Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Free Press, 21 Oct 1992, p. 27

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Wnltby Fie Pros, Wockiesday, Octobr 21, 1992. Page 27 READING SPECIALIST. Don't lot your child strugglilPub~lie sohool teachor. Excellent resuits. References providod. COeil666-3764 'i had a very good response tk> my ad - a lot of phono celle' E.M. L 0 DRIVINO QSCHOOL os2KIg St. E. Sute #301 Oawa *728-0091 Eu/i Drivers Education Courses COMMENCING NOVEMBER 10TH Tues.,& Thurs. 4 week course NOVEMBER'21ST Saturdays 4 week course REGISTER NOW FOR CHRISTMAS PRIVATELESSONS' REGiSTERED & APPROVED BY THE ONTARJO SAFEIY LEAGUE NANNY/ HOUSEKEEPER avel-. able ln the Whitby aiea. Six years' expérience with good checkable references. Oeil Noomi, 430-9302, anytime. BABYSITTER WANTED'for 2 and 4 year olds. Monday to Friday, 9:W0 - 6:30, ln my home. Whtby Mail aiea. Non-smoker. Roforences rôqrd. Oeil Sel, 430-7827 or 4322477. FULL-TIME BABYSITTER neoded inmy home, Monday to Frlday. Located in, Pringlo Creek area. Must have own vo icla. For details, please contact Cindi, 430- 0398. CROSS CANADA MARKETPLACE *_iT-SFAST-IT'S E4syI ONE CALI. ONE BILIDOESIT AIL. AUTOMOBILES FOR SALÉ GOVERNMENT SEIZED/SURPLUS VEHICIES.U.S. and. Canadien Iow as $100. BMWs, Cadiiacs. Chevs, Fords, Mrcedes, Porsches, trucks. vans. Amazlig ire. 24-hr.ý recordîng reveas how. 1.416631-4668. MORTGAGES NEED CASH TO PAY BIS, credif cards, home Improvemept, business? Mortgage mo ney avallable, noqualifylng hassels. Example: Borrow $10,000.00 and pay as Iow as SI130.00 per month. Cal toII.froe 1-800- 2683.1429. STEEL BUILDINGS BEST BUILDING PRICES -Steel Straitwaîî Type - flot quonset - 32x54 $7,344; 40x72 $10,276; 50x90 $15.882; 60x126 $22.972. other sizes avallabie - Final summer clearance -Paragon - 24 Hours 1-800-263-8499. BUILDINGS.- IF A SIDE-BV.SIDE comparlson Is what It takes Io piçk out the best and Iowest ..we're ail for f. Now for a limted lime.- FactoryDIrect ROCK BOTTOM PRICES. Example 25 x 30 Value $2,749. now $2.244. 40 x 60 Value $8,073. now $6.188. Many slzes andé types available. Pioneer 1-800-668-5422. STEEL BUILDINGS .- Future Steel Buildings loi t over f rom the International Pîowing match. Different sîzes. Fîrst come, first servedi. Quonsets and Straightwall. Cal toil-ree 1- 800-668-8653. A.Z1PAE-ENG. BUILDINGS INC: Farm, storage. Commercial, Industrial. New types, steei/wood, quonset, cladding. For hrue value, actioni & answers.- WalIy (416) 626-1794 FREE brochures. Citp-save. SATELLITES MOVIESIII Now on Cancom Superchannel. Ask for decoder and subscription. 10W PRICE. Aiso catalogue, club membershîp, VC2pIus. Save $100s. Box 5145, Arindale, N.S. B3L 4M7. 902-477-5458.- MENS HEALTH MAIE POTENCY PROBLEMS? .-Frae product Information on sale, drug-free, non. Invasive strategy. Guaranteed success. WritelcatI: Performance Medical, P.O. Box 1273, Brandon, MB.. R7A 6K4. toil-free 1 -800- 663-0121. EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITIES FAT ATTACKER. Incredîble demand for revolutionary weîght Ioss product, created several part-time openings.ý Excellent hands- on tralnlng. Eam bt $200 dally. (416) 631-3630 <24 hrs.) Mr. King. Your ad could appear ln communlty n.wspap.rs ln Ontario, or riglifà across Canada, i or mny Indivdual province. Space la t.lmlted, co Cali This NewspaperTodayl INVESTMENTS MORTGAGE INVESTMENTS AVAILABIE. Oniy peopie t rom sm al towns understand the Importance of lnvestlng ln smail communIties. 11-1/2% to 14-3/4% retums. Caeil Intransicon toill*ree 1-800-268-1429. SUPERIOR MORTGAGE INVESTMENT R.R.S.P.. RI.F.F. eligible, 1sf Morigage 12% Retum. boan Io value ratio 41.4%, oeil Realty Lynks Itd., Exclusive Agent, Coiiect (416) 629-0902. Min. Investmenl $7,500.00. ADOPTION DUR LIVES WILL NEVER FeEL COMPLETE without the privilege of raisipg.and Ioving a ctiiid. Pregnant? Adoption may be the enswer for us bolh. Caîl collect PLEASE 613) 825- 9339. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES MAKE A FORTUNE maklng others happy. The ultimate fundraislng tool ls crealing hundreds of new opportunilles wîth lncredîbîy hlgh Incomes. Distributors needed. Protected tenilortes. 1-800-263-1900, EXTRA INCOMEI Grow baltworms In your basement or garage. Odoress operation. Low Invesîment. Market guaranteedi Free Information. Early Bird Ecoîogy, R.R.01, SmIthville, Ontario, LOR 2A0. (416> 643-4252. POETRY POETRY CONTEST $12.000,in prîzes. Possible publication. Sand one original poem 20 inos or less 10: National Library,0f Poetry,, Box 704-NC Owings Mils, Md 21117. REAL ESTATE GOT A CAMPGROUND memnbershlp or timeshare? We'Ii take Iii Americas largest resale cîearlnghouse. OeIl Resort Sales International. 1-800-423-5967 (24 hours). BUSINESS SERVICES GOVERNMENT GRANTS, LOANS & assistance programs <Faderai & Provincial) for your new or existlng smail business. Information (416) 596-7521 ext. 98. CAREER TRAINING LEARN AUCTIONEERING ai th'e Southwestem School of Auctioneering. Next Class: Nov. 21-27. Information, contact: Southwestern Ontario' School of Auctioneertng, R.R. #f5, Woodstock,- Ontario. N4S 7V9 (519) 537-2115. TRUCK DRIVER lralnng AZ and DZ courses, also air brake, dangerous goads.'defensîve drîvlng. log bo.ok and border crosslng. Rodgers School. Ontarlos oidest. Cati 1-800- GARDENIMANNING, réliable mother wll babysit in my home. 5 y 'experienco. Hot meals, fenced yard. Close to *schools. 18. months . Oeil Cathy, 668-1591 BABYSITTING AVAILABLE 'in My home., Excellent rates. Any age. Fuil-tîme, or part-timne. Brook! Rossland. 430-3986, Grae. EXPERIENCED DAY CARE avaiablo in my homo. Roforonces, safoty, ',freshair. Ages, 2+. LofthousefAnderson. 668-7025, Joanne. 1h. system that provides... Unscheduod homo visite ensuis quality cars for your child Oi " Fuly tralned providers recoive ongolng Agenqy covers Provider lînese'r holldays Complote Insuranco, coverège 'noomo tax reoell:M Full or part-tlme For OMM Infomuation cmli: a ïensedAgency [i trc-fngs ne reain ng walis . Woo fencng & decks I IFREECMPTI TI VE ES TIMATES IUNI VERSITY WERKS 1666-96901 FlrrZGERLIWHITBY LTD. a Gjenerl CarpeutyAdiou* Home EMProveMet * amiïc ffling Roc Ro.a, g DywAlL4dPsintmr a 18 Years In *Durham - l*oE, jRe «On 668-468 lIANDYMAN, SERVICE - 'No job too smell 'Patios i'D3cks 'Gênerai repair 'Odd -jobe. 427-1674. PAINTERS PLUS - Servl cé'and, quallty--are -not an-accident. For- 100/0off and- m GST, oei Bih or* Geri, 404-1224. CINDY'S ALTERATIONS & Custom Tailoring. For ail your sewlng needs. Leather, weddine custom designs. TuesdayF idey 10-'5:30; Seturday. 10__ 3.N onrnnti necessary. 101 V2 M Sit.n W. (Poarson. Lane). 430-6550. SEWING: ALTERATIONS, repaire, etc. Q uelity_ workmanshlp, roasonabloý rates. '15 yeare experience. Oeil 728-2846.ý COMPLETE FINISHED -base- mont for $6,875. Oeil for détails. 432-2266. TWO MEN WITH 14 PT. CUBE van will do 'housohold moves. Short or long distance. 430-7450. CERAMIC TIUING- free estmates. Over 25 yeare e!princ.Oulit orkmanhi. CUSTOM-MADE DRAPERY and tii. installation., Own fabric welcomo. Also. w. repair old drapery. Oeil Beryl or Ted et 432-174 afor 5:30 pm. The Mutual Group HEBTRAN cali for quotation < 725-6564 Derek'Dutk'a Spécaliingin tax & retirement planning siro. 1986 CALL-434-6119 FOR !AN APPOINTMENT.. GRANDMA'Sý COMPANY offers GREEN ýclaning: of residences and offices. Ail Our ladies are securty checkod' through'- the police., Bonded, and, insured. 'Chamber member. Knock your sooka off serviceil 725-9177, (24 hour answerlng)., EXPERIENCED MAN WITH haif-ton wili do.,clean-upe., movos, etc. Excellent rates. Oil Todd et 430-6192, or toll-free, (416) 559- 6729. KLEEN -KUT UPHOLSTERY. Ro-upholstery of antiques.-Alil klnds 0frocovoring. Vour fabria or mine. Freses9timates. Over 40 years experionce. 430-7568, Whitby. ALTERATIONS BY'MARY. Give your old wardrobe e new lift. No job is too em'ail. Ladies' and men's teiloring et reasonablo prices. 3-6 pm. 436-1448. U<JSTOM DESIGN and' driii- mlng. Wedding and evenlng gownp,,brismalde & gradesuite, etc ovation and alteration. Carments also made,.from a picure. 723-8259. RESUMES PROFESSIONALLY TYPED-LASER PRINTED TO HELP YOU LAND THAT JOB $25. 10 COPIES -IOCOVERING LElTRS 80 <1ENVELOPES TYPESE1TING & PRINTERS ARTWORE AVAILABLE 430-3096 Qiaucmcf«eHM VA uÉ... 'Bthram 'KiteliouM Specializing in Early Childhood Education. For Peace of Mind. Perry House Day Care Centre Ltd. 129 Porry St., Whltby 668-9476 new babyIn this world, there's always A new bydwy room for one morel ' m CALL VOUR WELCOMEqfrVZf IWUE>UIWAGON HOSTESS-NOW.wimW«Ol WA 668- 653 SINCE 930 BLANKET ADS ARE NOW "CROSS CANADA MARKETPLACE" To raah a .,dr maket adv.,tis. hiuuhow * 1h. nalmmwhp of ithe Ontak> amnd Can cmmunlNwsieAsoiawl taro 5 nespaerS.W10for 25 wonfs - AN Ont"rlo171 nSwsP&per - $350 for 25 worr-* - MA c$nlaada 5 7 2 ra- 74 lot 25 words For furthr Informationpieus call Une Whltby Free PMUssclamsflede - 668"594 I Busineso CadsNewslttr, Logos, Flyes, BBrchures,.MeUs. Smýal S*gns& Poâters, Rosumos. Laser Prits & Scans. 666-9894 Com puter Graphies.& Design, -i .à

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