000 while the Computer Learning Centre in Whitby recei- ved a mucb emaller contract, said Hartlen. Following media reports of the possible conflicts of intereet. of Gagliardi and'Reilly, tbe DRACT board, earlier this month, direc- ted that a special ethice commit- tee ha formed. The. committee. will be com- prised of ýthe board'e 'vice-chair- man, -four othe r directors and two ex-officio representatives from the federal and provincial governments. As part of ite mandate, the committee is to: * review all relevant conflict of intereet guidelines and identily areas of concern * review the tendering process and identify areas of concern *review the role and relation- shipe of aIl training vandors with DRACT and establieh future gui- delines. In addition, Reilly and Gagliardi have suspended their involvement with DRACT pend- ing completion of the commxttee'e report and1 its acceptance by the federal and provincial govern- ments. During its, Oct. 7 meeting, the DBACT board: also approved retaining legal counsel. Among her duties, Janssen wilI review the committee's report 'and examine how DRACTs job training funds were distributed. "I've not looked at the numbers s0 IFve no comment to make at this point,» said Janssen. However, Janssen stressed that ,neither man was involved in the tendering procese. She said Gauiardi was not a member of the sub-committee which recommended tenders. If Diamond Trian<uIe's tender was the favored hic, Gagliardi always declared a conflicet of interest, said Janssen. As for RéilIy, Janssen said the chair only votes to break a tie. "I understand there's neyer been a tie"» said *Janssen, hence Reilly wouýld not have voted on a Diamond Trianglie bideven if he wanted te, ehe added. Janssen explained that the sub-committee reviews tenders on a "blind» basis. ,Each- committe member gives bis or ber own ranking .,to the individual tenders and then there is a 'group discussion, she said. The succeseful tenders have always ' been recomrnended, unanimously by. the committee, Janssen noted. ý- Gagliardi also defended hie record on the DRACT board when matters involving Diarnond Triangle arose. "I abstained from voting on anything involvingmy company,» said Gagliardi. «Even if it 'migbt' lead te a conflict I: abstaine, or even if it might lead to the detriment of my competitors (hée abstained)." Giagliardi, whose training and development firrn -- "mostly management supervision» -- bas been in business for slightly more than one year, said hie has not yet spoken to police. Diamond Triangle's office is located in 'the samie facility in Ajax as the Minacs Group, an employment agency. Minace Group *owner Elaine Minacs owns a percentage of Diamond Triangle. 1 Although Minacs is not a DRACT member, two of hier empIoyees are on the board. .O ne of them, Gail Cooper, je a member of the DRACT sub-com- mittee which recommende ten- ders.* Cooper was not available for comment and a spokesman for Minacs told The.Fiee Press the latter had «no'comment» at this time. DBACT chair Reilly was also not available for comment.. Meanwhile, an interested observer of the RCMP investiga- tion is Ruben BenmergLui, opera- tor of the Academy of Larning, an Oehawa-based office and com- puter ekilîs training echool. Benmergui bas -bid on. three DRACT contracte since bis school opened three years ago and aIl were rejected. Bermergui emphasized that he« bas no reason to suspect.that bis bide were not treated fairly and properly. However, he wants assurances that nothing was amies. Bermerga i _said- t hat initially bis echool waes given no rea sons fora bid being turned down. «We were justinormed'that- it, was an unsucceseful tender,» he said., But «after the story -broke'-,» Benmergui rè'eived a letter' ex laining why hie most recent hif failed. Ufl seemed to be structural reasone in. the way our -tender was submitted,» be said.' Although ha plans, te bid on future D CT contracteBan-' mergui admitted he'je "bthered by* the implications of .wbat's- har en>ng4 We are keaping an open mmnd .and await 'the results of the investigation," he eaid.. ^uOur,,objective is Wto bave a level playing field,,that'sal.» DRACT - executive diréctôr Hartlen said that due to DRACT's "emaîl staff," only'formn letters can ho sent te failed biddere. But, "anybody that asked was told" the board's reaeons for re>ecting a bid, said Hartlen. <Anyone , wbo calîs we tel them. The, information je avail- able to anyone who wants it.» » ......... ...................*."l;,..ý,ýýý*ý*.ýý..ýý>.*l«...>,ý".'.*.I ..... . ... ..... Peewees win two before tough loss to Peterborough Whitby's major peawee AAA hockey team, sponsorad by Maksteel Service Centre, had wins over Markham - and York-Simcoe and 'a lose te, Peterborough in the past weak. Whitby hammered Markham 11-1 on the strenÈth of Matt Capson's four goals; Bryan Crouch and Mark Haynes two goals each; and Adam MacCarl, Steven Death and David Farquharson, one goal eaeh., A-ssiste came off the sticks of Jason Hotchkiss, three;- Don Campbell, two; Dan Rýicica, two; Crouch, two; Farqubar son, one, MacCarl, one; ike Cirtwright, one and Justin Colline, <me.' Baud' a tchup was clciâer but the aeelers persevered, over York Simcoe 6-2. Hotchkiss paced the' attack with a pair'of- goals and, assiste with single goals. eupplied hy Death, Collins, Crouch and Haynes. Darryl Lewis marked bis return from the injured ranke with a nice set-up and other helpërs came ?from MacCarl, Deatb, Farquharson and ike Robertson. Tom Lawson was steady in tbe nets and full value for the win. Whitby faced Peterborough Sunday night in one of their teughest conteste te date. Whiitby goalie Josh Evans was excellent but WVhitby feli short 3-1. Despite Evans' heroice, 'only Deatb, off a nice lead pase from MacCarl, was able to put Whiàthy on the scoreboard. The Maketeelers play a return match with York-Simcoe on Thursday night before travelling te Sudbury, fortbe annual 'Big Nickel' tounament.. 2 Mwi, l for novices Whbitby had two wins and a lose in recant major novice AAA hockey action. Whitby loet 8-3 te, Peter- borough. Matt Taylor scored two goals and RyanMUatthews had one for Whitby. James Hinksoni and, Adam Velacich each bad two, assiste. Matthews scored both goals in a, come-from-béhind 2- win over Markham. Whitby,, sponsor ed by Don Cherry's Grapaine, then thum-, ped Central Ontario Wolves 11-1. Nathan, Cotter- scored three goals while Matthews, Kyle W ailes and Brandon MlcBride each* scored two goals. Ryan Far- row, and Mike Kubryneki 1each hada 'goal. Hinkson had'three assiste. Joel Whitmarsh was strong in net for Whitby. Skiswap, ffi Pickering A 'Ski Swap' will ha held atthe Pickering recreation -comp lex Nov. 13, 14 and 15.' Both downbill and 'cross coun- try euipment will be available. we swap je organized by the' Canadian Ski atrol S ystem. For more, information cia1l (Mark- bain) 294-9730.*, Whitby ciizeýn named' citizenship court judge Walter Boroea of Whitby basE been appointed as a ful-time1 citizenship court judge.ý Borosa was one of five appoint-, J mente made by the Ministry of Multiculturalism and- Citizen- sHe will work out of the- Toronte St. Clair citizensbip court. Borosa je a senior public affairespecialiet witb extensive publiceand private sector experience in 'corporate com- munications,- government rela-I tio,*ns, community affaire and spa- f cial events manfgement. eea awards, including Lieutenant of P Viie Royal Victerian Order, Com- mander of the Order of St. John, the Silver Jubilee Medal and the Canada Centennial Medal. %, -He bas been chair of the s United Way campaignad St. John Ambulance (jax-Picker- C stoppers,!. Providence Villa and HIospital, Metro Toronto Catholic Children's Aid Society, and the Empire Club of Canada. lad by polioe A i1-year-old Courtice man je n custedy after an incident early Sunday morning in the parking ot outeide Koo Koo Bananas. Police were called after a friend came te the aid of a patron >eing ejectad from the bar by two p>ai d-duty of fioers . A, male officer fractured hie thumb and a female offioer bru- sed ber knees, neck, right hand and right eye in the ensuing cuffle. The friand je charged with causing a disturbance and, two Oct. 18 Accurecy Plus Marc chiasn 2 Bryan Nelson 2 Shannon Phillipa David Moonilght Provincial Signa Stephen Mace 2 Day. Morrison Jamie Hunter Whitby Toyota TeKfSIosm 3 ch.d McKentle 2 Tien Armstrong Chad Parrluh Wlndow & Door (416) 434-8499 6 Frmnklins Fonde Jason Smith LareClay 4 RoysEnterprime Grahamn Lemey 7 Dufls Towlng Jason Irwin DaryliH quaiified instalers reputable products .pricing fairness ~-cail Derrick: HEU;LAKE ONTARIO STEEL COMPANY HOPKINS ST. S., WHITBY'. àh 9 i a 1 &J Wednesday mght diart league. LABATI' MUR LIGHT DIVISIONi StanIu as et OCI. 21 W L' PIS DayI oro Srics 20 10 120 1 FarlcatlnTecn 19 il 19 Ferma Poum Internatloal 19 Il 19 dpnServce la1614 le. Bake Z=nltrePlnleng 14 la 14 Whltby Trophy Boue 14 16 14 WltbyWed: 10 20 10 Oamon CUCt ams 8 22 8 0a pla&eI Norton Servcs 7 clarement Cars 8 Ferma FOBen 6 Coppina Services 4 Whlt. Weedman 6 Trophy Bouse 4 Febrie. Technlcs 6 Bae urniture 4 Top 10 scoe Dave indarlo John McPheraon 90 Dave Doyd sr., 8 2 ~AIPindar' .74 John Laponte 72 TonyVYapDe Jen 67 Ken vieon 61 Noren Broolng 68 GeorgeDay 67 Todd Barber 53 Ploye cethe.week Jack Nleuwho( I.ABATM'SCARUSBRG DIVIION as Mt ,Oauat 21 W. L PIS Dodd & Sopter Broufdloom 8. 4 8 In-Llne Store Fixtures a 4 8 Peuch Pit 6 6 6 Poy' Enterprise 2 10 2 Cam"e plged, In-LlneSt.re 6 Roy%. Enterprise 0 Dodd&SBouter 4.'PeschPFit 2 TOP 10 uemwu Scott Lormler 23 Davefleld 20 Wayne Thomas 17 DonMiflet -14 JoyTomes12 Sua.» Coroder 8 Bob Best Whitby ninor hockey HOUSE LERAGUE PEWE s. E 1 l a m

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