Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Free Press, 21 Oct 1992, p. 3

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i USR LS ORSCUT, UIE Recipr'o'cal use,. agreernent -pursued Whitby Coundil agenas Mond i, Octa,1 2 Recommenda- tions -from planigad development committe That councîl receive for Information a planning department.r eport on a rezonlng application and officiai plan amendment request for the construction of detached buldings on four non-f arm reiated lots east of Thlckson, north of Winches- ter. The department received the request In eariy April f rom the estate 0f Wiliam Nesbitt. Nesbitt ieft Instructions ln his wiii that the four rural residential lots b. created.' Council asked the Ontarlo Mlnistry of Municipal Affairs to Issue an order creating the lots, and adopted an officiai plan ammendment to recognIze the lots as an exception to the rural* designation. The minister informed the Town In late Juiy that the request had been denied. Town planning staff want the mInlstry to deai with the WhItby officiai plan amendment by coupec*Il, whIch recognizes the non-f arm' residentiai use on the lots. Once that occurs, Nesbitts estate can decide on-whether to pursue the mhatter f urher. Recommendedto council That council approve plans for a subdivision on the west side of Brock St. N., south of Taunton Rd., subjeot to comments and conditions from t he planning depa.rt- ment.. The subdivision, to b. bult by DonnerJack syndicat..is to haVe.47 single detachèed lots, elght single ink dwelIings, 41 street townhouses and a one-acre commercial bock. The dMeeoperwili be responsibie for the full construction costs for the sanitary sewer and watermaln works, ln addition lu inemal servicing requirements required by t he Region. Sewer service Is dependent on development of Iamnd tM the north u west nde By Mark Reesor' Local guidesý and scouts groupe ae beinj given the chance tô-eut a deal with the Durhamn Board of Education te avoid paying ocheol user fees.- 1,,The 'board - tarted charging user fees to other non-profi groupe using sèhools Sept..: , but exomptod the scouts and guides Until the end of Dcemr. That's to, give the two groupa time to work out a reciprocal use agr eement with the board. Foez the scouts, the deal wouid moan noôt'charging the board for tho use of Camp Samac in north' Oshawai 'ocan e or freuse, of schoofs. >An, agreement with'thé guides is depenident on- a new camp to be bujît onShirleyRd. AI Freeman, scouts' Lakeridgo region field exocutive, says a reciprocal use agreement with Camp Samac would be difflicult because the camp is' owned by Oshawa scouts. Speaking to a meeting of the board finance committee last Wednesday, Freeman says fac- tors- such as the scouts' charter and how real estate taxes' are levied couid comp.licate matters. Freeman says 1ie'saiso concer- ned about setting a precedont. "If we sign a reciprocai agree- ment with this board, what's the next board going te want?' Whitby trustee and board vice- chair Patricia Bowman asked Freeman if he was certain some arrangement couldn't be worked Ey Mark Reesor WItbylps parka and recreation department has answered somé of the concerne cf residonts living' noarKeo Park, north cf Father LeoJ. Austin Secondary School. A dlegation led by rosidont, Jim Priost told Town operations committee two weeks, ago that constant noise and vandalism is ruining -the neig-hbourhood. Hoecomlained of «continuai, top-of.the-1ung shouting, hooting (and) whistling » deliberately-siet. fires, litter andbreak-ins. .In a report te o perations com- mittee Monda ,the departmoent recommends thee Town pay half the estimated $30,000 coat cf installing a fence between open spaco adjacent.te' the park and residentis homes- one of the things requosted by the, delega- tion. It aise pledgos te talk with the Durham sej>rato, school board about putting a fence around, school property although it notes that's against Ïown poicy, and' promises- te achedule regular clean-ups. But it says a, request for a borinte. defiect noise from the "I have 'a hard time under- stanin why our solicitor ln co jnctinWith yours could net dr* aguage that'would work. under ail those aroas. Freeman -adniitteâd ho hasn't consulted a lawyer, and agreed te «.taik in greater length about it.» * ommittee decided t6 continue discussions with- thescouts about Camp Samac, -and'talk..te the gides about wrkng eut, a simi- iara eement. Freeman asked the board te extendthe scouts' fee exemption past Dec. 3«1, 'n t *wasask- ng the impossible" for thescouts te 'work eut an agreement by the end of the year.ý The board refused --Bowmnan saes the end-of-year deadline1 is a «very strong incentive" for the scouts te g et nimoving on the issue. -Peter Stephenson, president cof the boy scouts,« Lakeridge Region, teld -committee earlier tho $8.50 user fee would have a dramatic. affect, on the scouting program. Ifesays volunteers would ha:ve te raise monoy te pay for facili-, ties and'programa. 1«To end, result, meat likely, will be that groupa will dis- appeardue o tethe inability.cf ve4ntoýtera te find time te raise additionalfundsý"' Stephenson says each indivi- dual scout grouphas te find its own meeting place. Cham ber canèels forum Due te incompiote" represen- tation fromn business groupa, the Whitby Chamber cf Comâmerce decided, last week to cancel a referendum, forum scheduled for last night <Tuesday). Acm'tcdn te a presa release f crom n th tcamer"Well-known leaders in -business, inidustry, finance, and manufacturing that are well versed in the Accord were unable te adjuat their.ache- dules te be available on Oct. 20.» Lynn Woods, chair of the, chamber's government relations committee, said , well-informed guest paneliats are in demand on the lecture circuit, «and without. representation from each of the abiove categories the forum wouid have been incomplete.» Chamber president Trevor Bardons says «There are many other opportunities, from dif fèent perspectives,. such as- 'Yes va. Nodebates, special intereat group forums, etc.'that are open HIISTORICAL FEATURE in the Whitby Free Press 1.Wh o was Florence Heard, who had a schooi named after her in 1974? 2. What i9 Whitby's oldest municipal property? 3.What Whitby deveiopment contains two houses move d from another.location? 4. What is the oldest building sîlil standing in downtown Whitby? Answerj on Page 30 ibis Meature providied by Iaa uJ "tcuwJ Cru.rvan A.Iwiq C..aua. te the public. 'Mhis is not a tune for emo- tionalism, fear tactice or political siding, but -a time for clearinfor- mation that each individual' muet asses.» u'Should the scout programs e droppod, -,parents 'may.turn 1te ether agencios, such as :ýthe school boards and municipalities, te provide similar pr'ogramai for théîr children. «When this happons, it will bé very difficuit for such agencies te previde _programs as coàst-effec- tive as the present scouting -pro- grains: Similar concerne were raised by. Joan Anne- Dickison, girl guides central. area, commis- sioner. She 'Baya while $8.50 may net seem likab a lot cf money, it would cost each -unit meeting in achools about $385 a year. .The guides are strictly, limited. in the number of funhdraisin*g activities they c an undertake by their charter, -says Dickison, and. provincial policy holds momiber- shin fees at,$24 a member. With the guides' central region grwng by f îve per. cent a ye!ar, ad a ever-increasing number - cf members needing, financial assistance, shle says «we cannot afford the coat cf user fees and that's it.» WhtyFref roseWednM1esday, Octobber 21,199b2,PageM3 CadiIIlacPure'has.o 1993 Cadiilac De Ville. Includiog No Charge Leather 1Interior (icues50Cash Dack) ([imited liMe ler) Buy any 1993 Cadiilac De Ville and take advantage of this speciàI Cadiliac price including no charge leather interior. The luxury of Cadiliac's Roadside service and comfort now cornes with the luxury of affordabiiity To find out more about ail that De.Ville has to offer, visit our showroom. 5 Models To -Choose From Si eae0 . 10M:. 1993 Manulacturerssuggesed retail price loir 4-Orne Cadillac De Ville equipped as drescribcd S411 (04 Aýdvertised prce orS34.2 181 ncludes St.51111cash back l'reightIS71101 iicence. insurdnce, GST and ither applicable taxes flot lncluded. Dealer may self lur Iess Sec part ici iling d2dler for details Thistffer mayncit be combi ned or used in cofmbi nation with any t her offer Limit,.d time iller Factory ordýr orddler tid may be necessary f '7«M 77 -.77777=

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